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Massive Failure For The Red Rally


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Making their voices heard? THEY ARE BEING PAID TO PROTEST!!!!!

the people i know who have gone have closed their business's to go and show their support, they are losing money to do it. i am sure i do not need to use the caps button to get my message over.

So let me get this straight .. they are doing this for Democracy and Thaksin's money? LOL

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personally I hope they succeed and an election is called, let the winners run the country at the request of the people.

Do you support a bought election? vote buying? Misinformation? Non secret ballots?

Just asking..

the dems also bought votes, that is the nature of the beast in Thailand. They need supervision from outside to be fair.

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is the world series open to all the teams in the world?

It is merely a name, if a million turn up great, if they don't so what? I don't remember any contract promising one million people, I don't remember any guarantee, and more importantly I don't think it matters one jot if there are 100,000 or 1 million. the important numbers will come during an election.

The important thing here is that they make themselves heard and that is what they are doing. I sense some disappointment on here with certain posters that it has been peaceful, they wanted to gloat and prattle on about stolen guns, leopards and spots etc. maybe this time the reds have managed to keep out infiltrators, maybe this shows that last year was a third hand, maybe you shpould give these people the benefit of the doubt and credit them for what they are trying to achieve, they are not sat at GH, they are not storming the airport, they are not exploding cars on Sukhothai Road in bangkok, the are not firing guns from the top of wagons. They are making their voices heard in the right way, they are highlighting the failings of the system, they are making sure everyone can see the current government are not wanted, and are in fact proving themselves to be inept with their poor governance.

personally I hope they succeed and an election is called, let the winners run the country at the request of the people.

LOL ... now tony suggests that Songkran was not the reds rioting but was infiltrators. Great propoganda! Along with the rest of his rant. Reds have been publicly calling for violence. A red leader that is out on bail from his actions last year has been promoting violence AND now has a warrant out for his arrest but is not turning himself in. Avoiding responsibility for their actions is a trademark of the reds from the top down! Thaksin on the run from justice, a Red MP hiding behind immunity while he is in office, a red leader with an arrest warrant on stage.

Then comes the diversion (obfuscation -- hide the topic behind another thing) to make it about the yellows (and not reporting that accurately either). Sad.

But really, Tony isn't a red.

Ah my stalker spouting his favourite word obfuscation, did you just learn this word?

When i see 100% proof that last year was not the work of infiltration then I will believe it. Can you provide me with this proof? You seem to know everything.

And accusing me of being a red in every post is becoming more than tedious now, I have said many times that if I was I would happily proclaim to be one, I am merley playing devils advocate agaisnt the bias shown on this forum. So drop the nonsense and we can chat.

Every time you say my posts are wrong I fail to see you provide any proof, how can I take you seriously, next you will be telling us the yellows never took over any airports and the dems won the last election with a majority :)

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is the world series open to all the teams in the world?

It is merely a name, if a million turn up great, if they don't so what? I don't remember any contract promising one million people, I don't remember any guarantee, and more importantly I don't think it matters one jot if there are 100,000 or 1 million. the important numbers will come during an election.

The important thing here is that they make themselves heard and that is what they are doing. I sense some disappointment on here with certain posters that it has been peaceful, they wanted to gloat and prattle on about stolen guns, leopards and spots etc. maybe this time the reds have managed to keep out infiltrators, maybe this shows that last year was a third hand, maybe you shpould give these people the benefit of the doubt and credit them for what they are trying to achieve, they are not sat at GH, they are not storming the airport, they are not exploding cars on Sukhothai Road in bangkok, the are not firing guns from the top of wagons. They are making their voices heard in the right way, they are highlighting the failings of the system, they are making sure everyone can see the current government are not wanted, and are in fact proving themselves to be inept with their poor governance.

personally I hope they succeed and an election is called, let the winners run the country at the request of the people.

LOL ... now tony suggests that Songkran was not the reds rioting but was infiltrators. Great propoganda! Along with the rest of his rant. Reds have been publicly calling for violence. A red leader that is out on bail from his actions last year has been promoting violence AND now has a warrant out for his arrest but is not turning himself in. Avoiding responsibility for their actions is a trademark of the reds from the top down! Thaksin on the run from justice, a Red MP hiding behind immunity while he is in office, a red leader with an arrest warrant on stage.

Then comes the diversion (obfuscation -- hide the topic behind another thing) to make it about the yellows (and not reporting that accurately either). Sad.

But really, Tony isn't a red.

