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Four grenade attacks damage Bangkok Bank branches


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Terrorism is the systematic use of terror especially as a means of coercion.[1] At present, the International community has been unable to formulate a universally agreed, legally binding, criminal law definition of terrorism.[2][3] Common definitions of terrorism refer only to those violent acts which are intended to create fear (terror), are perpetrated for an ideological goal (as opposed to a lone attack), and deliberately target or disregard the safety of non-combatants (civilians).

Well that paragraph represents both sides of an argument -

So you disagree that it's terrorism because there is no international definition in criminal law?

But you agree it's terrorism because it was a 'systematic' approach to 'perpetrated for an ideological goal', and certainly not a 'lone attack'. Slightly confused....?

Probably a good reason not to quote Wikipedia in anything you write.

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Vejjy: "Hey Daeng, you still own me a bit of cash for that balloon i bought ya last week isn't?"

Daeng: "Ok ok, i'll just pop out with my motosay to the ATM down the road"

...Daeng at the ATM : " look at those mosquitoes, i can't cope with them anymore, i am going to get rid of you with a trick i learned at the barracks, here we are..." BOOOOOM "ops the ATM doesn't look ok anymore, let's go to the next one , what no fuel?! i need a taxi, but the one i see is kind of trashed, i need to call Vejjy to tell him i will be a bit late for dinner tonite but the phone boot doesn't look any healtier"

Daeng walk his way to the next ATM, got a hole on his pocket and loose something on the way " gosh where i put my mosquito's grenade?! Nevermind i got the cash now and i can go back, what a night!"

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In any event an attack on the banking system and in central Bangkok is a terrorist attack on the nation of Thailand. This is serious.

Take a chill pill.

Someone may or may not have tossed a grenade. It is stupidity. It may be criminal, but the terrorism label is unwarranted.

It's definitely terrorism, by any classical definition of the word, unless you're claiming that it was just some kids having fun or something. The word 'terrorism' has been hijacked in the past decade or so to mean something greater than it really is.

No it is not. More importantly, you and the other chicken littles have failed to support your claims. Please read the applcable law(s).

Please show how there was the use of a threat or an action that caused SERIOUS violence against a person (or persons) or SERIOUS damage to property by a PROSCRIBED group.

All that is known at this time is that one or two individuals are believed to have thrown a dud grenade at a bank branch.

No link has been made to any political group and certainly not one that is proscribed in Thailand. A bunch of panicing foreigners calling an idiotic act of vandalism, terrorism does not mean it is terrorism.

At the opening of the winter Olympics, a large mob of malcontents many wearing masks assembled with the intent to disrupt the opening ceremonies. They caused damage in the downtown core of Vancouver, breaking windows and vandalizing cars. They had even published a manifesto and issued threats. The Canadian civil authorities did not declare it terrorism. Nor did any of the official delegations from any of the nations attending, call it terrorism. In comparison to the mobs that roamed the streets of Vancouver or that plague G-8 and G-20 meetings, the Bangkok event was a nothing event.

And now, back to Thailand. Back in 2004 former PM Anand Panyarachun chaired the UN committee, which wrote the definition of terrorism that has been accepted by most governments; The purpose of true terrorism is to kill or maim non-combatants. In consideration of that definition and the applicable laws in Thailand, there is no evidence to support the claim that this event was intended to kill or maim anyone. The grenade was thrown at a building that was not open for business. 11:30PM on a Saturday. If the intent was to maim or kill people the grenade would have been thrown when the branch was open for business.

If you still don't get it, please go spend some time in the districts in the south that are suffering from the insurgency to help you understand what terrorism is. In the meantime, please take the advice of PM Abhisit and stop panicing. It helps no one and acts to spread a climate of fear.

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Grenade attacks damage Thai banks

BANGKOK: -- (AFP) - Two grenades exploded outside branches of Thailand's biggest bank, police said Sunday, after a court verdict against deposed premier Thaksin Shinawatra sparked a security alert.

Another two unexploded grenades were defused at Bangkok Bank branches, said police, adding that none of the incidents late Saturday had caused any casualties.

