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Thai Dogs Vs Farang Rights. What Comes First?


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Well since the dogs were associated with a Thai person, of course the dogs trump. If we are talking non-owned soi/street dogs vs. farang, that's a more interesting question. However, they would still trump as they are Thai dogs. Look, long stayers have probably all had similar experiences dealing with frustrating Thai cultural differences here. Your case is a bit severe. I think those considering moving move here who are still in the land of smiles/rose colored glasses phase should be informed before they make they move as to what they are really getting into.

What are you saying JT - if you are afraid of dogs, don't move here?

The other day on my soi one of the local MUTTS bit someone - a Thai I believe. The dog is no longer around to give his side of the story.

Not exactly. I am saying this is a very rough country not for the faint of heart, and in almost all cases when there is a conflict between Thai and foreigner, the Thai is going to win, and most Thais behave like they know that, so beware. That's all.

I tend to agree, if you were to kill or seriously hurt one of these dogs you can bet your last THB that all of a sudden a very distressed 'owner' would appear demanding compensation for the demised pooch!

Remember in LoS 'Money Number One'

I do not think its always the case. If foreigner is happy and willing to spend a few baht on a lawyer, Thai will not always win. So again all comes down to money

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Thread after thread people whine about not having home court advantage here in Thailand. If you are playing on someone else's playing field, get used to it. The crowd is not going to be cheering for you. Do you care, back home, when the immigrants get all uppity and complain they don't get a fair shake? I think not.

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Thread after thread people whine about not having home court advantage here in Thailand. If you are playing on someone else's playing field, get used to it. The crowd is not going to be cheering for you. Do you care, back home, when the immigrants get all uppity and complain they don't get a fair shake? I think not.

I am not sure where you come from, but where i come from we do not call people immigrants and everyone is treated same, further more the so called immigrants as you like to call them, if they do not speak English, government offers free of charge interpreters and other services to ensure that all people are treated equal.

I will even go step further, in OZ, people who mistreat tourists or take advantage of them for say double charging, those people get arrested and charged with crime. while in Thailand not only government has double pricing as a rule in some place but it is praised for double charging foreigners rather then punished

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^ I don't think Thai-foreign comes into it. I have a pretty strong suspicion that this type of situation doesn't really fall into the area dealt with by the law/forces of the state. As ts said, most Thais, if they really wanted to do something about it, wouldn't go to the police.

thai dogs are higher on the food chain than the forigner and always will be.

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It's nothing to do with the Dogs ( It is owners ) that need sorting out sounds like the Dogs was protecting or acting of of fear i have a Protection Dog that could take a guy right out if needed but he is as tame as a cat too.

But to just kill Dogs is not the way you need to teach people about Dogs !!!

You are not Thailand, I presume. Sounds like you never been here. You talk about teach thais. How to handle their dogs. Or anything for that matter. Yeah right! If a dog bites you, you put him down. If you cannot do that, carry a spraygun with antifreeze, flykiller, pepper or whatever. There are smaller cans that you can have in your pocket. Or buy a small pistol with plastic bullets. Ofs course you have to hit the dogs to be of any use. And if you are attacked by more than one dog, like the OP, if you take out one, the others will mostly take off.

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That couldn't POSSIBLY be true, flyinghigh. The dog lovers here have informed us that it is OUR fault if we get bitten. :)

As far as animals not attacking and killing for fun... that is a bunch of BS. Cats torture and kill their prey all the time and without ever eating what they've killed. Dogs do it all the time to smaller animals... for no other reason than blood lust. Dogs will chase and kill deer and sheep without any intention of eating what they've killed. I could go on and on what I know for a fact about dogs, but I'll leave it at that.

What dog lover has informed you that it is your fault for being bitten?????

And where the heck do you live to have Dogs chase and kill deer and sheep and if you do not mind please share where you got your knowledge and facts about dogs? Your imagination or a conspiracy theory websites or was it a fictions book???

