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Foreign Tourists Urged To Stay Away From Bangkok


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I largely agree. I always feel safer in SE Asia than I do on my own suburban street in Perth, Western Australia. Make me wonder, too.

Me too. I was born in Perth, South Perth actually. Here in Thailand is much more secure to walk the streets at night than Perth is now, if not carrying a gun.

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Feb 26th and the leadup to it hasn't been on the global radar and only now, with statements by certain Western governments and recently made by Thais themselves, such as the Chamber of Commerce, is the world at large being made aware of what we've been discussing since the new year began (and well before).

Tourists will continue to visit Thailand but, as we've seen in recent years, in decreasing numbers rather than in increasing numbers. If there's another big mess connected to Feb 26th, tourism will continue to decline. That Tourists will continue to have Thailand as a destination but in decreasing numbers seems not to matter to the elites who continue to grab for more of the power and money to the benefit of themselves.

If unresolved sociopolitical divisions continue, or increase, the Thai tourism industry will continue its decline. The elites clearly don't care.

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I'm coming to BKK with my wife and son (Both Thai) next month for our annual holiday/Trip to see the family.

I have lived in London for a long time - and I am not worried at all. The worst that can happen is that I get trapped by the pool in the hotel for a couple of weeks. Beats the Brixton/Notting Hill riots anyday!

It hasn't hit the news over here at all, but then we Brits seem to take advantage of cheap tours during "dangerous" times. I went to Egypt during both Gulf Wars - the only people travelling were the Brits and the Russians (!!). Hotels were cheap and empty!

See you soon x

Wow! what a cavalier and arrogant post. I lived in NY at the time of WTC attacks.... not to say God forbid that such a large scale attack would happen in Thailand... my point is that I witnessed terrorism first hand and it's a God Da-- ugly sight. And traveling solo well that's all fine... but with wife and child and so nonchalant... I certainly wish neither you nor your family harm..... but Darwinism is irrefutable

For all these coups and protests, Thailand is a civilised country. No place to get all assertive, but nobody's going to shoot me if I mind my manners stay away from confrontations that don't involve me. Nobodies' out to kill innocent children here either.

<ed: typo>

My point entirely!!!

It is exactly because I am NOT arrogant and NOT cavalier that I do not worry that much about it.

I am also not a fool!

I visit Thailand out of necessity.... and also to have a nice holiday..... but let me assure you, when I am travelling in another country ANYWHERE in the world I treat the people who live there with the utmost respect for their politics and customs (even if I don't particularly agree with them). If you travel with a bit of sense then you WILL NOT get into ANY trouble at all. Obviously going anywhere near any hot spots, even for a look-see, is not something that I do for a laugh.

Like it or not, Thailand belongs to the Thais, and it's up to them whether they have internal policies that cause internal disputes. Just because people choose to live in a country, even if they pay taxes, doesn't give them the right to dismiss the people who originate from there with such "arrogant" narratives!

I've never had any problem at all in Thailand, and I've travelled to places that few foreigners visit - exactly because i am actually interested in the coutry. Take the piss out of me if you wish.... it wouldn't be the first time!..... but I cannot see anything wrong with a little respect.

I haven't seen anywhere that the Thai factions are directly targetting tourists - the flash points will be well publicised - so if a tourist is unfortunately involved, then maybe they should pay more attention and not treat other coutries as "poor relatives" and idiots.

I had a response to my post from someone trying to equate the disturbances in Thailand to 911.... (yes....really!!!). Please tell me that we are not seriously trying to equate what is happening in Thailand to international terrorism???!!!

That sort of thinking has everyone invading everyone else!

I won't go on anymore, as I imagine some other post has all the rabid repliers (Like myself??!!) more interested!!!

I'll still see you soon! x

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I'm coming to BKK with my wife and son (Both Thai) next month for our annual holiday/Trip to see the family.

I have lived in London for a long time - and I am not worried at all. The worst that can happen is that I get trapped by the pool in the hotel for a couple of weeks. Beats the Brixton/Notting Hill riots anyday!

