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Someone Please Help To Past A Message


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I went to this restaurant at Prapokklao/Sri Phum junction mentioned in a guidebook and from my other thread, it's verified by by other members as really famous or popular. It's in a shop suppposed visible from the South Gate, the stall sells noodle soup, owner is a young man appeared in TV and known for remembering all his customers.

With full of enthusiam, I went on Feb 14th and the neighbourhood said it's closed for the Chinese New Year festival. I went on the next day, it's closed too, I went again on the 3rd day and it's closed too. A few shops there are all closed too. I am told Chinese New Year is only a 1 day holiday but did not exopect them to close for 3 days and NO notice put up at the door.

I will be back in Chiang Mai April 13th, 14th and want to eat in that shop but it's the Water Festival.

Can someone who happens to be there help to find out from them whether they open for busienss on April 13th and 14th and put the answer here or pm me ?

Thanks in advance.

PS. Please advise the stall/shop owner that a foreigner came all those 3 days and really disappointed. Please advise them to hang a notice if they close for more than 1 say. :)

I mean pass a message, sorry i cannot edit the title.

Edited by healthcaretaker
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is that the guy who yells out the order in a funny way to the cook, they have luk cheen hua noom & soup ga dook, havent been back there for awhile and not planning to for the time being

I don't know. I have not eaten there yet but dying for it. According to the guide book pictures, i think they have meat balls soup. They are famous there. Several times I asked for a famous noodle shop in that area, everyone knows and direct me to the same location and the songtheaw driver who took me there knows it too.

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You got some bad info suggesting that Chinese New Year Celebrations were only one day.

Unlikely if the shop owner knows now what days he will close or open for Sonkran and if he did, he might just change his mind later.

Finally, since his shop is as famous, he has a lot of business and profit and really does not care a lot if he was closed when you came or about hanging a sign out as you request, unless you someway mean more than a couple of bowls of noodles to him.

But knowing the owner, I will certainly tell him your story next time I visit him.

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I have been eating there often for the last 15 years - there noodles are probably the best in Chiang Mai - at least for me - you mean the place just down the road from Changphuak Gate before you reach Thai Airways Office.

When we ate there first 15 years ago we gave it the nickname "Dinosaur" because of their soup with the pork bones (yummy!) - :) never found out what their real name is we still call it "Dinosaur Noodles".

They work really hard all year because they are so popular - but it looks like they are closing now for the holidays - not only Chinese New Year - a few month ago they where also closed for several days don't know for what reason no sign outside either.

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When we ate there first 15 years ago we gave it the nickname "Dinosaur" because of their soup with the pork bones (yummy!) - :) never found out what their real name is we still call it "Dinosaur Noodles".

soup ga dook

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You got some bad info suggesting that Chinese New Year Celebrations were only one day.

Unlikely if the shop owner knows now what days he will close or open for Sonkran and if he did, he might just change his mind later.

Finally, since his shop is as famous, he has a lot of business and profit and really does not care a lot if he was closed when you came or about hanging a sign out as you request, unless you someway mean more than a couple of bowls of noodles to him.

But knowing the owner, I will certainly tell him your story next time I visit him.

Thanks but I think the owner will appreciate your suggestion if you tell him to put a sign if closed for more than 1 day. That will save his clients trouble of going there everyday, especially tourists. Please tell him his stall was suggested a a top selling Chinese guidebook.

Out of those 3 days, I ended up eating at the nearby stewed pork rice managed by the Lady with cowboy hat, twice.

BTW, I am surprised Lonely Planet never mention them. Is it really true that LP only mention those with some "other" reasons ?

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Tons of great food in Chiang Mai!

Amongst the things I won't be doing is going to a place where the owner probably works 350 days a year and giving him the message that some random foreigner was upset that he closed for a few days around a holiday.

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I have been eating there often for the last 15 years - there noodles are probably the best in Chiang Mai - at least for me - you mean the place just down the road from Changphuak Gate before you reach Thai Airways Office.

When we ate there first 15 years ago we gave it the nickname "Dinosaur" because of their soup with the pork bones (yummy!) - :D never found out what their real name is we still call it "Dinosaur Noodles".

They work really hard all year because they are so popular - but it looks like they are closing now for the holidays - not only Chinese New Year - a few month ago they where also closed for several days don't know for what reason no sign outside either.

From the original post....