99.9% dog attack is the fault of the owner and no one else

I am sorry, but your comment shows you know sweet F all about animals in general and dogs in particular. I live in Canada for 7 months of the year and Thailand for 5 months of the year. I was raised with dogs all my life and owned many until travel to foreign countries prevented me from owning dogs recently. I have personally shot 3 dogs chasing deer and a couple more killing sheep. I have only been attacked by one dog (the Pitt bull), but bitten by many. In some cases it was my own fault... such as separating dogs fighting each other, or as a child, sticking my nose in a dogs face when it was eating. Other times it was while delivering papers or mail.

I know all the common breeds and what they were originally bred for. And, for the most part, dogs breed true to their type. However, there are always a few that are rogues... and I've met many. Fighting dogs were bred to fight and kill each other. And, no matter how many owners of fighting dogs say their pet is safe, I won't believe it. There are too many statistics showing otherwise.

I also know there is a pack mentality when dogs get together and the alpha male WILL dictate what happens. The others will follow along behind and to what the alpha male does.

The percentage of very nasty dogs that bite people is small, BUT THEY DO OCCUR! To say differently shows ignorance. However, there ARE ways to deal with dangerous animals of all types, but it takes a lot of knowledge and utmost confidence to do so. Not everyone can do it.

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the thai solution would be to return with a big bag full of poisoned pork.

This is what I would do and make the nasty woman eat the meat also. 5555

I once beat a dog with a metal case well the owner did nothing? The dog learned the hard way and I am sure I knocked it IQ down a couple of steps. Thailand really does have a dog problem, THE OWNERS!!!

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My dogs tale

I live with my wife on the family farm, there are 6 houses in total and there were 4 dogs when I first arrived. My wife warned me about one dog " he not Thai dog he not remember people". On seeing this dog he obviously had lots of German Shepherd in him, don't know where they got him from. He has since bitten me twice, the first occasion I foolishly tried to retrieve the sauce packet out of some kanom I had thrown him, the second time I was a bit pissed and tried to feed him both times painful multiple bites on the arms, both times to the Hospital for rabies shots then 2 boosters the first time, only one the second, about 200 baht both times. The second time I said I was going to shoot him, the family members most responsible for him hid him at the temple for a few days and as things calmed down he moved back in, and we had basically hostile neutrality for nearly a year. He had apparently bitten several other people mainly children in the past but still quite a young dog. Perfectly behaved with his Thai masters but not wih all Thais. The police came before I was bitten and tried to take him to police dog school but the wife's sister would not give him up saying she would take care of it. Like as if. then two months ago he bit a little girl after knocking her to the ground, I had to take her to the hospital as I am the only licensed person here, the sister had to give the mother 300bht compensation and pay for the medicine about 40baht I think. By this time my wife (also bitten) her son a bad tempered psychopath and myself were starting to win over the apologists for the dog and he was moved permanently to the temple where he remained tied up every day for about 6 weeks until the head monk started getting sick of him and untied him and he would turn up here. Then he finally said, no I cant take him and the dog was then tied up here for the last two weeks. The sister was going to do something about it but didn't. Believe it or not the dog seemed almost content to be tied up as long as he was near people. I kept urging them to do something with him but was pretty much ignored as per usual.

Last night he was chained to a tree on about a 5 foot chain when he started whining wanting to be taken to where he was tied up and fed at night. My wife's son threw half of one of those grey bricks at him and it was a direct hit. The dog snarled and the son then picked up a large hoe and using the blunt end beat the dog pretty much senseless. He probably had about five full overhead swings at it and at least 3 direct hits to the face and head. I was about 10 metres away, noone could have stopped him. There were at least 6 children aged 3-13 with in good view. I came and said to my wife, "if the dog is still here in the morning I am taking it to Soi Dao and having it put down. I would shoot it myself, but I've never shot an animal with a shotgun before, I cant put up with what just happened" and I didn't want to make any thing any worse if you know what I mean.

