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Bad Experiences With Thai Women.


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i remember the first time i came over, some 10 years back, my best mate had a rather unsavory experience with a thai girl. we had come over for a holiday and were spending 3 nights in bangkok and the rest down in phuket. the very first day of the holiday i met my now wife, and that night she had agreed to meet me and my mate for some food and to show us around the city. later on that evening my mate latched on to this girl and soon after we said our goodbyes and went our own ways.

the 3 days flew by with both of us having the time of our lives in bangkok, but it was time to move on to phuket. so on the last night of our stay in the city my mate and i discussed the possiblity of taking the girls with us. as i was keen to spend as much time as i could with this jem of a girl i had just met, he had no problem with the idea, so we put it to them and all agreed to meet at don muang the mext morning.

so we jumped on the plane and away we went. the holiday was going great, lots of sun, good food, drink and two beautiful ladies to share it with. then about 4 or 5 days into it, i started to notice the girl that my mate was with getting very moody and jealous of the amount of attention that i was giving my later to be wife. as far as my mate was concerned he was just on holiday and just wanted to have a good time. his view was that he had payed for the hotel, flight, food, drink etc.... and hed got a girl with him to satisfy his needs, whenever the time came about.(lets just say she knew the score from the start, and wasnt your everday kind of girl, if you get my jist)

well about 2.30am that night, my phone rings in the hotel room, with my mate on the other end in a wright 2 and 8. with him pleading with me to help him out, saying that the bird he was with was going to call the police because he had hit her and all sorts. if he didnt pay her 10,000baht and give her the money for an airfare back to bangkok. so what do you do, your both in a foreign land, everythings new to you, you dont now how the locals are going to react and you sure as hel_l dont know how the police are going to deal with the situation.

so i explain to my wife what was going on and she suggests that the girl come to our room, while i and my mate make out that we are going to go and get the money, giving us time to think of how we are going to get him out of this mess.

we venture downstairs to the hotel lobby and i know that i dont even need to ask my mate if he had layed a finger on her(ive known him all my life and i have never seen him hurt a fly let alone touch a woman) and we are both addamant that 10,,000baht is going knowhere except on ourselves to enjoy the rest of the holiday.

so with a bit of head bashing and a talking to the staff on reception we agree that we will give her 3,00baht to get back to bangkok and a thousand baht for the boys on reception, and the lad on the door of the hotel to get rid of her. any greif and the finger gets pointed at her and the police get called by the hotel for causing a scene.

with that got on the phone to my room to tell the wife to send the girl downstairs to reception, and told my mate to get lost.

my god you should have seen the look on this girls face when she knew shed been rumbled. if looks could kill, she started mouthing of and throwing all sorts of threats my way. at which point the hotel staff stepped and explained to her where to door was and that if she didnt go she could look forward to spending the rest of the night in a police cell.

so for any of you members out there that are knew to the los be warned they arent all bad, but there are some girls that will go to any lengths too screw you over.

Edited by tigerfish
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Hey Prof, I know what you mean.

I once played tennis with a Thai girl.

We were at love all, suddenly it was a Thai break.

Being Thai, she had the advantage.

I thought I had the balls in my court - but she was more than game, I was set, but no match.

You can't win.

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Never had anything happen such as you describe. Mostly women who ask for money, many of whom I have had no relationship with. some who I have not ever met in person. Worst dumb thing I did was to let some girl stay in my apartment, without knowing her long enough. One morning, I came back and all my stuff was gone - TV, microwave, DVD player, etc. If they ask for unreasonable sums of money and cannot talk straight, don't trust them. Unfortunately, that includes a high percentage of women, who have any interest in involvement with a foreign man.

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Not surprising really is it?

Taking a girl a 1,000 miles away from her home/family/friends/work place and your mate expected her to be happy and grateful..he probably bored her and didn't

pay enough for her services.... did he give her money daily/hourly ? she was probably skint and had to ask him for every 30 baht somtam dish she wanted..

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Hey Prof, I know what you mean.

I once played tennis with a Thai girl.

We were at love all, suddenly it was a Thai break.

Being Thai, she had the advantage.

I thought I had the balls in my court - but she was more than game, I was set, but no match.

You can't win.

:):D :D

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"Have you seen her all in gold

Like a queen in days of old

She shoots colors all around

Like a sunset going down

Have you seen the lady fairer"

She' like a rainbow....

be men, stop whinging, take it with honor and pride!

There is a loser born every minute!

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25 year's ago I met a "lady" In Bkk took her off for two + week's to Pattaya. All Went great, but by the end of the holiday I was running a bit short of cash. It was agreed that when I got back home, I would send her some money via bank account's. Got to the airport. And I asked for her bank detail's, Oh I forget to bring she said. No problem, I would phone her in a couple of day's at her place of work. As Im not a cheap charley two day's later I phoned. Oh she not here. Can you tell me when she will be back. Reply, maybe she not come back, she marry a farang yesterday. Another lucky escape. Well for me. Buddha know's about the farang.

