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A Sick Mate


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l have a very sick English friend ,,,, the hospitals up here put him down as a lost cause ,,, he wants to go home but the airlines say he is too sick to travel ,,,, just how sick do you have to be before they will refuse to let you on a plane ?? ,, and can the UK embassy be of any help in a situation like this ,,, ,,,,, l am sure if he was in a UK hospital he would respond to the treatment given ,, but here it's just bags of pills ,,,,, l am grabbing at straws here ,,, does anyone have any ideas ??

thanks for any help


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I think it is up to each airline to determine which passengers are too sick to fly. If you can afford it there are air ambulance services such as http://www.airambulanceinternational.com/ who offer this service, but it is probably not going to be cheap.

In a survey recently it was found that the top hospitals here are better than the UK hospitals. You could try getting your friends to Bumrungrad in Bangkok, but of course that would probably again cost a considerable amount.

Edited by Phil Conners
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I would have thought a medivac might be possible, but it requires a doc to come along for the ride, so they're rather a ripoff as a way to fly. I got flown out in 2548 (2005) with my skull and my guts held together with plastic twine 18 days after a collision with a Toyota, but they made me take a doctor along.

What sort of sick is he, by the way?

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Just how sick are we talking here and what are the symptoms and just why has anyone disclosed the situations to the airlines?

Once a plane takes off it flies to its destination UNLESS a sick person is diagnosed by a doctor passenger should there be one on board (as there are no doctor flight attendants) as likely to die in flight. If you actually die they stick you in the cargo hold. Diversions cost big money and are only authorised if you are likely to die because they did not stop when they had medical advice that you might die if the flight continued and therefore there is a potential legal liability.

If the guy can be dosed up so that he can walk and get on a plane then book him business class on Thai (less questions asked) and get him on a direct flight out of Bangkok for London. Once out of Thai airspace he's golden. One hour out of Heathrow he can inform the crew and an ambulance will meet him on the tarmac.

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These sad situations occur more than we realise. had the same situation in the Phils a few years back except this guy was from the USA. The only real safe way is to hold the correct insurance that covers an emergency medical evacuation, but that is hugely expensive.

In the Phils case, the guy had to hire a competent Doctor and a nurse with full medical equipment to travel with him on a flight that had no passengers in 1st class.

But i would guess if your friend could run to that type of money he would be in a world class hospital in Bangkok by now.

Just a question is your friend obviously so ill that it could be recognised by a layman - point I am getting at is how did the airline/s realise he was so ill ?

wish him well

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I would have thought a medivac might be possible, but it requires a doc to come along for the ride, so they're rather a ripoff as a way to fly. I got flown out in 2548 (2005) with my skull and my guts held together with plastic twine 18 days after a collision with a Toyota, but they made me take a doctor along.

What sort of sick is he, by the way?

a bad heart ,, diabetes ,, etc ,,, he has not eaten for a week or more ,,, just has water ,,,, and is bed ridden ,, getting him up and walking would be near impossible ,,, his family has been here for 3 weeks and left today ,, l think they realise that he has given up ,,, unfortunately , l dont think finances will allow him to go to BK ,,, it is sad to see someone go like this ,, when l think something could be done ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, was your flight a commercial flight ??

thanks for the replies


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These sad situations occur more than we realise. had the same situation in the Phils a few years back except this guy was from the USA. The only real safe way is to hold the correct insurance that covers an emergency medical evacuation, but that is hugely expensive.

In the Phils case, the guy had to hire a competent Doctor and a nurse with full medical equipment to travel with him on a flight that had no passengers in 1st class.

But i would guess if your friend could run to that type of money he would be in a world class hospital in Bangkok by now.

Just a question is your friend obviously so ill that it could be recognised by a layman - point I am getting at is how did the airline/s realise he was so ill ?

wish him well

l think his son made enquires ,, and probably told them how bad he was ,,,, a mistake perhaps

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Don't mean to point out the obvious...but maybe his time has come. Why waste money (both his own and the UK taxpayer's) trying to postpone the inevitable?

