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Is True Blocking These Sites?


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I use True/TOT ADSL at home. Lately, I am having problems with several sites I use regularly. The web pages load fine, but the images do not (it's all red x's).

It's not the computers. I know this as I can plug in a CDMA modem from a different carrier and everything works fine.

An example site is www.modelmayhem.com. I used to never have an issue here. Now, however, the page loads but it is all red x's where the images belong.

So... I'm trying to figure out if it is somthing in my Router settings that is awry, or did True decide to block the graphics servers for these sites?

Any True ADSL users... Can you see the thumbnails on the first page of www.modelmayhem.com? I really appreciate if anyone can check and advise...



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Yes Thai government regulary block complete access to sites it deems negative to Thai culture. But I would think not just the pics. Either the whole site us blocked or not.

If ur using firefox try Internet Explorer

perhaps ur flash player needs updating or ur net speed is too low

Google flashplayer and the site will help check if needs an update.

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Change your DNS servers to the True ones,

This will fix the redex problem.

If you go to a site that is being blocked by True, it'll say "File not found" - adding .nyud.net:8090 to the URL will fix that.

Edited by phazey
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