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Do Not Work To Hard In The Sun

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My friend Heinz from Germany die of get to much heat in the sun...

his wife found her husband lay right beside the Big fishponds beside thiers house yesterday 10:30 am

after she came back from the market...

This is sad to hear...my friend from Heinz village call and tell me...that he work by the fishponds alone in the hot sun...

His wife founds him ...and he already die...

Oh my friend Heinz sleep good dear...


I too am also sorry for you or anyone losing a friend.

You seemed to be close to him so my regards go out to you and your friends family.

You are correct in wanrning others as we sometimes get wraped up in what were doing before we know it and we always try to push a little harder sometimes. Take care if out in the sun and drink plenty of liquid (Water not beer).


Yes...this is very sad...he is a really good man...his house his garden look great...he always in the garden the most of the day...I know that European people love the sun to much ,but can be to much to be outside even me... i'm a Thai...

His body still in hospitals in Surin...hope he will come home soon...


So sad about my friend fun's german friend

my deepest sympathies to all his friends and family

but this is an example to us all

To all Farangs in thai

i have worked outside most of my life and in other hot countries

the sun is hot even in mid morning, not like our countries we know by noon the sun at highest so we take care at that time in summer

do not do hard work or stand in sun long time at this time of year from 9.0am to 6pm

if u have to do stay in some shade if u can or create some

Golden Rules

please be careful about the sun here, it s so deceptive and many people don't understand that to work here, you must be acclimatised to it and even then the thais know when to work and how in this heat

if u need to do some light work even, do it before 8.0am or after dark sets when cooler

if u need to do something in day, wear big brim hat, not just baseball hat, now recomended by many governments for outside workers like new zealand

drink lots of water all time, NEVER beer as worse for you, do that later when your finished, tastes better too :D

take salt tablets or salty drinks if u need to

and take plenty breaks inside with aircon

oh last note the best suntans don't come quick, longest lasting ones take long time to be good and done slowly and carefully :)

just use your brain and think before you do anything in sun here.... it can kill u or make u very ill even for short time working

take care yourselves out there

So sad about my friend fun's german friend

my deepest sympathies to all his friends and family

but this is an example to us all

To all Farangs in thai

i have worked outside most of my life and in other hot countries

the sun is hot even in mid morning, not like our countries we know by noon the sun at highest so we take care at that time in summer

do not do hard work or stand in sun long time at this time of year from 9.0am to 6pm

if u have to do stay in some shade if u can or create some

Golden Rules

please be careful about the sun here, it s so deceptive and many people don't understand that to work here, you must be acclimatised to it and even then the thais know when to work and how in this heat

if u need to do some light work even, do it before 8.0am or after dark sets when cooler

if u need to do something in day, wear big brim hat, not just baseball hat, now recomended by many governments for outside workers like new zealand

drink lots of water all time, NEVER beer as worse for you, do that later when your finished, tastes better too :D

take salt tablets or salty drinks if u need to

and take plenty breaks inside with aircon

oh last note the best suntans don't come quick, longest lasting ones take long time to be good and done slowly and carefully :)

just use your brain and think before you do anything in sun here.... it can kill u or make u very ill even for short time working

take care yourselves out there

You are right Ric...I do working in the garden every day...but I use to work from 06 am to 09 am sometimes to 10 am depends on the weather ofcorse...by the way ..thank you for the post dear... : )

Yes...this is very sad...he is a really good man...his house his garden look great...he always in the garden the most of the day...I know that European people love the sun to much ,but can be to much to be outside even me... i'm a Thai...

His body still in hospitals in Surin...hope he will come home soon...

Sorry for your loss, I guess if there's a bright side (no pun intended) he died happily doing something he loved tending to his garden, we should all be so fortunate when our time comes. I come from a high heat and sun environment even more so then Thailand especially humidity wise and it is hard to believe that the sun was that intense at that time of the morning, I should think there was some additional underlying cause such as a heart condition or something that prevented him from handling the heat, at any rate RIP to him and well wishes to you..


I am sorry to hear of the loss of your friend.

How old was he?

I know heat problems can affect any age - I'm just trying to gauge when to slow down as I get older......



Sorry for your loss,R.I.P. At the moment at the back of my house in Nong Khai there is a Thai Construction Group building a House,But the other day they STOPPED Work at 12 Noon,On that day it was 39c So Very Wise......

I am sorry to hear of the loss of your friend.

How old was he?

I know heat problems can affect any age - I'm just trying to gauge when to slow down as I get older......


He is only 57 dear

Yes...this is very sad...he is a really good man...his house his garden look great...he always in the garden the most of the day...I know that European people love the sun to much ,but can be to much to be outside even me... i'm a Thai...

His body still in hospitals in Surin...hope he will come home soon...

