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Thai Partner!


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I have a Thai wife, who is gorgeous considerate, careful with our money and very loving. In essence she is a dream

Is that so?

May I suggest you shoot her before she turns into a nightmare same as most Thai wives do who manage to get married to a European husband and once they have a passport from the country they live in with their Farang husbands.

In my opinion it is a pity that the failed marriages do not appear here just the ones that are pending.

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To those of you who don't know I am now in England, and earlier this miserable, wet Saturday, I took my beard trimmer to Boots to order a replacement charger and explained to the man that I left the charger back home somewhere in Bangkok, probably subconsiously trying to prove that I was not your avarage miserable sod and that my life was better than his until a week ago.

...Anyway, he took it to the good looking girl on 'electrical and beauty' and after the good looking girl explained that it would take a while for Phillips to dispatch a replacement, the man then said the words...

"When will you be returning to Thailand?"

At which point my face went bright red and I ran out of the shop.

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back home somewhere in Bangkok

Well, if you refer to Thailand as 'home'. then its reasonable for someone placing a mail order for you to ask when you're going back home.

....so you can take said item with you.

I don't think he was trying to spoil your chances of romance with the Sales Girl.

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To those of you who don't know I am now in England, and earlier this miserable, wet Saturday, I took my beard trimmer to Boots to order a replacement charger and explained to the man that I left the charger back home somewhere in Bangkok, probably subconsiously trying to prove that I was not your avarage miserable sod and that my life was better than his until a week ago.

...Anyway, he took it to the good looking girl on 'electrical and beauty' and after  the good looking girl explained that it would take a while for Phillips to dispatch a replacement, the man then said the words...

"When will you be returning to Thailand?"

At which point my face went bright red and I ran out of the shop.

You've just gone from 2 to 1 on to 5 to 1 on.

Edited by Thomas_Merton
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To those of you who don't know I am now in England, and earlier this miserable, wet Saturday, I took my beard trimmer to Boots to order a replacement charger and explained to the man that I left the charger back home somewhere in Bangkok, probably subconsiously trying to prove that I was not your avarage miserable sod and that my life was better than his until a week ago.

...Anyway, he took it to the good looking girl on 'electrical and beauty' and after the good looking girl explained that it would take a while for Phillips to dispatch a replacement, the man then said the words...

"When will you be returning to Thailand?"

At which point my face went bright red and I ran out of the shop.

Next time you are in Boots ask them if they have a drivel trimmer as well, you need it.

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I have a Thai wife, who is gorgeous considerate, careful with our money and very loving. In essence she is a dream

Is that so?

May I suggest you shoot her before she turns into a nightmare same as most Thai wives do who manage to get married to a European husband and once they have a passport from the country they live in with their Farang husbands.

Bitter at life, huh?

Don't blame all Thai-women just because you couldn't keep our own bought BG happy. :o

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It's not just marriages between farangs & ex bar girls that break up.

I know of one guy, married to a Thai girl he'd met at college in the UK, who left him when he lost his job.

And he paid a dowry too. :D - I wonder if he's entitled to a refund from the mother? :o

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This thread.. Thai Partner!

To those of you who don't know I am now in England, and earlier this miserable, wet Saturday, I took my beard trimmer to Boots to order a replacement charger and explained to the man that I left the charger back home somewhere in Bangkok, probably subconsiously trying to prove that I was not your avarage miserable sod and that my life was better than his until a week ago.

...Anyway, he took it to the good looking girl on 'electrical and beauty' and after  the good looking girl explained that it would take a while for Phillips to dispatch a replacement, the man then said the words...

"When will you be returning to Thailand?"

At which point my face went bright red and I ran out of the shop.

So your Thai partner is..... your beard trimmer?

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Bitter at life, huh?

I have been called many things but bitter is not one of them until now, thanks.

No I'm not bitter I have a very nice life style thank you very much with a wonderful woman who like most women who end up with Farang men in Europe has never been on the game but it did take three goes at getting a good one.

Now tell me you have never heard of women who met their husband in Pattaya but come from all over Thailand to work as a waitress or another is "cashier", it is well known that there is a severe labour shortage in the Chon Buri area so thats why all these women need to be imported.

No matter what lies you tell the ECO at wireless rd about her employment. Selling at the night bazzar what was she selling?

The next time a truthful answer is given will be the first for many applicants, I can see it now. What do you do for a living? I am on the game and have been for years but I told him I have only been at it two weeks.

Come back for your visa tommorow!

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I have a Thai wife, who is gorgeous considerate, careful with our money and very loving. In essence she is a dream

Is that so?

May I suggest you shoot her before she turns into a nightmare same as most Thai wives do who manage to get married to a European husband and once they have a passport from the country they live in with their Farang husbands.

In my opinion it is a pity that the failed marriages do not appear here just the ones that are pending.

:o <deleted> me maerim keep it to yourself. Just because you've obviously been done over it does'nt mean everyone else will.

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First of all, I'm white. I'm from Leeds UK and grew up in a Bangladeshi area, went to a school that was mainly Indian, Pakistani, Bangladeshi with a few Jamaicans, Whites and Smallies thrown in there.

Most of my friends suffered a lot of abuse growing up from Whites off the Gipton estate nearby and nothing really seems to have changed. Never really got the white English thing at all - this generation - what is there to be proud of? Don't really like the same attitude they give my wife (we are both 31) but it seems those kids from Gipton are still on Gipton Estate with kids of their own whereas most of my old friends from my school have really got on. A lot of opportunities have arisen with property and import/export by growing up in a mixed area and when the whites start all the c**p towards my wife (which they do), I get back in my big fat Merc, light a cigar and disappear up Harehills or Chapeltown to see what the next insane Asian / West Indian money spinner is.

