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Thai Dogs Vs Farang Rights. What Comes First?


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Yep and word breaks is not in Thai vocabulary also.or even bother to slow down seeing as there are dogs all over the place.

or keep eyes on the road not doing make up or talking on the phone.

Did you search for the word "brake"? If so, you might have found this:


lol, ops just saw that. :)

should of been brake and my post was response to yabaaa post about dog been on the road

"Quote did not work"

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My two Satang's worth.

To answer the Op's question. Yes any person, whether it be Farang. Thai any one else's rights

should come first over a dogs. Whether this is the case here in Thailand is debatable.

Leaving emotions aside.

Brought up in a semi rural area where dogs are pets and working dogs. Any dogs that attacked a person outside of there owners boundaries or went out attacking other animals alone or in pack form where subsequently put down. I have seen this first hand many times and also have participated in this personally.

The fact should be here is that a human's well being is by far more precious than any one person's pet.

It is the owner's duty, not just to other people but to the animal, to keep them safe and happy within the boundaries of their own property. Simple as that!

I brought my 4 daughters up to respect all animals. They were brought up with Blue Heelers (Australian Cattle dogs). These are working dogs and are very good at what they do. They also are very protective over their family and their family's possessions. Like most domesticated animals, training at a young age and certainly throughout their lives is one of the most vital ingredients to a safe a happy relationship between dogs and not just their owners, but all other people as well.

Our dogs were part of the family. But in saying this if one of them were to attack or bite one of my family or any one else without provocation I would not hesitate to put them down.

They were never allowed to go past our properties boundary unattended. Simple common sense. Through training they were very well aware of these boundaries and what was expected of them once they were with us out side these boundaries.

All, especially, kids have the right to protection from dangerous dogs. I for one am proactive not reactive and if the risk was there for injury to any kids I would do all in my power to mitigate this risk. Whether it be the education of the kids and/or the owners or more permanent action.

Now in saying all of the above, I am a dog lover, it is quite sad to see the roaming dogs in Thailand, or any where else for that fact. Something needs to be done about this. In my home country any dogs out side private property are liable to be picked up by the authorities and if not claimed within a certain time period, put down. Unwanted and uncared for animals are simply are menace to society and the environment and this problem should and needs to be addressed. by the powers that be. In saying this, as a guest here in Thailand it is beyond my rights to make changes in this area but I do, as well as we all, have the right to our learned opinions no matter where we are or come from.


"the infection is effectively untreatable and usually fatal within days"


"there has been only one case in history of someone surviving rabies"


Cheers :)

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Anyway seems like you are making mountains out of anthills because you don't like dogs. Just accept its Thailand and you have to share your space with them. You can't have everything you want here.


Please understand that your dealing with kuffki & he is either always making mountains out of anthills or just plainly EXAGGERATING the truth.

Yesterday he was mouthing off about sueing the Police and winning, when it actually turns out he only 'contested a traffic fine' and the matter was dismissed....of course thats hardly sueing the police and winning.

He lives in a fantasy world, our kuffki. :) No matter how much you spell something out to him about Thai Dogs and Farang rights, he will always twist it to suit himself.

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Anyway seems like you are making mountains out of anthills because you don't like dogs. Just accept its Thailand and you have to share your space with them. You can't have everything you want here.


Please understand that your dealing with kuffki & he is either always making mountains out of anthills or just plainly EXAGGERATING the truth.

Yesterday he was mouthing off about sueing the Police and winning, when it actually turns out he only 'contested a traffic fine' and the matter was dismissed....of course thats hardly sueing the police and winning.

He lives in a fantasy world, our kuffki. :) No matter how much you spell something out to him about Thai Dogs and Farang rights, he will always twist it to suit himself.

I was having a discussion with yabbaa not Kuffki i just think killing all soy dogs is a bit extreme. There are other problems that are far greater where such extreme measures are not taken (and rightly so)

I don't really care much about what kuffki has to say because he is a bit one sided.

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No worries. I also note that there is a farang and his wife in bangkok now running a program for thai soi dogs, they have been attending to health problems and steralisation of dogs, as well as imunisation for other things. theres definately a soi dog problem in thailand,no denying that and the thais don't seem too interested in fixing the problem but over zealous people like kiffki always want to take everything to the EXTREEME. People like him always end up in trouble with the law and then they wonder why :)

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Anyway seems like you are making mountains out of anthills because you don't like dogs. Just accept its Thailand and you have to share your space with them. You can't have everything you want here.


Please understand that your dealing with kuffki & he is either always making mountains out of anthills or just plainly EXAGGERATING the truth.

