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How Do You Reply?


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I usually tell them I am from London

Answer: Ohhh, you are English?

Me: No I am Pakistani :)

I thought everyone from London was Black and drove a bus,especially if you are English.

yes you're right, everyone from London is black and we all drive buses, apart from those Londoners who are from Australia, who all serve pints.

So that would mean 8 million black bus drivers all driving buses that were empty apart from when the Australians were going to work in the pub!

No wonder the traffic is so bad!

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I usually reply " Daao Angkaan" or planet Mars. Easy to remember becuase Tuesday is wan angkaan i.e. Mars day.

This usually annoys them so not always a good idea.

I usually say pajan, (moon) but it is a very tonal word, with jan having a rising tone, and is not always understood. 50/50 response ie sometimes good/funny, sometimes nogood/nofunny. Its worth the risk :)

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I usually tell them I am from London

Answer: Ohhh, you are English?

Me: No I am Pakistani :)

I thought everyone from London was Black and drove a bus,especially if you are English.

yes you're right, everyone from London is black and we all drive buses, apart from those Londoners who are from Australia, who all serve pints.

So that would mean 8 million black bus drivers all driving buses that were empty apart from when the Australians were going to work in the pub!

No wonder the traffic is so bad!

No need to talk about our Abbos like that.

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I also remember when a Briton was a member of the original Celtic Inhabitants.

Oh REALLY! You wouldn't like to let on how the <deleted> hel_l they built Stonehenge and why? Only it's been puzzling a good few academics for a good few years.

The Celtic migration into the British Isles occurred in the 6th century BC; some 2000 years after Stonehenge was completed.

Now, can people please stick to the topic.

Me? I say I'm from England, which invariably means I'm then asked what football team I support. My answer of "None" is usually greeted with incomprehension!

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America or "Sa-had-rat", Which is great because most Thai's have realized us American's have no interest in soccer :D

I have no problem telling my nationality to anyone. And to be honest the only people who seem to have a problem with my nationality are other farangs who are unable to realize that 1 person does not equal nor represent the entire government of his home country.

so why did every game David Beckham play in sell out, what about the soccer moms, aarrghh its football not soccer, we invented it like rugby netball, rounders.etc or should i say Football, Basketball and Baseball it wont be long before USAs favourite sport is football, the real thing played with the foot. look forward to the world cup as our first game is USA, wont be easy for us. its the worlds number 1 sport and we are wining you over slowly. i visited the states during the world cup, orange bowl Orlando, has to be the best organised event i have ever been to, shame the irish lost though. ASTON VILLA, MANCHESTER UNITED, DEBY COUNTY,LIVERPOOL all American owned. your cracking slowly but surely :)

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I usually say "the moon" (phra jan), 'cause they don't really care where you come from. What do they know about any other country?

Sometimes I say "Buriram." They don't believe it (rightly) and insist I must have a wife from Buriram.

thats a bit of a generalisasion, when i met my wife she asked me about Stonhenge, Shakespere, Charles Dickens etc she new all English nursery rymes, fully understands about vowels, nouns and verbs. She also knew about our royal family in Great Briton. Maybe they want to learn something about your country. she could indentify most of Europes flags. All learnt at school. dont knock them through a lack of Education, most Brits in know back home only know one thing about Thailand. Lees than10% of Americans can point to a world map and show you where Iraq is, she knew.

what they know about most western countries is they have loads of guys who come over here to pay for sex and get drunk, do they really want to know anymore

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America or "Sa-had-rat", Which is great because most Thai's have realized us American's have no interest in soccer :D

I have no problem telling my nationality to anyone. And to be honest the only people who seem to have a problem with my nationality are other farangs who are unable to realize that 1 person does not equal nor represent the entire government of his home country.

