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Trouble Shooting Continuous Pvr Partial Recording


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Hi Everyone,

I am having a rather frustrating problem that I hope someone might be able to shed some light on. I bought a Humax PVR-H1003 from True Vision 4 months ago. My very first satalite and PVR. I started to record programs and everything seemed to work out until about 2 weeks into my new toy ... a program playback froze about halfway through. The Recording bar suggested that the entire 2 hours had recorded but it would not continue past the 1 hour mark. I deleted the program and continued on my merry way.

Well the problem continued with several (about 1 in 10) programs freezing at some point during the play back. Nothing that I tried would move the program any further along. I tried downloading any new software program updates and turning the system off and back on, so that it would reboot. No change.

So I called True and they sent over an expert (their words). Really, I think it was the first PVR he had seen or at least the first he had been asked to fix. Their solution was to clear the hard drive that is to reformat the drive. I had about 80 hours of movies on this so I was not very happy. I also did not believe it would make any difference. But they assured me that was the fix to the problem ... so I agreed.

Well, you guest it. I still have the same problem.

This time I recorded the complete 100 hours availabe to me on the hard drive. Then I started to watch the programs. If a program froze then I would save it thinking that it was a bad sector on the hard drive and did not want to reuse it. If the program ran properly then I would erase it and reuse it. Seemed logical to me.

So I started to encounter problems near the 1/3 spot on the disk space. Now I have 10 movies that have frozen on me. But in addition, I have found programs that have frozen that have been recorded on the disk space that previously recorded properly. In other words it seems like the bad sectors are moving or increasing.

Any suggestions of what my problem is or possible solutions.

Thanks in advance for your assistance .... cheers

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I don't know anything about Humax PVRs, but since nobody offered advise so far I will try to help with my general IT know how.

The way you describe your problem it is still not absolutely clear whether it is a hardware or a software issue.

Might be some software bug related to video encoding, a problem with the file system, or like you said a failing harddrive.

From what I've read Humax doesn't use a Windows file system (FATxx or NTFS). Found one hint that it is 'Linux based' but not if it is one of the standard file systems.

However, there are 2 tools available that can diagnose and maybe fix corrupted Humax file systems.


You will have to connect the harddisk to your PC though. If your device is still under warranty you should check whether this voids the warranty or not.

Either connect it directly to a desktop PC or use an external harddisk enclosure that connects to USB or something similar. Not sure if Humax uses SATA or PATA(IDE) drives. If it is a recent model then probably SATA.

You can then use the Humax tools above and/or run a health check with a low level (file system independent) harddisk diagnosis tool.

Quoting myself from a different thread...

If you don't have data to recover and/or the drive is still accessible I recommend using other software to determine the state of the harddisk - before getting the 'big guns'.


1. Listen for acoustic signs of a failing harddrive

2. Check the S.M.A.R.T. attributes

3. Run a disk surface test

To hear acoustic signs of a failure you'll have to get your ear close to the harddisk. Laptop drives are often very quiet and noises difficult or even impossible to hear.

HDTune reads SMART attributes and includes a surface scan under the 'Error Scan' tab. Either try the 15-day trial Pro version or the feature limited free version.

All harddisk manufacturers provide free diagnostic tools. Here is a very complete list: http://www.tacktech.com/display.cfm?ttid=287

Btw modern harddisks have self-healing capabilities, bad blocks will be marked as such and mapped to spare sectors that are reserved for exactly this purpose. (Interestingly this only happens not until the OS tries to WRITE to those sectors). Check the SMART attributes for a sign of a failing harddrive. Wikipedia offers a list of critical attributes and how to interpret them:


However, I'm not completely sure how these tools work on an unknown file system. Bad blocks are handled below file system level, but advanced data recovery might require some knowledge of the file system.

If money is not that much of an issue you could just buy a new harddisk (maybe you want to upgrade to a larger drive anyway) and see if the problem persists. If still under warranty you could try to push for a harddisk replacement.

Of course we still don't really know if it is a hardware problem at all :)


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Oh how I can understand your frustration because exactly the same thing happened to my PVR from True, playback froze without any warning and no way to see the rest.

True was unable to fix the problem :)

and in my frustration I bought a Dreambox 7020. After some initial problems for a correct setup, everything now works perfectly, never any problems with recording movies. And when the harddisk is full, I move the recordings through my LAN to my PC and convert the format, simply and easy and burn a DVD or watch it on the PC monitor.