Yesterday he was mouthing off about sueing the Police and winning, when it actually turns out he only 'contested a traffic fine' and the matter was dismissed....of course thats hardly sueing the police and winning.

He lives in a fantasy world, our kuffki. :) No matter how much you spell something out to him about Thai Dogs and Farang rights, he will always twist it to suit himself.

Clearly your injury is very serious,

Putting aside that this is the wrong topic, but any how, sueing police was in Australia and yes i did win, unless of course being an retired or kicked off the force cop, you find it hard to believe.

Secondly, if anyone wants/need to know more, they can actually read the post to which mentally injured person keeps referring to.

It was clearly said if anyone had the same experience in the fine i received. While some people actually posted relevant info, the few jokers including you did nothing but show how mental capacity after the injury! and it must of been the head.

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I have to work now Kufkki so Ill let you look at this, Robblok for you too http://www.hkmj.org/article_pdfs/hkm0706p247.pdf

Can show the same pictures for alcohol and driving.. lets ban all alcohol

alcohol is heavily regulated

Can show the same pictures from football hooligans.. lets ban football

governments across europe cooperate to contol hooliganism

Can show the same for car drivers without alcohol.. lets ban cars

a car requires a license to drive, is operated in accordance with many laws and is again rigidly legislated

Can show the same of peodofiles molesting kids.. come lets kill all humans because we are capable of evil

this is just stupid and not worthy of further comment

I don't contest that something has to be done but killing them all instead of killing the bad ones is a bit crazy.

Just accept some things bring risk with them you cant live in a risk free world.. or go back to nanny state UK

i would like to point out that in many countries strays are collected and destroyed if they are deemed unsuitable for adoption or rehabilitation. if no one wishes to adopt them, unwanted pets are also destroyed after a holding period. this is accepted practice in the interest of public safety.

i really dont understand all this emotional bleating. stray populations must be controlled, negligent owners must be made responsible.

ill conceived or emotional arguments dont change the facts. compassionate euthanasia, spaying and neutering and consistent controls are all needed.

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I am not steering the subject away.. i'm putting things into perspective.. something you seem to have lost.

You are the one who wants to kill all stray dogs because they MIGHT pose a risk to someone.

Im telling you there are other things that put people in much bigger risk then a few dogs and you would not think of going into extremes there. So i show you that you only go into extremes because you don't like dogs.

I'm pointing out your prejuiced to dogs.

You don't want to go into those valid arguments that i have because you know you cant counter them.

Its easy to discuss with kuffi because his arguments are not that good.. but my arguments your not touching because you know its hard too.

Its not that I dont want to touch them its just too time consuming to keep replying to a man "obssessed" (Kuffki) , however I will. I am fully aware of the perspective and yes I would want all street dogs killed but I dont lie in be thinking about or worrying about it at all I am fully aware of "other " hazards in Thailand, Motor deaths kill many more people world wide.

If it was "a few dogs" it would be a different matter, its not "a few" its a lot.

Your trying to judge my view on "other things", I dont know how you can do that?

I am not predjudiced to dogs they have a place I am predjudiced to dogs roaming the streets and being fed creating more dogs.

I dont see any valid arguments.

I dont see any valid arguments for keeping soi dogs at all.

I dont see a valid point to kill them.. that is over reaction.. sterilization yes

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ill conceived or emotional arguments dont change the facts. compassionate euthanasia, spaying and neutering and consistent controls are all needed.

Im all for euthanasia of animals that are in pain.. but not of healthy dogs.. I am for spraying and neutering. Just not in whole sale slaughter of all stray dogs.

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Im all for euthanasia of animals that are in pain.. but not of healthy dogs.. I am for spraying and neutering. Just not in whole sale slaughter of all stray dogs.

In general, I agree with you.

I think in Bangkok, however, the problem is out of control. I don't think anyone really knows, but I saw one statistic that there were over 120,000 unowned and uncared for dogs in the city. The problem I see it is not only the safety situation for people, but also disease (you might want to do a Google search on "COINFECTION OF LEPTOSPIRA SPP AND TOXOPLASMA GONDII AMONG STRAY DOGS IN BANGKOK, THAILAND", as well as the fact that an estimated 6% of dogs in Bangkok have rabies. That's over 7,000 rabid dogs in the city. UNACCEPTABLE.

This is not the only "neglect"-related health issue in the city, of course. Rubbish lying around the city -- particularly in vacant lots, for example -- can only breed high rat populations.

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Anyway seems like you are making mountains out of anthills because you don't like dogs. Just accept its Thailand and you have to share your space with them. You can't have everything you want here.


