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George Soros Concerned Us-china Bad Relations Could Mean A 1930s Repeat

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It does not really help the USA's cause when their President visits China an emerging country, requesting that they help bail out the 1st world countries that had caused a financial meltdown by living on credit. Days after his return to the US, news emerges of a massive missile deal between the USA and Taiwan. Where will those missiles be pointing. Yes you guessed it China. What the fuc_k are the US playing at by taking this kind of action. The mind boggles!

Given the fact that the Chinese own more US Dollars than the US treasury the Americans should be very careful in how they deal with the Chinese. Just imagine the day when the Chinese decide to use those Dollars against the US. The Chinese could cripple the US economy overnight.

I think that a little respect is called for here.

Cheers, Rick

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How did Bill say?

: "The US$ is our currency, but your problem!"

or was it John Connally coining this phrase, which Bill may just have repeated,

already in 1971 and what was the occasion?

Anyone remembers his times...?


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I'm no expert but I don't think that US China relations have soured that much. This isn't the first time the Dali Lama has met with a US President and we are dependent on each other. American's know that. Besides, China is not the US's biggest problem American's are. Soros' hit it when he said that markets should be unfettered until they get to out of control. I'm no economist but I got out of the markets 3 years ago because I saw the bubble. I mean who didn't" real estate going throught the roof and no increase in wages, everything on credit. A bilnd monkey could have seen it and Greenspan and the rest had to have seen it. The outragious greed has to be kept in check and we have to get back to making things instead of just selling paper.

There's time to do all that and the deficit can be quickly slashed with a VAT or some serious cost cutting. There's lots of room. One big area is defense. I personally resent the level if spending for the wars and this fear driven excess. Almost a trillion a year for all that stuff. (CIA, NSA, Homeland Security) I think we need to let healthcare die and let the republicans take the fall for it. Another couple of years and revisit a single payer.

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There's time to do all that and the deficit can be quickly slashed with a VAT or some serious cost cutting. There's lots of room. One big area is defense. I personally resent the level if spending for the wars and this fear driven excess. Almost a trillion a year for all that stuff. (CIA, NSA, Homeland Security) I think we need to let healthcare die and let the republicans take the fall for it. Another couple of years and revisit a single payer.

A few have said that recently about a VAT

But other countries that have a VAT give something to the citizens in return no?

So if a VAT is used to slash the deficit how does that help the citizens?

As for defense spending I agree 100% it is ridiculous what a bankrupt nation spends on the military complex.

Just saw this one article about a town that perhaps more should mimic....?

As Deer Isle Goes... A Small Town Makes a Bold Demand: Bring Our War Money Home

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it is ridiculous what a bankrupt nation spends on the military complex. I could say that you read it here first except the US Fed/St. Louis already addressed it in 2006:

Is the United States Bankrupt? http://research.stlouisfed.org/publication...7/Kotlikoff.pdf

BTW re: Deer Isle / Common Dreams.org

If ever we needed forward thinking and urgent action, it's now. We have the power - and a moral obligation - to challenge the political ideas and governing structures that long ago stopped serving the common good.

So I guess posting on ThaiVisa represents urgent action.

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"China is not the US's biggest problem..."

With the recent China sale of $50B of US bonds, Japan now holds more US debt than China.

That "news" was incorrect and corrected later by the Department of the Treasury/Federal Reserve Board.

China, as per December 2009 (latest details February 26, 2010) is still the largest holder of US debts with $ 894.8 Billion and Japan comes second with 765.7 Billion US$.


If that has anything to do with the US/China relations is a complete different matter.

Personally I think an economic war between the two giants is about the last thing the world is waiting for.


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  • 1 month later...

It would warm the cockles of my heart, if it didn't affect me, but to listen to Soros whine does raise my spirits. His paid for lap dog that his multiple outlets such as media matters still support whole heartedly, is ruining the US economy. Some think on purpose, I think incompetence, cronyism and political dogma is more likely. But the policies are truly inane, and priorities are skewed.

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It would be nice if more informed and thoughtful posters spoke on this topic. Particularly the implications of the recently rapidly deteriorating relations between China and the US. Knee jerk, predictable, emotionally based responses are not very interesting.

Actually watching the video would be a good start. I don't pretend to be an expert on these issues myself. I do know that the story about China US relations deteriorating rapidly has indeed happened. So what next?

True, jingthing,

I doubt the first few posters that replied even watched the video - they didn't.

I watched it. Thank you. Good find.

We'll see what happens. As for the China-US relationship, it's one big piece of a puzzle with a few other factors.

The US economic paradigm has changed. When jobs do return, whenever that is, what quality of jobs will they be? Not very good.

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On the Australian ABC-TV on Monday 20/04/10 the Four Corners documentary covered the Stern Hu affair(sentenced to 10 years) and also the fact that the Chinese Government though the PLA was using cyber attacks on Rio tinto and BHP-Billition the largest iron ore suppliers to China.

This comes on top of the attemped censorship of Google.

The Chinese government cannot be trusted, it looks after its own interests first (as all countries should do).

China needs to be contained, it will become a threat to the Western world.They seek world domination and that means their form of "socialism".

During the Korean War in 1950 the use of the atomic bomb was considered, to be used on the Chinese. However this could have brought in the Soviets and commenced WW3 which the US and its Allies did not want. So a limited war occured with no victor. China has nuclear weapons. Their puppet state is North Korea.

The US has got to get itself back to its prime again where it can be respected as in the 1950s and 1960s.

Some of the ecomonic information coming out of China is it accurate? 12% growth rate and inflation 2.4%? like figures plucked out of the air.

One does not always agree with the policies of the US but with China that does not apply.

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China needs to be contained, it will become a threat to the Western world.They seek world domination and that means their form of "socialism".

The US has got to get itself back to its prime again where it can be respected as in the 1950s and 1960s.

applause! finally a lonely and brave cold warrior has the guts to air his extremely intelligent thoughts and recommendations: nuke the Chinks! :)

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