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How You Can Help Sick Soi Dogs

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If you see a sick dog on the island rather than ignore it's suffering there is something you can do about it. Last week I saw this dog in a terrible condition on Koh Sirae and I reported it to SoiDog>>>


I received this back from them today :-(

"Our dog catcher has been back to the area 3 times over the last few days looking for the dog and each time he had gone he came back with other dogs also in bad condition and sick, which we are now treating at the shelter, however yesterday the dog you identified was found and taken to the shelter, Dr Ami confirmed what she had suspected from her initial look at the photos and that the dog did indeed have cancer, this plus the malnutrition and the severe wound on his back, it was decided to put the dog to sleep in the best interests of the dog.

The condition of the dog moved the shelter volunteers to tears and prompted one person to write the following poem, just after the dog was euthanised and whilst she was still in tears, I will reiterate now that the poem is not directed at you, as you actually took the time and effort to do something, but it is that persons feelings towards all the other people prior to you who ignored this dog, I thought I would share it with you as its quite moving."

You keep on walking by…………………… Why Why Why?

I have been like this for months & you keep walking by…………

You do not help me you just keep walking by…………

You do not see my hunger or thirst you just keep walking by……

You do not see my pain you just keep walking by…………

When you do see me & all you feel is disgust Why Why Why………

I come near you for help you chase me away Why Why Why

My cancer tumors grow as does the pain, you ignore meWhy Why Why

You are many humans & so are not humane? Why Why Why

Today my pain has gone as I am taken from this world, to the next, for the first time in my life I was stroked & kissed as I slipped away………

Why did I have to wait until my last minutes to feel love Why Why Why

So if you see a dog like this and want to do something about it notify soidog at www.soidog.org Emergency Helpline: 081 788 4222 They do care and will help relieve the dogs' pain.


Ohh dear, that is aweful, thank goodness you actually did something to help this poor thing, I don't think I have ever quite seen anything like that before. You did well, that poor animal.



Very moving.

I have also felt this way because near to my condo there are hundreds of dogs in similar condition. Even many which wear collars and belong to someone, still neglected and starving.

There are something like 850,000 stray dogs in Bangkok. Most of them will be sick and starving, getting only old rice to eat and sleeping on concrete. And an unknown number of cats. Rescued kittens make excellent pets. Older ones cannot adapt so easily.

I've very misty eyed. Poor Doggie. Hope it's in a better place now.

Have added the contact info to my mobile.

A damning story about the lack of care from the people of Koh Sirae to a stricken animal and probably many like him.

But vets cost money, dog food costs money and they don't have much themselves.

This will go on, we can only praise and contribute to Soi Dogs and hope there are not too many cases so severe


That's probably the worst state I've ever seen a Thai dog in, and that's saying something, so well done on the phone call and the foundation for ending a life that should have ended a long time ago.

Having said that. Lets not forget that Asians have a different culture to us and have pretty much always seen animals as nothing but food. Their lack of sympathy may seem harsh to a lot of us, but then spending 2k Baht on a little bow for Trixie the cherwowa, (sp) probably seems quite strange to a lot of them. Go on to 'youtube' and see what the Japanese and Chinese get up to!! Preparing, cooking and eating animals while they're still breathing for example!

Probably not the right thread to say this either, but I'm here now..

I have never understood animal foundations that spend a small fortune on re homing animals. It seems like such an illogical waist of money that could be spent on much better things. People for example. Owner less, sick, dying animals need to be put out of their misery asap, but spending vast amounts of money keeping them alive in cages, in an attempt to give them 'a second chance' as it's often called, I find truly bizarre.

Anyway, not trying to undermine the good work done by these folk, well done all concerned.

Owner less, sick, dying animals need to be put out of their misery asap, but spending vast amounts of money keeping them alive in cages, in an attempt to give them 'a second chance' as it's often called

Those that are ownerless and dying get put down, such as the dog in the original post. The rest get nursed back to health, and a new home is found for them where they can be properly cared for. The "cage" is a temporary home, and most shelters/rescues provide the dog with quality food, clean water, and shelter from the elements. Every shelter I've encountered also makes sure the dogs get out of the cage multiple times per day and have a chance to interact with humans and other dogs.

I have no experience with Soi Dog, but do have experience with rescue organizations and shelters in my home country.


SoiDog have asked me to clarify their mandate on treating dogs that are sick>>>

"SDF is a no kill shelter and we only euthanise in extreme circumstances.

In this case the dog had no hope of recovery with the cancer being so far advance and at the end of the day nobody wanted him in the first place, so why make him suffer further with chemo treatment and then make him live at the shelter for the rest of his life, that is if he even survived the treatment.

The good thing is we picked up other dogs heading in the same direction and saved them from a long miserable existence, so if any of the posters want to adopt a Koh Siray dog they can."


For those who advocate poisoning, please watch this video that shows the pain and suffering people like you cause and tell me at the end that this is the best way to deal with dogs, once you have watched it picture that being your own pet or your child, we have had reports of people also eating poisoned meat and getting sick, Soi Dogs deserve better, its about showing humanity to another creature, clearly those who advocate poisoning are not humane people.



To Woohoo, some of us care almost as much about animals as we do people - they are living creatures that suffer and feel the same pain as we do.

Most 'people' charities are helping people that are already in a FAR better circumstances than the dogs that are rescued by animal charities - hence out inclination to help out the animal charities. Not to mention that 'people' charities receive far more money than animal charities. I'm not arguing against giving money to 'people' charities - just trying to explain why some people give money to animal charities. The way some condemn giving money for animals only fortifies the belief that animals need even more help.

I am v lucky insofar as I live in an area with few soi dogs, but came across a v sick, starving dog on Xmas day. I 'phoned Soi Dogs and (understandably) they couldn't get out until the next day. Anyway, I took her to the Soi Dog vet (Dr Suchon - Animal Hospital) and left 1000 baht towards the treatment (she had pneumonia as well as being skin and bones).

The happy ending is that she turned out to be a puppy (although almost full grown), I took her in and even though I never wanted another dog, don't regret it for one minute - she's a wonderful dog.

I also know a little about Soi Dogs, and unless they're sick, they're not kept in cages - they have big runs occupied by lots of dogs. Not ideal as dogs need a loving family, but a lot better than being left to die.

...Rescued kittens make excellent pets.

I have taken in two stray cats since I moved into the current house I am in now. When I first encountered them they were emaciated and scared of humans. Now after a year of proper feeding, proper shots, frontline treatment, regular baths, and a little tlc, they are two of the friendliest cats I have ever seen or owned. They act more like dogs. They can never be very far away from me if I am home, usually climbing on me or other guests the moment they sit down and usually sleep in bed, often on top of me or between my legs. They even go in the car with me sometimes. I really enjoy them. Next is spay and neuter, although the female has not gotten pregnant so I suspect she is already fixed, but the male still gets in fights with other males so he definitely needs it.


I have taken in quite a few homeless animals and I find that they give you so much (love) that you never regret it. It is almost like they realize that you have saved them and want to give you something

back. :)

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