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Gyms In Pattaya


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I'm afraid what you said... ''mostly used by guys desperate for attention''..smacks of insecurity, next you'll be telling me guys who are bigger than you or who lift heavier weights than you have small dicks or are closet homosexuals...or whatever makes you feel better about yourself :rolleyes:

Again... because you don't use bags or it makes you feel uncomfortable when others do, does not mean they don't belong in a gym....As someone else has already said most decent gyms of any size with good facilities will have punchbags not just for guys but for women as well, sometimes the bags are within the same room as the weights sometimes in another room or on another floor...The reason some gyms don't have them is usually down to space and having other priorities for that space, not because bags don't belong there..

Also ...''They are very noisy and disrupt concentration when lifting near them'' ....really, are you sure that's the reason...if someone working out on a punch bag disrupts your concentration you must be close to a break down when there is a few running machines on the go....With all the heavy breathing, grunting and groaning, clanking of weights, the constant droning of the running machines, the thudding strides of those running on them and the music playing over the speakers, not to mention the yapping of other trainers and someone puching a bag disrupts your concentration :giggle: ...please...

Besides Tonys on Soi 16 which has one heavy bag crammed into a corner, are there any other "good" gyms in Pattaya with punching bags? You'll probably have to go to a boxing gym where real boxers train.

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With all the empty shops upstairs in the Avenue, why did CA WOW make their upstairs smaler instead of expandiang (you think the rent would be cheaper) Now there is hardly any room to walk around the place without bumping into a machine or person exercising. Nice to have so many cardio and weight machines but the space is limited.

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Cheeky bugger is charging 20Baht for the small bottles of water - a couple of gulps and they're empty !! Quite a few machines have gone missing also. Lets see if they supply water next week in the spinning classes....

That's pretty dumb. He may save a few baht on water but he's going to lose a lot of customers if he does that.

I used to bring in my own bottled water until a security guard told me I couldn't take it in so I started bringing an empty bottle and filling it up from the water cooler. He now turns the airconditioners off at 9pm so I now need at least 2 litres of cool water to get me through a workout. Forcing me to buy water is over the top for me. If I can't smuggle in my own water I'll give Tony's a miss.

Yeah I agree. It's quite petty to take away the water fountains. I dont understand what Tony is playing at. He knocked down a fine gym on third road, I used to use it all the time. The weird thing was there always seemed to be people sitting around the front desk at this gym buying the shakes and drinks that they used to sell. If you refuse to allow folks take in their own drinks and instead force them to buy from you, you run the risk that you'll piss people off who would normally have bought drinks there anyways. People usually dont like being told what they have to spend their money on. I dont know how much he expects to gain from his latest strategy but my guess is not much. I wont be buying any drinks there, thats for sure.

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I do agree it does seem petty taking away the water fountains at Tony's. I was there the other day and other members who did not know what was happening were expressing annoyance and amazement that no "free" water available. Can understand why the towel facility was removed as unfortunately according to the gym a significant minority of members were stealing them. Can also almost understand turning off the air cons in the night time.

But this latest cost cutting measure is mean spirited, counter productive and does nothing for public relations bearing in mind what ought to be a comparitively minor expense for the gym is greatly outweighed by what was a benefit to the members.

Many people including "life" members joined Tony's on the basis of free towels and water being part of the package etc., so have to wonder what else is going to be changed?

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I do agree it does seem petty taking away the water fountains at Tony's.

Taking away the water is not petty. It's a big issue. Now members have only 2 choices - become dehydrated or puchase water at high cost. I would need 3 or 4 small bottles to get me through a tough session. Assuming 4 workouts per week that would cost me between 12,500 and 16,500 baht per year.

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In all fairness, these guys are running a business and handing out freebies does not translate into profits. Put the entrepreneur's hat on....how would you run a profitable gym business?

Not by taking away drinking fountains and TRYING to force members to buy 500ml bottles of water for 20 baht while stopping them from bringing their own.

Water is not considered a freebie in a gym. It's a necessity. If they cannot supply free water they must allow people to bring their own.

Would you spend over 10,000 baht per year buying water in your gym?

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In all fairness, these guys are running a business and handing out freebies does not translate into profits. Put the entrepreneur's hat on....how would you run a profitable gym business?

Yes, but before the water was always free and now he has removed the facility he has pissed a lot of members off. Surely even Tony must have thought he would annoy his members by doing this. The other day I also heard 2-3 people complaining about this and the fact that some of the machines had been moved. At least give people the choice to bring their own water and then I am sure some would happily go and buy a top up.

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That is a disgusting business practice -- not offering free water and not allowing people to bring it in! A gym is not a restaurant. Thank you for exposing that. I hope they don't get any new members, they should not be rewarded for that. They may also be thinking by forcing people to buy water, people will work out there less, yet another crafty ploy to not serve their customers. Yes I understand the profit motive but there is a line some businesses cross where they shoot themselves in the foot PR-wise with overly sharp practices. I think that water policy is such a move. I also wonder that if they CHANGED their water policy after people paid for memberships, there may be legal grounds to get a refund, it is BAIT AND SWITCH.