so why did every game David Beckham play in sell out, what about the soccer moms, aarrghh its football not soccer, we invented it like rugby netball, rounders.etc or should i say Football, Basketball and Baseball it wont be long before USAs favourite sport is football, the real thing played with the foot. look forward to the world cup as our first game is USA, wont be easy for us. its the worlds number 1 sport and we are wining you over slowly. i visited the states during the world cup, orange bowl Orlando, has to be the best organised event i have ever been to, shame the irish lost though. ASTON VILLA, MANCHESTER UNITED, DEBY COUNTY,LIVERPOOL all American owned. your cracking slowly but surely :)

Sadly the #1 "sport" in the US is Nascar, or as I like to call it "Non-Athletic Sport Centered Around Rednecks"

And I jest, My university was known for soccer and lived and thrived on it, though only Div III. Soccer is popular in America from k-12 Many people play intermural leagues when they are young, but no one cares to watch it. kinda like lacrosse.

Also I look like Rooney, which has actually gotten me out of a lot of tickets with the BiB haha

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I'm from Switzerland and am often asked if I speak Swedish.

And i don't remember changing my av to the hyena man!!!

note to self - do not drink voddie with a guy from Liverpool....

Edited by Patsycat
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A true story about a Thai tourist in the USA.

American: Where are you from?

Thai: Bangkok

American: In what state is that?



Yeah many Americans ain't so hot at the geography. I remember when I moved to San Francisco and some locals asked me where I was from. Back east (the west coast way of saying east coast). Oh, back east, I've been back east, Las Vegas.

Even funnier, I remember a girl from my youth. When she was confronted with the idea that there were actually people in the world who didn't speak English and lived in foreign countries, she loudly denied it, and when people tried to insist to her that it was really so, she burst out crying.

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:D you think your bad? thin k about this one, i am from belfast northern ireland, uk i class myself as british, thai girl - where you from , me - im from north ireland , thai girl - oh ireland rite, me - no uk north ireland ,thai girl frowning :D - ireland not same uk rite ? me - not same but north ireland same same uk ...thai girl - ohhhhhhhhh :)
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I remain puzzled by Brits who insist they're English. And care about soccer clubs and ales. I insist I'm from Texas :),

You're obviously a bird if you think there is more to life the football, beer and being English! stupid you is.. :D

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so now i just tell them anything


Same here now.... i start of with round about the truth... England Bir ming Haaaam u know Aston Villas / Birmingham city etc...

is that London?

Yeah and i used to go to school with Beckham and visit the queen for tea :D

jing na krap!

no one cares anyway...

Do i give a fig when a girls says "nakon nowhere" me... oh yeah its beautiful and quiet there!

whats ya name again?????

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"How Do You Reply?, when asked, where do you come from."

Why don't you respond with: "I'm from England"? It's short, to the point, truthful, and completely free of either emotion or drama.

Edited by hhgz
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Wow, I never thought about that.

Now Im glad Im not from UK (I mean England).

Never thought a simple question it would create that much hazzle.


just to be clear :D

The UK is the United Kingdom of Great Britain (which contains the countries of England, Scotland and Wales) and Northern Ireland,

the nationality of a citizen of the UK is British. There are many citizens of the UK who are not English, Scottish, Welsh or Irish.

Hope that clears things up :)

I have to differ a little. I am from England, born and bred from English parents, so l am English. The residents of British Isles as a whole are referd to as British. I may be splitting hairs here but l feel strongly about it.

seconded. :D

one of the reasons i bought the topic up.

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Sydney Australia, they all seem to know. However I did not make my self clear one day with the Aussie accent and was taken to the Austrian Embassy in stead of the Australian Embassy. :):D

Austria/Australia - you mean they're not the same?

I bought a book for a friend's daughter - Flags and People of The World.

It has the Australian flag, so that's OK. But next to it - a couple in lederhosen, him in a (is it Tyrol) hat and big curly moustache, her similarly in traditional Austrian clothes. Explain that one away.

New Zealand was slightly more accurate - correct flag and yes we do still get round in grass skirts most days.

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Wow, I never thought about that.

Now Im glad Im not from UK (I mean England).

