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Five Bombs Hit Surat Thani Ahead Of Red Shirt Rally


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Those were red bombs, most probably. The bank bombs were red as well. The timing is obvious. Why the doubt that we are dealing with violent people when the proof and truth is blowing up all over?

and the Yews did WTC, right? most probably, obvious.

for the internet hate machine you don't need any evidence. just write all down what fits your paranoia.

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And this is going to be a "peaceful demonstration" ........................................

I didn't know that any group had as yet claimed responsibility for the bombs. what do you know that the media doesnt yet know?

No group has claimed responsibility. The article implies that the blast occurred as the red shirts were leaving for Bangkok.

And no group will claim responsibility for any violence in Bangkok either. It doesn't matter how they're dressed. It will all be blamed on other groups.

Beware of red shirts (or blue shirts or yellow shirts or green shirts) because they might actually be blue shirts or yellow shirts or green shirts (or red shirts) dressed as red shirts (or blue shirts or yellow shirts or green shirts).


Boy you scare me. Well it is hot enough now so I am going topless. Would that be safe?

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Why does 'The Nation' have to infer that the five bombings in the South should somehow be connected to the Red Shirts demo this weekend? Are the simply being biased or politically motivated to give the Red Shirts some bad press ahead of their demo? Eveyone knows surely that the bombings in the South have been going on for some time now and having nothing to do with the Reds.

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Those were red bombs, most probably. The bank bombs were red as well. The timing is obvious. Why the doubt that we are dealing with violent people when the proof and truth is blowing up all over?

It's almost as if you are hoping for a violent end to all this, you idiot ...

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Thailand has a serious hangover and has no idea how they got it or how to remove it.


I must add, and does not even know that there is a serious hangover.

Bombing in Suratthani is unusual. Once again, not enough information to comment upon. Home made explosives? I guess then it is not them red shirts. They prefer grenades stolen from army barracks. Southern trouble makers? nope they haven't done anything of this sort way up to Suratthani. Once again, home made stuff? Yellow yellow dirty fellow did it? Who knows. This is all becoming too farcical. It's like saying that we will fight for sake of peace or kill in name of GOD.

I don't want to speculate on anything any more. Docs have strongly suggested that I should stay away from any stressful situation.

Surat has been attacked before the police station got bombed 10 years or so back. Looks to me like these so called bombs where built to make lots of noise and strategically placed to be heard but not injure. If the intent was to maim and kill they would have been placed inside tescos and filled with bolts and nails. Don't worry about it as if it was southern seperatists there'd be a hospital full of bodies by now as they don't make 5 mistakes.

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Why does 'The Nation' have to infer that the five bombings in the South should somehow be connected to the Red Shirts demo this weekend? Are the simply being biased or politically motivated to give the Red Shirts some bad press ahead of their demo? Eveyone knows surely that the bombings in the South have been going on for some time now and having nothing to do with the Reds.

The Suthep connection and the TIMING point directly to the reds. Are you suggesting the press ignore the obvious?

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Excuse me if i'm wrong but there have been bomb attacks in the south pretty much every other day or so for the past 5 years. Unless I'm mistaken, Surat Thani isn't really a Red area either. Is there any actual evidence linking the Red Shirt protests to the bombings?

Surat Thani is rarely a targeted site of southern separatist terrorists who primarily bomb away in Pattani, Yala and Narithiwat. Outside of those three provinces, Songkhla and Had Yai in it are more often targeted.

Red still looks like red to me.


Using your rationale, I bet it looks to you lik the reds flew the Korean plane with arms also.

Please! Get real don't just stir the pot. A little bit of evidence might be a good start.


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Why does 'The Nation' have to infer that the five bombings in the South should somehow be connected to the Red Shirts demo this weekend? Are the simply being biased or politically motivated to give the Red Shirts some bad press ahead of their demo? Eveyone knows surely that the bombings in the South have been going on for some time now and having nothing to do with the Reds.

The Suthep connection and the TIMING point directly to the reds. Are you suggesting the press ignore the obvious?

What's obvious? Before suggesting such an inflamatory idea you should do, and respectable reporters should do is verify facts and not speculate.

Noone is suggesting that reporters ignore anything. Just please have them report Facts only.

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Those were red bombs, most probably. The bank bombs were red as well. The timing is obvious. Why the doubt that we are dealing with violent people when the proof and truth is blowing up all over?

It's almost as if you are hoping for a violent end to all this, you idiot ...

I don't know how you managed to read that into Jingthing's post. Not an idiot at all and in no way does the post condone violent action just states actions that have already occured. Who's the idiot?

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Excuse me if i'm wrong but there have been bomb attacks in the south pretty much every other day or so for the past 5 years. Unless I'm mistaken, Surat Thani isn't really a Red area either. Is there any actual evidence linking the Red Shirt protests to the bombings?

Surat Thani is rarely a targeted site of southern separatist terrorists who primarily bomb away in Pattani, Yala and Narithiwat. Outside of those three provinces, Songkhla and Had Yai in it are more often targeted.

Red still looks like red to me.


Using your rationale, I bet it looks to you lik the reds flew the Korean plane with arms also.

Please! Get real don't just stir the pot. A little bit of evidence might be a good start.


It wasn't southern seperatists because they don't miss especially with 5 bombs. Southern seperatists bomb to kill and usually target police, army or government not lamp posts and electricity pilars. Most likely the Yellows trying to give the Reds a bad name or the Reds just making noise.

