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Foreign Tourists Urged To Stay Away From Bangkok


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Bunch of donkeys. This stuff never bothers tourists other than them locking down the airport - but even that did not injure any tourists just annoyed and delayed them.

I live in Bangkok and I would not think for one second to leave while this is happening or to advise any friends or relatives not to come visit during that time. If anything it could give us something interesting to do - go watch the protests.

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Call me a cynic if you wish

Brilliantly typical Thai plan. Create a crisis,pretend you are doing something about it then queue up with the others angling for your share of the cashola based on all the work you have pretended to do and never mind the implications of your actions. That said, when the money,if there is any left by now,gets released there WILL be squabbling.

Yeah maybe but how about typical whinging expat who chooses to live in Thailand and then complain about the govt and their policies and the "Thai way". No one is forcing you to stay and I have no doubt that you knew what the country is like before you moved there.

Your post reminds me of a tool expat that I met on my first trip to Thailand back in 1998, he told me the "the only problem with Thailand is there are too many Thai people"

It amazes me the amount of expats that complain constantly about Thailand but still continue living there. Usually because they are exploiting the economy and the women.

JOKER,Don't tar us expats with the same brush, I've been living here 12 years because I love the country,the people,the Thai way,the Thai food, the Thai weather and I'm very happily married to a beautiful and loving Thai LADY.I am at present staying near Sakon Nakhon with my inlaws who are quite poor but happy and I'm happy here too,I will be driving through BKK around the time of the expected troubles but I'm an old soldier and will NOT alter my plans. THAI people are mostly calm,loving,respectful people always with a smile.

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I'm coming to BKK with my wife and son (Both Thai) next month for our annual holiday/Trip to see the family.

I have lived in London for a long time - and I am not worried at all. The worst that can happen is that I get trapped by the pool in the hotel for a couple of weeks. Beats the Brixton/Notting Hill riots anyday!

It hasn't hit the news over here at all, but then we Brits seem to take advantage of cheap tours during "dangerous" times. I went to Egypt during both Gulf Wars - the only people travelling were the Brits and the Russians (!!). Hotels were cheap and empty!

See you soon x

Ditto I went to Kenya just after locals had hacked some tourists head off on the beach back in 1990, all harmless high jinks, stiff upper lip is us Brits.....................Zulus, Faaaaaaaaaarsands of em!!!!

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Call me a cynic if you wish

Brilliantly typical Thai plan. Create a crisis,pretend you are doing something about it then queue up with the others angling for your share of the cashola based on all the work you have pretended to do and never mind the implications of your actions. That said, when the money,if there is any left by now,gets released there WILL be squabbling.

Yeah maybe but how about typical whinging expat who chooses to live in Thailand and then complain about the govt and their policies and the "Thai way". No one is forcing you to stay and I have no doubt that you knew what the country is like before you moved there.

Your post reminds me of a tool expat that I met on my first trip to Thailand back in 1998, he told me the "the only problem with Thailand is there are too many Thai people"

It amazes me the amount of expats that complain constantly about Thailand but still continue living there. Usually because they are exploiting the economy and the women.

JOKER,Don't tar us expats with the same brush, I've been living here 12 years because I love the country,the people,the Thai way,the Thai food, the Thai weather and I'm very happily married to a beautiful and loving Thai LADY.I am at present staying near Sakon Nakhon with my inlaws who are quite poor but happy and I'm happy here too,I will be driving through BKK around the time of the expected troubles but I'm an old soldier and will NOT alter my plans. THAI people are mostly calm,loving,respectful people always with a smile.

Good advice from a 19-year resident: take your Thai in-laws with you all the time when driving through the troubled areas. After all, you're a farang and will always be a farang (that's not a blame, it's your rubber stamp on your head), and that's how the so-pretended-charming Thaisch are also thinking: they like your money, but they hate your presence.

Edited by dude007
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I do not need to be reading this s h i t when i'm taking my family there next month, all bought and paid for. Can all the Red and Yellow shirted nutters please vacate to Cambodia and have a good ole fight there. :D:):D

It is their country (the yellows and blues). Maybe you should stay home! Don't go to Cambodia either... we don't want you there. Take your family to Souh Korea.

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Oh yea break out the beers and start toasting the marshmallows and sit back and watch the fireworks.

I take it that's meant to be funny....but it isn't!

Looks likea falang with nosense of humour, obviously he/she needs to re visi eir own country and see whats happening thre

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I do not need to be reading this s h i t when i'm taking my family there next month, all bought and paid for.

Can all the Red and Yellow shirted nutters please vacate to Cambodia and have a good ole fight there.


You'll be alright. It won't be all out civil war so most of Bangkok will be fine. All countrys have civil unrest and riots. Most Thais don't really give a crap and a couple of hundred thousand protesters making noise in a country of 61 million isn't that graive. The argument isn't with tourists so sit by the pool, have a beer and soak up the sun. Have fun :D

I lived in Dusit and have been surrounded by both major protests. It's a hassle getting around them but usually (apart from once with the Red Shirts) they are quite good humoured. Only once when the cops cracked down and i got a face full of CS gas on the bike and there had been a jeep blow up near my home was I a tad concerned. Just always be aware of your surroundings and if you have friends in different neighbourhoods just call them to check the facts on the ground before jumping into a cab that may get stuck for hours on end.

