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Did Anyone Hear The Bangs Last Night?


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Those sounds you heard could be anything. I often hear gun shot/bomb sounds but I am pretty sure they are noises from local wearhouses and factories. You know how some of the locals make/fix things. Crash BANG POW!

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I didn't hear this but in the past I have heard an explosion followed by my electricity going off for a few minutes. From what I heard it's a transformer blowing up and it happens every now and again. The UPS proves it's worth every time this happens !

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It seems like transformers explode a lot in Thailand. I've never heard of one exploding elsewhere.

Didn't one of those knock the MRT out of service for awhile? (around 2004) Had to call in some engineers from Germany, if my memory serves me, to get things sorted and relieve public's potential anxiety.

Wonder if it's just bad engineering. Perhaps the heat. Or maybe it happens everywhere and there's just a lot of them in Krung Thep.

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There were fireworks last night at about this time - in the Yenakart/Rama IV area. I couldn't see them initially and feared the same, but then they became visible. Similarly on Friday night. The sound is alarming in these uncertain times.

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Ive only been here 3 weeks and already I have not just heard but seen two transformers explode. One in On-nut and one in Victory Monument. Yes they are very loud, sound like a big bomb going off. Im nervous walking under the dam_n things now.


The one in Victory Monument gave off three big bangs opposed to just the one in On-nut. Dont know if the Victory Monument one caused other things to go bang or if all three bangs came from the one transformer. I saw it from my balcony one street over so I was not up close enough to see it all.

Edited by Vaquero
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This might have something to do with it with electrical infrastructure going "BOOM". Metal ladder and all....lol.

Admittedly Im ignorant as to whether what these two guys are up to is really dangerous or not but it sure looks like it is. I stopped watching them because I didnt want to see a human being get bar-b-qued.


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This might have something to do with it with electrical infrastructure going "BOOM". Metal ladder and all....lol.

Admittedly Im ignorant as to whether what these two guys are up to is really dangerous or not but it sure looks like it is. I stopped watching them because I didnt want to see a human being get bar-b-qued.


An aluminium ladder....and he rests it against the cables????? Ye Gods!

Electricians only use wood or fibreglass ladders where I come from, and nobody would rest the ladder against the wires!

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