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When Was The Last Time You Went Back To Your Country


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I ask this question just because i'm curious to know.

My home country is the USA

Last time I was back home was January 2008

For some of you this might be long time and for some of you not a long time at all. The only reasons I haven't gone back home is my business here has been good so far and i've been able to save money. Also I think the other main reason for me is I really don't want to spend at least 24 hours flying back home. I am full aware that thailand has problems some of which worse than back in the USA and some not as bad as the USA. Besides the total mess of the political situation, corruption I'll just try to do the best I can to manage through whatever mess comes about in bangkok. Just in case you guys wonder about my flying time why its so long here's the breakdown

I usually fly either american airlines or korean airlines why because only those 2 airlines fly direct to Dallas Ft worth International Airport

Bangkok to Japan / Korea 5-6 hours

Then I'm stuck waiting in the airport there at least 2 Hours

Japan / Korea to Dallas FT Texas at least 14 Hours

Total at least 22 - 24 hours depending on if there are any delays or other things

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My last trip to the States was June 2009, and I will be going home again this June. I go home about once a year. Yes, it's a long trip (24+ with flights and layovers), but it's worth it because I enjoy visiting my family. Oh, and my job pays for my flight once a year. If I had to pay for it myself, I might be going home every 2 or 3 years. :)

Edited by tonititan
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I go home every year.

I enjoy spending time with my family and being an anonymous person. I like driving on the good roads, enjoy the lightning fast internet, eating food I can't get in Thailand. (dr Pepper!) but most of all, it keeps me in touch with my family, whom I love dearly and miss terribly.

Never understand these people who feel that to praise one thing must mean you have to denigrate the other.

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Early 2008. I've been too busy, and the price of tickets got stupid for a while. I agree on the amount of time, even when I could get non-stop direct to N.Y. on Thai, (now they've canceled that route), that was always 21-23 hours, then I still had another hour connection to Toronto. I plan to go back this summer and visit for a month, but I think I'll try to get a flight from here to Vancouver, and then fly domestic to Toronto. That way I don't have to deal with the American TSA and immigration! :)

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I go home every year.

I enjoy spending time with my family and being an anonymous person. I like driving on the good roads, enjoy the lightning fast internet, eating food I can't get in Thailand. (dr Pepper!) but most of all, it keeps me in touch with my family, whom I love dearly and miss terribly.

Never understand these people who feel that to praise one thing must mean you have to denigrate the other.

Totally agree,

I enjoy my work and life here but miss my family and appreciate all the things about "home" when I go back there.

Maybe people feel they are cheating on Thailand if they say they that they miss their home country, or maybe they do not want to be here and talking their home country down makes the pain more bearable.

Just my observations.

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I go home every year.

I enjoy spending time with my family and being an anonymous person. I like driving on the good roads, enjoy the lightning fast internet, eating food I can't get in Thailand. (dr Pepper!) but most of all, it keeps me in touch with my family, whom I love dearly and miss terribly.

Never understand these people who feel that to praise one thing must mean you have to denigrate the other.

Oh, that's a good quote! Things are just different.

I wondered recently how difficult it must be for some of the moderators on here to keep up. It's a huge site and t'internet here here ain't that quick. Well, mine isn't but it's only a 2G stick thing.

December 2008.

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Work in Middle East - Live in Thailand. Last went to the country I came from, England, exactly 20 years ago this month. Furthest west I've been since then is Bahrein on a flight transfer. Don't miss it, don't really intend to go back. I have no family there though, so I've no real need or incentive to go.

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Feb, 1991, but I've been to Australia a number of times and that reminds me of America in the 1950s.

:D but think you slipped up there, UG; shouldn't that be 1850s? :)

2006 for me. For some reason I was thinking about going back for 2012, at least that's what I've been telling them.

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For me I've got the best of both worlds and I always have something to look forward to. I spend 5 months in Thailand and the other 7 months traveling around North America. I'll return to Canada in April and come back to Thailand in November. I lead two parallel lives that are totally unalike... other than some personal interests like painting, writing and fishing.

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June 2007 but have dropped in for a few days of business on average every five months. Miss the family (especially children) and great friends I left behind. Will spend two weeks of vacation this July all with family and friends. First vacation since Aug 2008, so about to go balistic. On my fourth country in four years and ready to unpack the suitcase for good!!!!

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I was back in the UK for 2 days about 10 years ago on business. Didn't want to go but the office forced me to, so I don't count that. Prior to that flying visit for work, didn't even meet up with the folks, I hadn't been back since about 1985 or 86.

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I live in Switzerland and my family live in Edinburgh - so the flight is about 3 hours. I never really like to go home too much. But i try and do it at least once a year.

I was there two weeks ago for my mother's 80th birthday. What a great time we all had!! All my aunts and uncles came over from Belfast and my brother from Munich. The average age was 70ish!! Ate a lot, drank alot and caught up on lots of gossip.

Now she is getting older, I think i shall be visiting more often so as not to lose out on the few years that we can spend with her. Even though she will probably outlive all of us smokers and drinkers!!!

Oh, and i did the Sainsburys shop - sausages, black pudding, cheese, marmite, HP, stilton, bacon and cadbury's cream eggs!!

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Every year late June-mid July. I got to see my friends & family & also race stock & cart cars & need to race 2 -4 races a year to keep my license current. I cherish my friends & family & the get togethers are always a kick in the ass. That & no one lasts forever & I want to enjoy my time with all my friends in life. It is worth the price & time going back to the U.S. every year! Besides

that I am the one who gets the 4th of July week Camping parties since 92. :) Already started my wish list of things I need to buy (not available here) I only wish it was feasible to send over My 1997 Roush engine (Mark Martins Valvoline used at Sears point when he won in 97) There is no real track here for a 900 horesepower engine. Bummer!

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Was back to the States end of June-early July 2008. Went back to Colorado the end of January this year, I use United as it goes all the way to final destination, travel duration was over 36 hours gettting there, I had a 6 hour layover in Denver before my final flight which had a flight duration of less than 1 hour.

Went snow-mobiling, started at Camp Hale, snow pack was below normal, saw some beautiful country up there, got as high as 12,300'!

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More than a decade since I've been back to the states. Been through 2 passports since I've been here so I don't have the original one, but I think it was '98 when I last went.

Better question is why would you want to go.

For me, I'm waiting until America implodes similar to the Soviet Union and the currency becomes worthless. Shouldn't be long now. Less than 10 years for sure. Then I might head back to see what bargains can be had, and if the country has made any progress at becoming culturally rational. I see no reason to head back while the entitlement/consumer culture is still in full swing.

I miss my family of course, but until they experience the collapse first hand it doesn't make sense to go see them. Just an expensive waste of money.

Sure would be nice to see some snow again though. Miss that over here.

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