We live a great life in the truly mixed areas of the UK and enjoy a quality of life that is so sadly lacking in the white areas. The UK is great for that and less great for sprawling whites estates like aforementioned Gipton or Halton Moor. I've always been a 'n*gger lover', my girlfriends have always been 'spear-chuckers', my wife is a 'Suzie Wong' and I hang around with my 'Paki-Mates' but then how is it that the more abuse I get from the white geezers, the more I think I have what they want. They live in fear sure enough - just being white and from the UK adds up to pretty much nothing - get some Urdu learned, go to a Jamaican Blues Basement, take a Hindu bride (or even a Thai one) because that's what the UK is all about. :o

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I can speak from personal experience,from girls from my old bar in pattaya and students i know here in AUS.

Yes the fortunate few have the perfect wife/girlfriend.

I count my self among them,she has been in Au 10 years and has a au passport.

She loves Thailand,for the food and the shopping and will never go back to live....I think its becuase she truly thinks she will loose me if we live there.

I know girls from my bar who have been to the UK and Denmark,and germany .

ALL came back....a couple have been more than once....reasons....The guy changed,life wasnt what they thought,the money they saw in thailand was not forthcoming,not to mention language,lack of ting tong Tv,Somthai, hideous weather and of course loneliness for family and friends.

I know students here who will marry for an au passport,I know an older lady who just got hers after marrying here ,and that poor sod will be getting the ultimatum soon.

The Nett of it is,get to know the girl well, ,get visitor visa and dont marry.

The pysche of some of these girls esp BGS is they are doing you a favor going with you,their priority is too make some money to secure hers and her families future.

Some of the guys on here have seen this and some are truly fortunate to have the lady they have.

Main thing is dont rush it.

Just be yourself man, you got $$$, you are welcome.  :o

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/../get to know the girl well/../

Main thing is dont rush it.

You are absolutley right. And by all means...let the girl know the true you.

If you doesn't like what you bring to the table, it's not meant to be. Don't fake it. You'll end up a big heap of Baht shorter and probably alone back in the 'homeland'.

Myself...talked daily with my woman for 8 months before finally meeting her for the first time. And that could mean many-many hours online and on the phone. Per day. And even then, you get a fair overall idéa of how someone is, but not how they react to everyday situations. Heck, we still learn, but it's always going forward.

And yes, for me, she is perfect. And that is all that counts.

Btw, speaking about keeping things ontopic...

...I never told any of my relatives why I traveled several times to Thailand, but I think some suspected something. Told my parents I was getting married (after months of paper-work and finally being down there again) when I was standing and shopping for rings in central BKK...and my transfer of all the cash hadn't arrive and I neded to borrow a few buck for some day. ^^

No-one in my family ever said anything bad about my wife, atleast not to me. After meeting her several times I don't think anyone questions her motives or our love.

Besides, as I have mentioned before...in an essense, I married _up_, so it's not like I have to think about if she needs my money...

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I have a Thai wife, who is gorgeous considerate, careful with our money and very loving. In essence she is a dream

Is that so?

May I suggest you shoot her before she turns into a nightmare same as most Thai wives do who manage to get married to a European husband and once they have a passport from the country they live in with their Farang husbands.

In my opinion it is a pity that the failed marriages do not appear here just the ones that are pending.

Hey Maerim

You are almost correct in what you say about Thai ladies marrying Farang men except that my wife (who I first met 12 years ago in a bar and married 5 years ago) is not the one who wants a passport from the country she lives in, it is me. My wife has been to the UK a couple of times, and like me she is not impressed with it.

Why should she be? Here in her country (and my adopted one) she has a bigger house, better car, more friends and anything else she would get in my home country, AND she never asked to marry me nor does she want a UK passport. I know of at least 6 other friends of ours who also worked in the bar and are married to farangs and they live quite happily abroad but in the future will be coming home (both husband and wife) to live.

IMHO there are more people writing about their own and other peoples failed marriages than there are people writing about their successful marriages.

In addition I KNOW where my wife came from as she knows where I came from and neither of us gives a rats a** what anybody else thinks.

We have a good life, a lovely son and for me if it all went tits up between us tomorrow I would not regret nor change a thing.

Sign me as a very happy man married to a lovely Thai lady. :o:D

Edited by billd766 aided by a computer that cannot spell.

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Ignore them Spuds, you have said it already, what really matters is how the two of you feel about each other!

Others can like it or lump it!

Their problem is either bigotry or jealousy, niether makes them big enough to be worth knowing.

Good luck to the two of you.

Peter. :D  :D  :o

Yeah..I am agree, It's very unfortunate for people living in 3rd world country co'z the world are looking at them, degrading their beliefs culture and so on. but in reality, those are narrow minded people seems never looking back where they came from as well. very fortunate co'z they are living in a wonderful country they claimed. other people thinks the Thai or any other asian nation girls are sounds embarass wit them, then leave them alone and avoid go to the EAST.

Just ignore them Spuds, Good luck with both of you and best wishes.. :D:D

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I really dont care what people think. I know my missus is not or even been a pro. So who cares what everyone thinks. As for friends. My friends are happy for me whether she is Thai, Indian, Spanish or whatever.

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