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Illegally Working Here

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I was looking at a notice board earlier today and saw a farang offering a personal hair dressing service at home or in hotel. Now I know for a fact that a farang is not allowed to do this work here in Thailand.

I also saw another person offering reiki and other assorted treatments from their home. I know for a fact that this person doesn't own a business, or a work permit and is here on a holiday visa.

Personally I don't think this is fair on people who have come here and set up a business to be able to work here. Why should they pay taxes, business costs, etc. when these other people flout the law?


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agreed 100%, some of these lowlife pikeys dont even bother to conceal the fact, one of them asked me what to do to obtain a thai passport for his kid

, both parents european and were on tourist visas when kid was born in nathon

, the pair of fuc_kwitts reckon they are legal to stay indefinite ,and that thwir kid is thai!!!!

needlass to say i plead ignorant and said i couldnt help, maybe immigration could help, sure as f##k the moron will get banged up soon as he steps foot inside immigration,

personally i could not give ashit what happens, to them i, just dont have it in me to grass them up, never have done never will, couldnt live with knowing im a grass

beleive me ,this is no isolated case , there are more than a few of them , pikey bas###rds

no problem paying tax, if you pay it , surely it means youve earned a wage

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They aren't so stupid to think like that, as that is how it works in America (the kid becoming a citizen, not the parents given right to live there)

It's very popular for Taiwanese to go on vacation to the USA to have their kids, so they will be granted a US passport and giving them better opportunities in the future.

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Try to find something more interesting to complain about! :)

so if someone was working next to you illegally, whilst youve paid for company , work pemit, b visa and tax and lawyer etc etc, thats fine is it? do yourself afavour mate , if thats your only reply>

didnt escape me, the irony of you complaining ,that the fella was complaining,

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They aren't so stupid to think like that, as that is how it works in America (the kid becoming a citizen, not the parents given right to live there)

It's very popular for Taiwanese to go on vacation to the USA to have their kids, so they will be granted a US passport and giving them better opportunities in the future.

were talking thailand mate, not the usa, do simple bit of research youll find it is stupid to think this way,

the usa has less than f, all to do with thai immigration policies,

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I've often wondered what motivates people go out of their way to dob someone else in and create grief in someone elses life..

Like what do you get out of it? or are you such an insecure person that causing trouble for others makes you feel smug?

Have you always followed everything to the letter of the law? never drink drive? never indulged in a little petty theft? ever?

Never had a bargirl? No illegal drugs? ever? What about the odd white lie to get yourself out of a spot?

I see some Australian State governments now encourage people to dob in their neighbours who might have certain plants in their back yards..dividing the community and paying rewards to these pathetic little looser weasles who cant mind their own businesss...

An otherwise normal joe citizen gets a $1000 fine and a life long criminal record that possibly hampers his future career options :)

SO..you would like the pleasure of getting someone deported?? :D

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They aren't so stupid to think like that, as that is how it works in America (the kid becoming a citizen, not the parents given right to live there)

It's very popular for Taiwanese to go on vacation to the USA to have their kids, so they will be granted a US passport and giving them better opportunities in the future.

were talking thailand mate, not the usa, do simple bit of research youll find it is stupid to think this way,

the usa has less than f, all to do with thai immigration policies,

I'm simply saying that as it happens in some countries, it's not so far fetched to assume it happens in others.... that's all.

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I've often wondered what motivates people go out of their way to dob someone else in and create grief in someone elses life..

Like what do you get out of it? or are you such an insecure person that causing trouble for others makes you feel smug?

Have you always followed everything to the letter of the law? never drink drive? never indulged in a little petty theft? ever?

Never had a bargirl? No illegal drugs? ever? What about the odd white lie to get yourself out of a spot?

I see some Australian State governments now encourage people to dob in their neighbours who might have certain plants in their back yards..dividing the community and paying rewards to these pathetic little looser weasles who cant mind their own businesss...

An otherwise normal joe citizen gets a $1000 fine and a life long criminal record that possibly hampers his future career options :)

SO..you would like the pleasure of getting someone deported?? :D

as i said , i aint no grass,!! b ut as you say , just turn a blind eye , allowing thousand of illegal pikeys to bum around , thus hampering potentially YOUR carrer options, get a company , get b visa ,get awork permit

try working in thailand for awhile , then get back to me, ps .the thread has nothing to do with certain plants in back yards.

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They aren't so stupid to think like that, as that is how it works in America (the kid becoming a citizen, not the parents given right to live there)

It's very popular for Taiwanese to go on vacation to the USA to have their kids, so they will be granted a US passport and giving them better opportunities in the future.

were talking thailand mate, not the usa, do simple bit of research youll find it is stupid to think this way,

the usa has less than f, all to do with thai immigration policies,

I'm simply saying that as it happens in some countries, it's not so far fetched to assume it happens in others.... that's all.

Actually if your born before 1972 with foreign parents you have Thai citizenship.