It hasn't hit the news over here at all, but then we Brits seem to take advantage of cheap tours during "dangerous" times. I went to Egypt during both Gulf Wars - the only people travelling were the Brits and the Russians (!!). Hotels were cheap and empty!

See you soon x

Wow! what a cavalier and arrogant post. I lived in NY at the time of WTC attacks.... not to say God forbid that such a large scale attack would happen in Thailand... my point is that I witnessed terrorism first hand and it's a God Da-- ugly sight. And traveling solo well that's all fine... but with wife and child and so nonchalant... I certainly wish neither you nor your family harm..... but Darwinism is irrefutable

For all these coups and protests, Thailand is a civilised country. No place to get all assertive, but nobody's going to shoot me if I mind my manners stay away from confrontations that don't involve me. Nobodies' out to kill innocent children here either.

<ed: typo>

My point entirely!!!

It is exactly because I am NOT arrogant and NOT cavalier that I do not worry that much about it.

I am also not a fool!

I visit Thailand out of necessity.... and also to have a nice holiday..... but let me assure you, when I am travelling in another country ANYWHERE in the world I treat the people who live there with the utmost respect for their politics and customs (even if I don't particularly agree with them). If you travel with a bit of sense then you WILL NOT get into ANY trouble at all. Obviously going anywhere near any hot spots, even for a look-see, is not something that I do for a laugh.

Like it or not, Thailand belongs to the Thais, and it's up to them whether they have internal policies that cause internal disputes. Just because people choose to live in a country, even if they pay taxes, doesn't give them the right to dismiss the people who originate from there with such "arrogant" narratives!

I've never had any problem at all in Thailand, and I've travelled to places that few foreigners visit - exactly because i am actually interested in the coutry. Take the piss out of me if you wish.... it wouldn't be the first time!..... but I cannot see anything wrong with a little respect.

I haven't seen anywhere that the Thai factions are directly targetting tourists - the flash points will be well publicised - so if a tourist is unfortunately involved, then maybe they should pay more attention and not treat other coutries as "poor relatives" and idiots.

I had a response to my post from someone trying to equate the disturbances in Thailand to 911.... (yes....really!!!). Please tell me that we are not seriously trying to equate what is happening in Thailand to international terrorism???!!!

That sort of thinking has everyone invading everyone else!

I won't go on anymore, as I imagine some other post has all the rabid repliers (Like myself??!!) more interested!!!

I'll still see you soon! x

well said....

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Well this topic certainly has inspired some really intelligent posts, hasn't it? :)

I really could not agree with your more! It would seem, that some of our low IQ members have nothing more to do, than send the most idiotic, inane, stupid, remarks about a very serious and volatile situation. For all of us, who love living in Thailand, let us hope that sanity takes control and we can continue living in this lovely country in harmony with the Thai people.

With all its problems - real, or perceived, I personally do not want to leave. It is a beautiful country filled with lovely people.

I wish the people of Thailand guidance from the person that they revere, may HE live long and guide his people to a better and more stable future for all our sakes.

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Friends of mine are going to Thailand on Saturday and they got a bit worried with what's happening and may happen next week. Also, the travel warning issue by the Australian government doesn't help. Anyway, I rang up my family in Bangkok to see what they think of the situation and what may happen. The funny thing is the first thing that they mention is 'Traffic is going to be sooooo bad!!' They believe worst come to worst the area that may have problem would be around the parliament house or government departments. The problem shouldn't last more than a few days if that's the case.

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Sorry to say this, but when as a country it is decided that allowing protest groups to take over a major international airport, you cannot very well be surprised if foreign tourists and authorities get jumpy about their travel arrangements. When it is common place for groups to be able to defy law enforcement and take over important parts of the city with the inevitable result that the army or riot police have to be brought in, don't get surprised that your average tourist doesn't bother to work out that the problem is isolated to one part of the city.