I think I have an even better idea on how to deal with this offending company. If you are not yet a member there but you are considering it, how about this -- make your best possible deal for a membership with them, and then just as you are about to sign the contract, demand they add language to the contract saying YOU CAN BRING IN ALL THE WATER YOU WANT WITHOUT CHARGE. First of all, it would send a strong message that they are being piggies. Second of all, do you really think they would turn away new business over this water issue?

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Would you spend over 10,000 baht per year buying water in your gym?

let's make the maths...10,000 / 20 per bottle is 500 Bottles. Profit is about 10 Baht per bottle, makes another 5,000 Profit out of one customer per year or roundabout 500 Baht per month. Now balance this against the overhead for rent, electricity, staff etc and see if you get into black figures.

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If you signed the contract expecting free water or at least the ability to bring in your own water, and then they changed the game on you, that is a sleazy business practice any way you cut it in any country. For new customers signing now who are OK with this policy and made aware of the policy, I think that is fine, that is transparent and a free will decision with no bait and switch. However, I still suggest asking to have your new contract amended, it would be interesting to see their reaction if nothing else.

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valid point, however I do not believer that "free water" was part of the contract. Rather something that starts with "The Management reserves the right..."

But you are right, that if at the time you enter the contract the parameters were different a change to the worse for the customer would make the customer feel ripped off.

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Would you spend over 10,000 baht per year buying water in your gym?

let's make the maths...10,000 / 20 per bottle is 500 Bottles. Profit is about 10 Baht per bottle, makes another 5,000 Profit out of one customer per year or roundabout 500 Baht per month. Now balance this against the overhead for rent, electricity, staff etc and see if you get into black figures.

It doesn't work like that. Free water is not a luxury add-on at a gym but an expected necessity.

I was stating how much I would hypothetically have to spend on water if I train there and aren't allowed to take in my own supply. Irrespective of his rules AND your maths, very few people are going to buy that amount of water. Tony is obviously counting on the idea that people will start buying water from him now that he's removed the free water.

All he is doing is losing potential customer and aggravating current members. Just posting about it on here has done irreparable damage as I'm sure any people who were considering Tony's are reconsidering after reading about this idiocy.

In 35 years in gyms around the world I have never purchased water at a gym. Electolyte drinks and protein drinks yes, water, no. At Tony's I've bought redbull, gatorade and protein drinks, but f***d if I'm going to buy water.

Do the math on losing customers (casual and yearly) compared to making a pitance on a few bottles of water.

For starters he's lost me if they stop me bringing in my own 2 litre bottle of water. I haven't trained there since he's done this, so lets see what happens.

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Yeah, when you signed the contract, the gym had free water, so that was understood. I doubt the contract had any proviso about changing. That would be very unusual, as free water is, as pointed out above, universally available even if one brings one's own.

Any newbie should demand at least to bring in his/her own water before signing any contract. Of course, the demand may never reach Tony or whomever.

Be interesting to learn of Tropo's result when he tries to bring in his bottle.

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Of course if you did sign an amended contract you would have to carry a copy of it with you for anytime some new staff person hassled you and even then they might have a hissy fit about it. Happy happy joy joy ...

The dynamic is interesting though. Supposing if other restricted customers saw other customers "getting away" with the crime of bringing in their water.

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Of course if you did sign an amended contract you would have to carry a copy of it with you for anytime some new staff person hassled you and even then they might have a hissy fit about it. Happy happy joy joy ...

A written contract would not be worth the paper it's written on. If you brought it up with Tony he would soon tell you were to go. What would the person do? Take him to court over a 6,000 baht gym membership?

Besides that, no gym contract states that water fountains are part of the scenery. That's assumed in normal gyms anyway and hardly something a person would check when joining up. Can you imagine people checking out a new gym and asking to see the water fountain?

He's taken quite a lot of gear out of the Soi 16 gym this year, but then again he put a lot in too. There's absolutely nothing any paying member can do except eat sh*t.

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I always use Tony's in soi 16 off Walking St but if they have indeed removed the water fountains and are inspecting bags so you can 't bring your own water in they have lost me as well.

I can't say I am surprised as i think it is just a sign of the times with business being very bad at the moment.

I wouldn't be buying any year memeberships at this rate as Tony seems to be struggling and anything could happen with his various businesses.

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I went to the spin class on Saturday evening. It was the first day without water. Many members were asking where the bottles of water were. The spin instructor looked mortified and was apologising profusely. She was saying, 'next time you can bring your own'. Afterwards I checked with her and she said that you were allowed to bring in your own water. Yesterday I went again and saw many people bring in their own bottles without any problems. So it looks like you can bring in your own.

On a related note - does anyone know whats happening with his new gym across the road from his old one on third road? All the gym equipment has been moved in and has been in place for over a month. Most evenings I see some staff members there dusting and cleaning there but its still not open. Seems it was ready to open a month ago. I ask the staff there and all they say is 'tomorrow', 'tomorrow'. By tomorrow they mean go away and stop annoying me. It seems they dont know.

