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Major Figures Flee Thailand


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Yes ... there were news reports about the Thaksin family kids leaving before events (and not before events that didn't have bloodshed.)

so you have the details? how often per month they fly out of the country, do you know that or not?

anyway, if they would stay, they would get to hear other accusations by the hobby judges here.

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Nice try to twist / spin the process into something wrong/nasty/manipulate dfor the specific scenario.

What you fail to mention (deliberately) is that a very large percentage of countries in the world (for good reasons) have laws/proceses to reassign the PM job holder / who makes up the government, in scenarios where number ratios suddenly fail.

But, typical of red shiort thinking, if the broad laws / processes are not in your facvor at a specific moment in time, then they are wrong!

I'd like to also comment on the rubbish which has been written many many times about samak (with respect for the dead).

The rationale underneath the written law is in fact quite simple. A person who accepts the job of PM should spend all of their actual time / their thinking, etc., on running the country. In other words they should not see the PM job as a part-time job.

Surely nobody (who has a brain) can ever argue with this as an appropriate law or regulation!

"Eccuse me Khun samak, we are being attacked by the Burmese"

"Can you ask them to wait another half a day, because I'm busy right now filming my show about how to cook rice!, I'm sure they will see that learning how to cook rice is a much higher priority for all Thais compared to national security, national development, etc."

maybe they should be high on red bull and never sleep and have no personal time, what a stupid comment, He made a cooking show, probably took 2 hours out of his week at the most and I am sure matters of state would have taken priority.

some of the garbage people spout in their hatred of the red shirts on here is embarrassing to be frank. if they make a reasoned argument why they dislike the reds and what the stand for then fair enough, but being so petty is just silly.

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<edited quote to take your comments out of my quote>

The justification for the coup has never been about the failure to hold new elections. By the way, it was the opposition who prevented the new elections to take place.

In any case, the next election is scheduled for 2011. Thailand should let a third party (e.g the EU) monitor the election to determine whether it is free and fair or not, to avoid letting demonstrators or courts determine the outcome

Please enlighten me how the opposition prevented the new elections. (seriously, I haven't heard of this before, so I would like to know.)

And I agree. With a third party monitoring the elections (and campaigning beforehand) it might get rid of the vote buying (by everyone)and allow a proper democratic election.

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Yes ... there were news reports about the Thaksin family kids leaving before events (and not before events that didn't have bloodshed.)

so you have the details? how often per month they fly out of the country, do you know that or not?

anyway, if they would stay, they would get to hear other accusations by the hobby judges here.

Their travels are reported before the major events :) They don't travel before events that lead to bloodshed and do before events that do lead to bloodshed. Pretty simple. Feel free to go back and have a look :D

Tony.... I am glad to see you have learned the word obfuscation but now you need to learn to use it in the appropriate context :D

Some help for those that need it in understanding correlation -----

A causal, complementary, parallel, or reciprocal relationship, especially a structural, functional, or qualitative correspondence between two comparable entities

A correlation in and of itself means nothing (There is a direct correlation between people that have used heroin having had used marijuana when they were younger .. that does not mean that marijuana leads to heroin use ---- The same correlation exists between people that have used heroin and people that have drunk milk.)

Edited by jdinasia
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So once this is all sorted out and if the instigators are indicted for treason, as they rightfully should be, I suppose I would rather be out of the country as well.

What about the instigators that initiated the military coup of the democratically elected prime minister? Should they "rightfully" be indicted? Should the PAD leaders who shut down the airport last year be indicted? Or is that not ok with you and why?

The coup leaders protected themselves from indictment (but there is a possiblity of that being overturned I would think. The PAD leaders have been indicted and the cases are ongoing.

I would think you would know this before posting :)

edit --- Thaksin wasn't the democratically elected ANYTHING at the time of the coup. (which is another hing you should probably know before posting in a political topic)

You sir are just flat out wrong and are trying to rewrite history. TRT won the election in a landslide taking every province except for Bangkok and one in the south. Pattani maybe. But even in BKK a significant number of people voted TRT.

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What about the instigators that initiated the military coup of the democratically elected prime minister? Should they "rightfully" be indicted? Should the PAD leaders who shut down the airport last year be indicted? Or is that not ok with you and why?