The apologists came and untied him and took him away, about half an hour later one of the adult males walked him away and shot him with his musket. This didn't kill him so another musket was employed and the dog is now dead. My wife's sister is now not talking to me, but I have something bigger to worry about. The psychopath I am supposed to live with, perhaps he will kill someone other than me and the brown bombers will take him away, I certainly believe he is capable of it. There has been an incident with a long knife apparently, as I found out last night. This guy is reasonably well educated- he finished high school, he has a permanent job, he doesn't drink or smoke. I can handle the other males here but this one is strung pretty tense.

Sorry if the story is a bit long winded but it was a very vivid incident.

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Suggestion 1 - toss chocolate laxatives to them - works a treat. You get new friends and their bowels take care of them. Triple dose them. Usually the owners get tired of the amount of s**t left around as it gets very messy as well and they lose the dogs - so out of your hands.

Suggestion 2 - if all else fails - use a stun gun. Easily obtainable and inexpensive with fabulous results.

I for one think the dogs have no discipline and you can't blame them for that - and the fact they are not scared means they probably have never had a true beating. I could not necessarily kill one but then again, if attacked, I think there is cause for retribution.

The woman and man who own the dogs are treating you with total disdain. So perhaps the laxatives or the stun gun could work with them, LOL. :)

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Funny to run across this thread. I recently had my first unpleasant encounter with Thai dogs. Usually they're pretty mellow and leave me alone, but I was walking on a dark soi near Secon Square in Bangkok last week. Instead of letting me pass, as most of the soi dogs did, two were pretty aggressive, barking and baring fangs. One lunged fairly close and I raised my hand and prepared to strike (all I had, as there were no sticks or rocks handy)... Luckily an older Thai lady shouted a few words to the dog and it retreated.

On the whole, I find the dogs in Thailand less aggressive than in the USA, however at night when they start running around the sois in packs, maybe they are a little bit different...

Edited by voracious
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My dogs tale

I live with my wife on the family farm, there are 6 houses in total and there were 4 dogs when I first arrived. My wife warned me about one dog " he not Thai dog he not remember people". On seeing this dog he obviously had lots of German Shepherd in him, don't know where they got him from. He has since bitten me twice, the first occasion I foolishly tried to retrieve the sauce packet out of some kanom I had thrown him, the second time I was a bit pissed and tried to feed him both times painful multiple bites on the arms, both times to the Hospital for rabies shots then 2 boosters the first time, only one the second, about 200 baht both times. The second time I said I was going to shoot him, the family members most responsible for him hid him at the temple for a few days and as things calmed down he moved back in, and we had basically hostile neutrality for nearly a year. He had apparently bitten several other people mainly children in the past but still quite a young dog. Perfectly behaved with his Thai masters but not wih all Thais. The police came before I was bitten and tried to take him to police dog school but the wife's sister would not give him up saying she would take care of it. Like as if. then two months ago he bit a little girl after knocking her to the ground, I had to take her to the hospital as I am the only licensed person here, the sister had to give the mother 300bht compensation and pay for the medicine about 40baht I think. By this time my wife (also bitten) her son a bad tempered psychopath and myself were starting to win over the apologists for the dog and he was moved permanently to the temple where he remained tied up every day for about 6 weeks until the head monk started getting sick of him and untied him and he would turn up here. Then he finally said, no I cant take him and the dog was then tied up here for the last two weeks. The sister was going to do something about it but didn't. Believe it or not the dog seemed almost content to be tied up as long as he was near people. I kept urging them to do something with him but was pretty much ignored as per usual.

Last night he was chained to a tree on about a 5 foot chain when he started whining wanting to be taken to where he was tied up and fed at night. My wife's son threw half of one of those grey bricks at him and it was a direct hit. The dog snarled and the son then picked up a large hoe and using the blunt end beat the dog pretty much senseless. He probably had about five full overhead swings at it and at least 3 direct hits to the face and head. I was about 10 metres away, noone could have stopped him. There were at least 6 children aged 3-13 with in good view. I came and said to my wife, "if the dog is still here in the morning I am taking it to Soi Dao and having it put down. I would shoot it myself, but I've never shot an animal with a shotgun before, I cant put up with what just happened" and I didn't want to make any thing any worse if you know what I mean.

