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Tv Folks, Get Your Affairs In Order !


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TV folks, we will all shuffle off this mortal coil.. its just in what order. I plan to be around for several decades yet, but who knows? They say one should live like it is their last day. What is really important to you??

For me, it is to have PEACE of mind. I don't quite have it, I will admit, so if this was my last day, I would have missed the boat in a few areas. If I had to be my own judge, I would not measure up too well in a number of areas. For example, I am too irritable, anger comes too quickly at times..and this cannot be blamed solely on a somewhat f'd up thyroid.

I am too judgemental at times, and certainly have NO right to be.. as I have WAY too many faults to be casting stones in anyone else's direction. Human's seem to have an INFINITE capacity to take things for granted, and I am no exception. When times are great, I almost take it for granted, but you know we don't know what we have 'till its gone, oh yaaa.

...Like a few weeks ago when I was supposed to pick up the wife at school, and she wasn't there. To make a long story short, I drove home, she wasn't there...turns out her phone was dead, so I couldn't contact her..turns out she walked home by a different route instead of waiting for me, but I got a glimpse of what it would be like if she were "gone"..perhaps even ABDUCTED..nothing else mattered at that moment but her, and when I found her, relief flooded through me, and i was TRULY grateful for her..BUT shortly after that I was sliding back to "normal" again..warts and all... damned stock market.. things like that..

So, what really matters??

On the plus side, coming to Thailand many times and meeting the future wife was an excellent move..and having some sort of a faith in "God" seems to be a good thing, and quiting drinking and smoking 6 months ago was a move in the right direction, but...ahhhh..I gotta stop taking things for granted..and...ahhh

anyway, I wish YOU the best on your journey, as it is about the journey, not the destination, no??

signed: I give myself a C, and there is lots of room for improvement son, i can her someone saying... :)

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Cognos pondered ....

"So, what really matters??"

Everything matters. Count your blessings. Your cup is half full perhaps, but for many others, the cup is half empty. I sweated through a similar situation a couple of years ago.

The only constant in life is uncertainty and all we can do is the best we can do. It sounds like you can look yourself in the mirror every morning and feel like you are doing your best. That's all that anyone can ask of oneself.

To quote a few lines from one of my favorite movies, The Razor's Edge, an adaptation of the W. Somerset Maughan novel (with Bill Murray in an uncharacterstic dramatic role):

Monk: The pathway to salvation is as narrow and as difficult to walk as a razor's edge.

Larry Darrel: It's easy to be a holy man on top of a mountain.

Larry (again, after the murder of his fiancee'): When Piedmont died (in WWI), I had to pay him back for my life. I found out there's another debt to pay - for the privilege of being alive. I thought Sophie was my reward for trying to live a good life. Uh uh. There is no payoff - not now.

Personally, I identify with the last quote, there is a debt to pay for the privilege of being alive. It sounds to me like you have found your way to do so, as have I. We don't "pay this debt" because we expect some "reward." We do it because we are compelled to do it.


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I DO have my affairs in order. My ladies arrive every other day as per our arranged schedule. The only thing we have to settle on is the time. What other affairs are important? :)

Goodness me, how many affairs do you have?

When you say "every other day" I take it you mean one arrives every second day, and the other on alternate days? Or both together? But maybe I am underestimating you...

Anyway, keep it up


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You need to drop the wifey, OP, it sounds like you rely on her too much. I mean, you nearly DIED when you didn't know where she was for five minutes. True happiness comes from within. You won't get it from any external sources. So my advice would be to get a divorce, maybe move out to the country, set up camp beside a lake perhaps. Spend your days practising yoga while humming, go fishing just before dusk, make a fire, cook the fish, eat the fish, go to sleep. Wake up early, take a swim, maybe a walk through the forest. Avoid all human contact. They will only make you unhappy. In ten or fifteen years when you have learned to be completely self sufficient and, um, self satisfying, then you can come back to society. Write a book if you want. It will fail because it's been done so many times before. But that tells you all you need to know. There can be no doubt now that leaving your current lifestyle for one by a lake is the way to go. I know a good supplier of quality tents. I may be able to hook you up with a discount. Also I have a fishing rod for sale, although I do not have any spare tackle.

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That old hippie dude Ian has got it right on the button... his affairs are in order and scheduled :) respect...


Aunty has got a cog loose in his head me thinks :D

Ian, do you make your gals give you a four hour cancellation notice? :D

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I DO have my affairs in order. My ladies arrive every other day as per our arranged schedule. The only thing we have to settle on is the time. What other affairs are important? :)

Goodness me, how many affairs do you have?

When you say "every other day" I take it you mean one arrives every second day, and the other on alternate days? Or both together? But maybe I am underestimating you...

Anyway, keep it up


Each takes a turn on a loosely set schedule. It seems to work for all of us and there are smiles all around. If there is a change in plans I just call them or they call me. And, the two that USED to visit me on the same day changed to just one. One of the girls met a nice steady guy and they are getting married. I'm happy for both of them. For me it's an ideal relationship and I don't have to meet some stranger in a bar who probably turns out to be a bored dud. There were too many of those in the past. It is nice to have good friends who understand each other without all the complications of a permanent relationship. There's nothing these gals and I can't discuss and I help them any way I can.

