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6,000 Guns And Explosives Stolen From Thai Army Barracks


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Has anyone checked the balloon? maybe they have been stashed in there and that's why it won't take off.

This is just a reasonable suggestion as some of the drama queens in here can muster, if I had a baht for every time they scaremongered or said a red attack was imminent I would be as wealthy as Thaksin.

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6,000 weapons and explosives takes an entire convoy of trucks to move around. You can't fit 6,000 weapons and explosives in the back of a rice farmer's pickup truck and put a blanket over it. Someone would have seen something. And if nobody saw anything, then it probably never happened. It's easier to say that 6,000 weapons that never existed were stolen, than to actually steal 6,000 weapons.

embarassing to say the least! No doubt that is a serious task to organize that. if you can't keep track of your own weapons, maybe you shouldn't have them, huh?

Man, they make the cast on Hogan's Heroes look brilliant.

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Arsenal theft may be an inside job : Panithan

By The Nation


The theft at an Army arsenal in Phatthalung province might be an insider's job.

BANGKOK: -- The authorities are persuing leads to determine whether the stolen weapons might have been destined for the insurgency in the south or for the red shirts, government spokesman Panitan Wattanayagorn said Sunday yesterday.

A large number of weapon disappeared from the 4th Army Engineering Battalion, which reports to the 4th Army Region, and a police complaint was filed since Thursday.

"Based on how the theft happened, culprits must be very familiar with the arsenal," Panitan said.

Meanwhile Fourth Army Region's commander Lt Gen Pichet Wisaijorn visited the 4th Army Engineering Battlion to gather information relating to the theft.

Following the theft, security at the site was tightened including screening all vehicles coming in and out the area.

A police source said that about 3,000 ammunitions of rifles; M-16, AK-16, as well as 20 grenades were stolen.


-- The Nation 2010-03-07


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This sounds like a ruse to enable to invoke the internal security act and keep the Red Shirts out of central Bangkok. The easy steps have been taken: banning E-tans from the streets, announcing that any vehicle used as a barracade will be destroyed. Now they have an excuse to search vehicles and individuals and generally harrass participants. The ruling elite are shit scared and its showing! 6,000 weapons just Walking out of a base in Pattalung close to the Southern insurgency problem. yeah right!

That sounds about right.

And the first casualty of war? The truth is the first casualty and disinformation is always a very handy weapon to have.

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I bet this was planned by Anupong. He'll come with his supposedly working bomb detectors, find the missing explosives, prove that the detectors are indeed working (even if they're not) and then on top earn himself an award for finding the missing weapons.

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What credibility would the government have left if they were found to have fabricated such a story?

Simple math tells me that zero credibility, minus anything, is still zero credibility. So they would still have the same credibility left. Nothing to loose!

I don't know why you think the government has zero credibility. Didn't they get about 1/3 of the votes in the last election ... just slightly less (in total) than the PPP (They actually got more votes than the PPP in Proportional voting).

And usually leaders of governments with zero credibility don't go off around the world visiting other heads of state. Oh, Thaksin has recently visited heads of state of Uganda, Nicaragua and Cambodia ... so he must have some credibilty too.

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A police source said that about 3,000 ammunitions of rifles; M-16, AK-16, as well as 20 grenades were stolen.


-- The Nation 2010-03-07


Earlier it was 6,000 weapons and explosives. Now it's 3,000 ammunitions and 20 grenades? No mention of weapons anymore? And my guess is that the "3,000 ammunitions" is actually 3,000 bullets which can be purchased anywhere?


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I bet this was planned by Anupong. He'll come with his supposedly working bomb detectors, find the missing explosives, prove that the detectors are indeed working (even if they're not) and then on top earn himself an award for finding the missing weapons.


noooooooo the reds stole them :)

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I think the problem with the news report is the use of the word "stolen," making it sound like the guns and bombs were there one day, gone the next. If there is truth in this story, then most likely someone got around to taking inventory and discovered that the arms were missing. Could have been smuggled out by truck once per week over a year.

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Has anyone checked the balloon? maybe they have been stashed in there and that's why it won't take off.

This is just a reasonable suggestion as some of the drama queens in here can muster, if I had a baht for every time they scaremongered or said a red attack was imminent I would be as wealthy as Thaksin.

that may explain why it can't fly to maximum heights, - overloaded. :):D

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In other threads I have already said the bombings at the banks, the bomb at the university and the bomb found at the supreme court are the work of people other than the reds, this latest propaganda is just another in a long list of stitch ups, yet people on this forum still argue against this. maybe they can explain just how 6000 guns go walkies from an army barracks, in fact it is easier to explain how they have not gone walkies at all and probably never existed.