The apologists came and untied him and took him away, about half an hour later one of the adult males walked him away and shot him with his musket. This didn't kill him so another musket was employed and the dog is now dead. My wife's sister is now not talking to me, but I have something bigger to worry about. The psychopath I am supposed to live with, perhaps he will kill someone other than me and the brown bombers will take him away, I certainly believe he is capable of it. There has been an incident with a long knife apparently, as I found out last night. This guy is reasonably well educated- he finished high school, he has a permanent job, he doesn't drink or smoke. I can handle the other males here but this one is strung pretty tense.

Sorry if the story is a bit long winded but it was a very vivid incident.

Just saying it was pretty stupid of you trying to take food from a dog or feeding it while you are drunk. Other then that he had bitten to many people and something should be done.

And hitting the dog and abusing it because it was howling for some company is real bad why did they not move the dog a bit so that he was content ?

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My dogs tale

I live with my wife on the family farm, there are 6 houses in total and there were 4 dogs when I first arrived. My wife warned me about one dog " he not Thai dog he not remember people". On seeing this dog he obviously had lots of German Shepherd in him, don't know where they got him from. He has since bitten me twice, the first occasion I foolishly tried to retrieve the sauce packet out of some kanom I had thrown him, the second time I was a bit pissed and tried to feed him both times painful multiple bites on the arms, both times to the Hospital for rabies shots then 2 boosters the first time, only one the second, about 200 baht both times. The second time I said I was going to shoot him, the family members most responsible for him hid him at the temple for a few days and as things calmed down he moved back in, and we had basically hostile neutrality for nearly a year. He had apparently bitten several other people mainly children in the past but still quite a young dog. Perfectly behaved with his Thai masters but not wih all Thais. The police came before I was bitten and tried to take him to police dog school but the wife's sister would not give him up saying she would take care of it. Like as if. then two months ago he bit a little girl after knocking her to the ground, I had to take her to the hospital as I am the only licensed person here, the sister had to give the mother 300bht compensation and pay for the medicine about 40baht I think. By this time my wife (also bitten) her son a bad tempered psychopath and myself were starting to win over the apologists for the dog and he was moved permanently to the temple where he remained tied up every day for about 6 weeks until the head monk started getting sick of him and untied him and he would turn up here. Then he finally said, no I cant take him and the dog was then tied up here for the last two weeks. The sister was going to do something about it but didn't. Believe it or not the dog seemed almost content to be tied up as long as he was near people. I kept urging them to do something with him but was pretty much ignored as per usual.

Last night he was chained to a tree on about a 5 foot chain when he started whining wanting to be taken to where he was tied up and fed at night. My wife's son threw half of one of those grey bricks at him and it was a direct hit. The dog snarled and the son then picked up a large hoe and using the blunt end beat the dog pretty much senseless. He probably had about five full overhead swings at it and at least 3 direct hits to the face and head. I was about 10 metres away, noone could have stopped him. There were at least 6 children aged 3-13 with in good view. I came and said to my wife, "if the dog is still here in the morning I am taking it to Soi Dao and having it put down. I would shoot it myself, but I've never shot an animal with a shotgun before, I cant put up with what just happened" and I didn't want to make any thing any worse if you know what I mean.

The apologists came and untied him and took him away, about half an hour later one of the adult males walked him away and shot him with his musket. This didn't kill him so another musket was employed and the dog is now dead. My wife's sister is now not talking to me, but I have something bigger to worry about. The psychopath I am supposed to live with, perhaps he will kill someone other than me and the brown bombers will take him away, I certainly believe he is capable of it. There has been an incident with a long knife apparently, as I found out last night. This guy is reasonably well educated- he finished high school, he has a permanent job, he doesn't drink or smoke. I can handle the other males here but this one is strung pretty tense.

