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Water Wells, Bore Holes And Deep Wells


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hi all

does anyone have experience drilling water wells, especially in the area west the main highway?

i'm wondering if a conventional, hand dug well with concrete rings is usually sufficient (if so, how many rings) or do people go for the deep well drilling machine?

can someone suggest a well drilling co. or team than does a good job, cheap?

i'm in Huai Sai Hua which is about 25km west of Cha-am, very close to Springfield golf course.

speaking of golf courses, they must use an astronomical amount of water, where do they get it from?

thanks, steve

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The golf courses have their own massive watering systems, most lakes you see around the golf courses are their water reservoirs.

I have a friend who recently (within the last month or so) drilled his own well, he also lives very close to Springfield, so it should definitely be possible. He made a proper drilling though, looked like an oilrig when the work was going on :)

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The golf courses have their own massive watering systems, most lakes you see around the golf courses are their water reservoirs.

I have a friend who recently (within the last month or so) drilled his own well, he also lives very close to Springfield, so it should definitely be possible. He made a proper drilling though, looked like an oilrig when the work was going on :)

that's a deep well i guess. any chance you could PM me his phone or email, i'd like to get specific info

thx steve

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Don't forget that you need a permit from tessaban for the well.

up to about 10m i think you don't need one but you are right, need to check that cost too

still like to know names of companies and prices if anyone has that info

thx steve

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