Please understand that your dealing with kuffki & he is either always making mountains out of anthills or just plainly EXAGGERATING the truth.

Yesterday he was mouthing off about sueing the Police and winning, when it actually turns out he only 'contested a traffic fine' and the matter was dismissed....of course thats hardly sueing the police and winning.

He lives in a fantasy world, our kuffki. :) No matter how much you spell something out to him about Thai Dogs and Farang rights, he will always twist it to suit himself.

Clearly your injury is very serious,

Putting aside that this is the wrong topic, but any how, sueing police was in Australia and yes i did win, unless of course being an retired or kicked off the force cop, you find it hard to believe.

Secondly, if anyone wants/need to know more, they can actually read the post to which mentally injured person keeps referring to.

It was clearly said if anyone had the same experience in the fine i received. While some people actually posted relevant info, the few jokers including you did nothing but show how mental capacity after the injury! and it must of been the head.

Strange, I recall you thanking me for providing you with quoted sections of the thai land and traffic act. Now I did nothing? Making this up as we go along, anyway, different thread....now ur busy calling for the execution of all soi dogs :D

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well argued. congratulations for not making it personal. you are obviously an intellect to be reckoned with.

:D t.s. thanks for the laugh :D be careful, you will be the next one on his berating list, he knows EVERYTHING, this guy. :)

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Im all for euthanasia of animals that are in pain.. but not of healthy dogs.. I am for spraying and neutering. Just not in whole sale slaughter of all stray dogs.

In general, I agree with you.

I think in Bangkok, however, the problem is out of control. I don't think anyone really knows, but I saw one statistic that there were over 120,000 unowned and uncared for dogs in the city. The problem I see it is not only the safety situation for people, but also disease (you might want to do a Google search on "COINFECTION OF LEPTOSPIRA SPP AND TOXOPLASMA GONDII AMONG STRAY DOGS IN BANGKOK, THAILAND", as well as the fact that an estimated 6% of dogs in Bangkok have rabies. That's over 7,000 rabid dogs in the city. UNACCEPTABLE.

This is not the only "neglect"-related health issue in the city, of course. Rubbish lying around the city -- particularly in vacant lots, for example -- can only breed high rat populations.

if it cant be determined what dog has rabies then i can understand if they put a lot of them down. However to be honest i doubt that the Thais will ever do this. I have never noticed much of a problem in BKK maybe i don't go of the beaten path too much. Here in my village even the strays get rabies shots.

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One post deleted and the member was given a suspension.

Sorry for the 4 innocent members who posted a reply to that post. Their posts had to be deleted as well

And, it's too bad that people are so thick headed that they can't see that others might ALSO know something about a bad situation. Denying that Asia does NOT have a problem with an excessive number of basically wild dogs is myoptic thinking. The original topic was about being bitten by wild dogs roaming around the city or beach. It is too bad that moderators have to waste their time wrapping the knuckles of nasty little school boys who have to resort to personal attacks on anyone with a different opinion than themselves..

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One post deleted and the member was given a suspension.

Sorry for the 4 innocent members who posted a reply to that post. Their posts had to be deleted as well

And, it's too bad that people are so thick headed that they can't see that others might ALSO know something about a bad situation. Denying that Asia does NOT have a problem with an excessive number of basically wild dogs is myoptic thinking. The original topic was about being bitten by wild dogs roaming around the city or beach. It is too bad that moderators have to waste their time wrapping the knuckles of nasty little school boys who have to resort to personal attacks on anyone with a different opinion than themselves..

Ian, I think you hit the nail on the head with this one. From more than one angle, but I specifically refer to your point above about the problem existing in 'Asia'. Thailand is not alone on this problem.

Furthermore the answer to the problem is most likely contained in a mixture of opinions on this thread but clearly something needs to be done. A mass cull is never going to be considered and is as robblok said, "A bit extreeme". A problem like this isnt going to disappear overnight but something needs to be done to slow the birth rates of these animals and clearly its about time the government started some scheme about attending to birth control measures.

As I said earlier in the thread, there is one organisation in Bangkok, run by a farang and friends that is privately attending to some of these matters, I think they are called scadbangkok or something like that.

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10 to 15 a year lets put that in perspective

- about 90 to 100 people die each year from bee stings

- Falling coconuts kill 150 people worldwide each

- According to the U.S. National Weather Service, 73 people die from lightning strikes each year and hundreds more suffer life-debilitating injuries. Memory loss, attention deficits, sleep disorders, numbness, dizziness, and weakness are some of the maladies cited.

And i make sure my dogs have flee and tick medicine injected each month so i don't have a problem with those nasties.