Sorry if the story is a bit long winded but it was a very vivid incident.

Why would you live in such a ridiculous situation? :)

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dogs (at night) are aweful in thailand

first line of defense

stoop to the ground

if necessary pretend you are picking up a stone and throwing it

or dont pretend and really do it

that said i have had the pleasure of making friends with some beach dogs

it has turned into a joy

they still sometimes bark at me if they cant smell me or see me (instinct)

so there is the 'make friends with them approach'

granted not always easy to do

but man what an unexpected joy!!!

see my past threads regarding both topics

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That couldn't POSSIBLY be true, flyinghigh. The dog lovers here have informed us that it is OUR fault if we get bitten. :)

As far as animals not attacking and killing for fun... that is a bunch of BS. Cats torture and kill their prey all the time and without ever eating what they've killed. Dogs do it all the time to smaller animals... for no other reason than blood lust. Dogs will chase and kill deer and sheep without any intention of eating what they've killed. I could go on and on what I know for a fact about dogs, but I'll leave it at that.

What dog lover has informed you that it is your fault for being bitten?????

And where the heck do you live to have Dogs chase and kill deer and sheep and if you do not mind please share where you got your knowledge and facts about dogs? Your imagination or a conspiracy theory websites or was it a fictions book???

99.9% dog attack is the fault of the owner and no one else

I am sorry, but your comment shows you know sweet F all about animals in general and dogs in particular. I live in Canada for 7 months of the year and Thailand for 5 months of the year. I was raised with dogs all my life and owned many until travel to foreign countries prevented me from owning dogs recently. I have personally shot 3 dogs chasing deer and a couple more killing sheep. I have only been attacked by one dog (the Pitt bull), but bitten by many. In some cases it was my own fault... such as separating dogs fighting each other, or as a child, sticking my nose in a dogs face when it was eating. Other times it was while delivering papers or mail.

I know all the common breeds and what they were originally bred for. And, for the most part, dogs breed true to their type. However, there are always a few that are rogues... and I've met many. Fighting dogs were bred to fight and kill each other. And, no matter how many owners of fighting dogs say their pet is safe, I won't believe it. There are too many statistics showing otherwise.

I also know there is a pack mentality when dogs get together and the alpha male WILL dictate what happens. The others will follow along behind and to what the alpha male does.

The percentage of very nasty dogs that bite people is small, BUT THEY DO OCCUR! To say differently shows ignorance. However, there ARE ways to deal with dangerous animals of all types, but it takes a lot of knowledge and utmost confidence to do so. Not everyone can do it.

Do you honestly think the dogs chasing deer/sheep was not the fault of the owners??

As for the rest of your rant, watch 'The Dog Whisperer'. The breed is not the problem AS LONG AS THE OWNER KNOWS HOW TO DEAL WITH IT. If they don't then again, its the owner who is responsible (they shouldn't have the dog) - not the dog who hasn't been taught to behave properly.

I grew up with a staffy and he was the softest, gentlest, most intelligent dog you could ever ask for. However, he couldn't be trusted with other dogs - so was never allowed to be in that situation. i.e. the owner (my father) made sure a problem would never occur.

Moving to another point you made "However, there ARE ways to deal with dangerous animals of all types, but it takes a lot of knowledge and utmost confidence to do so. Not everyone can do it.". You're absolutely right, BUT owners who are unable to control their dogs can always use a muzzle as soon as they are aware there's a problem.

As for the chasing/aggressive soi dogs, I keep repeating - keep a can of pepper spray in your pocket. DON'T spray it in their face, just near them. Not only will they run away immediately, they will keep away from you in future. It worked wonderfully for me.

