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Is Sex Without Love Wrong?


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sbk gets off the chair to pick UG off the floor :D


I hope yer strong gal, because there's a whole bunch of us dudes you're going to have to pick up. :D


I think the artist who drew that smilie used this guy as his model


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Ok, I try to find a better analogy.

Maybe the comparison with clothes is indeed better.

I am sure you buy clothes, but you have no way to tell if what you are buying has not been produced using child labor or slavery, yet you continue buying clothes.

I just realized the above analogy again doesn't work - apologies.

So we are looking for a service, activity or object which some, but not everyone uses/buys, exclusively for their selfish pleasure and the providers of which *could* potentially be doing it against their will, yet the service is not deemed worthy of a ban.


How about alcohol? Most of us consume it, yet many consider it morally wrong, and we have no idea whether the people that made the alcohol are doing so under their own free will? Do they like to make alcohol?

To make it directly comparable we would need to be buying the alcohol direct from the person that made it.

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sbk gets off the chair to pick UG off the floor :D


I hope yer strong gal, because there's a whole bunch of us dudes you're going to have to pick up. :D


I think the artist who drew that smilie used this guy as his model


I found a guy like that in the gutter outside a bar near the military hospital in Santiago, Chile late one evening (Providencia, an upmarket neighborhood)...I managed to deposit him onna bench close by...

the next day I went back to the bar and asked if they had heard of an injured man round the corner the previous night and they said no...

weirdest thing...eyes wide open and smiling but totally insensate... :D

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sorry for the double post... Here's a funny, true story to compensate.

A friend's parents went out to dinner with another couple. This couple has a son who has Down's Syndrome.

While they were eating, the son called to tell them there was a troll in the house.

They figured he had just seen something that reminder him of a story about trolls, and blew him off. A half hour, and a few phone calls later, they decided they had better go find out what is happening at home.

When they arrive home, the son leads them into his bedroom, where he has all of his furniture pushed up against the closet door. Hearing sounds from inside the closet, they quickly remove the furniture, and out walks a dwarf.

He was the US Census taker, who had come to the house to ask a few questions.

Thanks for that, too funny. :)

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Sex and love have nothing to do with each other. If you take away testosterone than you take away desire for sex. It is possible to love someone without having sex and vice versa

Couldn't have said it better.

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