The coup leaders protected themselves from indictment (but there is a possiblity of that being overturned I would think. The PAD leaders have been indicted and the cases are ongoing.

I would think you would know this before posting :)

edit --- Thaksin wasn't the democratically elected ANYTHING at the time of the coup. (which is another hing you should probably know before posting in a political topic)

You sir are just flat out wrong and are trying to rewrite history. TRT won the election in a landslide taking every province except for Bangkok and one in the south. Pattani maybe. But even in BKK a significant number of people voted TRT.


Thaksin was a caretaker PM --- the elections that the Democrats boycotted failed to seat a government. Thus the CARETAKER pm (who had in fact publicly resigned and then come back) was not the elected ANYTHING. This means that the entire caretaker government was outside of anything covered by the constitution at the time of the coup.

BTW TRT was banned due to some silly little things like vote buying and paying small parties to contest the elctions in areas that the democrats didn't run a candidate :D

again --- learn some of the facts :D

NEXT! Now serving number 3,783

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This is all so infantile, lets just grow up and use the proper ballot box and get rid of all the crooks and fraudsters, is that really so difficult to do or understand?? I cannot stand Thaksin as he is without any doubt for me now a complete selfish crook and just cashing in on the cause of the Reds Shirts. I am not personally against the basic ideas of the Red Shirts as I would like to see also a party of the people here for the Thai folk not one of the elite ruling class. BUT this is all settled at the polling booths with an election not by thuggery and supporting a crook getting back his rightfully confiscated fortune. Abhist is an honest man of that I am sure and he is doing a good job in the circumstances, so let him settle things down and call an honest election. Yes and as I have said often ask the UN to arrange for an independent outside monitoring body to check the elections are not fraudulently run anywhere in the country. Then we will have a government as elected by the people for the people and we should all accept that as the will of the people as we have to do so in the UK and the USA and other western democratic states (although in the UK it aint a very democratic system when 60 % vote against a party yet they still rule with a landslide government and the USA are not much better either on this score!!)

What we really do not want is such unrest basically all over the crook Thaxsin trying to get his obviously ill gotten corrupt gains back that he stole form the Thai people by blatant dishonesty and selfishness. Shame as the Red Shirts are losing so much face backing this nasty greedy corrupt Thaxsin. Ditch him and they will get far more support and can work towards fighting an honest election in the near future. This country as I see it does not need any more crooks like Thaxsin, he is only needed here to serve his jail term from the honest ruling of a very fair and honest trial.

I applaud your ability to identify Thaksin as a despicable crook among a group of ethically challenged politicians. Are you so naive to think that Thaksin is the only or the worse crook or even the biggest crook? Name one poor politician that did not leave office a very wealthy person. It took the ethically challenged group of self appointed politicians more than 1 year to determine exactly what Thaksin did to justify his removal. I point out that Thaksin was properly elected but the honest yellow shirts kicked him out and replaced him with their appointed replacement. If you were one of the hundreds of thousands of travelers stranded in U-Tapao because of the selfishness of the yellow shirts you might not be so forgiving. Your reliance on the ballot box hinges on acceptance by the yellow shirts. If they do not like who you voted for they will simply remove him and appoint one of their own.

I certainly wish you would be able to stick to the problems in Thailand and not insist in dragging the UK and US into your statement. It certainly makes me think you have an inferiority complex saying "they're just as bad Mommy"! The U.S. and the U.K. try and convict a politician before removing them whereas Thailand removes them and then thinks of a reason later. :)

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They don't travel before events that lead to bloodshed and do before events that do lead to bloodshed. Pretty simple. Feel free to go back and have a look :)

Your post doesn't make sense. Read it again. The first sentence makes absolutely no sense.

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They don't travel before events that lead to bloodshed and do before events that do lead to bloodshed. Pretty simple. Feel free to go back and have a look :)

Your post doesn't make sense. Read it again. The first sentence makes absolutely no sense.

Thanks .. should be don't travel when the major events end up not leading to bloodshed ... do travel when major events do lead to bloodshed.

:D I love my webbook ... i love my webbook ... I love my webbook ... (even though my thumbs hit the touchpad!)

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They don't travel before events that lead to bloodshed and do before events that do lead to bloodshed. Pretty simple. Feel free to go back and have a look :)

Your post doesn't make sense. Read it again. The first sentence makes absolutely no sense.

