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Be Careful In This Heat


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I do not know who experts are who say Thailand is not a hot country, but I am here now and it is hot. There are other places that are hotter, such as Arizona, Australia and hel_l, but it is still hot. Even Thai people know it is hot. Also, it does not have to be 60 degrees to get heatstroke. It is an individual thing depending on the victim's age, physical condition, hydration level and humidity. I suffered heat exhaustion in USA working for the power company and it was only about 87 degrees fahrenheit. There are almost as many doctors on forum as there are ex-commandos and sex machines.

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... snip ... There are almost as many doctors on forum as there are ex-commandos and sex machines.

Sawasdee Khrup, Khun Tomahawk,

The smoke of your words intrigues. We think it was kind of you not to mention the presence of the hordes of the "living dead." By the way, did you mean: "sex-commandos" ?

Sometimes we feel that living in the Amazing Kingdom, in Luscious Lanna, has helped up us become ex-machine, but perhaps the transubstantiation from onesome to twosome also helped.

best, ~o:37;

Edited by orang37
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You notice that its the farang that gets the heat stroke. :) The Thai doesn't, so who's smarter. :D

Thais certainly do get heat-stroke. That is fact. They do however tend to avoid the conditions that produce it more cleverly than the Farrangs do. Construction workers are most proned to heat-stroke for obvious reasons.

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You notice that its the farang that gets the heat stroke. :D The Thai doesn't, so who's smarter. :D

Thais certainly do get heat-stroke. That is fact. They do however tend to avoid the conditions that produce it more cleverly than the Farrangs do. Construction workers are most proned to heat-stroke for obvious reasons.

by hiring migrant workers to do the work :)

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There's been a few ridiculously high numbers thrown around in this thread. Please check out the facts:

The highest temperature ever recorded anywhere on earth was 57.8°C in El Azizia, Libya on September 13, 1922.

The highest temperature ever recorded in Australia was 50.7°C in Oodnadatta on January 2, 1960.

The highest temperature ever recorded in Thailand was 44.5°C in Uttaradit on April 27, 1960.

So, yes, it get's very hot. But it's never even come close to 50 C in Thailand, and it's never reached 60 degrees Celsius in the Australian Outback, or anywhere on earth, for that matter. At least not anytime in the past 100 years or so.

Source: http://wmo.asu.edu/

Source: http://www.nationmultimedia.com/2007/04/26...al_30032751.php

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Sawasdee Khrup, Khun LazyYogi,

We've also spoken out, earlier in this thread, on the ridiculous high temperatures claimed here. Not sure which site it was on we read of a high 69C being reported in 1922 in that same place in Libya you cite.

Here's a site claims a high of 70.7C in the Lut desert in Iran : Bloody Hot Lut

But one thing that does come into play is that the surface temperature of the earth can get hotter than even the extremes mentioned here. In the Sonoran desert, the surface temperature can reach 180 F, about 82C (don't go barefootin' !) : source : article by Tom Kollenborn linked to in a previous post of ours on this thread. Once read that a surface temperature in Death Valley in California, actually reached 200F.

Atmospheric temperatures are usually recorded about five feet above the surface.

best, ~o:37;

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Well it seems that based on what was reported on the other thread he more likely passed out (possibly due to heat or something else like over exertion, high blood pressure, stroke, low blood pressure heart problems, etc.) and then hit his head as she said he had blood coming from his ears and his nose, not a symptom of heat stroke..

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And.... The sun'll give you cancer, and Thai traffic might take you out any given day, and the pollution might get your lungs, and fluoride in the water is damaging your bones, and high blood pressure is the silent killer, and sometimes a chimney can fall on you, and sometimes you fall in a well, and and and.... too much anxiety can lead to lack of satisfaction with life as it is, exactly as you find it that day...and thusly you forget that life is a no-safety-guarantees situation; just go out, live it, love it, do the best you can.

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  • 1 year later...

. . . Zero Mostel . . . had a sketch he used to do where he impersonated a southern Senator from the United States in a hearing on the origins of World War II. At one point in his comedy routine Mostel, in character as redneck Senator, would shout out : "What was Pearl Harbor doing in the Pacific ?" . . .

Sawadee khrap, Khun orang37,

Thank you for that very interesting story. It is particularly amusing as Mostel playing the Senator in fact spoke more wisdom than I imagine any of the yokels laughing in the crowd appreciated. :)

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At 06.30 this morning down near Khampaeng Phet it was 21 and raining and by 09.00 it was down to 19.

It is a CWFM day (cold, wet and frigging miserable) but it is th first real eain we have had in 3 months so I shouldn't really complain.

But I will and I did.

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a few years back my mate and I were working on the roof of a new school up in Cairns ( aircon room louvered vent installation)...he was about 40? I think me mid 50's. Being a Londoner and not too O fay with the tropics I knew enough to wear a hat atleast..he said hey mate I'm a f..g Ozzie what the f..do you know.

Well come 4pm or so and I was ready to go down shower with the hose on the building site and suck back a few VBs ....I go over to "his" bit of roof..couldn't find him ...then a guy climbs up the ladder and says ..you looking for your mate... we brung him down ..think he is dead!..Well... jumped down the ladder and got someone to call the medics as could not find a pulse..Long and short of it..he did not die but had serious sunstroke and several days in hospital ensued....

That said I have had sunstroke several times in Thailand and on the ocean..why DOES beer taste so much better than fruit juice or water!!!!

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