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Sleep Apnia


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As a starter.....

Two close friends of mine have this condition.

If you have sleep apnea then there are some things to be taken into account.

If you drive a car or motorbike, stop doing so as you can fall asleep at any time.

You should do - if you have not already done so - attend a sleep clinic to determine the level of your condition. This will help determine what is the best course of action. This generally means sleeping at the clinic for 1 or 2 nights while they monitor you.

There are - in the West - various masks and machines that are available (they must have some here too). These need to be worn at night when you sleep to force air down into your lungs. You do not want to die in your sleep. These are usually taken with you on airplanes etc when you travel, same for if you think you will be sleeping away from home.

Different machines work in much the same way but people using them can suffer sore, dry throats if they do not use the units that have water.

You can buy a unit yourself as many are basic and not quite up to the job.

AFAIK there are no drugs to prevent this condition.

Not sure what else you might want to know. But hope that helps for starters.

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You have to do the sleep therapy and from this, the doctor will regulate the pressure of the CPAP machine which you can either purchase in Thailand or import yourself (multiples cheaper).

I know sleep apnea is scary, but the CPAP machines will make it a thing of the past for you. Note, most hospitals have long waiting lines for the sleep therapy, so don't put it off.

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Get into a routine, Go to bed about the same time every night, Make your bed comfortable, and at the right temperature, stick with it even though you may not sleep,your body should adjust in time, I have a condition similar i cat nap, i wake nearly every hour, Some times i get myself absolutely knacked before i go to bed,usualy after about 22 hours,I sleep about 4 hours then awake thinking i have over slept, I feel totally refreshed, I was told by asleep therapist the same i have advised you , best of luck because there is nothing more boring than having time on your hands at three and four in the morning,

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Bumrungrad's sleep unit is very good. You can get your sleep study done one night, and then return for the second part when they will determine the type of CPAP you need, help you with mask sizing (can be very complicated), write your order for pressure, etc. If you will be spending time in the USA soon, I'd recommend getting the sleep study done in BKK, but purchasing the CPAP stateside... much, much, MUCH cheaper over here. There is a website called cpap dot com that consistently has the best selection and prices for the machines and the related supplies.

Good luck with it. You will feel SO much better if you get this taken care of...

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Hi All,

many thanks for the valuable info you sent.

I know I have the problem , my son spent a few days with me and slept in my room apparently called out to me dam_n well breath and as I have had problem about not getting enough sleep for a while it seems obvious that sleep apnia could be the problem.

Brian I couldn't get back to you

again many thanks


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Yes, see a doctor and don't listen to someone on the Internet

Narcolepsy is the disease that will cause you to fall asleep driving a car or motorcycle

Have never heard of Sleep Apnea causing you to fall asleep while driving :)

Red card me all you like. My oldest friend has sleep Apnea and it often caused him to fall asleep at the strangest of times. He'd be sat texting someone and drop off, for example. Once he did fall asleep at the wheel too. Luckily he suffered only minor injuries.

Since he has been receiving treatment he has been able to drive again and lead a normal life and he is being treated for sleep apnea.

Take it or leave it.

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Bumrungrad's sleep unit is very good. You can get your sleep study done one night, and then return for the second part when they will determine the type of CPAP you need, help you with mask sizing (can be very complicated), write your order for pressure, etc. If you will be spending time in the USA soon, I'd recommend getting the sleep study done in BKK, but purchasing the CPAP stateside... much, much, MUCH cheaper over here. There is a website called cpap dot com that consistently has the best selection and prices for the machines and the related supplies.

Good luck with it. You will feel SO much better if you get this taken care of...

I went through Bamrungrad's sleep unit, and I did not have as good experience as you had. For sure, the women doing the test are more than capable (note, it helps to speak some Thai as they speak very little English). However, the bed should be conducive to a good night's sleep, but at Bamrungrad the bed is too small for the average farang and once all wired up, sleeping is a bit difficult. Afterwards when I complained to the doctor I was told a number of patients had the same complaint and like them I was urged to put it in the suggestion box. Since it has only been one year, I doubt much has changed.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Get into a routine, Go to bed about the same time every night, Make your bed comfortable, and at the right temperature, stick with it even though you may not sleep,your body should adjust in time, I have a condition similar i cat nap, i wake nearly every hour, Some times i get myself absolutely knacked before i go to bed,usualy after about 22 hours,I sleep about 4 hours then awake thinking i have over slept, I feel totally refreshed, I was told by asleep therapist the same i have advised you , best of luck because there is nothing more boring than having time on your hands at three and four in the morning,

This is not good advice for someone with sleep apnea. Yes you can fall asleep at the wheel of a car. It is a very serious disease and if not treated can cause a number of problems.

A person with sleep apnea does not get good sleep and go into the deep sleep patterns most do to revitalise self. The CPAP offers a flow of air into your system; sleep apnea stops that flow of air, and you struggle to get your breath in your sleep. Although you might make your area comfortable to sleep this is not the problem.

Get along to a sleep clinic get tested and deal with the problem.

When using the CPAP u will notice a change in how you feel, and increase in energy levels. If weight is a problem it may also assist in u actually loosing weight over time and its continued use. :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

I tried sending a message but not sure it arrived as I do not see a copy in sent messages.

I have sleep apnea and di do the sleep test at Bumrungrad. I also bought the machine and now sleep as a baby.

I can confirm that I was falling asleep quite often, even with the mouse in my hand while I was on the computer. Usually after a meal, but it is embarassing if your secretary discreetly closes your door for the mini nap that you have of a few minutes (several times in a row).

Anyway, the test revealed to my horror that I would stop breathing up to 27 times per hour and anywhere up to 50-odd seconds. I cannot even hold my breath for that long...

If you have it, get a machine and get used to sleeping with a snorkel, its not that bad. I also travel with it so no problem.

All I want to try is the one with water, I do get a very dry nose.

Happy to discuss further if you want.


Nick (59 and overweight)

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