Sorry for your loss, I guess if there's a bright side (no pun intended) he died happily doing something he loved tending to his garden, we should all be so fortunate when our time comes. I come from a high heat and sun environment even more so then Thailand especially humidity wise and it is hard to believe that the sun was that intense at that time of the morning, I should think there was some additional underlying cause such as a heart condition or something that prevented him from handling the heat, at any rate RIP to him and well wishes to you..

Yeah the doctor have to Autopsy? (if I spell right) him to see if it another case he die of...because the blood also come out from his ears and from nose ...he is still in the laboratary right now....

Yes...this is very sad...he is a really good man...his house his garden look great...he always in the garden the most of the day...I know that European people love the sun to much ,but can be to much to be outside even me... i'm a Thai...

His body still in hospitals in Surin...hope he will come home soon...

Sorry for your loss, I guess if there's a bright side (no pun intended) he died happily doing something he loved tending to his garden, we should all be so fortunate when our time comes. I come from a high heat and sun environment even more so then Thailand especially humidity wise and it is hard to believe that the sun was that intense at that time of the morning, I should think there was some additional underlying cause such as a heart condition or something that prevented him from handling the heat, at any rate RIP to him and well wishes to you..

Yeah the doctor have to Autopsy? (if I spell right) him to see if it another case he die of...because the blood also come out from his ears and from nose ...he is still in the laboratary right now....

Strange case of heatstroke,especially at 10,30 am. Sounds more like poisoning or a bop over the head toppled poor Heinz. Let us know what the autopsy results say, when they come out. Anybody else know Heinz on TV?

Yes...this is very sad...he is a really good man...his house his garden look great...he always in the garden the most of the day...I know that European people love the sun to much ,but can be to much to be outside even me... i'm a Thai...

His body still in hospitals in Surin...hope he will come home soon...

Sorry for your loss, I guess if there's a bright side (no pun intended) he died happily doing something he loved tending to his garden, we should all be so fortunate when our time comes. I come from a high heat and sun environment even more so then Thailand especially humidity wise and it is hard to believe that the sun was that intense at that time of the morning, I should think there was some additional underlying cause such as a heart condition or something that prevented him from handling the heat, at any rate RIP to him and well wishes to you..

Yeah the doctor have to Autopsy? (if I spell right) him to see if it another case he die of...because the blood also come out from his ears and from nose ...he is still in the laboratary right now....

Strange case of heatstroke,especially at 10,30 am. Sounds more like poisoning or a bop over the head toppled poor Heinz. Let us know what the autopsy results say, when they come out. Anybody else know Heinz on TV?

Yes...we will know soon from the hospitals ...I will tell here... what happen to him... some say already that maybe he felt down because he pull the lilly out of the fishponds...(this is hard work to do alone ,and if the lilly stror is break or cut of he will felt down hard... I do try few times ...and awww hurt )...because he have such a big ponds right beside his house and full with lilly....some say he have sugar sick....some say the wrain break that is why the blood out from his nose....I don't know what really happen to him now...I will tell when, I exactly knows


Very sad.

Sounds like it might be more than just heat but the advice is still good. I'm 56 in June and I have high blood pressure (hypertension) so I need to be careful when I finally manage to live in Thailand full time.

My best wishes to all his family and friends.

Very sad.

Sounds like it might be more than just heat but the advice is still good. I'm 56 in June and I have high blood pressure (hypertension) so I need to be careful when I finally manage to live in Thailand full time.

My best wishes to all his family and friends.

Hi kimamey

I and many of my friend from the UK, live a far healthy,happy and less stressful life here.

There is more to life than drinking, Honestly :)

Good luck with your plans

Dave (a Surinfarang)


Thank God now he come home...Funeral gonna be thai 3 days 3 nights...


Thank God now he come home...Funeral gonna be thai 3 days 3 nights...


Good news meuanfun, our thoughts are with you all.


We bring him to the temple in our area yesterday at 13: 00 pm...

and here after thai ceremony 15:00pm we send him up to the heaven.


We bring him to the temple in our area yesterday at 13: 00 pm...

and here after thai ceremony 15:00pm we send him up to the heaven.








If you are thirsty do take on water immediately because you are already dehydrating. I play golf two or three times per week and in my golf bag I carry a thermos flask and keep a face cloth in a plastic bag. Before we start to play my caddy fills the flask with water and broken ice and puts similar mixture in the plastic bag. I take regular gulps of the water and use the very wet and very cold face cloth to cool down as required. At stops along the way she tops up both flask and bag. I have never seen anybody else do this and more fool them IMO.

In my Navy days it was common practice to fold a handkerchief diagonally and drape it around one's neck, tying it at the front. This protected the nape of the neck and my understanding was that this prevented blood to the brain becoming overheated. Japanese soldiers had a flap on their headgear to protect this area and it is a common sight among Thai labourers. Maybe the lovely Cheryl would comment on this.

I also understand that 40% of body heat is lost through the top of one's head so that wearing a hat may be a mixed blessing.

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