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I Just Got Justice In A Thai Court


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so if we wish to own real properties, we need to put the title into our trusted thai counterpart.... got it?


Good luck - hope you get the result - never, ever invest in property unless you have the chanot - there are 1000s of stories like yours. Personally I would never trust a Thai.

Of course the real answer is, never trust ANYONE with your money, if you can't own it then you don't buy it.

Because of the favoritism courts and police in Thailand give to Thai nationals (and the ease of employing a hit man), here you should never buy anything you can't pick up and run with.


Good luck trying to recover the 60m (why on earth did you spend that much?)

Edited by sarahsbloke
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so if we wish to own real properties, we need to put the title into our trusted thai counterpart.... got it?


Good luck - hope you get the result - never, ever invest in property unless you have the chanot - there are 1000s of stories like yours. Personally I would never trust a Thai.

Of course the real answer is, never trust ANYONE with your money, if you can't own it then you don't buy it.

Because of the favoritism courts and police in Thailand give to Thai nationals (and the ease of employing a hit man), here you should never buy anything you can't pick up and run with.


Good luck trying to recover the 60m (why on earth did you spend that much?)

yes that's probably more accurate... what I meant was that Thai's do tend to have a 'way' of looking at these things and the 'system' rarely helps a farang - 'Thai-Rak-Thai' generally pervades - but hopefully the OP will get some of his money back - BUT do please be very careful - Thai's have 'other' ways of dealing with stuff - and will have NO concience about it.

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I have read many cases like this , Why would an Intelligent person, with quite a lot of money, Suddenly become a fool. Why put money in someone else name and take a risk, It does not add up to me after all the hard work of getting money which is not easy these days to risk every thing.I don't understand why you would put money into something you will never own.Or at lest get 50% back if it goes wrong.

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Why would an Intelligent person, with quite a lot of money, Suddenly become a fool. Why put money in someone else name

To be fair this isn't just a Thai problem, in the western world the women nearly always walk away with the house, no matter who paid for it or whose name it was in.

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Why would an Intelligent person, with quite a lot of money, Suddenly become a fool. Why put money in someone else name

To be fair this isn't just a Thai problem, in the western world the women nearly always walk away with the house, no matter who paid for it or whose name it was in.

Not really true. There are many factors. However, in Thailand one is at a distinct disadvantage when one, as a non-Thai, is not allowed to own land. This is not the case in most of the Western world.

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Revenge is real in a land that law abd Order is weak and semi democratic at best...

Good advice about documenting today vs tomorrow and not a bad idea keepin a diary of events and feelings...

It could be a benefit to your benefactors down the road...

Don't piss anyone other than thru legal means..


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Why would an Intelligent person, with quite a lot of money, Suddenly become a fool. Why put money in someone else name

To be fair this isn't just a Thai problem, in the western world the women nearly always walk away with the house, no matter who paid for it or whose name it was in.

That has not been what I have heard nor observed at least in America.From 1950 to 1980 yes, but the last 30 years or so equality in divorce sttlements has improved immensely for the male especially in two-income families...


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...............(and the ease of employing a hit man)............

With the frequency of seeing this statement bandied about on TV, I am surprised I don't see a dead farang lying on Sri Phum corner every other day.

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Excellent news but I shouldn't break out the champagne too soon if I were you. You may have got a judgement in your favour but you haven't got what you want , yet. I should like other polsters be particularly careful about possible retaliation if I were you. 60 millon Baht is a lot of money and it might pay you to move to a more secure and law abbiding location. Contact Control Risks or somebody like that and go through the options with them. They might be expensive but your worth nothing if you're dead.

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I have read many cases like this , Why would an Intelligent person, with quite a lot of money, Suddenly become a fool. Why put money in someone else name and take a risk, It does not add up to me after all the hard work of getting money which is not easy these days to risk every thing.I don't understand why you would put money into something you will never own.Or at lest get 50% back if it goes wrong.

The Op stated that he holds the legal leases

I would assume that he set up a company with his ex GF as one of the partners. and the Company has bought the house and resort business.

I don't think that he has put everything in his ex's name. That would be extremely foolish with that amount of money.

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