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Not surprising really is it?

Taking a girl a 1,000 miles away from her home/family/friends/work place and your mate expected her to be happy and grateful..he probably bored her and didn't

pay enough for her services.... did he give her money daily/hourly ? she was probably skint and had to ask him for every 30 baht somtam dish she wanted..

1. no-none forced her to come. didnt see my future wife to be do much complaining.

2. no family back in bangkok, all up north probably waiting for the next enstallment of cash to arrive.

3.family, friends, work place. all could be found in and around the nana area of bangkok.

4. by the forth day it wasnt she, but he that was getting bored shitless of her and all her ways.

5.so you think that forking out for a flight, hotel, drinks, food(good food at that) not your side of the road somtam, sticky rice and b.b.qed chicken kind. i should know because it was me and my mate paying the bill every time, after watching her order from the most exspensive part of the menu, to stuff her face with.

6. skint not his or my problem.

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Not surprising really is it?

Taking a girl a 1,000 miles away from her home/family/friends/work place and your mate expected her to be happy and grateful..he probably bored her and didn't

pay enough for her services.... did he give her money daily/hourly ? she was probably skint and had to ask him for every 30 baht somtam dish she wanted..

1. no-none forced her to come. didnt see my future wife to be do much complaining.

2. no family back in bangkok, all up north probably waiting for the next enstallment of cash to arrive.

3.family, friends, work place. all could be found in and around the nana area of bangkok.

4. by the forth day it wasnt she, but he that was getting bored shitless of her and all her ways.

5.so you think that forking out for a flight, hotel, drinks, food(good food at that) not your side of the road somtam, sticky rice and b.b.qed chicken kind. i should know because it was me and my mate paying the bill every time, after watching her order from the most exspensive part of the menu, to stuff her face with.

6. skint not his or my problem.

You are all heart...... :)

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Not surprising really is it?

Taking a girl a 1,000 miles away from her home/family/friends/work place and your mate expected her to be happy and grateful..he probably bored her and didn't

pay enough for her services.... did he give her money daily/hourly ? she was probably skint and had to ask him for every 30 baht somtam dish she wanted..

1. no-none forced her to come. didnt see my future wife to be do much complaining.

2. no family back in bangkok, all up north probably waiting for the next enstallment of cash to arrive.

3.family, friends, work place. all could be found in and around the nana area of bangkok.

4. by the forth day it wasnt she, but he that was getting bored shitless of her and all her ways.

5.so you think that forking out for a flight, hotel, drinks, food(good food at that) not your side of the road somtam, sticky rice and b.b.qed chicken kind. i should know because it was me and my mate paying the bill every time, after watching her order from the most exspensive part of the menu, to stuff her face with.

6. skint not his or my problem.

You are all heart...... :D

i dont know youll have to ask my wife about that one, ill put her on. สามีของฉันเป็นคนดีมาก ฉันรักสามีมาก. :)

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Not surprising really is it?

Taking a girl a 1,000 miles away from her home/family/friends/work place and your mate expected her to be happy and grateful..he probably bored her and didn't

pay enough for her services.... did he give her money daily/hourly ? she was probably skint and had to ask him for every 30 baht somtam dish she wanted..

1. no-none forced her to come. didnt see my future wife to be do much complaining.

2. no family back in bangkok, all up north probably waiting for the next enstallment of cash to arrive.

3.family, friends, work place. all could be found in and around the nana area of bangkok.

4. by the forth day it wasnt she, but he that was getting bored shitless of her and all her ways.

5.so you think that forking out for a flight, hotel, drinks, food(good food at that) not your side of the road somtam, sticky rice and b.b.qed chicken kind. i should know because it was me and my mate paying the bill every time, after watching her order from the most exspensive part of the menu, to stuff her face with.

6. skint not his or my problem.

You are all heart...... :D

i dont know youll have to ask my wife about that one, ill put her on. สามีของฉันเป็นคนดีมาก ฉันรักสามีมาก. :)

As she is your wife I would expect that is the case :D

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I've had good and bad experiences with women from all over the world. Thailand doesn't have any more bad ones than any other country. If you are dealing with experienced bar girls, then you will run into a wide variety of women... from real sweethearts to cold, calculating witches. There is a sucker born every minute and the inexperienced men will get taken more often than not.

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Not surprising really is it?

Taking a girl a 1,000 miles away from her home/family/friends/work place and your mate expected her to be happy and grateful..he probably bored her and didn't

pay enough for her services.... did he give her money daily/hourly ? she was probably skint and had to ask him for every 30 baht somtam dish she wanted..

1. no-none forced her to come. didnt see my future wife to be do much complaining.