If someone called me up and said "Sir, we advise that despite you having booked to travel to Bangkok, we recommend that you go to Hua Hin instead because Bangkok will be too dangerous", I wouldn't draw breath before I asked them for a refund. To 99.9999% of travellers the risk just isn't worth it. It isn't as though the protesters have no history of approaching and being allowed to mess around with airports.

Furthermore, I am so glad that they are waiting until the 23rd to have this urgent meeting to plan and organise their plan for problems that will come only a couple of days later. Well done Mr. Tourism minister, I am glad to see that you have your finger on the pulse. Thai management at it's best.

Am curious to know how the tours can be diverted to Hua Hin from Bangkok as there are no flights to Hua Hin , probably another Thai pork barrel build an airport that no planes fly to.

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Sorry to say this, but when as a country it is decided that allowing protest groups to take over a major international airport, you cannot very well be surprised if foreign tourists and authorities get jumpy about their travel arrangements. When it is common place for groups to be able to defy law enforcement and take over important parts of the city with the inevitable result that the army or riot police have to be brought in, don't get surprised that your average tourist doesn't bother to work out that the problem is isolated to one part of the city.

If someone called me up and said "Sir, we advise that despite you having booked to travel to Bangkok, we recommend that you go to Hua Hin instead because Bangkok will be too dangerous", I wouldn't draw breath before I asked them for a refund. To 99.9999% of travellers the risk just isn't worth it. It isn't as though the protesters have no history of approaching and being allowed to mess around with airports.

Furthermore, I am so glad that they are waiting until the 23rd to have this urgent meeting to plan and organise their plan for problems that will come only a couple of days later. Well done Mr. Tourism minister, I am glad to see that you have your finger on the pulse. Thai management at it's best.

Am curious to know how the tours can be diverted to Hua Hin from Bangkok as there are no flights to Hua Hin , probably another Thai pork barrel build an airport that no planes fly to.

:) bad informed, there are regulary and charter flights daily to Hua Hin airport. But you who spend easy 10'000 a day should can rent a private Jet? regulary flight 3700 THB one way, retourn ticket 5400 THB .... goggle will help you

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I'm coming to BKK with my wife and son (Both Thai) next month for our annual holiday/Trip to see the family.

I have lived in London for a long time - and I am not worried at all. The worst that can happen is that I get trapped by the pool in the hotel for a couple of weeks. Beats the Brixton/Notting Hill riots anyday!

It hasn't hit the news over here at all, but then we Brits seem to take advantage of cheap tours during "dangerous" times. I went to Egypt during both Gulf Wars - the only people travelling were the Brits and the Russians (!!). Hotels were cheap and empty!

See you soon x

Ditto I went to Kenya just after locals had hacked some tourists head off on the beach back in 1990, all harmless high jinks, stiff upper lip is us Brits.....................Zulus, Faaaaaaaaaarsands of em!!!!

LOL.....cracking film that.....

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I do not need to be reading this s h i t when i'm taking my family there next month, all bought and paid for.

Can all the Red and Yellow shirted nutters please vacate to Cambodia and have a good ole fight there.


Hey keep it out of Cambodia, they have a stable government!

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If I can stay in the Raddisson Bangkok for 2100 bht a night including breakfast for two now how much will it cost when there are less tourists than now.

It is quite simple, the price will increase because the thai way of business is different. If sales are down they increase the prices thinking they will maintain thier cash flow. Same as when they have a promotion they jack up the prices and sell the goods and services at the original or greater price.

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Come to Chiang Mai- it's much nicer and all the violent aggressive red shirts will be in Bangkok meeting up with the violent aggressive yellow shirts etc. :D

I agree with this writer, Chiang Mai is very safe, of course as everywhere else in the world, do not go to rallies, don't put yourself in harm's way, I am a retired old-er woman and have lived through the ousting of Thaksin without a scratch, yes you could see the armored cars at busy intersections in the city but it was mainly used for parents to put their kids in the army vehicle and snapped pictures.. so this is hardly Afghanistan... :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Friday is the day, we have been warned here, they are expected 300,000 militant red shirts in 3 places. The aim too disrupt and cause traffic standstill.