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Looks like someone...??.....wants confrontation on the 26th Feb when Taksins corruption verdict is announced in BKK by the Supreme Court....interesting.



Edited by Brewsta
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Secretly I hope that it goes very very wrong. Only when scores of foreigners get killed, the Thai army and the Thai elite will learn their lesson.

Wow, cold one there, Mr. MythBuster. Snuff out a batch of farangs to make your point. :D

Yeah, so you Bangkok TV-ers---get out there and do your part!!!! :D

We'll stand behind you (WAY behind you). :)

TT in Tranquil Isaan

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I do not need to be reading this s h i t when i'm taking my family there next month, all bought and paid for. Can all the Red and Yellow shirted nutters please vacate to Cambodia and have a good ole fight there. :D:):D
It is their country (the yellows and blues). Maybe you should stay home! Don't go to Cambodia either... we don't want you there. Take your family to South Korea.

I forgot to mention the "reds". Oh my Buddha, how could I forget the "reds"? Sorry, I was distracted by the gunshots I heard from the gang bangers in my neighborhood shooting at each other. Oh...I just heard some more. Excuse me while I duck under my desk for a few minutes. OK...I am back now. Where was I...oh yeah...it is the "reds" country also and they happen to be the majority.

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I don't think this battle has much to do with foreigners, so unless foreigners were specifically targeted the statistical chances are that there wouldn't be very high casualties. That said, I fail to see how the death of foreigners would be more important than the death of locals. If there is violence and there are deaths, it's going to get reported and it's not going to be good for the country.

It will be a real tragedy for the victims and their families.

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Civil Unrest/Political Tension

We advise you to exercise a high degree of caution because of the political instability in Thailand and the possibility of political demonstrations. Pay close attention to your personal security at all times and monitor the media for information about possible new safety or security risks. You should follow any instructions issued by local authorities.

Large-scale political demonstrations and related incidents in Thailand over the past couple of years have resulted in fatalities and injuries. A number of small explosive devices were detonated at various locations. The situation remains unpredictable and further political unrest and violence cannot be ruled out.

Above is the CURRENT version of the warning and when read you will see it is not actually warning people NOT to come to Bangkok only to 'exercise a high degree of caution'. Would be nice if the facts were checked before starting this alarmist forum subject.

Heres the link....


So bashing the hardworking guys at the Embassy was a bit pointless as they would have had nothing to do with it. Also in diplomatic wording this is actually a much less stronger warning that has been in place in Thailand for the previous 5 years. So please check your facts.

Edited by Roachiebkk
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Come to Chiang Mai- it's much nicer and all the violent aggressive red shirts will be in Bangkok meeting up with the violent aggressive yellow shirts etc. :)

And of course its the home of a certain Mr Thaksin.... who would cause trouble in his home town......

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Secretly I hope that it goes very very wrong. Only when scores of foreigners get killed, the Thai army and the Thai elite will learn their lesson. IF not and only Thai demonstrators will killed nobody cares at all and the West keep on supporting Thailand simply because it needs it. A change in policy towards a sustained human rights improvement is long overdue.

I was chatting with a farang in town a few days ago and his wife(Thai) chipped in with she wanted some trouble to blow up too but that was only because she wanted the bht to dive so they could transfer some money from abroad!

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Secretly I hope that it goes very very wrong. Only when scores of foreigners get killed, the Thai army and the Thai elite will learn their lesson. IF not and only Thai demonstrators will killed nobody cares at all and the West keep on supporting Thailand simply because it needs it. A change in policy towards a sustained human rights improvement is long overdue.

what a bizarre thing to say! Anyone in particular you wouldn't mind seeing killed or would just any tourist you don't know be good enough? :)

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I'm coming to BKK with my wife and son (Both Thai) next month for our annual holiday/Trip to see the family.

I have lived in London for a long time - and I am not worried at all. The worst that can happen is that I get trapped by the pool in the hotel for a couple of weeks. Beats the Brixton/Notting Hill riots anyday!

It hasn't hit the news over here at all, but then we Brits seem to take advantage of cheap tours during "dangerous" times. I went to Egypt during both Gulf Wars - the only people travelling were the Brits and the Russians (!!). Hotels were cheap and empty!

See you soon x

Wow! what a cavalier and arrogant post. I lived in NY at the time of WTC attacks.... not to say God forbid that such a large scale attack would happen in Thailand... my point is that I witnessed terrorism first hand and it's a God Da-- ugly sight. And traveling solo well that's all fine... but with wife and child and so nonchalant... I certainly wish neither you nor your family harm..... but Darwinism is irrefutable

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I'm coming to BKK with my wife and son (Both Thai) next month for our annual holiday/Trip to see the family.

I have lived in London for a long time - and I am not worried at all. The worst that can happen is that I get trapped by the pool in the hotel for a couple of weeks. Beats the Brixton/Notting Hill riots anyday!

