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Does The Situation In Your Home Country Affect How You Feel About Thailand?


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I wholeheartedly agree with all you say - from my UK perspective.

I believe we're looking at the beginning of the end of unbridled capitalism - at last! But that's a whole other

thread, and not necessarily Thailand-related. And not the most uplifting of prospects to be discussing, either!


In the meantime, I can't wait to get back to LOS for a season - in April!! - where I can be myself again.

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..my first several trips to Thailand caused me to be a bit miserable upon returning to Canada, as i kept comparing how great it was in LOS and how "lousy" it was here..I think it is quite normal, and over time, the feeling dissipates somewhat, and one sort of accepts wherever they are..but having my Thai mate here with me certainly took alot of the sting of reverse culture shock out of the equation... and yes.. I have lost a lot on "paper"..but gold should go up again.

signed: optimistic

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So are the Eastern Europeans!

It is still to late though,the horse has bolted,crap immagration policys...That is why i admire the Thais! at least they look after there own as much as they can and make it difficult for a foriegner to do a job a thai can do..

Very very good point,in the Uk the pc brigade would be out screaming racism,thats why the Uk is finished

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