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Anyone following the furor over the Thai version of Big Brother on UBC? It has its own channel and runs 24 hours - 24 hours of non-stop garbage, boring people doing boring things but trying to look interesting.

But then two of the contestants fell for each other and were seen "holding hands, touching, hugging, and lying together on the sofa or sharing a blanket in bed." Complaints came pouring in to the Khao Sod newspaper that their behaviour was improper, the male contestant was voted off the show and apologized, and the House Committee on Religion, Arts and Culture (or should that be the House Committee on Un-Thai Activities?) "invited" the show's producers to explain themselves.

The chairman of the committee said, "I don't understand why they dared to express their love openly before the cameras...". "Thai society can't accept a reality programme like this..." etc etc.

I think the committee has got it all wrong - they shouldn't try to ban the show because it's un-Thai, they should ban it because it'll turn kids' minds to mush. There's some excuse for the dire shows on TV because they have to cater to the popular taste upcountry, but UBC is aimed at the urban middle classes.

Meanwhile, I'm sure the ratings for Big Brother will be going sky high this week.

Anyone following the furor over the Thai version of Big Brother on UBC? It has its own channel and runs 24 hours - 24 hours of non-stop garbage, boring people doing boring things but trying to look interesting.

But then two of the contestants fell for each other and were seen "holding hands, touching, hugging, and lying together on the sofa or sharing a blanket in bed." Complaints came pouring in to the Khao Sod newspaper that their behaviour was improper, the male contestant was voted off the show and apologized, and the House Committee on Religion, Arts and Culture (or should that be the House Committee on Un-Thai Activities?) "invited" the show's producers to explain themselves.

The chairman of the committee said, "I don't understand why they dared to express their love openly before the cameras...". "Thai society can't accept a reality programme like this..." etc etc.

I think the committee has got it all wrong - they shouldn't try to ban the show because it's un-Thai, they should ban it because it'll turn kids' minds to mush. There's some excuse for the dire shows on TV because they have to cater to the popular taste upcountry, but UBC is aimed at the urban middle classes.

Meanwhile, I'm sure the ratings for Big Brother will be going sky high this week.

The Hideous thing is that they wont allow some Kssing and hugging on t.v. but travel down some streets and you can see inside some doors and see girls nud_e . Heck in Patong here you have 5 y.o kids selling things in front of all the girly bars . Maybe the t.v. sensors should run the government . :o


I can understand the sensitivity of the Thai public in genereal...after all, the showing of even a quick kiss on the lips is frowned upon on Thai TV.




I have yet to see this House Committee on Religion, Arts and Culture complain about those lousy soap operas with gun toting mafia lords.


I don't follow it - bu my g/f does. and loves it :o

luckily for me - not on UBC, but only on iTV - only once a day for merely half an hour ! and even that short time can cause furror if I try to interrupt her individed attention ! and she makes sure to participate in all the voting and cheering etc. even told me she wanna buy a book and VCD which reportedly will be sold in all 7-11s :D

I think this is too much !

oh, and yesterday she spend almost 1 hour sharing with me her outrage at some decision from gevernment commetee (may be Ministry of Culture ?) to tell Big Bro to stop this program. she called those people who complained about it as old fashined and narrow minded etc etc

anyway. who seriously cares about this nonsense program ?

it is just a game - like Survivor was ...

why won't Big Bro go to some slams and select realy poor people there - if they realy wanted to give some a chance to win a million and house and car ? lot of BS and nonsense ... well, yeah - not without reason of course ! surely they'll make a lot of new customers .... sort of clever marketing tricks ...

who cares about culture or morals or turning kids minds to mush ? it is about making money.


Mind numbingly sad television - but its on itv , so you could expect nothing less....

but before it is the standard soapies with 4 pistolas per scene ( though they blur the weapon when the stupid chick points it at herself ) , and the quiffed up leading men pretending to use computers with the massive TOSHIBA stickers on them.

and mr t expects people to believe him when he makes announcements about increasing the skills and education of the people - when his personal television station plays garbage.



Maybe the t.v. sensors should run the government .  :o

That reminds me of the story about the cinema censor commitee I heard in the early 90s. Apparently, one of the police officials in the censor committee had gone blind but they didn't have the heart to relieve him of the job he loved. On being asked how he could continue to do the job without his sight he replied, "I know smut when I hear it!" :D

Maybe the t.v. sensors should run the government .  :D

That reminds me of the story about the cinema censor commitee I heard in the early 90s. Apparently, one of the police officials in the censor committee had gone blind but they didn't have the heart to relieve him of the job he loved. On being asked how he could continue to do the job without his sight he replied, "I know smut when I hear it!" :D

That's just beautiful. :o


Meanwhile, I'm sure the ratings for Big Brother will be going sky high this week.

welcome to reality, the idea is to get top rating and increase $$$ for UBC

Yes, I agree that that seems to be the bottom line... I've tried watching it on a semi-regular basis just out of curiousity.