"It's in a shop suppposed visible from the South Gate"

So if it's visible from the south gate and somewhere near the TG office I guess that the guy had pretty good eyesight :)

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When we ate there first 15 years ago we gave it the nickname "Dinosaur" because of their soup with the pork bones (yummy!) - :) never found out what their real name is we still call it "Dinosaur Noodles".

soup ga dook

Confusing now.


Do you know whether everyone is talking about the same place ?

Exactly where is it ?

When I walked there twice, all the shops are closed so I don't know which shop is it and once the songtheaw took me, while passing by night food market(with the Cowboy hat lady on my left), the songtheaw driver could see the shop and tell me it's closed.

I think it's among the first few shops as you enter Prapokklao Road from the South gate direction.

Can someone please confirm ?

Or try to get me their [phone number the next time you visit them.

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Tons of great food in Chiang Mai!

Amongst the things I won't be doing is going to a place where the owner probably works 350 days a year and giving him the message that some random foreigner was upset that he closed for a few days around a holiday.

Please don't create any misunderstanding between me and the owner.

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Please don't create any misunderstanding between me and the owner.

Why don't you post your photo so we can take it to the owner to insure that you will get appropriate service when you come in?

How about giving this place a pass and instead visit one of the other 15,000 noodle shops in town? I doubt if if the owner cares one bit at all about the loss of your business and it's doubtful he/she will put up a sign just for your benefit. Don't believe everything you read in Lonely Planet!

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Please don't create any misunderstanding between me and the owner.

Why don't you post your photo so we can take it to the owner to insure that you will get appropriate service when you come in?

I never ask for such service.

Me thinks perhaps you are in the wrong city because there is no gate in CM named "South Gate".

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When we ate there first 15 years ago we gave it the nickname "Dinosaur" because of their soup with the pork bones (yummy!) - :) never found out what their real name is we still call it "Dinosaur Noodles".

soup ga dook

Confusing now.


Do you know whether everyone is talking about the same place ?

Exactly where is it ?

When I walked there twice, all the shops are closed so I don't know which shop is it and once the songtheaw took me, while passing by night food market(with the Cowboy hat lady on my left), the songtheaw driver could see the shop and tell me it's closed.

I think it's among the first few shops as you enter Prapokklao Road from the South gate direction.

Can someone please confirm ?

Or try to get me their [phone number the next time you visit them.

you are right with your directions - as you come from Taphae Gate drive along the klong pass "The House" Restaurant on your left - then you turn left into Sri Phum Road - at the holy tree - go along Sri Phum road until you reach Chang Phuak Gate and right before Chanphuak Gate you turn left into Prahpoklao Road - the noodle shop is on your right hand side just about a hundred meters into the Prahpoklao Road. Opposite the noodle shop is a construction site fenced off with green sheets since years now - this used to be a Shell station.

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Like the OP, it took me a while to realize that small businesses owners here don't have the same "mind set" as in the west. You just have to learn to adjust to the fact that a business may close without warning for a few days, with no sign, especially none in English, stating when they'll reopen. That's the just the way it is here. This is how I found a new place to cut my hair, when I got tired of showing up at my previous place every day for three days in a row, finding them closed. I like the new place better. Experiment. There are hundreds of noodle shops in Chiang Mai.

In the U.S. my husband and I ran a small business and one of us were always on-site and religiously followed our stated open hours. I remember the firestorm created by some of our customers the weekend we took off to attend my mother's funeral in another state. We left the place under the care of employees who were competent, just not quite as knowledgeable as us. Judging from some of the emails we received from people irate because they came expecting to to find one of us, I guess some customers felt we should have skipped my mother's funeral. Too bad I didn't know how to say "mai pen rai" then.

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Tons of great food in Chiang Mai!

Amongst the things I won't be doing is going to a place where the owner probably works 350 days a year and giving him the message that some random foreigner was upset that he closed for a few days around a holiday.

Please don't create any misunderstanding between me and the owner.

Please reread my post --- "amongst the things I WON'T do ...."

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Tons of great food in Chiang Mai!

Amongst the things I won't be doing is going to a place where the owner probably works 350 days a year and giving him the message that some random foreigner was upset that he closed for a few days around a holiday.

Please don't create any misunderstanding between me and the owner.

Please reread my post --- "amongst the things I WON'T do ...."

It's the LATER part of your sentence that wronged me.

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Please don't create any misunderstanding between me and the owner.

Why don't you post your photo so we can take it to the owner to insure that you will get appropriate service when you come in?

