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Make Poverty History


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"the most important campaign at the moment"

And that's the most unfortunate part - it is the campaign of the moment. Too, there are duelling wristbands! Do I get a "ONE", or do I get a "Make Poverty History" wristband?

I'm not denigrating the worthwhile efforts of the others, just those who believe in a quick fix, and those who follow celebrities slavishly.

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"the most important campaign at the moment"

And that's the most unfortunate part - it is the campaign of the moment.  Too, there are duelling wristbands!  Do I get a "ONE", or do I get a "Make Poverty History" wristband?

I'm not denigrating the worthwhile efforts of the others, just those who believe in a quick fix, and those who follow celebrities slavishly.

Agreeing, expatinasia, with what you say. Celebrities do not solve problems, but those who do their homework (such as Bono of U2, and Bianca Jagger) have a lot to say, and people listen.

Wristbands - I got so sick of wristbands that said, "What Would Jesus Do?" worn by people who supported the form of genocide known as modern warfare.

In 2000, the United Nations appointed a committee of more than 250 experts in economics, aid and development, to come up with a plan to (more or less) eliminate world poverty in 2025. The chairman is a noted economist who knows what actually works. I'll find the URL to his interview with Mother Jones magazine, in which he states, for example, how many millions are killed each year by malaria. Yet it's not that difficult to reduce malaria.

No, there are no quick fixes to deplorable human conditions that have ruined civilization for centuries, such as warfare and poverty. But a campaign to greatly reduce world poverty in twenty years might be reasonable.

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Just like to draw members’ attention to, what is rapidly becoming, the most important campaign at the moment:


There are affiliated sites from many countries around the world, from Afghanistan to Zimbabwe, including the major farang lands.

Why is there nothing from Thailand?

There's no need to involve international organizations or movements to eradicate poverty in Thailand, as Thaksin has repeatedly said Thailand will single-handedly end poverty within it's borders by 2008. Since I know he never lies and all his predictions and promises have come true thus far... I feel very good knowing there won't be any poor people in Thailand within 3 years.

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Perhaps an email to www.makepovertyhistory.com would provide an answer why Thailand is not in the pulldown menu.

If you read through the website, you'll find that NONE of the money raised will be used to alleviate poverty. ALL of the money raised will be used by the organization to "raise the awareness of the poverty issue". Hey, Charles, did you realize that there was poverty in the world, and that it was bad? You did? Me too. There you go. In another discussion (scruffy-looking farang begger), you suggested that he should be given B5. That B5 will do more to alleviate poverty in Thailand, than if one million white wristbands are sold.

Years (OK, decades) ago, the National Lampoon poked fun at Gerald Ford's attempts to alleviate world hunger with: "The republicans mistakenly sent dinner jackets to Nigeria." If you read other "poverty" websites, you'll find an organization that is raising money for school uniforms. Incredible! No food, no clean water, no sanitation facilities but, by God, they'll have school uniforms.

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If UK people can afford to buy paintings by chimps for THB 60,000 , they can't be too worried about global poverty!

(In Thailand we prefer elephant paintings)

Chimpanzee's artwork on the block (CNN)

LONDON, England (AP) -- Brightly colored paintings by Congo the chimpanzee are going on sale at a prestigious London auction house alongside works by Andy Warhol and Renoir.

The collection of three tempera on paper paintings -- described as resembling abstract artworks -- are expected to fetch between $1,130 and $1,500 next month at Bonhams Modern and Contemporary sale

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If I wanted to read about YET ANOTHER such organisation, I'd watch MTV...

If you want to do something about poverty, go out and do it, for god's sake.

Don't just justify your own existence by blabbing about some site that's advertised on every commercial network and think that you're being righteous. Grow up!

Do something.

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If I wanted to read about YET ANOTHER such organisation, I'd watch MTV...

If you want to do something about poverty, go out and do it, for god's sake.

Don't just justify your own existence by blabbing about some site that's advertised on every commercial network and think that you're being righteous. Grow up!

Do something.

Oooh, you do sound so butch when you get angry :o

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Allow me to fill you in as to why...

I've been working on and off for about ten years in the backpacker/traveller industry, and I am absolutely fed up of wannabe hippies pretending for five minutes that they want to save the world from famine/poverty/slavery/oppressive gov'ts/etc...

And five minutes is an approximation of how much time people give, before they turn back to their rolexes, palm pilots, etc... and plan their next evening out, or which country to go to for the next full moon, etc...

Hence the reaction.

It's what I tell people now. Do something, or accept that you don't do anything, but don't pretend. I can't put up with that.

That's what I often find myself telling people.

And so I loose a few customers who are worried about spending 30 baht for a large chang, what do I care.

Can't deal with pretenders. I used to be one.



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Allow me to fill you in as to why...

I've been working on and off for about ten years in the backpacker/traveller industry, ...

There not much to say when confronted with this level of understanding for the complexities of human existence.

Your presumptions must be precisely correct, considering, in a very few years, you might be able to profess, based on experience, education and erudition, an ability to empathise and elucidate, comparable to those qualities I find already in my youngest son.

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Agreed: acts of charity or whatever you want to call them, are not just the latest fad to talk about for five minutes. You can make 'random acts of kindness' a daily exercise. You can pick up trash as you walk along. You can find a worthy student who needs a scholarship for the next year. With a bit of research, you can find an organized charity that does effective work efficiently. You can join a volunteer group that actually does good deeds.

Some will say that these things are just an ego trip. Yeah, maybe so, but they're still good deeds.

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You would all know my views on charitable deeds from a previous forum, but, eradicating poverty is a much bigger picture. Poverty eradication must be done from within ,charitable deeds only sustain the recipient and the 10% of donations made to charity organisations which actually gets to the needy is a joke.

Good government with a program of tax reforms and a proper welfare system to ease the burden off the poor and allow them to take a step up the ladder is a start.

Thailand is now classed as a developing nation and is a net exporter but the fruits of trade goes into too few pockets. Thailand needs a" Robin Hood " mentality of taking more from the rich to give to the poor .

OOPS ,my soap box just collapsed

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I feel very good knowing there won't be any poor people in Thailand within 3 years.

If they carry on shooting "drug dealers" at the rate they did last year there won't be anybody living in Thailand in 3 years.

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