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So Hows The Mother....in-law


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so heres another one im putting out there, to gauge your opinions.

a constant source of of conversation between friends, often over a pint down the local. in a light hearted manner, that usually brings a laugh or two from around the table. over what the mother of the wifes been up too, done or said.

so how did you do, did you get lucky or is she a thorn in the side of your marital bliss? come to think of it whats the old man like?

must admit i couldnt of asked for a better when if i tried. yes she has her ways, but dont most women of an older age. shes usually up and about around 4am in the morning, off to market and then in the kitchen cooking up the feast for the day. shes the heart beat of the whole family, whcih is a big one. only five ft nothing, but hey i tell you, wouldnt want to cross her. gives out as good as she gets.

so whats the general feeling good , bad or totally different from what you expected when you married a girl from a foreign land.

Edited by tigerfish
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My ex mother in law was the ANTI-CHRIST!

Best thing I ever saw happen to her was her getting hit with a police baton, that thought always brings a smile to my face. Thanks for allowing me to re-live the memory here. :)

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My ex mother in law was the ANTI-CHRIST!

Best thing I ever saw happen to her was her getting hit with a police baton, that thought always brings a smile to my face. Thanks for allowing me to re-live the memory here. :D

Sorry to hear that.............any damage incurred?........... to the baton? :)

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Wife and her mom were abandoned by father when the wife was about 3 yrs old. Mom left a couple of years later. Wife was raised by grandma. Wife's mom visited twice over the next decade. Mom died right around the time I met my wife. Now there is some limited contact with dad, but nothing more than that.

Grandma can be a pain sometimes, but mostly she's harmless and doesn't ask for much, at least not any more. She tried it on for a couple of years but has since backed off and only asks when she really needs it and usually small amounts. She is a hard Issan grandma and gets by on very little.

I guess I got lucky in the scheme of things.

Edited by way2muchcoffee
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I'm trying real hard to think of ONE Thai mother in law that I've met that was anything but a thorn in everyone's azz. And, I've met a goodly number of them. My first wife's mother was pleasant enough, but a real old biddy with not a lick of sense. My second wife's mother I only heard about from her daughter and what I heard wasn't pleasant. Maybe it's because of the Thai family system where the old biddies feel it's their right to rule EVERYONE with an iron hand and expect to be treated like some queen bee. Maybe there are some good ones out there, but I've never met one. There's GOT to be an exception... SOMEWHERE in Thailand.

However, I know of many Canadian mother in laws who are VERY nice... and it shows in their offspring.

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Not that i condone violence but geeze i really wish i had been the one swinging that baton :) .

I wont marry again unless I meet a lady whos family members are all deceased. :D

That can be arranged. What do you pay per head. I can give you a family discount. :D

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I love my Mother-in-law...

She is -right now- visiting us from Germany, where she is running three Thai restaurants and an Asian food import company.

She arrived with two suitcases full of delicatessen (cold cuts, cheeses, chocolates,... etc). :D

The last two weeks, she rented a van with driver -and with some cousins- we were touring all around Thailand ; stayed in the best places available, eating and drinking as much as we can... Typical Thai family holidays, no?!?

Also, during all her stay, I am not able to spend a single satang!

Too bad that she is leaving on Friday... :)

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This is odd. I have had 3 relationships with Thai women lasting longer than 6 months each and either moved in with them or they moved in with me. In each of those 3 cases their mothers have been wonderful.

The first used to make sure i was OK and brought me fruit and food but never entered the house without asking to. If she had not seen me for several hours she would make sure I was OK and then leave. She always took part in the get togethers on an evening. I never saw her unhappy with me.

The second actually let me know her daughter was scamming me. She lent me her truck when mine was off the road for over two months and when I gave her 5k Baht she was ecstatic. i was always made welcome at her home too.

I ended both these relationships because of the women I was with, not because of their families.

This third one is absolutely brilliant. almost 8 months into this relationship and I could not wish for a better mother of a g/f. She often goes out of her way to help. Her daughter was in trouble she sorted it at her own expense and without any thought of me being asked.

At her house she makes sure I have a beer if i want it, takes care not to give me spicy food and generally makes sure I am happy.

Recently she even offered to lend me money when she was led to believe I was having some short term difficulty.

Never interferes with my and her daughters private life. She can take a joke as well as anyone and some of those jokes can be risque.

Has offered me the use of the condo in Pattaya they own.

The list can go on, but to say she is great is an understatement!!

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If anything ever happened to the mrs, I would move in with the MIL or she would move in with me.

Smashing old woman, great sense of humour and a better cook than the mrs.

Never asks for a red cent, and never asked for any sin sot.

Good ones are out there, choose carefully.

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Great to hear the IS another side of the coin. Glad some of you have great mother in laws. I knew there had to be a few. I just haven't met any in Thailand. But, with so many nice, young people I see here, there must be good parents somewhere.

However, I see many Thai grammas running a small cafe and looking after their daughter's child on the side. That might seem like a contradiction to what I said previously, but it appears that the grammas who are running a successful Thai business raise smart children. The grand parents who sit at home and do nothing, but expect their children to send them money, are the leeches who become miserable old wenches.

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If anything ever happened to the mrs, I would move in with the MIL or she would move in with me.

Smashing old woman, great sense of humour and a better cook than the mrs.

Never asks for a red cent, and never asked for any sin sot.