How about giving this place a pass and instead visit one of the other 15,000 noodle shops in town? I doubt if if the owner cares one bit at all about the loss of your business and it's doubtful he/she will put up a sign just for your benefit. Don't believe everything you read in Lonely Planet!

You are another one that is creating misunderstanding. Did I mention putting up a sign by the owner is JUST for my benefit ? Please don't insult and accuse me of believing in Lonely Planet. That guidebook is meant for innocent foreigners. From experience, I don't trust their recommendations.

I learnt about this shop from a more reliable guidebook and the response I get from my last visit to Chinag Mai together with my other thread on food proved that that this shop is REALLY good, popular and well-known, unlike those recommended by Lonely Planet due to other reasons.

Of course, I do try other noodle shops. I MUST eat.

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hmmm I miss where I in any way wronged you ....

You are a random foreigner

You were upset that he was closed for a few days around a holiday

PS. Please advise the stall/shop owner that a foreigner came all those 3 days and really disappointed. Please advise them to hang a notice if they close for more than 1 say.

The only thing I said is that I won't be running over there to tell him that a random foreigner was upset that he was closed.

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hmmm I miss where I in any way wronged you ....

You are a random foreigner

You were upset that he was closed for a few days around a holiday

PS. Please advise the stall/shop owner that a foreigner came all those 3 days and really disappointed. Please advise them to hang a notice if they close for more than 1 say.

The only thing I said is that I won't be running over there to tell him that a random foreigner was upset that he was closed.

Now see yours and my sentences properly. I may be disappointed but NOT upset as you claimed and my suggestion to hang a notice is a good suggestion for theirs and alls benefits. I NEVER ask anyone to run over there JUST to tell the owner I was upset.

Again, please don't create misunderstandings. I am not here for any arguements. I appreciate the help of most members and my message and suggestion is in good faith. Please realise it.

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hmmm I miss where I in any way wronged you ....

You are a random foreigner

You were upset that he was closed for a few days around a holiday

PS. Please advise the stall/shop owner that a foreigner came all those 3 days and really disappointed. Please advise them to hang a notice if they close for more than 1 say.

The only thing I said is that I won't be running over there to tell him that a random foreigner was upset that he was closed.

Furthermore to my previous post, I wonder why do you quote me on my "PS" sentence only ? If you see my OP, I mentioned only "if anyone happens to be there" and "find out if they open on April 13th".

Do you realise you created 2 or 3 misunderstandings out of my OP and your message ? That's what I mean by "creating misunderstandings from you".

Note: I am not trying penalise you or being unforgiving. I like to be friendly and help each other on their mistakes. Only this way, we can improve, right ? :)

Have a nice day.

PS. I still hope someone can ask them whether they decide to open on April 13th and 14th as I need to planb my trip.

Thanks again.,

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PS -- many native English speakers would say that "really disappointed" and "upset" are closely related, enough to be used as synonyms :)

I still won't be going in to tell the owner some random foreigner was "really disappointed" and how to conduct his business regarding signage :D

If they are along the moat and open-air then they will probably not be open during Songkran festival. Would you like someone to tell them not to close because some random foreigner will be there for a bowl of soup one day during the holidays?

edit -- spelling

Edited by jdinasia
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hmmm I miss where I in any way wronged you ....

You are a random foreigner

You were upset that he was closed for a few days around a holiday

PS. Please advise the stall/shop owner that a foreigner came all those 3 days and really disappointed. Please advise them to hang a notice if they close for more than 1 say.

The only thing I said is that I won't be running over there to tell him that a random foreigner was upset that he was closed.

Furthermore to my previous post, I wonder why do you quote me on my "PS" sentence only ? If you see my OP, I mentioned only "if anyone happens to be there" and "find out if they open on April 13th".

Do you realise you created 2 or 3 misunderstandings out of my OP and your message ? That's what I mean by "creating misunderstandings from you".

Note: I am not trying penalise you or being unforgiving. I like to be friendly and help each other on their mistakes. Only this way, we can improve, right ? :)

Have a nice day.

PS. I still hope someone can ask them whether they decide to open on April 13th and 14th as I need to planb my trip.

Thanks again.,

I would certainly not plan my trip around the opening or closing of one of Chiang Mai's 15,000 noodle shops! Businesses here open and close unexpectedly for a number of reasons. Furthermore that is right smack in the middle of Songkran so one should assume that they will be closed.

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