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That couldn't POSSIBLY be true, flyinghigh. The dog lovers here have informed us that it is OUR fault if we get bitten. :)

As far as animals not attacking and killing for fun... that is a bunch of BS. Cats torture and kill their prey all the time and without ever eating what they've killed. Dogs do it all the time to smaller animals... for no other reason than blood lust. Dogs will chase and kill deer and sheep without any intention of eating what they've killed. I could go on and on what I know for a fact about dogs, but I'll leave it at that.

What dog lover has informed you that it is your fault for being bitten?????

And where the heck do you live to have Dogs chase and kill deer and sheep and if you do not mind please share where you got your knowledge and facts about dogs? Your imagination or a conspiracy theory websites or was it a fictions book???

99.9% dog attack is the fault of the owner and no one else

I am sorry, but your comment shows you know sweet F all about animals in general and dogs in particular. I live in Canada for 7 months of the year and Thailand for 5 months of the year. I was raised with dogs all my life and owned many until travel to foreign countries prevented me from owning dogs recently. I have personally shot 3 dogs chasing deer and a couple more killing sheep. I have only been attacked by one dog (the Pitt bull), but bitten by many. In some cases it was my own fault... such as separating dogs fighting each other, or as a child, sticking my nose in a dogs face when it was eating. Other times it was while delivering papers or mail.

I know all the common breeds and what they were originally bred for. And, for the most part, dogs breed true to their type. However, there are always a few that are rogues... and I've met many. Fighting dogs were bred to fight and kill each other. And, no matter how many owners of fighting dogs say their pet is safe, I won't believe it. There are too many statistics showing otherwise.

I also know there is a pack mentality when dogs get together and the alpha male WILL dictate what happens. The others will follow along behind and to what the alpha male does.

The percentage of very nasty dogs that bite people is small, BUT THEY DO OCCUR! To say differently shows ignorance. However, there ARE ways to deal with dangerous animals of all types, but it takes a lot of knowledge and utmost confidence to do so. Not everyone can do it.

Do you honestly think the dogs chasing deer/sheep was not the fault of the owners??

As for the rest of your rant, watch 'The Dog Whisperer'. The breed is not the problem AS LONG AS THE OWNER KNOWS HOW TO DEAL WITH IT. If they don't then again, its the owner who is responsible (they shouldn't have the dog) - not the dog who hasn't been taught to behave properly.

I grew up with a staffy and he was the softest, gentlest, most intelligent dog you could ever ask for. However, he couldn't be trusted with other dogs - so was never allowed to be in that situation. i.e. the owner (my father) made sure a problem would never occur.

Moving to another point you made "However, there ARE ways to deal with dangerous animals of all types, but it takes a lot of knowledge and utmost confidence to do so. Not everyone can do it.". You're absolutely right, BUT owners who are unable to control their dogs can always use a muzzle as soon as they are aware there's a problem.

As for the chasing/aggressive soi dogs, I keep repeating - keep a can of pepper spray in your pocket. DON'T spray it in their face, just near them. Not only will they run away immediately, they will keep away from you in future. It worked wonderfully for me.

Do not knock him, he knows all about dogs as he grew up with dogs and personally shot 3 of them.

A number of people who know nothing about animals and do not even bother to educate themselves is amazing.

As for aggressive dogs in soi, may be try to feed them sometimes, and they may turn into your biggest admirer and the only reason they will chase you is to say hello.

But again, in the OP case, it was just sad and wrong that the Thai woman just stood there and did nothing. Even if she did not own or feed the dogs, she should of helped just because she is a human and saw another human who needed help.

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Kuffki, agree entirely with your first point - and he considers himself a dog lover.....

If its the 'local' soi dogs then you're right - feed them and they'll adore you.

I feed all the local soi dogs and also always have a bag of food with me all the time. So i also feed dogs from other soi's.

Or if out about and i see a soi dog that looks hungry i always leave some food for them.

I did have another thread before, i came across a really sick dog who was very sick with mange and the poor thing scratched so much that he scratched himself to blood all over his body. Naturally he was aggressive towards not only other dogs but people also.

Everyone use to kick him and noone wanted him anywhere near.