Thanks .. should be don't travel when the major events end up not leading to bloodshed ... do travel when major events do lead to bloodshed.

:D I love my webbook ... i love my webbook ... I love my webbook ... (even though my thumbs hit the touchpad!)

Still doesn't make sense, because Thaksin's daughter last year went on a shopping trip to Europe before the last red shirt rally and no bloodshed happened. People don't know in advance when bloodshed will happen. It's not planned, but rather the actions of violent individuals.

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They don't travel before events that lead to bloodshed and do before events that do lead to bloodshed. Pretty simple. Feel free to go back and have a look :D

Your post doesn't make sense. Read it again. The first sentence makes absolutely no sense.

Thanks .. should be don't travel when the major events end up not leading to bloodshed ... do travel when major events do lead to bloodshed.

:D I love my webbook ... i love my webbook ... I love my webbook ... (even though my thumbs hit the touchpad!)

It doesnt help being born with 6 thumbs on both hands either :)

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They don't travel before events that lead to bloodshed and do before events that do lead to bloodshed. Pretty simple. Feel free to go back and have a look :)

Your post doesn't make sense. Read it again. The first sentence makes absolutely no sense.

Thanks .. should be don't travel when the major events end up not leading to bloodshed ... do travel when major events do lead to bloodshed.

:D I love my webbook ... i love my webbook ... I love my webbook ... (even though my thumbs hit the touchpad!)

Still doesn't make sense, because Thaksin's daughter last year went on a shopping trip to Europe before the last red shirt rally and no bloodshed happened. People don't know in advance when bloodshed will happen. It's not planned, but rather the actions of violent individuals.

One went shopping ... not they all fled like this time and Songkran etc..

I need all six thumbs just to constantly type out responses to the gibberish posted by the reds :D

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I was wondering MrToad, did they print those posters on nice soft paper ? :)

Well would be a good idea, so at least when the red shirts start throwing around shit parcels, they can at least wipe there ass on something they like. :D

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They don't travel before events that lead to bloodshed and do before events that do lead to bloodshed. Pretty simple. Feel free to go back and have a look :)

Your post doesn't make sense. Read it again. The first sentence makes absolutely no sense.

that is a typo and it is somehow clear what he wanted to say, but it lacks any proof or evidence to substantiate his statements. so it is still simple nonsense. my guess his mission is bickering.

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...there is a certain mindset behind the people here screaming cockroaches, rats and other bright arguments when it comes to family members of a certain person. spreading nothing but hate. i think in that moment the argument is lost already.

Oh for goodness sake. We're not calling these slimeballs "cockroaches" because they're Thaksin's family, we're calling them it because firstly they are up to their necks in his thieving from the Thai people and secondly because every time he makes the call for people to join his protest, and risk their personal safety, and possibly their lives, for him, they flee, sorry, fly, away as fast as they can. The man displays his true colours every time; getting his power back is worthy of risking the lives of a few poor, but not those of his family in crime. Let's not forget, we're not talking about children who have no idea of what's going on. If you really can't see the difference between punishing an innocent for crimes members of his/her family may have committed, and calling an accessory to thieving, swindling, and duping of the poor, spade a spade then you need to seek some help.

Read the earlier post.

I said;

"cockroach like spawn scurrying for the shadows".

I never said there were cockroaches, I did clearly say that

their actions of getting out of the spotlight and into safer shadows,

resembled turning a light on and cockroaches scattering quick fast.

Fight or flight... well we can see clearly how they were trained.

Since this is third in a familial pattern showing foreknowledge of rallies that do seem to come off the tracks,

specifically with the kids and Mrs. high tailing it out right before hand, it shows a pattern of Thaksin knowing

full well that things well turn ugly and that his family might become culpabpe or a barganing chip in the wrong

and very angry hands.

So someone Red will instantly come in with 'Government' or 'PAD will do this', but far from just them might feel

extremely put out by this ongoing saga of revenge and death revolving around the madness emoted

and promoted by Thaksin.

Under stress his decision making goes markedly off the tracks, and losing 46 billion baht is a pant load of stress.

He has always shown a vengeful streak, see examples Sondhi and Monson, and now his vengance is visited

on the nation as a whole, while trying to spin it as caused by others... Class war but never actual names besides Prem.