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Same here, but at least my box is a "free" one for old customers.

Mine is also relatively new and they have promised to exchange it for a new one.

Don't think it will help though because I have had a "loner" previously and it had the same problem.

Interestingly, this model has two tuners on the Humax website, but the Trueachine pnly one...

The firmware is more than two years old

// t

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  • 1 month later...
Same here, but at least my box is a "free" one for old customers.

Mine is also relatively new and they have promised to exchange it for a new one.

Don't think it will help though because I have had a "loner" previously and it had the same problem.

Interestingly, this model has two tuners on the Humax website, but the Trueachine pnly one...

The firmware is more than two years old

// t

I had the same problem with the True PVR that I bought and, after trying all sorts of things, even completely erasing the HD, updating software (to no avail), I realized that it was always freezing during "Peak hours", such as between 4 and 9pm, especially weekdays.

I fixed the problem by connecting a UPS to the PVR (a simple, low-cost UPS that I had for my PC), and I am happy to say I have been "freeze" free for a month! :)

A happy camper (so far...)!

My guess is that it is very sensitive to voltage/amp variation and need very stable current for it to work properly.

Let me know if it works out for you!


Edited by laurent
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I fixed the problem by connecting a UPS to the PVR (a simple, low-cost UPS that I had for my PC), and I am happy to say I have been "freeze" free for a month! :)

Not sure if the OP has the same problem. A system crash due to power instability would probably not persist after restart. I guess when your box froze you could just restart the box and then continue watching the program from the position where it had stopped.

If I understand the OP correctly then in his case the recorded program would always freeze at the same position, even after several attempts.

Still maybe worth a try and a good hint for anybody who finds this thread having similar problems.


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I fixed the problem by connecting a UPS to the PVR (a simple, low-cost UPS that I had for my PC), and I am happy to say I have been "freeze" free for a month! :)

Not sure if the OP has the same problem. A system crash due to power instability would probably not persist after restart. I guess when your box froze you could just restart the box and then continue watching the program from the position where it had stopped.

If I understand the OP correctly then in his case the recorded program would always freeze at the same position, even after several attempts.

Still maybe worth a try and a good hint for anybody who finds this thread having similar problems.


Actually I think I had pretty much what the OP was talking about as I often had what I recorded working for 5-10 minutes and then the picture froze but the sound was still working. The box itself was working fine, just the recording was "frozen".

Anyway it could be worth the try.


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........and in my frustration I bought a Dreambox 7020. After some initial problems for a correct setup, everything now works perfectly, never any problems with recording movies. And when the harddisk is full, I move the recordings through my LAN to my PC and convert the format, simply and easy and burn a DVD or watch it on the PC monitor.

I am sorry I cannot offer any insight on the Humax box, except ask True to replace it.

I can confirm that the Dreambox 7020 is an excellent piece of equipment,

and the connection to the home LAN for archiving is a great bonus.

Does the Humax box have any LAN/USB or other output??

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If I understand the OP correctly then in his case the recorded program would always freeze at the same position, even after several attempts.

Actually I think I had pretty much what the OP was talking about as I often had what I recorded working for 5-10 minutes and then the picture froze but the sound was still working. The box itself was working fine, just the recording was "frozen".

I've been re-reading the original post and re-thinking my statement and came to the conclusion that I don't have enough information on both scenarios to make a definitive statement - please contact my lawyer :)

I assumed that the OP's problem always occurred at a specific position inside a movie, and that is why he came up with the theory of bad blocks on the harddrive. In such a case (always stops at the same location) I would doubt that the problem is related to power instabilities, which should at least introduce a little bit of randomness. However, re-reading his post it is not really clear to me if my assumption was correct.

I further assumed that a power instability would crash the whole system and not just the video playback. This is how PCs usually react to power instabilities. It seems the PVR is different in this regard.

But anyway, didn't want to discredit your advice! When troubleshooting PC and PC-like devices it is always better to try even very unlikely measures. And suddenly the power stability doesn't seem so unlikely to me any more at all HAHA


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If I understand the OP correctly then in his case the recorded program would always freeze at the same position, even after several attempts.

Actually I think I had pretty much what the OP was talking about as I often had what I recorded working for 5-10 minutes and then the picture froze but the sound was still working. The box itself was working fine, just the recording was "frozen".

