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Cm & Reading Bar Codes

Gonzo the Face

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I got this in this mornings email .... bunch, pile , lot,...... or whatever the correct collective noun would be.... :)



With all the food and pet products now coming from China , it is best to make sure you read labels at the grocery store and especially Walmart when buying food products.

Many products no longer show where they were made, only give where the distributor is located. It is important to read the bar code to track it's origin.

How to read Bar Codes ... interesting!

This is really interesting.


This may be useful to know when grocery shopping, if it's a concern to you..

The whole world is afraid of China-made "black hearted goods".

Can you differentiate which one is made in Taiwan or China ?

If the first 3 digits of the barcode are 690, 691 or 692, the product is MADE IN CHINA .


471 is Made in Taiwan .

This is our right to know, but the government and related departments never educate the public,

therefore we have to RESCUE ourselves.

Nowadays, Chinese businessmen know that consumers do not prefer products "MADE IN CHINA ",

so they don't show from which country it is made.

However, you may now refer to the barcode, remember if the first 3 digits are:

690-692 ... then it is MADE IN CHINA .

00 - 09 ... USA & CANADA

30 - 37 ... FRANCE

40 - 44 ... GERMANY

47 ... Taiwan

49 ... JAPAN

50 ... UK


for "0" at the beginning of the number.

We need every boost we can get!

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Interesting post, thank you. I searched on Google and found this site that has a more comprehensive list. So is 885 another one to avoid?


00-13 USA & Canada

20-29 reserved for local use (store/warehouse)

30 -37 France

400-440 Germany

45 Japan

46 Russian Federation

471 Taiwan

474 Estonia

475 Latvia

477 Lithuania

479 Sri Lanka

480 Philippines

482 Ukraine

484 Moldova

485 Armenia

486 Georgia

487 Kazakhstan

489 Hong Kong

49 Japan

50 UK

520 Greece

528 Lebanon

529 Cyprus

531 Macedonia

535 Malta

539 Ireland

54 Belgium & Luxembourg

560 Portugal

569 Iceland

57 Denmark

590 Poland

594 Romania

599 Hungary

600-601 South Africa

609 Mauritius

611 Morocco

613 Algeria

619 Tunisia

622 Egypt

625 Jordan

626 Iran

64 Finland

690-692 China

70 Norway

729 Israel

73 Sweden

740 Guatemala

741 El Salvador

742 Honduras

743 Nicaragua

744 Costa Rica

745 Panama

746 Republica Dominicana

750 Mexico

759 Venezuela

76 Switzerland

770 Colombia

773 Uruguay

775 Peru

777 Bolivia

779 Argentina

780 Chile

784 Paraguay

785 Peru

786 Ecuador

789 Brazil

80 -83 Italy

84 Spain

850 Cuba

858 Slovakia

859 Czech

860 Yugoslavia

869 Turkey

87 Netherlands

880 South Korea

885 Thailand

888 Singapore

890 India

893 Vietnam

899 Indonesia

90 -91 Austria

93 Australia

94 New Zealand

955 Malaysia

977 ISSN (For periodicals)

978 ISBN (International Standard Book Number)

979 ISMN (International Standard Music Number)

980 Refund receipts

99 Coupons

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BUY USA & CANADIAN MADE by watching for "0" at the beginning of the number. We need every boost we can get!

BWahaha! You are just fanning the flames of your own destruction! You think the capitalist in the US of A, including the agro conglomerates are going to spread the wealth and support the 'workers'.. ha ha aaaarrgghh. The only winners are brokers and bankers, not only on the stock UP's but as we have seen, even the DOWNS are covered by the taxpayers (in interest of national security of course!).

Boycott the US is the name of the game! (not that they have anything id want to buy - except maybe peanuts)

For my birthday I asked the wife for a couple of silk handkerchiefs (im tired of using my shirt sleeve at work). The silly cow went out and bought a pack of ones ready for export with a USA brandname on it. That sticker alone bumped the price up to western prices. She assumed because it was a 'farang' brand, it was better quality. Grrr.

no offense yanks, but hearing a cry for support for yank trade is insane, do you know how badly the US tariff system hurts 3rd world countries by protectionist policies?

American agricultural systems are probably the worst idea possible.

Thats unless you believe the agro/industrial holding company actually cares about anything other than the bottom line [wave flag now]

random search...