Very knowledgable comments.

It's good to have a poster like you Tony with "inside knowledge".

Jusy one thing - where is your evidence to back up such "enlightening" statements ?

Do you have evidence to prove otherwise?

Also I never claimed to have "inside knowledge", I have an opinion based on the events that have occurred. Sorry if they don't fit in with your guesswork.

I'm equally sorry if my scepticism doesn't fit in with your need to have compliant posters.

But, then you don't often get that, do you Tony ?

I often think, you say these things just to provoke an opposite reaction, rather than believe in what you say.

This is sad, for somepne who is obviously quite well studied on the Thai situation and who could pass on this knowledge, in a way that did not always seem like propaganda.

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Dear Yellow and government

Now, can you try another another conspiracy theory?

Aren't you through all the tricks up your sleeves yet?

Right before the planned red shirts rally, the government might issue a state of emergency because a pink dinosaur is roaming the streets of Bangkok. It's not safe to join the rally today, people ...stay home!!

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I'll add my two cents. In most militaries around the world, including Thailand one would find that arsenals and unit-level armories alike are guarded with not only human guards and intensive physical security systems, but access to them requires layered access measures and penetrating a minimum of triple-lock security. The arms facility itself is locked with more than one ultra high-security lock and the individual weapon racks are also similarly locked. The keys to these facilities are also very carefully secured and controlled. One poster questioned what an engineer unit was doing housing such items. It is engineer units that customarily use military explosives & demolitions in the accomplishment of their unit missions and they indeed maintain stocks for these purposes.

More to the point though...nobody simply strolls into an arms room or arms depot, and walks away casually, or surrepticiously with 6,000 weapons and explosives. Any insurgent-led attempt to do so would be the cause of a major incident that could not be brushed under the rug..nor would it be. This reeks painfully of an inside job. Identifying those persons in the chain of command who are responsible for the security of these missing arms should be a simple matter; they in turn should be publicly named and charges brought against them for high treason to the state. Placed under intensive interrogation the truth would be bound to emerge. This would include unit-level armorers, supply personel and unit commanders all the way up to and including the seniormost general officer placed in a direct leadership role. Something also tells me that all this will never occur. It is a very sad day for the Royal Thai Army.

Well, this IS Thailand. Where cars and buses of civvies drove in and shut down a couple of international airports, one of them under the 'watch' of a branch of the armed forces.. What I mean to say is 'normal' does NOT apply here.

4 out of 10. You really must pay more attention!

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Oh, Thaksin has recently visited heads of state of Uganda, Nicaragua and Cambodia ... so he must have some credibilty too.

There's good business to be made in those countries. Can't blame him for that.

Yes, that's why he visited Burma too. There was good business for his company there.

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A police source said that about 3,000 ammunitions of rifles; M-16, AK-16, as well as 20 grenades were stolen.


-- The Nation 2010-03-07


Earlier it was 6,000 weapons and explosives. Now it's 3,000 ammunitions and 20 grenades? No mention of weapons anymore? And my guess is that the "3,000 ammunitions" is actually 3,000 bullets which can be purchased anywhere?


How do you know this report wasn't originally misrepresented by the media - would be the first time ?

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5,000+ cash can get someone killed...

Not much can't be bought here for the right amounts.

'Cash is King' here and Thaksin has been topping up the troupes lately.

Hey .. where did you hear that quote? From the gossips I've heard it's more like 30,000 THB but if you know someone cheaper please let me know. I'm in Samui as well and sometimes it appears to me that if some people were to leave this island it would be much nicer place :)

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I know as little as anyone but my best guess is that there are now 6,000 more muslims better armed. Look out Phuket. It seems like a very good time for the military and southern muslims to pull off a big one. The government is only worried about Thaksin and the rest of the country is ignored.

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Hey .. where did you hear that quote? From the gossips I've heard it's more like 30,000 THB but if you know someone cheaper please let me know. I'm in Samui as well and sometimes it appears to me that if some people were to leave this island it would be much nicer place :)

Do you by any means like Charlie Manson poetries?

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In other threads I have already said the bombings at the banks, the bomb at the university and the bomb found at the supreme court are the work of people other than the reds, this latest propaganda is just another in a long list of stitch ups, yet people on this forum still argue against this. maybe they can explain just how 6000 guns go walkies from an army barracks, in fact it is easier to explain how they have not gone walkies at all and probably never existed.

