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Uk Appeal Hearing

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Well we have just got a date for my wifes settlement appeal hearing.

So come the 23rd of April ill be at my wifes appeal.

Anyone know what I can expect from the hearing ? etc what happens, will we get a final answer on the date etc ?

So far its taken 4.5 months to finaly get a date, The British embassy was given 4 months to send all there information to the AIT which amazing they havent done yet when we sent our appeal in we only got 1 month I think it was.

Any info would be great or if someone has gone through the whole appeal process what experience have you had etc.


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Irrelevant post trivialising the OP's situation deleted, plus a post responding to it.

Uael, best of luck with the appeal. Hopefully you will be successful and that this will set a precedent so that in the future couples in your position do not have to go through this.

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I have not been through this but my closest friend has,and won, and, it was with quite a messy immigration history (from his wife).

i wouldnt worry unduly ,it really all starts again now and you will likely find the judge more balanced (and friendly) than your encounters with the embassy so far.

I hope you have good/experienced representation this is crucial ! my friend used a specialist immigration barrister as well as solicitor for the court appearance and believed it was worth every penney. The home office rep was ill-prepared and somewhat flustered and the barrister just took her case apart.My friend said that he ended up almost sorry for the poor girl !

The entire focus of the (female) judge seemed to be on the relationship evidence and she was much less concerned about the rule breaches, this I gather seems to be the normal pattern. The killer evidence (all agreed ) was the testimony from his mother on the strength of the relationship, who is going to disbelieve a mother! . But his own testimony and cross-examination was also v important.

I gather you get the written judgement some weeks later, but your solicitor should have a pretty good idea how it went on the day.

Good Luck

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