The man is borderline to madness, as many recent reports on his TV appearances attest.

Just because you can string coherent sentences together doesn't mean you are not eminently

a candidate for psychiatric attention.

This will be a dangerous weekend for far too many.

And it's easy to see why bigger fish feel safer in another pond to the one

that they have been crapping in all to recently.

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So once this is all sorted out and if the instigators are indicted for treason, as they rightfully should be, I suppose I would rather be out of the country as well.

What about the instigators that initiated the military coup of the democratically elected prime minister? Should they "rightfully" be indicted? Should the PAD leaders who shut down the airport last year be indicted? Or is that not ok with you and why?

The coup leaders protected themselves from indictment (but there is a possiblity of that being overturned I would think. The PAD leaders have been indicted and the cases are ongoing.

I would think you would know this before posting :)

edit --- Thaksin wasn't the democratically elected ANYTHING at the time of the coup. (which is another hing you should probably know before posting in a political topic)

You sir are just flat out wrong and are trying to rewrite history. TRT won the election in a landslide taking every province except for Bangkok and one in the south. Pattani maybe. But even in BKK a significant number of people voted TRT.

I rather think you, yourself, are confusing history.

The only election in which Thaksins' Group ("TRT" was not an actual Party at that time) received a truly significant share of the Nationwide Vote was in the 2001 election.

Thaksin and his allies won just under 50% of Parliamentary seats.

And yes, many Bangkok voters gave him huge support at that time too, believing he was committed to a true change in the Thai Political system.

With this truly Nationwide popular Mandate he did not need to pander to the Chalerms, the Chaovalits, the Banharns et al in order to cobble together a short term alliance with minority Parties by trading off Ministerial – lucrative – Posts as was the norm for the previous few decades, in order to maintain a Coalition. Thaksin could have formed a stable, competent and professional Government with true Technocrats or specialists in their fields.

He had the opportunity to quite literally change the face of Thai Politics forever; if he was truly committed he had the absolute "Golden Opportunity" to transform the Thai political environment forever.

He did not however – and the same old corrupt faces appeared in his various Cabinets and Ministries and the old style of corruption continued, but with the introduction of a new Thaksin innovation - “Policy Corruption”.


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nah, that lady and her kids have left because they don't have any change for the reds' bus tickets. There's discontent coming from Chiangmai headquarter and they told the leaders to pay out of their own pockets first. But these are not the ones that looked beyound of what's going on. :)

My guess, Thaksin realized that it is no more about him but for a wider cause. :D

Edited by elcent
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maybe they should be high on red bull and never sleep and have no personal time, what a stupid comment, He made a cooking show, probably took 2 hours out of his week at the most and I am sure matters of state would have taken priority.

some of the garbage people spout in their hatred of the red shirts on here is embarrassing to be frank. if they make a reasoned argument why they dislike the reds and what the stand for then fair enough, but being so petty is just silly.

But the rules were that he was not allowed to do that, no matter how much time it took and how much he was paid.

He is not allowed to break the rules, so he was dumped.

EDIT: "not allowed".

Edited by anotherpeter
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rats leaving sinking ship springs immediately to mind.......

Yep ! And why do rats leave a sinking ship ?

Because the place is too dangerous !

Flighing bullets ?

Mega trouble ?

We will know tomorrow !

A key distinction between the Yellows and the Reds is that the Yellows, during their protests, were actually LED by their leaders. The Reds, by contrast, are "led" by instigators who flee the scene before the trouble begins. While I sympathize with some of the motivations and stated goals of some of the reds, it's hard to take them seriously when their leaders won't even participate in the event they've created. In their absence, all that is left of their so-called rally is the destruction. Wonder how that will go over with the public at-large?

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rats leaving sinking ship springs immediately to mind.......

Yep ! And why do rats leave a sinking ship ?

Because the place is too dangerous !

Flighing bullets ?

Mega trouble ?

We will know tomorrow !

A key distinction between the Yellows and the Reds is that the Yellows, during their protests, were actually LED by their leaders. The Reds, by contrast, are "led" by instigators who flee the scene before the trouble begins. While I sympathize with some of the motivations and stated goals of some of the reds, it's hard to take them seriously when their leaders won't even participate in the event they've created. In their absence, all that is left of their so-called rally is the destruction. Wonder how that will go over with the public at-large?