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You need to drop the wifey, OP, it sounds like you rely on her too much. I mean, you nearly DIED when you didn't know where she was for five minutes. True happiness comes from within. You won't get it from any external sources. So my advice would be to get a divorce, maybe move out to the country, set up camp beside a lake perhaps. Spend your days practising yoga while humming, go fishing just before dusk, make a fire, cook the fish, eat the fish, go to sleep. Wake up early, take a swim, maybe a walk through the forest. Avoid all human contact. They will only make you unhappy. In ten or fifteen years when you have learned to be completely self sufficient and, um, self satisfying, then you can come back to society. Write a book if you want. It will fail because it's been done so many times before. But that tells you all you need to know. There can be no doubt now that leaving your current lifestyle for one by a lake is the way to go. I know a good supplier of quality tents. I may be able to hook you up with a discount. Also I have a fishing rod for sale, although I do not have any spare tackle.

You talkin about me again? That is exactly what I DO do for 7 months of the year. But, there are CERTAIN things I miss when in Canada, so I return to Thailand for 5 months each winter. Works well for me.

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Sit your wife down. Find out where her isaan part of the family lives (cos she's only part chinese. There is some baan nok in there somewhere!). Come up and visit them. Stay with them (not in a hotel) for a few days. LEave your phone at home.

I think you'll feel better for it. It will answer alot of the issues you raised....if you let it.

GOod luck.

Signed: Reassuringly Single.

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I DO have my affairs in order. My ladies arrive every other day as per our arranged schedule. The only thing we have to settle on is the time. What other affairs are important? :)

ok, you got me, everything else is basically irrelevant I will admit.. If your lady ( ladies ) is (are ) "gone", its a pretty sad world indeed.

signed: hetro

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That old hippie dude Ian has got it right on the button... his affairs are in order and scheduled :) respect...


Aunty has got a cog loose in his head me thinks :D

actually I'm several bricks short of a full load

signed: loose cogs a plenty

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The OP has troubled me deeply. :)

It's quite worrying - what will Aunty Cognos do if his wife goes off for the weekend without him?

that would not pose an issue ; as we all know familiarity breeds contempt ( so keep changing ladies or locations )..Ian has it right..5 months in LOS, and 7 months in Canada until he has had all he can stand, and he can't stand it no more ( he even looks a little like Popeye )

signed: absence makes the hearts grow fonder

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Your wife is still in school?

I would love some of that.

The guys a drunk.

Welll, I used to be a binge drinker, 2, 3 times a week, 5 or 6 beers at a time.. but not a drunk in my humble opinion...know thyself, and run like hellll!

signed: running to Issan to visit the family ( baaaaaa)

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The OP has troubled me deeply. :)

Look!.. You`re born, then we struggle through life keeping our heads down and then we die if we`re lucky.

Dear Auntie;

My wife recently left me for the head of the village.

I sold off my daughter for a 1 million baht sin sot, but never received the money

The Thai girlfriend I met on the Internet has drained my bank accounts and Immigration has cancelled my retirement visa because I disagreed with a sponsor on Thaivisa.

What shall I do?

Edited by BigWheelMan
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Your wife is still in school?

I would love some of that.

The guys a drunk.

Welll, I used to be a binge drinker, 2, 3 times a week, 5 or 6 beers at a time.. but not a drunk in my humble opinion...know thyself, and run like hellll!

signed: running to Issan to visit the family ( baaaaaa)

5 or 6 beers at a time cognos, that many. Hardcore man.


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That old hippie dude Ian has got it right on the button... his affairs are in order and scheduled :) respect...


Aunty has got a cog loose in his head me thinks :D

actually I'm several bricks short of a full load

signed: loose cogs a plenty



A few chillies short of somtam !

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I think I detect more than a hint of sincerity in the OP, so I'll try and give a brief but sincere reply.

And let me preface this with a confession that I suffer from all those faults - irritable, judgmental etc. - and a host more!

First, I had to realise that I am a threefold being; a non-material individuality, living a life "on the inside", as it were, housed in a material body, and endowed with mind, an intellect wherewith to reconcile those two very diverse natures - the material/animal and the non-material/spiritual. All three aspects of my being are simply different cosmic realities and all three need "feeding" on a regular basis for me to even begin to find peace of mind, or more accurately, peace of spirit. A good meal will sort out my physical being, a good debate/discussion/intake of fresh information will usually satisfy my mind, and any sincere attempt to contact with my spiritual nature, including the way I treat my fellow man - in reality my spiritual brothers and sisters - seems to do the trick with my inner spiritual nature.

And you're right, OP! Life, including the eternal variety, which is a potential reality for each and every one of us, is akin to a journey - it matters not so much where you are on this journey, so long as you're on the right road and heading in the right direction. The very fact that you posted such a subject demonstrates that you are on your way. May I simply wish you "bon voyage".

But don't ignore the destination completely - an eternal adventure encompassing supreme values, infinite realties, even ultimate meanings. Indeed, more than our finite minds can even dream of.

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