The first blast shattered the windows and doors of the Bangkok Bank branch in the Silom business district of the Thai capital, police spokesman Major General Piya Uthay told AFP.

The second caused similar damage to a branch in Samut Prakarn, about 30 kilometres (18 miles) outside Bangkok, and also damaged several telephone booths, police said.

The unexploded grenades were both found at branches of the bank in Bangkok.

Thai authorities said Saturday they were on high alert after the Supreme Court a day earlier confiscated 1.4 billion dollars of Thaksin's fortune for abuse of power.

Hundreds of protesters from the "Red Shirt" movement loyal to Thaksin surrounded Bangkok Bank's headquarters one week before the verdict, forcing it to close for the day.

They said the bank has links to chief royal adviser and former prime minister Prem Tinsulanonda, whom they accuse of masterminding the 2006 military coup that toppled Thaksin.

Current Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva said the government had predicted unrest after the court ruling on Thaksin's wealth.

"The bomb incidents were expected after the verdict. They are the actions of a small group of people who want to create unrest," Abhisit said in his weekly television broadcast.

He said police and soldiers were monitoring at checkpoints and that the government would install more CCTV cameras.

"Our society is in a challenging situation right now," the premier added.

On February 14 police defused a bomb near the Supreme Court while a grenade exploded near government offices. Police have not made any arrests yet in connection with any of the incidents.

Thaksin and his supporters have vowed to fight back against Friday's verdict and the Red Shirts have said they will hold a mass rally in Bangkok in mid-March, although they have promised that their campaign will be non-violent.


-- ©Copyright AFP 2010-02-28

Published with written approval from AFP.


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Thai TV is now saying there were 4 grenade attacks last night. 2 exploded and 2 failed.

Going by the pictures for one of the failed grenades, a policeman was wrapping tape around it (either brave or stupid as he was not in any protective gear). Looks like the safety lever did not release and he was making sure it wouldn't release later. Possibly an old grenade or one thrown by someone who doesn't know how to use them?

Still it's amazing how Thai police control a crime scene. Looked like everyman and his dog where there hunched over the grenade with no exclusion zone and reporters happliy snapping pictures. So much for keeping a crime zone clean. Suprised they weren't poking it with a stick or hitting it with a hammer.

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Who's responsible for selling these crappy grenades that don't go off?

More to the point, who's responsible for buying them.

I am waiting to see pundits on TV shows take them apart and show there's nothing inside . . . . BANG ( Oops, that was wasn't a dud.)

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Police tighten security after bombings at Bangkok Bank headquarters, three branches

BANGKOK, Feb 28 (TNA) -- Police tightened security in the capital after bombs exploded at the Bangkok Bank headquarters late Saturday and a Bangkok Bank branch in Phra Pradaeng early Sunday, while bombs at two other bank branches failed to function.

Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva said that the bombings at four Bangkok Bank offices were not beyond expectation, explaining that he believed the attacks were intended to create turmoil.

Expressing his concerns over the political impact on the country’s economic recovery, the prime minister said he had ordered security to be stepped up and for more police checkpoints in the capital, while calling for the public to help notifying the police regarding suspicious or unusual incidents.

The incidents came within earlier expectations after nine Supreme Court Criminal Division for Holders of Political Positions judges on Friday ordered the confiscation of a predominant portion of the frozen assets of fugitive, ousted premier Thaksin Shinawatra.

Despite tighter security at the homes of the nine judges and at sensitive locations in the capital, the first bombing took place Saturday night at Bangkok Bank’s Silom Road headquarters. The bomb damaged glass doors and windows at the entrance of the bank building.

Another grenade was found shortly after at Bangkok Bank's Rama II branch in outer Bangkok. Police believe that the bombers wanted to create unrest in the country and that were explosives experts who could set charges to alarm the public without causing much actual damage.

The third and fourth bombings took place at Bangkok Bank’s Phra Pradaeng branch in neighbouring Samut Prakan province, where a bomb shattered glass and the bank's ceiling, while the fourth bomb was at the bank's Srinakarind branch in eastern Bangkok, but it failed to detonate.