Ah my stalker spouting his favourite word obfuscation, did you just learn this word?

When i see 100% proof that last year was not the work of infiltration then I will believe it. Can you provide me with this proof? You seem to know everything.

And accusing me of being a red in every post is becoming more than tedious now, I have said many times that if I was I would happily proclaim to be one, I am merley playing devils advocate agaisnt the bias shown on this forum. So drop the nonsense and we can chat.

Every time you say my posts are wrong I fail to see you provide any proof, how can I take you seriously, next you will be telling us the yellows never took over any airports and the dems won the last election with a majority :)


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Pointing out lies, half truths and silly exagerations is far from defending anyone. Why is it that anyone who doesn't buy your paranoid fantasies gets labeled a "Red"?

tony, you are not the first one to be called a "Red" for pointing out that there is more than one side to the story. :)

Edited by Ulysses G.
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Tony -- if you are playing "devil's advocate" then you are playing the part of a Red. The distinction is purely semantics. If you are posting from a totally red viewpoint then you WILL be considered a red in the discussion.

Feel free to see the videos of Arisman and Co commiting acts of violence then say it was infiltrators. Watch the reds fight en masse then claim it was infiltrators. LOL

BTW --- the strawman at the end of your post was funny.

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Making their voices heard? THEY ARE BEING PAID TO PROTEST!!!!!

the people i know who have gone have closed their business's to go and show their support, they are losing money to do it. i am sure i do not need to use the caps button to get my message over.

So let me get this straight .. they are doing this for Democracy and Thaksin's money? LOL

Are you stupid enough to believe everyone is there for money? If you answer yes to this then the rest of your posts will need to be treated as the garbage the obviously are. There is proof that yellows were paid, are you saying they were only there for democracy?

You really are a joke :)

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Making their voices heard? THEY ARE BEING PAID TO PROTEST!!!!!

the people i know who have gone have closed their business's to go and show their support, they are losing money to do it. i am sure i do not need to use the caps button to get my message over.

So let me get this straight .. they are doing this for Democracy and Thaksin's money? LOL

Are you stupid enough to believe everyone is there for money? If you answer yes to this then the rest of your posts will need to be treated as the garbage the obviously are. There is proof that yellows were paid, are you saying they were only there for democracy?

You really are a joke :D

Not all of them are there for money, of course not. I saw at least 4 truckloads of Betal nuts in the convoy and 10 truckloads of lao Kao!!!!!

And as they are all poor impoverished people they've got nowt else to do, so a trip to the city is a nice alternative! :)

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The reds are the ones being attacked at the moment hence my stance seems one sided, it is not rocket science is it?

As for the fool with the caps, sorry i don't read when people write that way, the comment obviously can not be sensible as you need to shout.

Ullysees, yes I know mate, funnily enough it the same people that get upset when they are tarred as yellows and say it is possible to be against the reds and not be yellow, yet of you are against the yellows then you are a red. I have said many times I am against neither, I just prefer people to write objectively and not resort to lies when they post.

One thing is certain though is that I hope they succeed in their aims today, that does not make me a red, that just means i think that will be best for Thailand.

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Pointing out lies, half truths and silly exagerations is far from defending anyone. Why is it that anyone who doesn't buy your paranoid fantasies gets labeled a "Red"?

tony, you are not the first one to be called a "Red" for pointing out that there is more than one side to the story. :)

Maybe some people need to change their signatures to "I'm not a Red-shirt; I just play one on TV". Tony takes the "red" propoganda line in all of his posts. You, UG, just add oneliners that actually rarely, if ever, contribute to the discussion.

back to the topic

Reds are claiming that this rally is NOT about Thaksin (in the English language releases, not in the Thai language ones). Today on People TV (the Red channel) they were showing Reds tormenting Yellows in hel_l AND Thaksin as an angel. It has to be one of the funniest pieces of propoganda I have seen this week!

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is the world series open to all the teams in the world?

It is merely a name, if a million turn up great, if they don't so what?

Yes it's merely a name, but when you start with a name that is complete BS it's always going to leave you open to ridicule.

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Face it Tony -- if you accept money to vote then you are not practising Democracy. If you buy votes then you are not practicing democracy. If you have to rent a mob to protest then your protest isn't about democracy. If your paid mob is "infiltrated" then who is to blame? Blame the troublemakers? Yes. Blame the people paying people that are not true believers to show up? Yes.

Since this thread isn't about the yellows .... well ... you can still provide us with the PROOF you claim to have, can't you?