I would have thought a medivac might be possible, but it requires a doc to come along for the ride, so they're rather a ripoff as a way to fly. I got flown out in 2548 (2005) with my skull and my guts held together with plastic twine 18 days after a collision with a Toyota, but they made me take a doctor along.

What sort of sick is he, by the way?

a bad heart ,, diabetes ,, etc ,,, he has not eaten for a week or more ,,, just has water ,,,, and is bed ridden ,, getting him up and walking would be near impossible ,,, his family has been here for 3 weeks and left today ,, l think they realise that he has given up ,,, unfortunately , l dont think finances will allow him to go to BK ,,, it is sad to see someone go like this ,, when l think something could be done ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, was your flight a commercial flight ??

thanks for the replies


Edited by FarangBuddha
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His family left him????

yep , son and brother ,,,, l suppose finances came into it ,,,, but l dont really know ,,,,,,,,,, there is a lesson here .... dont leave things until it is to late ,,, 2 months ago , not a problem ,,, but now ,,,, to late

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Yes very sad,i had a mate die in Pattaya also with only his brother with him,all though he was in a coma at the end.

It looks like he will not be going home,have the family organised any future arrangements for him?

Hospital,spoke to the embassy or have they just literally left him and expect you to do it all...who is caring for him now??

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I would have thought a medivac might be possible, but it requires a doc to come along for the ride, so they're rather a ripoff as a way to fly. I got flown out in 2548 (2005) with my skull and my guts held together with plastic twine 18 days after a collision with a Toyota, but they made me take a doctor along.

What sort of sick is he, by the way?

a bad heart ,, diabetes ,, etc ,,, he has not eaten for a week or more ,,, just has water ,,,, and is bed ridden ,, getting him up and walking would be near impossible ,,, his family has been here for 3 weeks and left today ,, l think they realise that he has given up ,,, unfortunately , l dont think finances will allow him to go to BK ,,, it is sad to see someone go like this ,, when l think something could be done ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, was your flight a commercial flight ??

thanks for the replies


Ok he has bad heart and diabetes. So do I. Those conditions in themselves would not create the extreme condition you say he is now in.

Is he a heavy drinker? Is his liver failing? Are renal problems? Surely some doctor has diagnosed what is the underlying cause? You don't just stop eating just because you have a bad heart and diabetes.

I have no idea, but I wouldn't be surprised to hear that booze is at the bottom of this, and of course existing conditions will exacerbate his degeneration.

It may surprise you to learn that many local hospitals, who treat mainly Thais, are expert at treating certain conditions, such as food poisoning. They also know a hel_l of a lot about liver and alcohol related disease, because it is so common here, and they are often able to perform minor miracles and get patients back on their feet.

I have a friend who was in very similar condition to your friend in Bangkok, virtually at the point of death, and was resigned to dying, as were all his friends and family. Yet two nights in a cheap Bangkok hospital and he has made a remarkable recovery. Still not out of the woods, but talking, eating and walking.

I suggest you get some Thais to investigate a local cheap hospital that would be prepared to take him in for a few days - it won't cost the earth - especially if it is outside Pattaya.

If you can get him at least partially mobile it would be much easier to put him on a plane. There is no need to disclose anything about his medical condition to the airline. Get a non- stop flight, and once he is on he should be OK.

Good luck.


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This might be a daft question but has he got Travel insurance , if so call a good internationl hospital and then contact the insurance company ,as long all the info is right they will pay ,,,

What I mean by all the info being correct is that when he took the policy out he declared any ongoing medical conditions he had at the time plus what meds he was on ,,

Or have i missed something as well ,,,,,,,colino

ps a cheap option as mentioned before is get to a Thai gov hospital ,, a lot less expencive a bed on a open ward can cost from 200 baht a night upto 1200 baht for a private room and the treatment is cheaper ,

the prices are what i have paid in gov hospitals in Ang thong Rangsit and khon kaen

Edited by colino
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Yes very sad,i had a mate die in Pattaya also with only his brother with him,all though he was in a coma at the end.