So now go worry about something more real.

Todays paper in the Uk saying chance of being killed by dogs is 1in 193,744 and by bee sting 1in 387,489. In a hailstorm only 1in 9.2million. Myt advice dont go out in a hailstorm and if you do stay away from the dogs :):D And if you see a dog with a bee on its nose and the clouds are getting darker run like hel_l!!!

Malaria 1in 154000.

This is a list compiled for the UK not Thailand. Higher in thailand I woould think, nastier bees more dogs.

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OK, I'll repeat it -

"Its incredibly unusual for Thai dogs to attack someone (even in a pack).

They are normally v gentle and cautious about people.

Get some pepper spray and keep it in your pocket when out walking. A quick burst of pepper spray near them will frighten them away if you are unfortunate enough to find the odd aggressive dog."

The number of posters who are advocating poison is v frightening. Not only does it show how sick some people are (believing that if anything annoys them in the slightest it should be killed) - but I met a woman (and her dog) where the dog had been poisoned by someone out to get the rats..... there was nothing that could be done to save the much loved pet.

I believe if the woman had kept her dog inside her home, the dog wouldn't have been poisoned by mistake.

There's a dog outside my gate that I've been trying to make leave for almost 1 yr now without success. I have lice from the dog all over my house for no reason, even though, the owner is just next door. I don't hate dogs, but I hate people who buy dogs and can't look after them, thereby allowing the dogs to bother other people.

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OK, I'll repeat it -

"Its incredibly unusual for Thai dogs to attack someone (even in a pack).

They are normally v gentle and cautious about people.

Get some pepper spray and keep it in your pocket when out walking. A quick burst of pepper spray near them will frighten them away if you are unfortunate enough to find the odd aggressive dog."

The number of posters who are advocating poison is v frightening. Not only does it show how sick some people are (believing that if anything annoys them in the slightest it should be killed) - but I met a woman (and her dog) where the dog had been poisoned by someone out to get the rats..... there was nothing that could be done to save the much loved pet.

I believe if the woman had kept her dog inside her home, the dog wouldn't have been poisoned by mistake.

There's a dog outside my gate that I've been trying to make leave for almost 1 yr now without success. I have lice from the dog all over my house for no reason, even though, the owner is just next door. I don't hate dogs, but I hate people who buy dogs and can't look after them, thereby allowing the dogs to bother other people.

Lice from a dog ? flees and ticks yes maybe.. but lice are you sure ?

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How to tell if your dog has lice

The most common sign of a louse infestation is a scruffy, dry hair coat. Loss of hair may occur and the dog may itch, sometimes very severely. Very heavy infestations of blood-sucking lice may occur, especially in puppies. You can normally tell that lice are present with the naked eye, with nits usually more visible than the actual louse, but often both can be seen.

How to get rid of lice

To prevent an infection, don't visit any dogs that you know to have lice. Check your dog regularly and, if you see anything suspect, go to the vet.


Im pretty sure however they cant transmit them ti humans lice are human or dog specific wrong type of hair uless he has a dog that cavorts with this one?

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How to tell if your dog has lice

The most common sign of a louse infestation is a scruffy, dry hair coat. Loss of hair may occur and the dog may itch, sometimes very severely. Very heavy infestations of blood-sucking lice may occur, especially in puppies. You can normally tell that lice are present with the naked eye, with nits usually more visible than the actual louse, but often both can be seen.

How to get rid of lice

To prevent an infection, don't visit any dogs that you know to have lice. Check your dog regularly and, if you see anything suspect, go to the vet.


Thank you never knew this, have seen fleas and ticks on my dog when they got immune from the stuff i used to kill them. Since that time i bring them to the vet for a monthly injection and it seems to do wonders.

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  • 1 month later...

I have only just moved to Thailand with my two dogs and two cats and I think the attitude is appalling. You are bit and you think it OK or the man should laugh it off. No way, as someone else said, what if it was a child or the whole pack joined in?????

It is the owners or the lack of owners. I can't walk my dogs on our compound as there are 4 or 5 packs of stray dogs and they do come to attack. Is there is no one to round them up as the do in the North of the Country?

Can't they be exterminated. They are not all friendly dogs, some are a menace! These dogs more often than not are not owned by anyone.,

They are multiplying and the numbers will increase.

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Its incredibly unusual for Thai dogs to attack someone (even in a pack).

They are normally v gentle and cautious about people.

Get some pepper spray and keep it in your pocket when out walking. A quick burst of pepper spray near them will frighten them away if you are unfortunate enough to find the odd aggressive dog.