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You, UG, just add oneliners that actually rarely, if ever, contribute to the discussion.

Actually, my pithy posts point out how full of malarky certain deceitful, long-winded posters are. However, I have noticed that they do their best to pretend otherwise. :)

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You, UG, just add oneliners that actually rarely, if ever, contribute to the discussion.

Actually, my pithy posts point out how full of malarky certain deceitful, long-winded posters are. However, I have noticed that they do their best to pretend otherwise. :D

Got a lithp? :)

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..........edited to shorten......

.... I sense some disappointment on here with certain posters that it has been peaceful, they wanted to gloat and prattle on about stolen guns, leopards and spots etc. maybe this time the reds have managed to keep out infiltrators, maybe this shows that last year was a third hand, maybe you shpould give these people the benefit of the doubt and credit them for what they are trying to achieve, they are not sat at GH, they are not storming the airport, they are not exploding cars on Sukhothai Road in bangkok, the are not firing guns from the top of wagons. They are making their voices heard in the right way, they are highlighting the failings of the system, they are making sure everyone can see the current government are not wanted, and are in fact proving themselves to be inept with their poor governance.

personally I hope they succeed and an election is called, let the winners run the country at the request of the people.

Who could possibly "want" this scenario sir?

It's the language which is used by the red fanatics,

the part who "loves Mr.Thaksin (money , promises and giveaways) so dearly"!

They make him a hero, the victim of "a cruel and biased, judiciary and military dictatorship run be the elite"..

To have a point, it's about power abitions and the "life savings" of ONE person!


Now rattle on Sir!

...and it's not over yet, by far not, there's something to happen,

that is for sure this is not just going away!

It's about to topple the government - and how is this going to happen, sit and watch!

If you can UNBIASED, as you proclaim!

Just watch!

Edited by Samuian
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The reds are the ones being attacked at the moment hence my stance seems one sided, it is not rocket science is it?

It's not rocket science it is BS. The reds aren't the only ones being attacked by any means, but they are the only ones you are defending day in, day out.

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personally I hope they succeed and an election is called, let the winners run the country at the request of the people.

Do you support a bought election? vote buying? Misinformation? Non secret ballots?

Just asking..

Do you support no elections? no democracy? non-elected governments? coups? taking airports? seizing power?

just asking...

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Spot on... election the only answer - every thinking person knows it.

Why? What will an election solve?

Case 1 - PTP wins and forms coalition government. They continue taking orders from Thaksin. They assign cabinet roles from their stellar list. They then revert to the 1997 constitution. The next step is to whitewash Thaksin of his crimes. This is closely followed by lifting the ban on TRT and PPP politicians. Coalition parties benefit from the move. PAD comes out to the streets. Eventually a military coup occurs. This sets up the conditions required to ignite a civil war.

Case 2 - PTP wins and can't form a coalition again. Dems form a coalition government. PTP and redshirts return to the street. They claim that they had the most votes and the electorate is disenfranchised. Much wailing an gnashing of teeth occurs. The rural poor are incited to riot. Violence ensues. Military reacts and people are injured. This sets up the conditions required to ignite a civil war.

Case 3 - Dems win by a slim margin and form a coalition government. PTP and redshirts return to the street.... possible civil war.

The way I see it there are only two ways to avoid major problems:

1) The redshirts abandon Thaksin

2) Thaksin is allowed to return as PM

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personally I hope they succeed and an election is called, let the winners run the country at the request of the people.

Do you support a bought election? vote buying? Misinformation? Non secret ballots?

Just asking..

Do you support no elections? no democracy? non-elected governments? coups? taking airports? seizing power?

just asking...

It isn't democracy if the elections are bought. It isn't democracy if candidates cannot campaign freely in all areas. It isn't a democracy if .....

Thankfully we have an elected government and they still have a year+ to work on things before the next elections are due.

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Too many people actually thinking a million man march means there will be one million men, the same people probably think the 100 year war lasted exactly 100 years.


The Hundred Years War was an understatement. It lasted 116 years. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hundred_Year_War The million man march is a huge overstatement.

:-) But many of the Reds on TV said early on that they would actually get 1,000,000 or more people in BKK (as did the red leadersip!) That number was off by a factor of 10 (100 if you go by the day it was to have started!).

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The million man march is a huge overstatement.

Very true. Last night I told my wife I was going to give her hours of " sweet luvin' " but finished in the time it would take to soft boil an egg.

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