The fifth and last reported incident occurred before dawn Sunday near a Buddhist temple in Bangkok’s Taling Chan district where a small bomb exploded with causing significant damage.

No casualties were reported in any of the five incidents.

Anti-government protesters of the United Front for Democracy against Dictatorship (UDD) have charged repeatedly that Privy Council president Gen Prem Tinsulanonda was behind a bloodless coup in September 2006 which toppled the elected government of Mr Thaksin. Gen Prem, a former prime minister, is now also an honorary adviser of Bangkok Bank, Thailand’s largest commercial bank.

Ten days ago, on February 19, the UDD rallied at Bangkok Bank headquarters on Silom Road. (TNA)


-- TNA 2010-02-28


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I can understand there being a debate about the acts being terrorism or not. The level of terrorism has escalated tremendously in recent years, after all. I can understand how a criminal definition is difficult too, as one man's terrorist is another man's freedom fighter. Never a sane man's freedom fighter though, as we all know. All of us at Thaivisa condemn these kinds of acts and I'm sure we are unified in that and appreciate the Thai governments plea for calm.

But the spam and propaganda about some global warming denier agenda is as embarrassing as it is off-topic, as a Thaivisa member. I hope the world does not read that and think we're all of that mind.

Edited by ding
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I was standing around 30 m across the road in Silom when this happened.

It was really loud sound.. just a single time. no smoke or fire seen.

We walked closer to see what was it... all we saw from across the road (that is opposite bangkok bank).. a shattered glass of telephone booth.. a pink taxi in front with some minor damage... and about 3 lebanese guys (or may be more like italian to me) running up and down and taking photographs.. .later i was told those lebanese guys were owners of a restaurant in that area... and they got famous for assisting police in getting caught of bike robbers (in earlier times).. and so they acted like heros and took control of the situation.

no police in sight for a long time... only say about 30-45 minutes.. a first cop arrived on scene.

and then for the next few hours... that side of the road was blocked from mahesak road junction.

and we had no idea what caused it up until i see the news in website.

Edited by ihightower
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I wonder how long the Thai government is going to put up with this childish behavior. Seems like their should be a solution that fits the som nam na clause. It seems that the lackadaisical attitude surely has to be detrimental to the country, and who has the authority to let the country fall? So much Thai pride, so little effort to earn it. :)

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no injury or death, same as the university bomb, the army headquarters bomb, the court bomb.

the more cynical of us would suggest these are staged.

The more cynical amongst us would be idiots to discount the affects of bomb attacks in Silom even if there was nobody hurt.

The even more cynical of us would understand the sensationalism that the Thai press love so much, so instead of BOMB read 'really large chinese firecracker!'

The Thais most be the most ineffective terrorists in the world, i think it was 2 weeks ago someone fired an RPG (rocket propelled grenade )and caused no damage.

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Fact is that the grenades do come from the Thai army. It is easy to point a finger to one man, but that is too easy. Many many army men must be unhappy with Anupong and his boss. Targeting banks or any other institution with grenades is despicable, but targeting companies like Bangkok Bank and CP and attending people on the fact that they are coup sponsors and anti democratic is a good thing at least it inform people who can find another business to go to.

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Thai TV is now saying there were 4 grenade attacks last night. 2 exploded and 2 failed.

Going by the pictures for one of the failed grenades, a policeman was wrapping tape around it (either brave or stupid as he was not in any protective gear). Looks like the safety lever did not release and he was making sure it wouldn't release later. Possibly an old grenade or one thrown by someone who doesn't know how to use them?

Still it's amazing how Thai police control a crime scene. Looked like everyman and his dog where there hunched over the grenade with no exclusion zone and reporters happliy snapping pictures. So much for keeping a crime zone clean. Suprised they weren't poking it with a stick or hitting it with a hammer.

Fooll rush in where angels fear to tread. :)

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Its another happy new Red dawn courtesy of The People revolution rising for The People, the People's revolution party speaking for The People etc. hoo~ray.