2. no family back in bangkok, all up north probably waiting for the next enstallment of cash to arrive.

3.family, friends, work place. all could be found in and around the nana area of bangkok.

4. by the forth day it wasnt she, but he that was getting bored shitless of her and all her ways.

5.so you think that forking out for a flight, hotel, drinks, food(good food at that) not your side of the road somtam, sticky rice and b.b.qed chicken kind. i should know because it was me and my mate paying the bill every time, after watching her order from the most exspensive part of the menu, to stuff her face with.

6. skint not his or my problem.

One thing…………. Most of the bar girls you pick up here are with us for one thing…. And it isn’t our good looks or our wit! They want cold hard cash!!!! You can pick up the most angelic little thing that laughs at all your shit jokes and tells you how good your Thai is. Wine and dine them, stay in the best hotels. Bottom line…… it’s all very nice but most of them are happier sat around with their mates, drinking “spy Classic” and sucking on a fish heads and talking shit! Next time, pay the girl… every day, whatever you’ve agreed from day one. Ask yourself this; would you work for someone who pays you in food and a bed and then expects to roger you whenever they feel like it?

Just remember you and your mate took them away, munched in nice places and did the things you did because YOU and YOUR MATE wanted to. The fact that your, now wife didn’t have a problem doesn’t meet not paying was justified.

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Tonto21 put it in a nutshell. When you understand the bar-girl system he is correct for 98% of the cases. It's cold, hard cash they want. They DON'T want to be taken out to supper at a fancy hotel, or go to the theatre or music festival. They want to do the dirty deed and get back to their friends. It's no different than the punter who wants a quick fling and then get back to his mates. If you take a woman away from her place of work you are expected to pay the going rate for "Long time" and that is established BEFORE you go anywhere.

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Not surprising really is it?

Taking a girl a 1,000 miles away from her home/family/friends/work place and your mate expected her to be happy and grateful..he probably bored her and didn't

pay enough for her services.... did he give her money daily/hourly ? she was probably skint and had to ask him for every 30 baht somtam dish she wanted..

1. no-none forced her to come. didnt see my future wife to be do much complaining.

2. no family back in bangkok, all up north probably waiting for the next enstallment of cash to arrive.

3.family, friends, work place. all could be found in and around the nana area of bangkok.

4. by the forth day it wasnt she, but he that was getting bored shitless of her and all her ways.

5.so you think that forking out for a flight, hotel, drinks, food(good food at that) not your side of the road somtam, sticky rice and b.b.qed chicken kind. i should know because it was me and my mate paying the bill every time, after watching her order from the most exspensive part of the menu, to stuff her face with.

6. skint not his or my problem.

One thing…………. Most of the bar girls you pick up here are with us for one thing…. And it isn't our good looks or our wit! They want cold hard cash!!!! You can pick up the most angelic little thing that laughs at all your shit jokes and tells you how good your Thai is. Wine and dine them, stay in the best hotels. Bottom line…… it's all very nice but most of them are happier sat around with their mates, drinking "spy Classic" and sucking on a fish heads and talking shit! Next time, pay the girl… every day, whatever you've agreed from day one. Ask yourself this; would you work for someone who pays you in food and a bed and then expects to roger you whenever they feel like it?

Just remember you and your mate took them away, munched in nice places and did the things you did because YOU and YOUR MATE wanted to. The fact that your, now wife didn't have a problem doesn't meet not paying was justified.


met my wife the first day i got here. seeing as we only had 3 days in bangkok ,i decided to go out and exsplore (yawalat) china town.

while my mate slept off his jet lag in the hotel room. as we were going out that night and it was my birthday, i thought id give myself a little treat, and get a cut throat shave in a barbers shop. the first shop that i happened to stumble into was were my wife worked. we got talking and as they say the rest is history.

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Not surprising really is it?

Taking a girl a 1,000 miles away from her home/family/friends/work place and your mate expected her to be happy and grateful..he probably bored her and didn't

pay enough for her services.... did he give her money daily/hourly ? she was probably skint and had to ask him for every 30 baht somtam dish she wanted..

1. no-none forced her to come. didnt see my future wife to be do much complaining.

2. no family back in bangkok, all up north probably waiting for the next enstallment of cash to arrive.

3.family, friends, work place. all could be found in and around the nana area of bangkok.

4. by the forth day it wasnt she, but he that was getting bored shitless of her and all her ways.

5.so you think that forking out for a flight, hotel, drinks, food(good food at that) not your side of the road somtam, sticky rice and b.b.qed chicken kind. i should know because it was me and my mate paying the bill every time, after watching her order from the most exspensive part of the menu, to stuff her face with.

6. skint not his or my problem.