I too, was unlucky enough to be bit by a dog recently (one of my dogs on a lead kept barking at him and annoyed him), but it was not a soi dog - it was a bloody labrador/retriever! The next time he started approaching me I squirted my pepper spray in front of him (not in his face) and he ran a mile!

If you try to poison the dog the chances are that you'll poison lots of other, innocent dogs. Just teach the culprit (with pepper spray) to keep away.

Innocent Dogs? Surely you must be joking? Do you stay locked in a highrise somewhere that you don't ever have to deal with these useless mutts? Stray dogs are responsible for more scooter related injurys and deaths than just about any other source. If a dog is on the street with no ID and tags, it's open game.

The number of stray dogs on the streets is just another good example of the "thai" mentality i.e. if it doesn't directly affect me, it doesn't matter. Just the way it is.

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This thread is the reason I carry a baseball bat in my car. Nothing like whomping a dog in the head to teach it a lesson.

Too right. This thread is topical I was just complaining about bloody dogs killing 17 of my ducks over the last few days. Didn't kill them outright , left them to suffer . I'm going to do the same if I catch them. No baseball bat though, more satisfation with bare hands , and a fairer fight.

Oh .. and I doubt they have owners too. or atleast none that will own up.

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Its incredibly unusual for Thai dogs to attack someone (even in a pack).

They are normally v gentle and cautious about people.

Get some pepper spray and keep it in your pocket when out walking. A quick burst of pepper spray near them will frighten them away if you are unfortunate enough to find the odd aggressive dog.

I too, was unlucky enough to be bit by a dog recently (one of my dogs on a lead kept barking at him and annoyed him), but it was not a soi dog - it was a bloody labrador/retriever! The next time he started approaching me I squirted my pepper spray in front of him (not in his face) and he ran a mile!

If you try to poison the dog the chances are that you'll poison lots of other, innocent dogs. Just teach the culprit (with pepper spray) to keep away.

Innocent Dogs? Surely you must be joking? Do you stay locked in a highrise somewhere that you don't ever have to deal with these useless mutts? Stray dogs are responsible for more scooter related injurys and deaths than just about any other source. If a dog is on the street with no ID and tags, it's open game.

The number of stray dogs on the streets is just another good example of the "thai" mentality i.e. if it doesn't directly affect me, it doesn't matter. Just the way it is.

Most provinces have an actual "animal control dept" and they are required by law to respond and retrieve stray animals when it's reported to them. Do they though? Not very often. I think they should cut a deal with some of the surrounding countries that actually chow down on ol Shep. Could be a money makin deal for someone, although it could backfire, as every thai would probly start raising them. Could end up with numbers like one might see in Sala Farms, except they'd be dogs and they'd be on the street :)

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I think they should cut a deal with some of the surrounding countries that actually chow down on ol Shep. Could be a money makin deal for someone, although it could backfire, as every thai would probly start raising them. Could end up with numbers like one might see in Sala Farms, except they'd be dogs and they'd be on the street :D

Are you suggesting that my neighbors don't chow down on ol Shep? You must be one of those Thai apologists. :)

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Im sorry F1 but I completely disagree with you here. You say scaring them is enough... enough for what? To stop them from killing the next child that walks along when you are not there? Not sure how scaring them away one time is the answer to stopping them from maiming and killing? I don't get what you are saying at all. If a dog shows that kind of intent and visciousness, it needs to be put down asap. There is no reforming a dog.... It will attack again and again until it finally goes too far, then a Thai will put it down... too late.

Karatekas answer is to learn dogs and teach owners of dogs. First of all, there is no teaching going on in Thailand. None at all. And the dogs we are generally talking about have no owners. And why do I have to learn how to evade getting mauled by packs of roving dogs? The dogs should not be allowed to roam free in the city, period.

Because as I've said before, soi dogs rarely cause problems - let alone maim or kill children!

How many children have been killed by soi dogs? I suspect the number is close to zero.

The dogs that cause problems have owners! I'm one of them. One of my dogs attacked a small dog where I live. She is no longer allowed out without a muzzle. Unfortunately the Thais aren't as responsible, they do nothing when their dog causes a nuisance.

The dog that bit me was after one of my dogs on a lead. I didn't have pepper spray at the time, so put myself in between the Lab/Retriever to protect my dogs - not thinking for a minute it would attack me! When it did (and it had a Thai owner), I was more suprised than angry!

Anyway, I bought a pepper spray and the next time we met the dog and he went for mine, I sprayed in front of him (not in his face - he needed to realise he couldn't get away with it - not be hurt). It worked, he avoids us now!

OMG what beach is that? I will make sure I don't go... and I will tell others!

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