I've been re-reading the original post and re-thinking my statement and came to the conclusion that I don't have enough information on both scenarios to make a definitive statement - please contact my lawyer :)

I assumed that the OP's problem always occurred at a specific position inside a movie, and that is why he came up with the theory of bad blocks on the harddrive. In such a case (always stops at the same location) I would doubt that the problem is related to power instabilities, which should at least introduce a little bit of randomness. However, re-reading his post it is not really clear to me if my assumption was correct.

I further assumed that a power instability would crash the whole system and not just the video playback. This is how PCs usually react to power instabilities. It seems the PVR is different in this regard.

But anyway, didn't want to discredit your advice! When troubleshooting PC and PC-like devices it is always better to try even very unlikely measures. And suddenly the power stability doesn't seem so unlikely to me any more at all HAHA


None taken, no worries. I really hope we can all figure out a way of using the PVR without the freezing and/or crashes. When you start watching TV with a Tivo-like system, you really can't go back....



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I don't understand why all the people who are having this issue aren't calling True and giving them an ear-full! Even here in Thailand, I would demand a replacement or a refund for faulty hardware.

Though, this honestly doesn't sound like faulty hardware.... darn crappy Thai power strikes again!

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I just bought a pvr. It is already crapping out on me. Not all the time, but on a fairly frequent basis, it goes through the loading process, etc, then just before being able to watch tv, it reboots. Does this constantly, but not always rebooting at the same place. I unplugged it and now it won't turn on at all...calling the True guy today to see what is going on!

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I just bought a pvr. It is already crapping out on me. Not all the time, but on a fairly frequent basis, it goes through the loading process, etc, then just before being able to watch tv, it reboots. Does this constantly, but not always rebooting at the same place. I unplugged it and now it won't turn on at all...calling the True guy today to see what is going on!

This might very likely be a power issue, just as others on this thread have already hinted. Maybe the PSU (power supply unit) went gaga already, since you cannot turn it on anymore at all - in such a case you wouldn't hear anything form the device when turning on, no fan spinning, no harddisk noice, etc.

For the future you might try the fix that laurent suggested, stabilize the power supply by adding a UPS (Uninterruptible Power Supply).

Of course those issues are difficult to diagnose from remote and it might be as well a software problem.

Please report back what the True Guys said.


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I would erase about 1/4 of the drive and see if it works OK then. I have no idea how it works but it may require more HD drive space for playback than is available when fully recorded.

I have never seen that on either of my PVRs,

a standalone Pioneer DVR720H and the Dreambox 7020S.

Both can be full and playback carries on regardless.

The suggestion of a UPS is a good one. A simple computer unit should suffice.

Otherwise back to True.........................

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I just bought a pvr. It is already crapping out on me. Not all the time, but on a fairly frequent basis, it goes through the loading process, etc, then just before being able to watch tv, it reboots. Does this constantly, but not always rebooting at the same place. I unplugged it and now it won't turn on at all...calling the True guy today to see what is going on!

This might very likely be a power issue, just as others on this thread have already hinted. Maybe the PSU (power supply unit) went gaga already, since you cannot turn it on anymore at all - in such a case you wouldn't hear anything form the device when turning on, no fan spinning, no harddisk noice, etc.

For the future you might try the fix that laurent suggested, stabilize the power supply by adding a UPS (Uninterruptible Power Supply).

Of course those issues are difficult to diagnose from remote and it might be as well a software problem.

Please report back what the True Guys said.


OK...the guys just left. They didn't really want to talk about the problem. The only answer we got was the cable connector was bad. He showed it to me and it looked like it was not originally done very well. The copper wire inside the cable looked bent. The tech said that was the problem.

It is working now...I will post if it start to crap out again!

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He showed it to me and it looked like it was not originally done very well. The copper wire inside the cable looked bent. The tech said that was the problem.

Not exactly sure which part you are referring to. But as I said before, your problem description might point to a power problem, and a slack joint sounds like a reasonable explanation to me.

Let's see how long until you have to come back to this thread :)


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The part is the cable itself. Looks like the initial guy did not hook up the connector properly. It is working now, but I tried 2 recorded shows last night...one froze 1/2 way through and the other had no volume!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I will buy the UPS for sure and see if that helps...this is very frustrating!

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If the UPS does not cure the problem you will have to insist they replace the box.

Most of the repair guys they send out do not really have much technical nouse, beyond the basics.

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