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Hi all,

Does any member here have a list of reasons/criteria how my Thai Wife ca divorce me in my absense?

I got email from her saying she has met another farang and s going to ampur tomorrow to divorce me,?

I last seen my wife over 1 year ago but was in daily contact with her up until i just get this email,

she has changed her telephone number also so i cant contact her,

she met him on internet apparatly and he fly next week to see her , shit.

what can i do?

please help thanks

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ouch .... hard to give you answers but I would suggest making your way back to Thailand before he gets there is one way. Also i think you should be prepared to accept that she is in the roaming mode and could happen again and again. You dont tell us much but do you have children and property in Thailand ?

Not very helpful I know but wish you well

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go to google.com and type in thailand civil and commercial code divorce

you will find a list of criteria by which she can go to court and divorce you ... this includes things like lack of financial support, insanity, etc.

many thai law firms' web sites also have pages that list this info

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This place continues to amaze me with the intelligent level of the farang. :)

I guess you are correct.

Some of us are stupid, some are smarter.

I like to believe I pass as a regular person whom once in a while makes stupid mistakes.

How about you?


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She can not get a divorce at the amphur, that can only when both spouses agree. She will have to go to court to get a divorce based on abandonment, which she in all likelihood will get.

It seems she wants to divorce and will get it. In that case the best you can do might be to agree to a divorce, to limit the costs. During the divorce you can also make an agreement about the split of property etc. If she wants a quick divorce you will have a better bargaining position.

There is a pinned topic on family law, including divorce, in the family section.

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To OP.

Didnt your wife contact you regarding a divorce 10 months ago?

According to your own started thread back then.

Are you denying her the divorce?

Link to that topic:


OP said 10 months ago:

my wife has contacted me via email and friend and has requested a divorce,

i sure dont have a problem with this,

Now all of a sudden 10 months later; you haven't seen her for 1 year and she's met someone else and you're trying to stop the divorce...?

And you claim to have been in daily contact with your wife...so for the last 10 months after getting the initial divorce email you still emailed her every day...? Despite both wanting a divorce...?

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ouch .... hard to give you answers but I would suggest making your way back to Thailand before he gets there is one way. Also i think you should be prepared to accept that she is in the roaming mode and could happen again and again. You dont tell us much but do you have children and property in Thailand ?

Not very helpful I know but wish you well

Hi thanks for reply,

dont have property with her or children, have property previous wife (deceased)

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Your wife cannot get a Divorce at the Amphur unless you are physically there and sign that you agree to the Divorce.

If you are not there, the only way she can arrange a Divorce is through Court action.


thanks for reply and input Patrick

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go to google.com and type in thailand civil and commercial code divorce

you will find a list of criteria by which she can go to court and divorce you ... this includes things like lack of financial support, insanity, etc.

many thai law firms' web sites also have pages that list this info

Thanks bruce

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This place continues to amaze me with the intelligent level of the farang. :)

I guess you are correct.

Some of us are stupid, some are smarter.

I like to believe I pass as a regular person whom once in a while makes stupid mistakes.

How about you?



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She can not get a divorce at the amphur, that can only when both spouses agree. She will have to go to court to get a divorce based on abandonment, which she in all likelihood will get.

It seems she wants to divorce and will get it. In that case the best you can do might be to agree to a divorce, to limit the costs. During the divorce you can also make an agreement about the split of property etc. If she wants a quick divorce you will have a better bargaining position.

There is a pinned topic on family law, including divorce, in the family section.

Thankyou very much informative reply Mod Mario, much apppreciated.

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