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Those were red bombs, most probably. The bank bombs were red as well. The timing is obvious. Why the doubt that we are dealing with violent people when the proof and truth is blowing up all over?

It's almost as if you are hoping for a violent end to all this, you idiot ...

..Do you really believe that a peaceful demonstration will oust a gov't put in by the military? No..that wasn't violent or aggressive...maybe fascist, but that's ok.

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The western mainstream hasn't really picked-up on this...wonder why? Perhaps the dead-heads/sheople will take notice in the west? It might be an inspiration? Naaaaa....we like our corruption, because we're pretty much no different then let's say, that should-be security guard running office in Amerika..what's his name..ah yes, Obamanation. As long as we get our booze, small-paycheck, occasional root..who cares, right?

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Excuse me if i'm wrong but there have been bomb attacks in the south pretty much every other day or so for the past 5 years. Unless I'm mistaken, Surat Thani isn't really a Red area either. Is there any actual evidence linking the Red Shirt protests to the bombings?

Deputy PM Suthep Thuagsuban comes from Suratthani.

Now I see a bright Red.

Makes a change, looks to me like this thread's full of bright yellows. Didn't realise there were so many Thai Nationals subscribed to Thai Visa!

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" rocked " surat thani get real if the reds or yellows for that matter had any sense and wanted to go for it theyd order semtex and the like from abroad ......complete novices " oh my god its amazing how they live " what a barrel of laughs when they do get serious watch this panic forum explode ....

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In retraction of my previous post: Surat Thani's location make the bombings unlikely to be by southern dissidents, so I guess there's a reasonable chance it's by the reds. Still, very bad reporting to associate the two without any shred of evidence.

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Remarkable that all Bombs in the South belongs to the red shits and not the Muslims like before

I think it's reds or anti-reds to be honest. Reds because some of them are clearly off their heads, anti-reds because they want to add to the reds bad name.

'The South' is another four hundred kilometres on from Surat Thani and those rebels don't seem to be blowing up much except motorbikes and people.

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I feel a bit uneasy about the fact that this news is brought in the context with the protests. One has nothing to do with the other. For the Nation this is of course no problem, because their only aim is to discredit the democratic forces in Thailand. This is obviously a Southern Problem, a problem that started by the way when Chuan was prime minister. Under Chuan schools were set on fire on a daily basis. Thailand has a history when it comes to falsifying historic accounts.

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Bangkok BAMBI have postponed their "Bring and Buy Sale" on March 13 to March 27th from 9.30-11.30am thanks to the UDD rally.

Now this is getting really heavy....

What is heavy the fact that there is no sale? See it from the bright sight. Maybe they will hold a fire sale soon.

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I feel a bit uneasy about the fact that this news is brought in the context with the protests. One has nothing to do with the other. For the Nation this is of course no problem, because their only aim is to discredit the democratic forces in Thailand. This is obviously a Southern Problem, a problem that started by the way when Chuan was prime minister. Under Chuan schools were set on fire on a daily basis. Thailand has a history when it comes to falsifying historic accounts.

Again, look at a map and a history where the Muslim oriented bombings have been ...

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Five bombs in Surat Thani town. Home town of the Deputy PM. Only one logical conclusion - must be the Reds. Who else would do such a thing? This news report gives more info . . .


Police Region 8 chief Santan Chayanont yesterday said the bombs appeared to be aimed at creating public disquiet rather than damage as well as discrediting Deputy Prime Minister Suthep Thaugsuban, the Surat Thani MP who is in charge of national security.

Five bombs were planted at four locations in Muang and Kanchanadit districts.


Earlier it was thought the bombs might have been meant to embarrass Mr Suthep by proving he could not provide security in his hometown, let alone for the nation.

An examination of the explosive components showed the devices were more sophisticated than those used in attacks in the deep South. They were obviously made by professionals.

A scientific team said most of the explosives improvised by insurgent groups in the troubled southern provinces contained metal scraps and nails to inflict maximum injury.

Parts of the circuit boards from the mobile phones used in the Surat Thani bombs were sent for comprehensive analysis by the Central Institute of Forensic Science for possible links to the insurgency.

An intelligence source said the SIM card of one mobile phone that could have triggered a bomb was bought at a grocery shop in the province. After checking the phone’s call record, it was believed the bomb plot was hatched four days ago.

Must be the Reds? Actually, this report is from March 2009. There are a couple of paragraphs missing though which I took out of the original report so as not to give the game away too early.

But it shows why it's best not to jump to conclusions - even if the Pro Government new agencies do.

Turns out that these bombs almost exactly a year ago, that targeted the Deputy PMs home town, that were detonated by remote control, that police say were professionally made were set by a drug gang with no connections to the Red shirts at all and no mention of any Pro Thaksin involvement. (But there again this was before the govt & the media began it's scare tactics.)

( Link to full story)

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This is the probably red's version of 'suicide bombers', it is their suicide of the tourism industry and the international corporate investors in Thailands future growth.

I think we had the suicide of the tourist industry last November when a million or so tourists were stranded at Suvarnabhumi...I can't remember the colour of their shirts, can you?

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Bangkok BAMBI have postponed their "Bring and Buy Sale" on March 13 to March 27th from 9.30-11.30am thanks to the UDD rally.

Now this is getting really heavy....

Apparently the Red shirts eat babies. ( I read it on the internet somewhere.) That's probably why BAMBI called it off. Better to be safe than to have your toddler BBQ'd by a mob.

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