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Working And Managing In Thailand

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I have accepted a job working in Thailand for a subsidiary of a foreign-based company and will be managing a team of around ten Thais. I have been to Thailand on several occasions for work and pleasure which included a couple visits where I taught English in a volunteer capacity. Around this I’ve got a small circle of Thai friends which has been both very enjoyable and instructive. So I know a little but not a lot. Now to the questions…

I’d like to be able to connect with a few working expats in similar situations who might be interested in getting together from time to time to talk about work and the experience of managing people and doing business in Thailand. What would be a good way to do this? Organizations? This forum? Other forums?

Are there good resources; books, lectures, classes, etc. that cover doing business in Thailand? I’ve read “Culture Shock Thailand”, am in the process of reading “Wondering into Thailand” as well as some contemporary Thai fiction, but overall I can’t seem to find much. Any recommendations?

Lastly what tips to the members here have for me? What to expect? Pitfalls? Do’s and Don’ts.

Thanks for any pointers or advice. Looking forward to being back in Thailand before too long.

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"Working with the Thais" - a great book

Some points from it:

- Shouting or acting agressive will cause strong resistence

- Create a friendly atmosphere in the workplace rather than a tense and pressing one

- Understand smile as a way of communication, not just as expressing feelings

- Your employess see you as a father figure and expect you to protect them

- Be aware that your employees are not likely to tell you they think a decision you made is wrong, if you want to get feedback, make very gentle inquiries

- Be sensitive to everything you do or say. The Thais will notice everything.

- Put a strong emphasis on personal interaction. Results here are second to the good feeling of the community.

- Show respect while communicating with people in senior positions (government officals, etc.). They take their status, "class", in society very seriously.

- Business partners will first wish to know "what kind of person are you", "can they get along with you", and only later what are the exact details of the deal.

Generally I am aware we have a lot to learn in order to make it a second nature and very interested in this subject.

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