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Problems With House Construction Prior To Land Transfer

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I am in the process of purchasing a house from the EDIT company in Pattaya. The house is new construction and is now completed and I have been paying the company monthly for the last year. I am now ready to pay the balance and transfer the land. I had an inspection done and found numerous problems that need to be fixed but the company keeps giving me the run around. I was trying to do the transfer before the price goes up at the land office (26 March 2010). Are there any suggestions or advice on dealing with the company that may help me with this problem. If I miss the transfer date I can deal with that I just want to get the problems fixed! I don't want to move into a house with problems

Please PM me.

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What is your contract clause in the construction agreement say about title and risk? Secondly, you are talking about transfer of land, which is something totally different to transfer of title for the house. You therefore need to clarify whether you are leasing the land and house as one package or buying the land and constructing the house through two separate agreement. Before this is clarified noone can help you with relevant suggestions, only speculations that might not be relevant.

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