It looks like he will not be going home,have the family organised any future arrangements for him?

Hospital,spoke to the embassy or have they just literally left him and expect you to do it all...who is caring for him now??

his wife and her family are looking after him and doing it well ,,, l am not sure what the family have arranged ,, but it seems that most have given up ,,,,,,,

Mobi,,,,, l dont believe he was ever a big drinker ,,certainly not since l have known him (4 years) ,,,l am told tho that he has kidney and liver problems ,, but from what l have seen ,, they say that about anyone who is really sick ,, ,,, l will see if we can get him into the local hospital here and hope for the best ,, he will be the hardest to convince,,

thanks for all your replies

cheers egg

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My friend also resisted going to hospital but an ambulance was called and he was in no condition to refuse. I suspect it would be the same with your friend.

Maybe he has not been taking care of his diabetes - wrong food, lack of medication etc, which can cause organ damage over a period of time.

Certainly outside the best Bangkok Hospitals, treatment for diabetes is still lurking in the 1960's.

I still think a hospital is worth a try. Not much to lose and you never know.

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These sad situations occur more than we realise. had the same situation in the Phils a few years back except this guy was from the USA. The only real safe way is to hold the correct insurance that covers an emergency medical evacuation, but that is hugely expensive.

In the Phils case, the guy had to hire a competent Doctor and a nurse with full medical equipment to travel with him on a flight that had no passengers in 1st class.

But i would guess if your friend could run to that type of money he would be in a world class hospital in Bangkok by now.

Just a question is your friend obviously so ill that it could be recognised by a layman - point I am getting at is how did the airline/s realise he was so ill ?

wish him well

From what I understand is that if a person dies in their seat they are left there until the plane reaches it,s destination as it is impossible to to move them to the hold "in-flight", at best the deceased is moved to a vacated row of seats at the back of the plane.

The cost to divert can cost over £250K and the sick passenger is liable for the costs (do not worry most people could not afford this so the airline just has to write it off).

I presume this guy has no insurance, AFAIK the British Embassy cannot help out financially and will only help him contact family and friends to beg for the money needed to arrange for medical assistance in flight or a special medivac flight.

Personally I think the British NHS should do more to recover costs from people who are visiting the UK and use these costs to help out people who have paid the NI all their working life and need medical assistance while abroad particularly when cost of treatment would be cheaper than in the UK.

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These sad situations occur more than we realise. had the same situation in the Phils a few years back except this guy was from the USA. The only real safe way is to hold the correct insurance that covers an emergency medical evacuation, but that is hugely expensive.

In the Phils case, the guy had to hire a competent Doctor and a nurse with full medical equipment to travel with him on a flight that had no passengers in 1st class.

But i would guess if your friend could run to that type of money he would be in a world class hospital in Bangkok by now.

Just a question is your friend obviously so ill that it could be recognised by a layman - point I am getting at is how did the airline/s realise he was so ill ?

wish him well

From what I understand is that if a person dies in their seat they are left there until the plane reaches it,s destination as it is impossible to to move them to the hold "in-flight", at best the deceased is moved to a vacated row of seats at the back of the plane.

The cost to divert can cost over £250K and the sick passenger is liable for the costs (do not worry most people could not afford this so the airline just has to write it off).

I presume this guy has no insurance, AFAIK the British Embassy cannot help out financially and will only help him contact family and friends to beg for the money needed to arrange for medical assistance in flight or a special medivac flight.

Personally I think the British NHS should do more to recover costs from people who are visiting the UK and use these costs to help out people who have paid the NI all their working life and need medical assistance while abroad particularly when cost of treatment would be cheaper than in the UK.

'Personally I think the British NHS should do more to recover costs from people who are visiting the UK and use these costs to help out people who have paid the NI all their working life and need medical assistance while abroad particularly when cost of treatment would be cheaper than in the UK.'