I felt so bad for him, that i wanted to help, but could not go near him. so i started to feed him. after about 5 weeks he started to come close to me and ask for affection which i gave. Over few more weeks he started to trust me that i could touch him anywhere and pick him up.

Cut the story short, i took him to the vets, had the injections, tablets, medicated shampoo baths etc etc . 7 months later he turned out to be a lovely, great looking dog. Not only he got better, but one of the street food stalls took him in and ever since he lives with them.

Who would of thought back then that such an aggressive dog could turn out into what he did. :)

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Kuffki, agree entirely with your first point - and he considers himself a dog lover.....

If its the 'local' soi dogs then you're right - feed them and they'll adore you.

I feed all the local soi dogs and also always have a bag of food with me all the time. So i also feed dogs from other soi's.

Or if out about and i see a soi dog that looks hungry i always leave some food for them.

I did have another thread before, i came across a really sick dog who was very sick with mange and the poor thing scratched so much that he scratched himself to blood all over his body. Naturally he was aggressive towards not only other dogs but people also.

Everyone use to kick him and noone wanted him anywhere near.

I felt so bad for him, that i wanted to help, but could not go near him. so i started to feed him. after about 5 weeks he started to come close to me and ask for affection which i gave. Over few more weeks he started to trust me that i could touch him anywhere and pick him up.

Cut the story short, i took him to the vets, had the injections, tablets, medicated shampoo baths etc etc . 7 months later he turned out to be a lovely, great looking dog. Not only he got better, but one of the street food stalls took him in and ever since he lives with them.

Who would of thought back then that such an aggressive dog could turn out into what he did. :)

Funnily enough on Xmas morning I came across a dog that was obviously v sick, but desperate enough to approach anyone who came near. She was obviously starving (you could see every bone in her body - I've never seen such a thin dog and I've got a whippet!), but I was concerned that she may have distemper too.

I took her to the vets and it turned out she had pneumonia which is why she not well enough to eat the locals left over food and was starving to death. I didn't actually want another dog (2 was enough!), but I was so impressed with the way she was so friendly in the direst of circumstances, I couldn't just abandon her.

She's turned into the softest, loveliest of dogs. (I only realised when I took her in she's still a puppy - about a year old.) I definitely didn't want a puppy - I haven't the energy!

The majority of soi dogs are lovely, far more desperate for a loving home than those in the West.

However, all genuine dog lovers live in fear of their dog(s) being blamed for other dogs misbehaviour - that is not addressed by the owner.

Edited by F1fanatic
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Kuffki, agree entirely with your first point - and he considers himself a dog lover.....

If its the 'local' soi dogs then you're right - feed them and they'll adore you.

I feed all the local soi dogs and also always have a bag of food with me all the time. So i also feed dogs from other soi's.

Or if out about and i see a soi dog that looks hungry i always leave some food for them.

OH great the more food the more they breed, well done!!! :) seems to me you are part of the problem.

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Kuffki, agree entirely with your first point - and he considers himself a dog lover.....

If its the 'local' soi dogs then you're right - feed them and they'll adore you.

I feed all the local soi dogs and also always have a bag of food with me all the time. So i also feed dogs from other soi's.

Or if out about and i see a soi dog that looks hungry i always leave some food for them.

OH great the more food the more they breed, well done!!! :) seems to me you are part of the problem.

Are you sure you not mentally sick? hOW the heck do you relate feeding them to breeding?Does your ignorance really know no bounds?!

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OH great the more food the more they breed, well done!!! :) seems to me you are part of the problem.

Are you sure you not mentally sick? hOW the heck do you relate feeding them to breeding?Does your ignorance really know no bounds?!

I equate not eating with not living, which then makes it hard to breed, so I say he is right. I also say feed your own dog but don't feed strays, the reason for the millions of diseases mongrels walking the streets is that people feed them.

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I also say feed your own dog but don't feed strays, the reason for the millions of diseases mongrels walking the streets is that people feed them.