Spot on!!

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I applaud your ability to identify Thaksin as a despicable crook among a group of ethically challenged politicians. Are you so naive to think that Thaksin is the only or the worse crook or even the biggest crook? Name one poor politician that did not leave office a very wealthy person. It took the ethically challenged group of self appointed politicians more than 1 year to determine exactly what Thaksin did to justify his removal. I point out that Thaksin was properly elected but the honest yellow shirts kicked him out and replaced him with their appointed replacement. If you were one of the hundreds of thousands of travelers stranded in U-Tapao because of the selfishness of the yellow shirts you might not be so forgiving. Your reliance on the ballot box hinges on acceptance by the yellow shirts. If they do not like who you voted for they will simply remove him and appoint one of their own.

I certainly wish you would be able to stick to the problems in Thailand and not insist in dragging the UK and US into your statement. It certainly makes me think you have an inferiority complex saying "they're just as bad Mommy"! The U.S. and the U.K. try and convict a politician before removing them whereas Thailand removes them and then thinks of a reason later. :)

Can you name a politician that left with an extra BILLION dollars? (not denying that there are plenty of corrupt politicians out there, but I don't know of any that made that much money while BEING PM)

As for the rest of the post, Thaksin wasn't even here (I don't think ... but certainly not PM) when the yellows blockaded the airports. The yellows did not kick out the PPP PM (Somchai at that stage), the courts did. Not many of us support what the yellow shirts did, just as we are not supporting what the red shirts are doing. Anti-red does not equal pro-yellow. Also, anti-red does not mean anti-poor. Mostly it's just anti-Thaksin.

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I applaud your ability to identify Thaksin as a despicable crook among a group of ethically challenged politicians. Are you so naive to think that Thaksin is the only or the worse crook or even the biggest crook? Name one poor politician that did not leave office a very wealthy person. It took the ethically challenged group of self appointed politicians more than 1 year to determine exactly what Thaksin did to justify his removal. I point out that Thaksin was properly elected but the honest yellow shirts kicked him out and replaced him with their appointed replacement. If you were one of the hundreds of thousands of travelers stranded in U-Tapao because of the selfishness of the yellow shirts you might not be so forgiving. Your reliance on the ballot box hinges on acceptance by the yellow shirts. If they do not like who you voted for they will simply remove him and appoint one of their own.

I certainly wish you would be able to stick to the problems in Thailand and not insist in dragging the UK and US into your statement. It certainly makes me think you have an inferiority complex saying "they're just as bad Mommy"! The U.S. and the U.K. try and convict a politician before removing them whereas Thailand removes them and then thinks of a reason later. :)

Can you name a politician that left with an extra BILLION dollars? (not denying that there are plenty of corrupt politicians out there, but I don't know of any that made that much money while BEING PM)

As for the rest of the post, Thaksin wasn't even here (I don't think ... but certainly not PM) when the yellows blockaded the airports. The yellows did not kick out the PPP PM (Somchai at that stage), the courts did. Not many of us support what the yellow shirts did, just as we are not supporting what the red shirts are doing. Anti-red does not equal pro-yellow. Also, anti-red does not mean anti-poor. Mostly it's just anti-Thaksin.

The rest of approx. $1 billion hardly covers the interests of $1.4 billion. Since Thaksin can't claim interest for his left over from now on, he will get finally nothing from all that was confiscated.

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rats leaving sinking ship springs immediately to mind.......

Yep ! And why do rats leave a sinking ship ?

Because the place is too dangerous !

Flighing bullets ?

Mega trouble ?

We will know tomorrow !

A key distinction between the Yellows and the Reds is that the Yellows, during their protests, were actually LED by their leaders. The Reds, by contrast, are "led" by instigators who flee the scene before the trouble begins. While I sympathize with some of the motivations and stated goals of some of the reds, it's hard to take them seriously when their leaders won't even participate in the event they've created. In their absence, all that is left of their so-called rally is the destruction. Wonder how that will go over with the public at-large?

Spot on!!

Uh, no they were not. The red shirts are lead by the red shirt leaders that you see at the rallies. The yellow shirts were led by the yellow shirt leaders that you saw at the rallies. Thaksin is behind the red shirts. Who's behind the yellow shirts? Neither of the true leaders of either movements were on the streets.

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