A most boring show, with boring people doing boring things.

Controversy equals more attention

And let's not forget that '$$$ for UBC' equals '$$$ for Thaksin' :o

And let's not forget that '$$$ for UBC' equals '$$$ for Thaksin'  :o

Shin got rid of its shares in UBC soon after the merger of IBC and UTV. That's why UBC still can't get permission to run advertising on its channels. If Shin was involved, they'd have got permission long ago. ITV, on the other hand, was able to change its operating rules without any problem at all.

And let's not forget that '$$$ for UBC' equals '$$$ for Thaksin'  :o

Shin got rid of its shares in UBC soon after the merger of IBC and UTV. That's why UBC still can't get permission to run advertising on its channels. If Shin was involved, they'd have got permission long ago. ITV, on the other hand, was able to change its operating rules without any problem at all.

Thanks. My mistake. I was thinking of ITV... Telecom Asia is the boss at UBC, and being a main competitor of Shin might be part of the reason for no permission.

I though that PM Taksin owned much of telecom asia ?? Hard to keep track of the man ...

You're thinking of the other family business, Charoen Pokphand, which started out in chicken feed and then (in true Thai entrepreneurial spirit) got a juicy concession and moved into telecoms.

Anyone following the furor over the Thai version of Big Brother on UBC? It has its own channel and runs 24 hours - 24 hours of non-stop garbage, boring people doing boring things but trying to look interesting.

But then two of the contestants fell for each other and were seen "holding hands, touching, hugging, and lying together on the sofa or sharing a blanket in bed." Complaints came pouring in to the Khao Sod newspaper that their behaviour was improper, the male contestant was voted off the show and apologized, and the House Committee on Religion, Arts and Culture (or should that be the House Committee on Un-Thai Activities?) "invited" the show's producers to explain themselves.

The chairman of the committee said, "I don't understand why they dared to express their love openly before the cameras...". "Thai society can't accept a reality programme like this..." etc etc.

I think the committee has got it all wrong - they shouldn't try to ban the show because it's un-Thai, they should ban it because it'll turn kids' minds to mush. There's some excuse for the dire shows on TV because they have to cater to the popular taste upcountry, but UBC is aimed at the urban middle classes.

Meanwhile, I'm sure the ratings for Big Brother will be going sky high this week.

I am at this moment watching it on itv 3, it is totally brruuttaal, they're doing karokea at the moment (without the background voice) I thought the english version was head-wrecking but i think this is worse :D:D:D

edit --- it has just come on again after the break ( my wife refuses to change),

Where did they find these people, are they on drugs ?? :D i hope they are :o



Big Brother whether in Thailand or elswhere is a waste of a potentially interesting situation. If they filled the house full of 'everyday' people it could be a very interesting show.

Instead they fill it with zero talent, zero personality, z list celebrity wannabe no marks and it becomes the talk of those with nothing else to fill their lives i.e tabloid journalists.

I though that PM Taksin owned much of telecom asia ?? Hard to keep track of the man ...

You're thinking of the other family business, Charoen Pokphand, which started out in chicken feed and then (in true Thai entrepreneurial spirit) got a juicy concession and moved into telecoms.

Telecom Asia concession was not that juicy, but they could live with it. Then they got into mobile business, thanks to Orange people who were very excited until not long time ago when they had to leave Thailand.

UBC is way down the line for whatever chicken feed is trickling through, but, you have to give it to them, they rely only on their own business skills to survive, often in hostile environment because everyone thinks they've got monopoly. Monopoly in the business no one wants to go in - media without advertising.

Back to Big Brother - shouldn't the reality TV show truly represent what is Thai and what is unThai? If the Culture Ministry wants to hand down pre-approved scripts for "reality" shows there is something seriously wrong with this reality. Not that this is something new for TV readers.

... UBC is way down the line for whatever chicken feed is trickling through, but, you have to give it to them, they rely only on their own business skills to survive, often in hostile environment because everyone thinks they've got monopoly. Monopoly in the business no one wants to go in - media without advertising.

Well put, any media without advertising is a hard road indeed.

It's hard to get A-List celebs when you can't even offer them bus fare ... :o


It seems that , for television, these are dark days indeed. Im baffled why media insist on airing this drivel. No substance or credibility to shows like these at all. As for the innapropriate touching, cant comment, im a westener, but while in thailand I respect the cultural view.



In France a guy and a girl fuc*ed in the swimming pool during one of the first reality program we had a few years ago, the media spoke about it and the bitch became famous and earned hundred thousands of euros by writing a book, singing, advertising...

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