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Probiotics In Chiang Mai, Good Health Food Stores?


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Hey folks, just wondering: does anybody know where I can get my hands on some good probiotics here? Acidophilus or Bifidus?

I see that most of the stores carry yogurt that has some of these properties, but I'm looking for something that's more of a dietary supplement.

I've already tried Baan Suan Paak and found that they have some, but unfortunately, I'm allergic to the type they carry. Are there any other Health Food stores someone might recommend?

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Fitzy. The ones your allergic too are the small bottles that are cultured on molasses or the noni fermented stuff?

In terms of foods you may want to avail yourself of the standby's of raw goats yogurt, raw kimchi (fermented cabbage) or raw saurkraut which you can even make yourself.

Capsule supplements really is not much to choose from that I have found. Even if you can find the capsules they have to be really good to survive the acid of the stomach. Even the ones with 95 billion bacteria then the stomach will kill about 94 billion of them.

There are some new products in the states like "Pearls" which are these very small hard coated pills that don't break down until well into the small intestine. I have purchased them in the US and I could quite feel a difference and notice a significant appearance change in my uh output.

An overlooked but very effective strategy provided that the goal is to re-populate the large intestine and colon is to introduce the bifidus probiotics directiy into the bowel via of colon hydrotherapy.

The better places like Tao garden resort/clinic make it a part of the normal procedure. That is supposed to be the most effective way to repopulate the large Intestine. Also the procedure uses ozonated water in the beginning to kill the anerobic bacteria that have displaced the healthier aerobic bacteria's like bifidus. At the last part of the procedure they flow in the friendly bacteria cocktail and ask that you try to hold it in for at least 30 mins or something. Its not much volume of liquid so not uncomfortable at all.

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I tried two different types. I remember one of them was Noni which I seemed to be ok with, but the other one, well, I can't remember what exactly the label said, but I think it was cultured on honey. For whatever reason, I can't hold my stomach down when I eat honey. Terrible vomiting. It's absolutely awful... this has only been happening for the last few years. I absolutely love honey.

After my vomiting spell, my girlfriend tried the noni one and said she thought there was honey in it as well, so I just left it. Who knows, maybe it's OK for me.

I've just been eating terribly since we've been traveling for the last few months (not a lot of fresh vegetables, etc.) so I've been having a hard time recently: bad digestion, funky breath, the works. Just would like to get my system going nicely again.

I'll look about the goat's milk yogurt though.

Fitzy. The ones your allergic too are the small bottles that are cultured on molasses or the noni fermented stuff?

In terms of foods you may want to avail yourself of the standby's of raw goats yogurt, raw kimchi (fermented cabbage) or raw saurkraut which you can even make yourself.

Capsule supplements really is not much to choose from that I have found. Even if you can find the capsules they have to be really good to survive the acid of the stomach. Even the ones with 95 billion bacteria then the stomach will kill about 94 billion of them.

There are some new products in the states like "Pearls" which are these very small hard coated pills that don't break down until well into the small intestine. I have purchased them in the US and I could quite feel a difference and notice a significant appearance change in my uh output.

An overlooked but very effective strategy provided that the goal is to re-populate the large intestine and colon is to introduce the bifidus probiotics directiy into the bowel via of colon hydrotherapy.

The better places like Tao garden resort/clinic make it a part of the normal procedure. That is supposed to be the most effective way to repopulate the large Intestine. Also the procedure uses ozonated water in the beginning to kill the anerobic bacteria that have displaced the healthier aerobic bacteria's like bifidus. At the last part of the procedure they flow in the friendly bacteria cocktail and ask that you try to hold it in for at least 30 mins or something. Its not much volume of liquid so not uncomfortable at all.

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