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Hi ,

i have been living in Thailand now for around 7 years , 4 in Samui on and off just playing around really ,2 years solid in Pattaya ( What a learning experience that was !!! ) and now livin in BKK a little wiser i hope .

I have been renovating old condos in Pattaya for the last few years with some success ( well covered my cost of living in nice appartments and eating plenty of steaks ! )

But it seems this year i am wasting my time what with the pound down 30% and the Euro not far behind , my phone has gone from ringing on a 3 or 4 time weekly basis with customers interested in my units to my phone barly ringing 1 time a month !

So like many a falang i am looking for another way to make a living and stay in this excellent country .

Anyway i have been trawweling threw the business for sale classifieds,something i have always done just for interest , my good Thai friend and laywer with 20 years experience in Samui once told me it is impossible to buy a proffitable business here because they are so hard to set up in the 1st place so any owner would be crazy to sell it ,they would only consider leasing it .

Now when she said it i thought no she must be wrong , people want to move on to another business or retire etc etc but after many years here i think maybe she is right .

So with that in mind i have been looking at the resorts for leasing option , kind of thing where you pay a lump some for the lease on the property and then pay the monthly rental also ( you are not the owner )

I come from a construction background so kind of limits me here and i have no experience in the tourism etc industry but unless i am being completely naive ( 95% sure I probaly am being ) i cant see it being that hard to run a small bungalow or hotel business , people telling me the opposite are more than welcome to voice there opinions .

I should mention my Thai partner is a educated lady who wants to follow her own path in life but she would be on hand part time to advise and help me in all matters Thai .

Anyway a few rought figures ,

lease price around 5 million bt 3 to 7 year options etc

rental 100-150000bt per month

aprox 20 rooms / bungalows

room rates between 800 - 2400 bt

Some places i am looking at are claiming 65% to 70% occupancy rates so probably 40% if that !!

I have googled a few of them and they do have a large internet pressance .

So people the maths speaks for its self as far as i can see , a profit can be made , i am not completely stupid and thinking i will get rich here ,i am just looking for something to cover my cost of living and supplement my ailing condo refurb business until hopefully things pick up again in the future and then possible sell the hotel /resort on again before the lease expires .

So sorry to go on but i feel the need to explain the situation as much as possible so the knowlegable people of ThaiVisa can hopefully shoot my idea full of holes and my money stays in the bank , being Manx and tighter than a camels ass in a sand storm this is always my favorite option !

down side is i will be heading back to UK ( alone freezing my nuts off )

Upside - atleast i can have a decent M5 for the same money as a new Civic !

All comments and questions welcome !

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while you are waiting for your phone to ring....

why not pm me or send me an email....

and you can help me upgrade my 20 rooms sort of residence....

in exchange for absolutely excellent original thai food and free lodging....

plus some thai baht for spending money....


Edited by nakachalet
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while you are waiting for your phone to ring....

why not pm me or send me an email....

and you can help me upgrade my 20 rooms sort of residence....

in exchange for absolutely excellent original thai food and free lodging....

plus some thai baht for spending money....

500 baht a night?

looks/sounds nice

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while you are waiting for your phone to ring....

why not pm me or send me an email....

and you can help me upgrade my 20 rooms sort of residence....

in exchange for absolutely excellent original thai food and free lodging....

plus some thai baht for spending money....

500 baht a night?

looks/sounds nice

Heck thats the selling price. :)

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while you are waiting for your phone to ring....

why not pm me or send me an email....

and you can help me upgrade my 20 rooms sort of residence....

in exchange for absolutely excellent original thai food and free lodging....

plus some thai baht for spending money....

Sorry should of mentioned i have a Thai team to renovate condos i have bought and then I sell them my self , its been a few years since i picked up the tools and hopefully will be a few more .

But cheers for the offer , i am sure you could find somebody keen on the idea thought .

If you were in BKK i would of been glad to give you a few pointers for free .

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