'Unfortunately these days it would seem that those who have paid NI all their lives are given the least priority. The British govt attach more importance to flying a foreign terrorist across the Atlantic Ocean in a a private jet than showing any concern for British citizens who find themselves in unfortunate circumstances far from home. By ignoring the plight of such people the govt is to all intents and purposes just letting them die. How different things were when they rescued the Ugandan Asians from the regime of Idi Amin. It makes one wonder where the priorities of our politicians' lie. As if we didn't know!

Edited by yogi100
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>>how can he get home ??

Motorcycle ?

A couple of years ago my friend had a mild heart attack, we took him to bangkok Pattaya hospital where they kept him for 4 days to monitor the situation and run tests. he was released and had to have a series of injections before he could fly back to OZ, something to do with stabilising his blood and blood pressure as the cabin pressure is not the same as down here? may be of some help.

He had tests back in OZ and had a quadruple bypass

Been very health ever since. However has a death wish with the smokes and whisky, he's been warned.

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My friend also resisted going to hospital but an ambulance was called and he was in no condition to refuse. I suspect it would be the same with your friend.

Maybe he has not been taking care of his diabetes - wrong food, lack of medication etc, which can cause organ damage over a period of time.

Certainly outside the best Bangkok Hospitals, treatment for diabetes is still lurking in the 1960's.

I still think a hospital is worth a try. Not much to lose and you never know.

he is 76 ,, that might throw a different light on the matter ,,, he doesn't want to go to a hospital ,, his wife doesn't want him to go and l feel l am just head butting a wall ,,his family when they were here didn't push for it ,,,,,,,for me ,, it just seems crazy ,,not sure what l can do ,,if anything ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, but guys , l really appreciate the response ,,, thanks


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Read the OP

l have a very sick English friend ,,,, the hospitals up here put him down as a lost cause ,,, he wants to go home

The sick friend of the OP is the one that wants to go home, the OP is seeking advice on how this can be done. Sound advice from Mobi. Just because the private hospitals have thrown the towel in, try some of the local ones. If the guy can believe that making this effort may help him get his wish and return home to die, all well and good. If they manage to stabilise and improve his overall condition, then that's a bonus.

Edited by NanLaew
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My friend also resisted going to hospital but an ambulance was called and he was in no condition to refuse. I suspect it would be the same with your friend.

Maybe he has not been taking care of his diabetes - wrong food, lack of medication etc, which can cause organ damage over a period of time.

Certainly outside the best Bangkok Hospitals, treatment for diabetes is still lurking in the 1960's.

I still think a hospital is worth a try. Not much to lose and you never know.

he is 76 ,, that might throw a different light on the matter ,,, he doesn't want to go to a hospital ,, his wife doesn't want him to go and l feel l am just head butting a wall ,,his family when they were here didn't push for it ,,,,,,,for me ,, it just seems crazy ,,not sure what l can do ,,if anything ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, but guys , l really appreciate the response ,,, thanks


Reading between the lines is his wife Thai?

and if so would she be able to come with him to the UK?

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This is a sad story. However, you can't change his fate. Here is also his home. Why would you want him to leave his wife ??

who said "l wanted" him to leave his wife ?,,,,, and it is possible ,, if he did ,, that he might come back a healthier man and have more time with his wife ,,,,,,,,, the response l get from family is "let it be " ,,,,,,,,,, yes ,, sad

cheers egg

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Find out if the bloke is an ex serviceman and maybe the Royal British Legion or service assoiations could help I do believe there is a bar near soi 6 were they hold service meetings

We may indeed be able to help if he served in the UK armed forces. PM me if you need further advice or call in tropical Bert's.



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I have been told that If I return to UK because I am sick with eart and lung problems my wife would nort be able to go with me. That is the British Goivernment for you caring for OAP who served their country and paid contributions for fifty years. May God curse them

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I have been told that If I return to UK because I am sick with eart and lung problems my wife would nort be able to go with me. That is the British Goivernment for you caring for OAP who served their country and paid contributions for fifty years. May God curse them

same , same in Australia ,,, may there ears turn to <deleted> and crap all over them,



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