Good ones are out there, choose carefully.

the above describes my situation as well...the MiL is always lookin' to see that I have everything that I need and is always buying stuff that I like when she goes down the market at 5 am that I find freshly prepared when I get up later...loves having a drink and a laugh...has never asked for a baht...

she still works raising veges to sell down the market (she doesn't haveta work) and is fit (sprightly?) and has a wonderful dimpled smile (got her some dentures a few years ago)...I wondered why she doesn't have a special friend but the wife sez she carries a torch for her ex that ran off many years ago...

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No in-laws in the 'Rakers household. I married an orphan.

That a boy, I knew there was more to you that just good looks. Let me know when ur finished with her and I will take her off ur hands, until then I will just sit in the corner here :)

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She Is far away and never hear from her ex pet when she needs something or need to do something in town, but I stay away from her all together and her daughters (wife and sister) attend to her and I don’t have to do anything at all. And I like it this way

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jeez....sorry guys my MIL is a sweetie...when we visit her once a year....

Same here, both MIL & FIL are great people, ask for nothing but we send a little bit every now and then, FIL works for the goverment so has a pretty good job.


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It was a warm summers evening when "the family" arrived from the village to meet me for the first time.

I was in the shower and heard the commotion downstairs so hurried to get myself down to greet them all.

The old man had gone outside and the mother in-law was left in the house roaming around and I guess just being a little nosy.

As I walked down the stairs we came face to face for the very first time. I smiled and waied trying my very best to give a good impression.

She looked a little odd with very puffed out cheeks like she had been stung by a Bea or something.

I asked her "you OK?" it was then something happened that I will never forget for the rest of my life. She opened her mouth and smiled with her teeth and gums covered in a red, her mouth was full of red paste stuff that ooozed down her face on to her clothing leaving a stream of red down her chin.

Thankfully I never projectile vomited and stood there in dis-belief, <deleted>? is this the Adams Family in my house? I rushed back upstairs to gain composure...

It was only later i found out that is is an old Thai custom that some of these old timers chew betel leaf, and lime paste that stimulates the senses and turns red due to the chemical reaction of the ingredients.

It was odd to say the least. Anyway she turned out to be OK just wished i had been prepared for the unexpected vampire greeting...

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This is a very encouraging thread. Would any of you "DO" the MIL?

I only ask cos some guys marry "Young" ladies and there is always the possibility that Mom would be a smoking hot Cougar type? Worth a thought, no?

Has anyone cheated on their misus with the MIL? That would be a great story...

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I know where the strength of character of my wife's comes from her mother, I have the best Mother in law that any man could ask for! My father in law is also a very good hardworking man the never intrudes in our life.

Her whole family is great to have around, and I look forward to events, holidays we celebrate together!

Cheers: :)

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The one thing that makes me laugh about my MIL is the fact that if there's a type of food I personally don't like (for example liver or tamarind) she automatically assumes that all foreigners can't eat it or we don't have it in my home country.

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I have to say I am blessed with a fantastic family.

The in laws are just the nicest people.

Mother in law is the sweetest hard working woman I have ever met.

Father in law was also a very nice man. Unfortunately he passed away with TB.

They have never asked for a dime.

None of them (including siblings, aunts and uncles, etc).

They are just happy their daughter married someone with a steady income.

It gives me such pleassure to frequently upgrade their farm.

Being such a naughty boy in my younger days, I really didnt deserve this, I won the lottery when I came in to this family.

My mother in law is just the best.

If reincarnation is for real, she will be very lucky in her next life.

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I have to say I am blessed with a fantastic family.

The in laws are just the nicest people.

Mother in law is the sweetest hard working woman I have ever met.

Father in law was also a very nice man. Unfortunately he passed away with TB.

They have never asked for a dime.

None of them (including siblings, aunts and uncles, etc).

They are just happy their daughter married someone with a steady income.

It gives me such pleassure to frequently upgrade their farm.

Being such a naughty boy in my younger days, I really didnt deserve this, I won the lottery when I came in to this family.

My mother in law is just the best.

If reincarnation is for real, she will be very lucky in her next life.


Blessed are thee.

Now there are at least two of us!

Cheers: :D:):D

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My mother-in-law is now sadly dead. A really nice woman.

She had a rare code by which she lived which was take care of your family, never get into debt including dont take handouts from others, work hard and dont complain about things. Sge alkso raised 4 girls in almost poverty and even though seeing one die young saw two go on to have good middle class lives which pleased her.

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My MIL is great, she's over 70 now but happier than ever! Every time my wife gets angry with me she gives her a telling off and is always reminding her daughter to be nice to me and take care of me! My wife hates it! (if you ever met my wife you would know she hates to be told anything by anyone! and is always 'spicy' to me).

The mother in law has 6 daughters to take care of her and 5 of them live in the village within 200m so she has a great life! We give her money each month and she distributes it where necessary to the rest of the family. I trust her more than my wife in that regard, as she understands the value of things more than the wife (50k for a buffalo, sure!)

She had a lot of pain in her knees so we took her to Bumrungrad and she got a replacement knee. They wanted to replace the second one too, but the MIL said it was too expensive and she felt much better after the first was replaced. Every year we try and get her to go and get the second one but she refuses - though she is very proud and shows everyone in the village, telling them how much it cost (she inflates the price a bit too for effect!)

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