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Thaivisa And Phuket Gazette Poll: Do You Drink And Drive In Thailand?


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Tried it one night... after around 6 or 7 hrs at Spotlight ( in Chiang Mai ) and after so many tequilla shots that I couldn't remember, I climbed upon my trusty steed and away I went.

Don't remember much and I musta went charging right into a pole, fast enough to break every rib on my right side and puncture my right lung.

Needless to say....

I won't be doing that again.

My father used to tell me " Don't do that or you'll get hurt" That was always a challenge to me and figured he told me because it must be fun and or exciting to do.

And after 20+ yrs as a street cop and having seen all the effects of a DUI, you'd think I would have known better...

I am now getting smarter in my middle age...it may take awhile, but I'll learn.

3 words come to mind ( looking at my scar from the chest tube )

Don't do it.

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A number of years ago, I had accident while drunk. Thanks to a nice and understanding policeman, I wasn't charged. Thanks to an entire hospital staff, the admission form said 'no alcohol involved.' Thanks to whatever powers that be, I was the only one injured--slightly. Thanks to common sense, no alcohol has crossed these lips since, if I am driving--none, zero. Not a beer, not a swallow.

If I am going out with friends, the car goes home and I catch a taxi or motorbike to the pub. It's a hassle, but so much easier.

There are too many crazy drivers when they are sober to risk it in Thailand.

I would do the same if I lived in Bangkok, or downtown in an urban area.

Edited by WinnieTheKhwai
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Tried it one night... after around 6 or 7 hrs at Spotlight ( in Chiang Mai ) and after so many tequilla shots that I couldn't remember, I climbed upon my trusty steed and away I went.

That I really wouldn't do. I would know when to switch to non alcoholic beverages long before that. I would probably be over a legal limit, but in control. There's probably a point in an alcohol-trip where you actually have a heightened sense of perception (before the Bell curve goes off the deep end rapidly :) ) and if you put your mind to it you can add a lot of focus to what you do, and drive ultra-defensively. It may depend on personality as well, similar to how some people are happy drinkers and others just get nasty and obnoxious. I for one am far less likely to get upset or experience road rage after a couple of beers. I realize this is not the case for everyone.

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On the topic of driving after drinking, there are a couple people I know with whom I'm actually more comfortable in a car after they had something to drink; Part of 'growing up' also means that you learn more about how your body responds to alcohol, and realize that instead of going crazy behind the wheel you actually need to seriously ADD to the amount of focus you put into driving, take it a bit slower, and take away ALL other distractions, so absolutely no music, cell phones and so on, and be aware of the risks off fatigue. And, obviously, realizing when you really have to just get a room down-town. Note that you have to do this anyway later at night even when not drinking, because most other people on the road will also not be entirely sober and may not follow these DWI best-practices.

What a stupid thing to say

Drink driving proven killer yet you would get in a

car with someone who drinks and drive???

I wouldn't feel sorry for you or your friend,

but what about the innocent people who get hurt/killed?

To knowingly get in a car with someone who has been

drinking is just dumb!!!!

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There is zero tolerance for drink driving where I come from. I'm sure the annual figure of 12000 or so dead on the roads would be reduced if the law was applied a little more rigorously here.

Ian, where is that. I applaud that country for taking such steps. It should be the case everywhere, it would certainly take that argument away from people where they say, "But officer, I thought I was under the limit".

And you are dead right, it would certainly reduce the amount of people killed on the road here, if it were enforced properly.

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Wow, interesting (but not surprising) results so far.

Totster :)

don't drink but when i used to i used to drive. in the uk as well in fact i had more crashes when i wasn't drunk as apposed to none when i was

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I did it once, on the night of my wedding. Needed to get to hotel from the village. Really bad idea. I was scared to death of injuring anyone or having an accident and so drove very slowly, but even so I could barely see the road in front of me. That was the first and only time in my adult life. I'd done it a couple of times as a stupid teenager. Never again.

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There are too many crazy drivers when they are sober to risk it in Thailand.

Unfortunately nobody can/will do something about that.

IMO, it's a lot more dangerous to be on the road during daytime with all the sober drivers than during nighttime with all the drunks on the road. Drunks shouldn't be on the road and sober morons without driving skills shouldn't be either. Who do you think cause the most accidents?

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seems global madness

on streets, not only drinkingdriving,

good and quite fast cars but brainless

drivers, (including me some times).

but no drunk driving for me after one

little accident by bike.


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On the topic of driving after drinking, there are a couple people I know with whom I'm actually more comfortable in a car after they had something to drink; Part of 'growing up' also means that you learn more about how your body responds to alcohol, and realize that instead of going crazy behind the wheel you actually need to seriously ADD to the amount of focus you put into driving, take it a bit slower, and take away ALL other distractions, so absolutely no music, cell phones and so on, and be aware of the risks off fatigue. And, obviously, realizing when you really have to just get a room down-town. Note that you have to do this anyway later at night even when not drinking, because most other people on the road will also not be entirely sober and may not follow these DWI best-practices.

What a stupid thing to say

Drink driving proven killer yet you would get in a

car with someone who drinks and drive???

That's not quite what I said. There are some people where I wouldn't even want to be in the same town after they've had a few beers and will be on the road. There are others who drive more careful than they would otherwise. Alcohol does not affect everyone in the same way, and in addition to that, some people seem to handle it a lot better by forcing additional attention on traffic and driving.

The above obviously doesn't mean 'completely wasted'. There comes a point when things just start shutting down. I wouldn't get in a car with a person who's at that level, no matter how their brain is wired.

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