LDC = Least developed country

example US tariffs

beef 26.4%; dairy products from 26% to 145.2% according to

product; sugar up to 140%; peanuts 139.8%; tobacco 350%, and cotton up to

34.9%. The average out-of-quota tariff is 53%

8. The evidence indeed suggests that the current US barriers hit the very

poorest countries hardest. Analysis of the impact of US tariffs (including

specific duties) by the International Trade Centre (ITC) finds that US

agricultural tariffs bear most heavily on imports from LDCs. They calculate

that the average US tariff on agricultural imports from LDCs is 28.1%,

compared to 12.7% for all developing countries and 14.5% for OECD

countries. On the basis of this, a joint IMF/World Bank paper concludes, “ The

results suggest that EU protection is heavily skewed against imports from

middle-income developing countries, and US protection against imports from

LDCs “. (Source: IMF/WB paper “Market Access for Developing Country

Exports- Selected Issues”, September 2002.)


Farmers in Africa and Asia grow about 90 percent of the world's peanuts

Save the world with peanuts! Botcott yank peanuts for a better future! Down with the yankee peanut cartels!

Time for my pills.

Edited by whiterussian
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16. ...A recent surge in US grain exports to Nigeria has hit local

production of cereal substitutes, such as cassava and rice. In Bangladesh, an

increase in US food aid in cereals has been matched by an almost equivalent

fall in local production. These examples show that US support for

domestic cereal production can have detrimental effects not only on cereal

producers in developing countries but also on producers of substitutes for

cereals, such as rice.

18. To put the figures in perspective, it is estimated that: -

The $3.9billion a year that the US spends on cotton subsidies is greater

than the entire GDP of a poor cotton producer such as Burkina Faso, and the

amount it spends per acre is greater than annual GDP per head there.

The US's cotton subsidies are more than 3 times the amount of the USAID

budget for Africa.

over and out.

Edited by whiterussian
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The bar code premise may not be quite true according to snopes.com

I did recently buy a litre of extra virgin olive oil from an Italian company at a very good price of 320 baht but nowhere on the label did I see written "made in or a product of Italy" but armed with this new found knowledge, the barcode indicates it was indeed made in or shipped out of, Italy. According to the snopes page, it is possible that the olives could have come from or even been pressed in, another country and shipped in bulk to Italy for bottling and exporting.

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The bar code premise may not be quite true according to snopes.com

I did recently buy a litre of extra virgin olive oil from an Italian company at a very good price of 320 baht but nowhere on the label did I see written "made in or a product of Italy" but armed with this new found knowledge, the barcode indicates it was indeed made in or shipped out of, Italy. According to the snopes page, it is possible that the olives could have come from or even been pressed in, another country and shipped in bulk to Italy for bottling and exporting.

I looked this up on snopes the other day also when I received the same email this week. There is some truth in it, but It's not entirely factual. I worked in retail inventory management for many years and barcodes were my life. I can tell you from the many daily headaches that barcodes are far from an exact science especially when dealing with manufacturers, packagers, printers, and distributors sometimes all in different countries for the same product.

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Reading Bar Codes, Real ones not bargirl signaling a cheap charlie

I can only imagine when the technology hits the bargirl scene here. When you are ready to "barfine" your lady to go out for "dinner and a movie" you'll have to take her to the register where the cashier will "scan" her out like a piece of rental equipment. Working back in the states I watched many a small business convert to computerized inventory management systems, and made a good living setting them up. Profits would always rise and losses were kept to a minimum.

Hmmmmm, Maybe I just found my business niche in Thailand. :) Then again......ugh

Hopefully my post is vague enough to avoid removal. :D

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This thread brought this comic episode to mind. A popular response into the homily 'I'm Backing Britain' was 'Into What'?

'I'm Backing Britain" was a brief patriotic campaign aimed at boosting the British economy which flourished in early 1968. The campaign started spontaneously when five Surbiton secretaries volunteered to work an extra half an hour each day without pay in order to boost productivity, and urged others to do the same. This invitation received an enormous response and a campaign took off spectacularly, becoming a nationwide movement within a week. Trade unions were suspicious of, and some directly opposed to, the campaign as an attempt to extend working hours surreptitiously, and to hide inefficiency by management.

The campaign received official endorsement by the Prime Minister, Harold Wilson, but found being perceived as Government-endorsed was double-edged. The Union Flag logo encouraged by the campaign became highly visible on the high streets, and attempts were made to take over the campaign by Robert Maxwell who wanted to change its focus into an appeal to 'Buy British'; however the campaign's own t-shirts were made in Portugal. After a few months without any noticeable effect on individual companies or the economy generally, interest flagged amid much embarrassment about some of the ways in which the campaign had been pursued and supported. It has come to be regarded as an iconic example of a failed attempt to transform British economic prospects.

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