Shame about the innocent bystanders who always end up getting blown to bits eventually, but I suppose they are not The People, just 'some people' or 'remains of people'. Nurses and doctors and gravediggers are people too, and they get more work thanks to The People Party. Hiphip for the Reds.

I don't care what anybody says,my opinion: Thaksin is a monster because he stirs up embers & tries to create infernos. I think he should have $0 & life in jail. That People Power for the rural poor thing is BS, there's urban poor too & they get bombed because that clown Thaksin has turned disagreements into bombs, and turned people on their friends.

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The big question arises:

"Why are all these attacks, executed by either complete idiots, beginners, handicapped and so stuporous ragged that there is either a complete failure or very little damage?"

By now there is an long row of these "bomb-Attacks" starting with the .... Thai-Airways Jet incident which was waiting for whom and why was this person "late" this particular day?

Questions, so many questions - while only a teargas containers killed a PAD protester and injured others really badly!

..so many questions...!

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I'm curious as to where this bank is... I've stayed numerous times at the Narai Hotel at 222 Silom... So where is the bank?? In fact I'm staying at the Narai within 2 months.

the bank is opposite, but you should be save. Narai is a good choice.

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Thai grenade attacks raise tensions after Thaksin verdict

BANGKOK (AFP) -- Thailand tightened security Sunday after two grenades exploded outside branches of the country's biggest bank in a suspected reaction to a court verdict against deposed premier Thaksin Shinawatra.

The blasts late Saturday targeted branches of Bangkok Bank, causing damage but no casualties, and came just over a week after Thaksin supporters protested at the bank's headquarters over its alleged links to the coup that ousted him.

Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva said he had asked troops to help provide extra security across the country following the attacks, but said he had not enacted harsh security laws as the government had earlier threatened.

"The bomb incidents were expected after the verdict. They are the actions of a small group of people who want to create unrest," Abhisit said in his weekly television broadcast.

Thailand's Supreme Court on Friday confiscated 1.4 billion dollars of Thaksin's fortune for abuse of power while he was in office between 2001 and 2006. He is now living in exile to avoid a two-year jail term for graft.

Abhisit said police and soldiers were monitoring at checkpoints and that the government would install more CCTV cameras.

"Our society is in a challenging situation right now," the premier added.

The first blast hit a branch in the Silom business district, shattering windows and doors, while the second caused similar damage and also wrecked telephone booths in Samut Prakarn on the outskirts of the capital, police said.

Another two unexploded grenades were defused at Bangkok Bank branches at around the same time, police spokesman Major General Piya Uthay told AFP.

Thaksin and his supporters, known as the "Red Shirts" because of their signature garb, have vowed to fight back against the court verdict, branding it a conspiracy by Thailand's military, bureaucratic and palace elites.

The Red Shirts have said they will hold a mass rally in Bangkok in mid-March, although they have promised that their campaign against Abhisit's government will be non-violent.

Hundreds of Red Shirts surrounded Bangkok Bank's headquarters in Silom one week before the verdict, forcing it to close for the day.

They said the bank has links to chief royal adviser and former prime minister Prem Tinsulanonda, whom they accuse of masterminding the 2006 coup against Thaksin.

On February 14 police defused a bomb near the Supreme Court while a grenade exploded near government offices. Police have not made any arrests yet in connection with any of the incidents.

Thaksin on Saturday rejected calls from the ruling party to leave the political stage, saying he would "not chicken out", and dismissed its claims that a compromise had been struck by returning a portion of his frozen funds.

Analysts said they believed the ruling was a compromise and that it could ease initial tensions, but that it would not solve the simmering conflict between Thaksin's supporters and foes.

"It adds some breathing space to what could have been a volcanic eruption," said Paul Chambers, a senior research fellow in Thai politics at Germany's Heidelberg University.

The Red Shirts, largely from Thaksin's stronghold in the nation's poor north and northeast, loved his populist policies and accuse Abhisit's government of ignoring their plight since he took power in December 2008.

The tycoon's opponents accuse Thaksin of being corrupt, dictatorial and of threatening Thailand's widely revered monarchy.

King Bhumibol Adulyadej, 82, who is regarded as a stabilising figure by many Thais, returned early Sunday to the hospital where he has spent the past five months after a brief outing to his palace for a private function, police said.