Never thought a simple question it would create that much hazzle.


just to be clear :D

The UK is the United Kingdom of Great Britain (which contains the countries of England, Scotland and Wales) and Northern Ireland,

the nationality of a citizen of the UK is British. There are many citizens of the UK who are not English, Scottish, Welsh or Irish.

Hope that clears things up :)

Ahhh yes, I got it..............................I think.


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If the person asking is a cute lady, the standard answer is to reply, Heaven, would you like me to take you there? Yes, incredibly pathetic, and never works, but it I'm from the Quagmire school of pick up lines - giggiggity. :D

When it is a tout or other guttersnipe, I reply Burma. Shuts them up fast.

Usually, if someone important wants to know where I am from, the just ask for my papers.

Unfortunately, I keep getting mistaken for being English - Is your name John?

Or, German :)

I don't get it. My teeth are fine, I am not inked, and although I am getting plump, I am not a lumbering tub of goo and don't yell at anyone. No one asks if I am Scanadnavian :D I mean ,at least if they asked if I was from a country of beautiful people like Denmark, I could run with it. Too ugly to pass, I guess.

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just to be clear :D

The UK is the United Kingdom of Great Britain (which contains the countries of England, Scotland and Wales) and Northern Ireland,

the nationality of a citizen of the UK is British. There are many citizens of the UK who are not English, Scottish, Welsh or Irish.

Hope that clears things up :)

Thankyou Bifftastic. I was waiting for someone to address this correctly.

One of my work colleagues recently asked me a question..."Are people from the UK, English?"

I told her that they may not be due to the reasons above (see Bifftastic's comments). She was confused so, with the help of the internet, I showed her which countries form the UK, which countries form Britain & which countries form Great Britain. She was amazed & confused.

I'm sure that Thais are not the only ones confused about this. Many Aussies wouldn't know it either.

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i decide if the question and the questioner are worthy of an honest reply and answer (or don't) accordingly.

i truly fail to see the issue. but that is increasingly the case with this forum where the tenor of the response to my remarks changes every time i change my avatar.

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I am English, everyone and their dog can become British. I also remember when a Briton was a member of the original Celtic Inhabitants.

I confuse the hel_l out of them - I am Cornish. It's a country annexed by The English at the South West tip of the UK. :)

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"How Do You Reply?, when asked, where do you come from."

Why don't you respond with: "I'm from England"? It's short, to the point, truthful, and completely free of either emotion or drama.

Only if you are from England. :)

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i come from london and i support arsenal,

on that basis alone Im letting this topic run :)

You cruel man! You couldn't even remove the evidence and spare the poor man the embarrassment he will now have to endure when the above is on display?
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i decide if the question and the questioner are worthy of an honest reply and answer (or don't) accordingly.

i truly fail to see the issue. but that is increasingly the case with this forum where the tenor of the response to my remarks changes every time i change my avatar.

And your ego...what nationality is that?

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I remain puzzled by Brits who insist they're English. And care about soccer clubs and ales. I insist I'm from Texas :),

Why would you be puzzled ??

How would you feel if i said you were from Iowa ??

Same difference, ( Great ) Britain is made up of 4 Countries, USA is made up of 52 States, you insist you're from Texas & i insist i'm from England, & proud of it too, like you i'd assume..:D

Edit : & with regards to Football ( it's Football, not Soccer because it's played predominantly with your feet, not hands ), my Great Grandfather supported the Club i do today, as did my Grandfather who in turn passed n the mantle to my Dad who then passed it on to me & here we are today..

You Guys in the US don't see Sports the same way as we do as your Sports Teams are structured differently.

You have Franchises, we have lifelong Bonds through generations of Family & unquestioned loyalty... :D

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The United Kingdom is made up of:

* England - The capital is London.

* Scotland - The capital is Edinburgh .

* Wales - The capital is Cardiff.

* Northern Ireland - The capital is Belfast.

England, Scotland and Wales together form Great Britain.

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