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They aren't so stupid to think like that, as that is how it works in America (the kid becoming a citizen, not the parents given right to live there)

It's very popular for Taiwanese to go on vacation to the USA to have their kids, so they will be granted a US passport and giving them better opportunities in the future.

were talking thailand mate, not the usa, do simple bit of research youll find it is stupid to think this way,

the usa has less than f, all to do with thai immigration policies,

I'm simply saying that as it happens in some countries, it's not so far fetched to assume it happens in others.... that's all.

assume all day long if you want mate, at the end of it , it will still be facts that determine isssues :)

and the fact is, this is not the usa, equally complex immigration, but not the same,

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I can easily understand how annoying it must be for a foreigner who paid a lot of money to setup a company, get a work permit, paying taxes, social security and whatnot in order to be legal here, then see another foreigner openly doing business without any of these costs. If it was me I'd feel tempted to grass on them too.

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I have a farang home hairdresser, she has a registered company, work permit & pay taxes. She is totally legal.


Could this be a case of her telling you that she has the required permits etc and doent. It seems strange to me as Hairdressing is definately on the list of chapter 19 (or whatever its called) banned work for foriegners.

see number 10 below. Maybe she bought the work permit?


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I agree this is not fair on people who have gone through the expense of setting up their own business legally.

However, I don't agree with "grassing" someone up. Worry about yourself and not them.

Samui is a very karmic place, I have seen a lot of people here do bad things and come undone.


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I've often wondered what motivates people go out of their way to dob someone else in and create grief in someone elses life..

Like what do you get out of it? or are you such an insecure person that causing trouble for others makes you feel smug?

Have you always followed everything to the letter of the law? never drink drive? never indulged in a little petty theft? ever?

Never had a bargirl? No illegal drugs? ever? What about the odd white lie to get yourself out of a spot?

I see some Australian State governments now encourage people to dob in their neighbours who might have certain plants in their back yards..dividing the community and paying rewards to these pathetic little looser weasles who cant mind their own businesss...

An otherwise normal joe citizen gets a $1000 fine and a life long criminal record that possibly hampers his future career options :)

SO..you would like the pleasure of getting someone deported?? :D

Whats wrong with having a bar girl? :D

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I agree this is not fair on people who have gone through the expense of setting up their own business legally.

However, I don't agree with "grassing" someone up. Worry about yourself and not them.

Samui is a very karmic place, I have seen a lot of people here do bad things and come undone.


But you would be worrying about yourself. This may be a direct competitor who is able to do work cheaper than you due to not having any of the overhead you have, hence threatening to put you out of business and onto the street.

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I've often wondered what motivates people go out of their way to dob someone else in and create grief in someone elses life..

Like what do you get out of it? or are you such an insecure person that causing trouble for others makes you feel smug?

Have you always followed everything to the letter of the law? never drink drive? never indulged in a little petty theft? ever?

Never had a bargirl? No illegal drugs? ever? What about the odd white lie to get yourself out of a spot?

I see some Australian State governments now encourage people to dob in their neighbours who might have certain plants in their back yards..dividing the community and paying rewards to these pathetic little looser weasles who cant mind their own businesss...

An otherwise normal joe citizen gets a $1000 fine and a life long criminal record that possibly hampers his future career options :D

SO..you would like the pleasure of getting someone deported?? :D

Whats wrong with having a bar girl? :D

Prostitution is illegal in thailand. :):D

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But you would be worrying about yourself. This may be a direct competitor who is able to do work cheaper than you due to not having any of the overhead you have, hence threatening to put you out of business and onto the street.

I guess it depends on your view regarding business here. I view Samui as having a wealth of business opportunities, with enough for everyone to go around. I even pass work over to my competition because I'm so busy all the time. It works for me...

Trying to get one over on my competition just isn't me, in my opinion it's pointless and a waste of energy. Each to their own...


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But you would be worrying about yourself. This may be a direct competitor who is able to do work cheaper than you due to not having any of the overhead you have, hence threatening to put you out of business and onto the street.

I guess it depends on your view regarding business here. I view Samui as having a wealth of business opportunities, with enough for everyone to go around. I even pass work over to my competition because I'm so busy all the time. It works for me...

Trying to get one over on my competition just isn't me, in my opinion it's pointless and a waste of energy. Each to their own...


I think you misunderstood my point. I don't mind competition and do the same (share work with my competitors). In fact I don't even call them competitors but friends. But that assumes we all start out on the same level. If someone suddenly can provide the same service as I for half the price due to no or little overhead the playing field is no longer fair.

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I think you misunderstood my point. I don't mind competition and do the same (share work with my competitors). In fact I don't even call them competitors but friends. But that assumes we all start out on the same level. If someone suddenly can provide the same service as I for half the price due to no or little overhead the playing field is no longer fair.

Sure, I agree it wouldn't be fair - I guess the question is whether you feel you would need to report them or not?...

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she has a registered company, work permit & pay taxes. She is totally legal.

sorry, but that does NOT = "totally legal"...but maybe for Thaivisa standards :)

Who cares? Any idea how hard it is to get a decent haircut here?!

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she has a registered company, work permit & pay taxes. She is totally legal.

sorry, but that does NOT = "totally legal"...but maybe for Thaivisa standards :)

Who cares? Any idea how hard it is to get a decent haircut here?!

I just pay 100 baht. :D

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