-- ©Copyright AFP 2010-02-28

Published with written approval from AFP.


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I was standing around 30 m across the road in Silom when this happened.

It was really loud sound.. just a single time. no smoke or fire seen.

We walked closer to see what was it... all we saw from across the road (that is opposite bangkok bank).. a shattered glass of telephone booth.. a pink taxi in front with some minor damage... and about 3 lebanese guys (or may be more like italian to me) running up and down and taking photographs.. .later i was told those lebanese guys were owners of a restaurant in that area... and they got famous for assisting police in getting caught of bike robbers (in earlier times).. and so they acted like heros and took control of the situation.

no police in sight for a long time... only say about 30-45 minutes.. a first cop arrived on scene.

and then for the next few hours... that side of the road was blocked from mahesak road junction.

and we had no idea what caused it up until i see the news in website.

For those who don't know, when you have an explosion go off you do not want to be walking up to see what happened. Often there is a second larger device that will go off as the first one is to lure victims in. While this has yet to happen in Bangkok as they do not seem to be targeting people, only structures, it's still best to remove yourself from the area and avoid other potential traps like well placed and often larger secondary devices.

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I was standing around 30 m across the road in Silom when this happened.

It was really loud sound.. just a single time. no smoke or fire seen.

We walked closer to see what was it... all we saw from across the road (that is opposite bangkok bank).. a shattered glass of telephone booth.. a pink taxi in front with some minor damage... and about 3 lebanese guys (or may be more like italian to me) running up and down and taking photographs.. .later i was told those lebanese guys were owners of a restaurant in that area... and they got famous for assisting police in getting caught of bike robbers (in earlier times).. and so they acted like heros and took control of the situation.

no police in sight for a long time... only say about 30-45 minutes.. a first cop arrived on scene.

and then for the next few hours... that side of the road was blocked from mahesak road junction.

and we had no idea what caused it up until i see the news in website.

So let me get this right. An explosion goes of which shatters glass etc, the area is not yet secured and you walk TOWARDS it!. You walk TOWARDS, not AWAY, from a bomb attack.

Have you ever heard of the Darwin awards?

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Targeting banks or any other institution with grenades is despicable, but targeting companies like Bangkok Bank and CP and attending people on the fact that they are coup sponsors and anti democratic is a good thing at least it inform people who can find another business to go to.

It really is sickening to see Thaksin's apologists here trying to justify that it's okay to hurl a grenade at Bangkok Bank, or CP. Your man is a thief, a liar, a corrupt tyrant who personally ordered extra judicial killings: "In this war, drug dealers must die", and let's hope Abhisit follows up on his movements to investigate these murders. But, even if he was a sweet, innocent, hard done by man, there is no excuse for anyone to be condoning explosive attacks in public places made in his name.

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Targeting banks or any other institution with grenades is despicable, but targeting companies like Bangkok Bank and CP and attending people on the fact that they are coup sponsors and anti democratic is a good thing at least it inform people who can find another business to go to.

It really is sickening to see Thaksin's apologists here trying to justify that it's okay to hurl a grenade at Bangkok Bank, or CP. Your man is a thief, a liar, a corrupt tyrant who personally ordered extra judicial killings: "In this war, drug dealers must die", and let's hope Abhisit follows up on his movements to investigate these murders. But, even if he was a sweet, innocent, hard done by man, there is no excuse for anyone to be condoning explosive attacks in public places made in his name.

Its not fully clear that poster was saying that. He should have been clearer. Perhaps he was implying it is a good idea to propose boycotts of companies that are supporting your opposition. Certainly if that is done with PR instead of bombs, that is a perfectly legitimate and sometimes effective tactic. I think the global activism targeting companies doing business with South Africa during apartheid did make an impact and contribute to that system's eventual crumbling.

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"Current Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva said the government had predicted unrest after the court ruling on Thaksin's wealth."

This incredible precognitive insight is without peer and could only have been mastered by studying at the most prestigious Ivy League universites that England has to offer! I am so impressed!!! :)

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