One thing…………. Most of the bar girls you pick up here are with us for one thing…. And it isn't our good looks or our wit! They want cold hard cash!!!! You can pick up the most angelic little thing that laughs at all your shit jokes and tells you how good your Thai is. Wine and dine them, stay in the best hotels. Bottom line…… it's all very nice but most of them are happier sat around with their mates, drinking "spy Classic" and sucking on a fish heads and talking shit! Next time, pay the girl… every day, whatever you've agreed from day one. Ask yourself this; would you work for someone who pays you in food and a bed and then expects to roger you whenever they feel like it?

Just remember you and your mate took them away, munched in nice places and did the things you did because YOU and YOUR MATE wanted to. The fact that your, now wife didn't have a problem doesn't meet not paying was justified.


met my wife the first day i got here. seeing as we only had 3 days in bangkok ,i decided to go out and exsplore (yawalat) china town.

while my mate slept off his jet lag in the hotel room. as we were going out that night and it was my birthday, i thought id give myself a little treat, and get a cut throat shave in a barbers shop. the first shop that i happened to stumble into was were my wife worked. we got talking and as they say the rest is history.

You were lucky ,but you also probably had karma on your side .My Thai fiance is also a trained hairdresser but i met her on her night off from the beauty shop in a bar in Pattaya .We now live in Chiang Mai .

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Not surprising really is it?

Taking a girl a 1,000 miles away from her home/family/friends/work place and your mate expected her to be happy and grateful..he probably bored her and didn't

pay enough for her services.... did he give her money daily/hourly ? she was probably skint and had to ask him for every 30 baht somtam dish she wanted..

1. no-none forced her to come. didnt see my future wife to be do much complaining.

2. no family back in bangkok, all up north probably waiting for the next enstallment of cash to arrive.

3.family, friends, work place. all could be found in and around the nana area of bangkok.

4. by the forth day it wasnt she, but he that was getting bored shitless of her and all her ways.

5.so you think that forking out for a flight, hotel, drinks, food(good food at that) not your side of the road somtam, sticky rice and b.b.qed chicken kind. i should know because it was me and my mate paying the bill every time, after watching her order from the most exspensive part of the menu, to stuff her face with.

6. skint not his or my problem.

One thing…………. Most of the bar girls you pick up here are with us for one thing…. And it isn't our good looks or our wit! They want cold hard cash!!!! You can pick up the most angelic little thing that laughs at all your shit jokes and tells you how good your Thai is. Wine and dine them, stay in the best hotels. Bottom line…… it's all very nice but most of them are happier sat around with their mates, drinking "spy Classic" and sucking on a fish heads and talking shit! Next time, pay the girl… every day, whatever you've agreed from day one. Ask yourself this; would you work for someone who pays you in food and a bed and then expects to roger you whenever they feel like it?

Just remember you and your mate took them away, munched in nice places and did the things you did because YOU and YOUR MATE wanted to. The fact that your, now wife didn't have a problem doesn't meet not paying was justified.


met my wife the first day i got here. seeing as we only had 3 days in bangkok ,i decided to go out and exsplore (yawalat) china town.

while my mate slept off his jet lag in the hotel room. as we were going out that night and it was my birthday, i thought id give myself a little treat, and get a cut throat shave in a barbers shop. the first shop that i happened to stumble into was were my wife worked. we got talking and as they say the rest is history.

Hi tigerfish! No insult was intended!

I made no disparaging remarks about your wife nor did I imply she was a bar girl…. The topic was about your mate… Right? And if she was…So what, I’ve known some really sweet bar girls, just because a girl works in a bar, well enough said on that. Your friend though! You don’t say how he hooked up with her. My reply to you topic was more about you, and your friend’s naivety. I can tell you I have no doubt about her, and just so we are clear…. She was a bar girl, OK, he may have picked her up at the 7/11… just because she didn’t say “Hello sexy man, where you go” she was a bar girl, and still is, All she wanted was to be paid for the time under your mate, it could have been in a 200bt a night room or a 10,000bt hotel sweet, as for the restaurant I would bet your mate told her, “yer sure, eat what you want, am I right? What did he want her to order a 20bt meal? She would have still smiled. This is Thailand, not some European county. I know your mate was all cut up that this girl had the nerve to want money after all he spent, ego bruised and all that, (I know I was the first time) now he knows a little more than he did before. He won’t be the first or the last. Next time tell him after the prelims, agree the terms (money) then sit back and enjoy the ride and have a blast. Have you been to meet the wife’s family yet? May I suggest you brush up on some Thai oddities before you visit them. Good luck tigerfish.

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ill be sure to tell him, next time i go over to see him and his wife and two kids in australia. not sure it will go down to well with his misses though. :)

as for meeting the wifes parents and family, yes ive already met them. weve been together for over 10 years, 6 and half of them married.

or at least i hope that was the family at the wedding, and the people i now share the family home with now. otherwise im going to look a bit of a pratt now, arent i! :D

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