They have every right to demonstrate, hope its peacefull.

I shall stay in my Condo.

I expect the yallow shirts will do the same later, have heard it will be in May during one of the many public holidays.

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I largely agree. I always feel safer in SE Asia than I do on my own suburban street in Perth, Western Australia. Make me wonder, too.

Me too. I was born in Perth, South Perth actually. Here in Thailand is much more secure to walk the streets at night than Perth is now, if not carrying a gun.

What's this? What happened to Perth?!

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I largely agree. I always feel safer in SE Asia than I do on my own suburban street in Perth, Western Australia. Make me wonder, too.

Me too. I was born in Perth, South Perth actually. Here in Thailand is much more secure to walk the streets at night than Perth is now, if not carrying a gun.

What's this? What happened to Perth?!

Sean thinks Perth is dangerous.....bit of hyperbol. :)

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I don't know what the situation is like today but last week not many tourists were taking the advice to avoid Bangkok. Most of the usual hotels in the 1500 - 2500 Baht range I use were fully booked.

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I largely agree. I always feel safer in SE Asia than I do on my own suburban street in Perth, Western Australia. Make me wonder, too.

Me too. I was born in Perth, South Perth actually. Here in Thailand is much more secure to walk the streets at night than Perth is now, if not carrying a gun.

Why? You are afraid to be kick by kangaroos?

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Don't shoot the messenger.

Taken from Thai forum and translated into English on another forum that I am not allowed to provide a link to. If you want to search look at the news section of a forum that uses the name of the famous ruins in Cambodia, or imagine you are going 2 a forum in Bangkok.

Anyway, it lists locations of places that someone believes the UDD hardcore factions are going to plant bombs, launch or throw grenades at. Also mentions snipers around skytrain and subway stations, in addition to the 33 listed spots.

Apologies to anyone who feels upset at me posting this or believes it is scare-mongering. As I said, I am just passing on what I have read in another forum. These places may be the same as the 30-40 places the government's intelligence service has mentioned. I really don't know.

1 Supreme Court

2 Criminal Court in Ratchadaphisek ring

3 Bangkok Bank HQ at Silom

4 Bangkok Bank - Nana Branch

5 Kasikorn Thai Bank - Nana Branch

6 Siam Commercial Bank - Ratchayothin HQ and Phetburi HQ

7 Grand Place

8 Siriraj Hospital

9 Major Ratchayothin

10 Big C Rat Boorana - Southern terminal of Chao Phraya express

11 Central World - Main target for looting

12 Central Lad Phrao - Main target for looting

13 Phrannok Market

14 Minburi Market

15 Dao Khanong Market

16 Patthmawikorn Intersection

17 Arun Amarin Intersection

18 Rom Klao intrersection - clowed to Motorway and SUvannabhum

19 Kaset - Nawamin

20 Kaset - Nawamin - Crossing Lad Pla Khao

21 Kaset - Nawamin - Crossing Pradit Manootham road.

22 Nawamin Intesection

23 Sathon Intersection (Narathiwat crossing Siom) - Chong Nonsee

24 Saladaeng Intersection to storm Chulalongkorn Hospital

25 Saphan Kwai Intersection

26 Klong Toei Intersection

27 Ram Khamhaeng road - form Lam Salee to Suwinthawongse

28 Minburi Intersection (Ram Indra Road crossing Suwinthawongse)

29 BMA Office at Giant Swing and Dindaeng

30 Lumphini Park

31 Pathumwan Princess Hotel - MBK

32 Pathumwan Vocation School - MBK

33 Uthenthawai Vocation school & possibly Chulalongkorn U.

Even if these are the places that exist on the list the government has and the UDD did have any intention of sabotage, it is highly unlikely they would be able to successfully storm or launch an attack on more than a few of these places. To successfully attack all 33 places would require an incredibly coherent strategy, a police force in retreat (possible!) and a far greater number of protesters.

Anyway, keep your eyes open and stay safe. Could yet be something or nothing.

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