It hasn't hit the news over here at all, but then we Brits seem to take advantage of cheap tours during "dangerous" times. I went to Egypt during both Gulf Wars - the only people travelling were the Brits and the Russians (!!). Hotels were cheap and empty!

See you soon x

Wow! what a cavalier and arrogant post. I lived in NY at the time of WTC attacks.... not to say God forbid that such a large scale attack would happen in Thailand... my point is that I witnessed terrorism first hand and it's a God Da-- ugly sight. And traveling solo well that's all fine... but with wife and child and so nonchalant... I certainly wish neither you nor your family harm..... but Darwinism is irrefutable

For all these coups and protests, Thailand is a civilised country. No place to get all assertive, but nobody's going to shoot me if I mind my manners stay away from confrontations that don't involve me. Nobodies' out to kill innocent children here either.

<ed: typo>

Edited by SeanMoran
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I'm coming to BKK with my wife and son (Both Thai) next month for our annual holiday/Trip to see the family.

I have lived in London for a long time - and I am not worried at all. The worst that can happen is that I get trapped by the pool in the hotel for a couple of weeks. Beats the Brixton/Notting Hill riots anyday!

It hasn't hit the news over here at all, but then we Brits seem to take advantage of cheap tours during "dangerous" times. I went to Egypt during both Gulf Wars - the only people travelling were the Brits and the Russians (!!). Hotels were cheap and empty!

See you soon x

True Grit. True Brit.

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A walk around London is more dangerous you say, hmm let's cast our minds back to the recent Red Shirt Fun Days. Gas tankers parked by communal housing blocks, buses set on fire, a retired reporter beaten to death in Chang Mia by the red Sirts for his opposition to Thaksin.

The sight of a person being dragged fro a vehicle and beaten by the Red Shirts at Government House.

What Ho chap's, let's put our picnic table here and watch the fun and the frolics of a marauding mob as the tumbrils roll by,.

I was here in 1992, I've been here for 20 years and believe me when the effluent hits the fan you keep out of the way and you keep your family out of the way too.

Please resume taking what you should be taking medicinal wise, or stop taking that which you shouldn't be taking medicinal wise.

Don't forget the yellow shirted violence either, the sight of a guy standing on top of a truck firing his pistol indiscriminately on vipawahdee road, the sight of a guy being attacked for walking through their protest, the dead body left behind at the airport etc etc etc. be more objective, point out both sides failings

Nonsense ! Try walking through Harlesden or parts of Tottenham in London on any given night of the week. Automatic weapons fire left, right and centre and the feds can't do much about it.

Having lived through the Brixton/Notting Hill riots of the 80s, I can say that bar the sight of the bodies strewn out on the pavement near Aldgate Station after the July 7th bombings on the Tube, I feel far safer here in Bangkok - Red Shirt protests or no.

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are we supposed to take this seriously?

i think not, they were saying all the same last year but i still went and loved every minute........be back soon.

btw can any1 explain why considering whats happening the thai baht continues to hold its value vs the pound. when i stayed there last year lost about £2000 just from the exchange rate change from my last trip, the year before i was getting around 60 to the pound now its below 50 :) if it gets any stronger then m gonna starve.............


Thailand is one of the worlds most successful exporters with a healthy balance of payments and owns $30 billion of US foreign debt.

The UK is an economic basket case. The troubles in Thailand pale into insignificance against the problems the UK and other Western economies face as the worlds wealth shifts to Asia and the high public spending economic models of the West can no longer be sustained. Expect much worse to come in the next 5 years.

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i still can't believe that thaksin was stupid enough to leave his assets in Thailand when he knew sht was gonna hit the fan

you just stated the reason in your post! shit hits the fan, assets taken away. red shirts throw a hissy, only way hes ever going to be able to step foot back in thailand and regain power.

clever man, clever ploy! at the exspence of his own people.

wonder if peter mandelson is working the spin for him?

Edited by tigerfish
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Come to Chiang Mai- it's much nicer and all the violent aggressive red shirts will be in Bangkok meeting up with the violent aggressive yellow shirts etc. :)

Chiang Mai is okay for about a week, but you are a bit short of beaches and other nubile attractions - come to good old Koh Samui, we have it all here, sun sea, sand and .............what was that other thing again? :D

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Call me a cynic if you wish

Brilliantly typical Thai plan. Create a crisis,pretend you are doing something about it then queue up with the others angling for your share of the cashola based on all the work you have pretended to do and never mind the implications of your actions. That said, when the money,if there is any left by now,gets released there WILL be squabbling.

Yeah maybe but how about typical whinging expat who chooses to live in Thailand and then complain about the govt and their policies and the "Thai way". No one is forcing you to stay and I have no doubt that you knew what the country is like before you moved there.

Your post reminds me of a tool expat that I met on my first trip to Thailand back in 1998, he told me the "the only problem with Thailand is there are too many Thai people"

It amazes me the amount of expats that complain constantly about Thailand but still continue living there. Usually because they are exploiting the economy and the women.

I agree with you but suggest that you add people who haven't got enough money to exploit women...etc. to your list of Whinger profiles:-)

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