These cockroaches that feed the soi dogs under the delusion they are local Soi Saints are complete and utter imbeciles.

They pi$ and sh*& all over the place, bark continuously driving you to almost insanity, often go for you when driving passed on a motorcycle.

Go play your Marry Poppins act some other place would ya?

I would hate to be your child or even related to you in any way what so ever.Thinking about it, even knowing you would be embarrassing.

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OH great the more food the more they breed, well done!!! :) seems to me you are part of the problem.

Are you sure you not mentally sick? hOW the heck do you relate feeding them to breeding?Does your ignorance really know no bounds?!

I equate not eating with not living, which then makes it hard to breed, so I say he is right. I also say feed your own dog but don't feed strays, the reason for the millions of diseases mongrels walking the streets is that people feed them.

Half of the time if not most they are sick because of what they eat. they scavenge all around trash and this is where the diseases come from.

in other cases, they could have something mild but due to malnourishment the sickness gets worse.

Yes you may not like seeing them around, but they have just as much right to be on this planet as you and me, so rather then taking a role of a GOD, may be a good idea to consider helping.

Do you have any idea how many of them use to have a home when they were puppy, but once they grew up they were no longer cute-so out the door they go.Sad, very very Sad

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I equate not eating with not living, which then makes it hard to breed, so I say he is right. I also say feed your own dog but don't feed strays, the reason for the millions of diseased mongrels walking the streets is that people feed them.

Half of the time if not most they are sick because of what they eat. they scavenge all around trash and this is where the diseases come from.

in other cases, they could have something mild but due to malnourishment the sickness gets worse.

Yes you may not like seeing them around, but they have just as much right to be on this planet as you and me, so rather then taking a role of a GOD, may be a good idea to consider helping.

Do you have any idea how many of them use to have a home when they were puppy, but once they grew up they were no longer cute-so out the door they go.Sad, very very Sad

The right thing to do would be to round up all the strays, euthanize them and then continue a policy of rounding up strays like civilized countries do. How many diseased suffering dogs do you see in North America. Tough love is required, but obviously you prefer to see decades of suffering so you can feel good about making a dog wag its tail.

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If you are going to feed strays it would be nice if you would spay or neuter them as well. Our menagerie of four dogs and a cat have all been fixed. For the males it was quite easy and done on a table in the yard. The female went to a good vet.

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I equate not eating with not living, which then makes it hard to breed, so I say he is right. I also say feed your own dog but don't feed strays, the reason for the millions of diseased mongrels walking the streets is that people feed them.

Half of the time if not most they are sick because of what they eat. they scavenge all around trash and this is where the diseases come from.

in other cases, they could have something mild but due to malnourishment the sickness gets worse.

Yes you may not like seeing them around, but they have just as much right to be on this planet as you and me, so rather then taking a role of a GOD, may be a good idea to consider helping.

Do you have any idea how many of them use to have a home when they were puppy, but once they grew up they were no longer cute-so out the door they go.Sad, very very Sad

The right thing to do would be to round up all the strays, euthanize them and then continue a policy of rounding up strays like civilized countries do. How many diseased suffering dogs do you see in North America. Tough love is required, but obviously you prefer to see decades of suffering so you can feel good about making a dog wag its tail.

I agree with you, but i do not see Thai government rushing over to implement the policy. I do not even see the rush to have a strict policy that shops do not sell sick animal and take all care and vaccinations. As very often once buyers find out their pet is sick, they either do not have the money or desire to pay for medical and just put them out-spreading the disease.

So unfortunately it is not about what is ideal, but what we can do to improve situation as individuals, and feeding them to make them less aggro and hopefully not as sick is better then just ignoring them-as they not going away anytime soon

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If you are going to feed strays it would be nice if you would spay or neuter them as well. Our menagerie of four dogs and a cat have all been fixed. For the males it was quite easy and done on a table in the yard. The female went to a good vet.

Sure if you donate some money, i be happy to do that!

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