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I went to the spin class on Saturday evening. It was the first day without water. Many members were asking where the bottles of water were. The spin instructor looked mortified and was apologising profusely. She was saying, 'next time you can bring your own'. Afterwards I checked with her and she said that you were allowed to bring in your own water. Yesterday I went again and saw many people bring in their own bottles without any problems. So it looks like you can bring in your own.

On a related note - does anyone know whats happening with his new gym across the road from his old one on third road? All the gym equipment has been moved in and has been in place for over a month. Most evenings I see some staff members there dusting and cleaning there but its still not open. Seems it was ready to open a month ago. I ask the staff there and all they say is 'tomorrow', 'tomorrow'. By tomorrow they mean go away and stop annoying me. It seems they dont know.

I had a good look through there a few days ago. I would say they are at least a month away from completion if not more.

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There is an excellent one at Jomtien Nivate which is on the hill on Thappraya Road - called Relax (?) (I was always there but now not sure of the name.) It is across the road from the Jade House! Has an air conditioned and unair conditioned exercise areas, sauna and it not expensive and the staff are good.

The correct name is "REFRESH"

Agree with your post, lovely people and only 7, 500 Baht per year membership....and you get free towels :whistling:

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I always use Tony's in soi 16 off Walking St but if they have indeed removed the water fountains and are inspecting bags so you can 't bring your own water in they have lost me as well.

I can't say I am surprised as i think it is just a sign of the times with business being very bad at the moment.

I wouldn't be buying any year memeberships at this rate as Tony seems to be struggling and anything could happen with his various businesses.

Sharp practices at Tonys Disco, sharp practices at Tonys Gyms, why you lot patronize this mans businesses is beyond me?

This water issue is pettyness beyond logic and demonstrates the mindset of the man.


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This morning 25 august on the reception desk just outside the entrance to Tony's they have written a notice saying usage for the toilet is 5 baht and whilst I assume this is for non members times are really hard now, eh?!

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This morning 25 august on the reception desk just outside the entrance to Tony's they have written a notice saying usage for the toilet is 5 baht and whilst I assume this is for non members times are really hard now, eh?!

If times are getting tough for Tony now, think how tough it will be in the near future if he keeps up this insanity.

Did anyone notice that he's using a plastic front on his new "prepare to be amazed" gym? Is this to save him buiding a wall in case his business goes under?

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This morning 25 august on the reception desk just outside the entrance to Tony's they have written a notice saying usage for the toilet is 5 baht and whilst I assume this is for non members times are really hard now, eh?!

If times are getting tough for Tony now, think how tough it will be in the near future if he keeps up this insanity.

Did anyone notice that he's using a plastic front on his new "prepare to be amazed" gym? Is this to save him buiding a wall in case his business goes under?

This is off topic, but does Tony still have the dog pound??:whistling:

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I have been going to Fairtex on North Pattaya Road and Universe on Sukhumvit. I think that Universe is the best around for the price. They are under new management and have purchased some new equipment. The daily rate is about three times cheaper then Fairtex.

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This morning 25 august on the reception desk just outside the entrance to Tony's they have written a notice saying usage for the toilet is 5 baht and whilst I assume this is for non members times are really hard now, eh?!

If times are getting tough for Tony now, think how tough it will be in the near future if he keeps up this insanity.

Did anyone notice that he's using a plastic front on his new "prepare to be amazed" gym? Is this to save him buiding a wall in case his business goes under?

This is off topic, but does Tony still have the dog pound??:whistling:

Yes, but he's started charging them for water

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I have been going to Fairtex on North Pattaya Road and Universe on Sukhumvit. I think that Universe is the best around for the price. They are under new management and have purchased some new equipment. The daily rate is about three times cheaper then Fairtex.


Different prices for sure, however the service and facilities reflect that, absolutely first class!

But consistant high class facilities and nobody changing the rules for access to water etc etc versus sharp practices has to be taken into consideration?

You pay for peace of mind as well at the facilities.

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I have been going to Fairtex on North Pattaya Road and Universe on Sukhumvit. I think that Universe is the best around for the price. They are under new management and have purchased some new equipment. The daily rate is about three times cheaper then Fairtex.


Different prices for sure, however the service and facilities reflect that, absolutely first class!

But consistant high class facilities and nobody changing the rules for access to water etc etc versus sharp practices has to be taken into consideration?

You pay for peace of mind as well at the facilities.

I had free water for 3 years. You never can predict the future, but Fairtex is not an adequate gym for serious bodybuilders. If it was I wouldn't mind paying the extra they charge. Sure, it suits your average Joe who plays around on the machines, but it wouldn't suit a serious iron monger.

For example, if someone opened up an American style (as opposed to an Asian style pretend Golds) Gold's Gym I wouldn't mind paying 5 times or more what I pay at Tonys. For me it's about what you get for your money and its hard to put a price on good workouts. California Wow is a reasonable compromise, but still way off the mark.

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