Everybody immediately accused the Red Shirts of being behind the bombings/grenade attacks. But The Bangkok Bank has never been involved with Thaksin's money so what would be the purpose. There have also been bombings/grenade attacks against banks in the far south, again seemingly with no motive. I think that there is something going on but what is anybody's guess. It might be that the Miltary thought that they could pin the bombings onto the Reds but who knows.

But I wouldn't be surprised, if the weapons have really been stolen, to read that acting on a tip from one of The Nation's team of sources that the rifles have been found by the Military in some poor inocent farmer's barn. So farmers are arrested and the Military accuse the Reds of attempting to stage an armed revolution.

However, I don't actually believe that anybody could secretly steal that number of rifles and hope to keep the theft a secret. If you have lived in Army barracks you'll know that soldiers gossip like everybody else and nothing is secret in the barracks - it's a closed community - so within minutes of those rifles leaving the barracks every one of the couple of thousand troops living there would know and be talking about it.

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Stoen, my hindquarters...

Just the usual corruption. Nothing to worry about.

Some General now has the money for a nice house and a humvee, and the Moslems in the South of Thailand have the means to continue their campaign.

Life goes on as usual. TiT.

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EGAT wants four nuclear power plants for Thailand, at least 3 of which will be located along Thailand's coasts, and at least one will likely be sited close to southern Thailand. With Thai military security so loose, how will nuclear power plant security compare?

As for the missing rifles: Who was in charge of security for that particular arsenal? It sounds completely like an inside job.

This was RIGHT near where Sea Deung was hiding out earlier in the month

after the Peoples Army was declared and Chavalit good cold feet. Coincidence?

I thought of that also.

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So how many trucks were used in the theft and at what time?

I wonder how much all this stock is worth; is new stock or old stock that was of little value. Was it insured!!!!

Just the Govt's luck it was new stock and the insurance cheque won't come till after the 14th March.

I know this is very serious issue, but it appears to be easy to make light of the situation, the fact that 6000 weapons and ammunition is not something you can stick under your jumper and walk out of a secure area.

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Everybody immediately accused the Red Shirts of being behind the bombings/grenade attacks. But The Bangkok Bank has never been involved with Thaksin's money so what would be the purpose. There have also been bombings/grenade attacks against banks in the far south, again seemingly with no motive. I think that there is something going on but what is anybody's guess. It might be that the Miltary thought that they could pin the bombings onto the Reds but who knows.

But I wouldn't be surprised, if the weapons have really been stolen, to read that acting on a tip from one of The Nation's team of sources that the rifles have been found by the Military in some poor inocent farmer's barn. So farmers are arrested and the Military accuse the Reds of attempting to stage an armed revolution.

However, I don't actually believe that anybody could secretly steal that number of rifles and hope to keep the theft a secret. If you have lived in Army barracks you'll know that soldiers gossip like everybody else and nothing is secret in the barracks - it's a closed community - so within minutes of those rifles leaving the barracks every one of the couple of thousand troops living there would know and be talking about it.

Termad ---- did you fail to notice that the reds tried to get a big protest going against Bangkok Bank just before the grenade attacks? No... I don't think you missed that protest being posted about ... so what would be the point? Umm the reds associate the bank with the head of the Privy Council and rumors that BB helped fund the PAD. That then begs the question why would anyone that knows so much about things obfuscate like you did in the quoted post.

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Stoen, my hindquarters...

Just the usual corruption. Nothing to worry about.

Some General now has the money for a nice house and a humvee, and the Moslems in the South of Thailand have the means to continue their campaign.

Life goes on as usual. TiT.

Seriously, the amount of money laundered goes likely into billions for actions like this. But nobody ever has questioned or suspected the sudden riches of Army personal in high ranks.

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6000 guns + ammo. Stolen in one go, or lost and petered away over a period of 20 years?

If stolen in one time, we must be talking about 200 to 300 m3? Correct? That is 4 or 5 big seacontainers!

I can imagine a soldier taking 20 liters of diesel every week, but 4 containers?

Does the Thai army use the explosive sniffers at the exit of the barracks?

Yes G200 remember they purchased 750 of them ???

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I think the problem with the news report is the use of the word "stolen," making it sound like the guns and bombs were there one day, gone the next. If there is truth in this story, then most likely someone got around to taking inventory and discovered that the arms were missing. Could have been smuggled out by truck once per week over a year.

Your theory sounds like the most reasonable one on the blog, 6000 rifles are a lot of useless pieces of metal without magazines and bolts...these are not usually stored nearby? When you think about it who has the most to gain? Insurgents or the army? Who's the most greedy?? who's the most corrupt?? :)

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