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The 2010 Formula One Season

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I'm v sorry Warpspeed that I'm not an F1 mechanic so am just trying to understand why the drivers find it impossible to overtake. :)

Quite possibly its nothing to do with the aerodynamics, its just......???

Are you in a particularly bad mood for some reason? The rest of us are enjoying putting forward our own views (in a non-aggressive way) whilst you are attacking anyone who says anything with which you disagree!

If you genuinely have some 'insider' knowledge that the rest of us are missing out on, please explain this. Otherwise try to be a touch more friendly, we're all F1 fans and enjoy a debate - not an argument.

No bad mood but maybe I can put this in a context with which you can relate. I'm sorry this is going to sound a bit condescending there's no way around it so I apologize in advance..

If you're a neurosurgeon and you were trying to have a conversation with a group of middle school children about how to repair an aneurysm it would be a tedious task to say the least, not very interesting and quite discouraging and that's the energy draining frustration I feel, hope that helps you to relate somewhat.. Usually I just avoid these discussions altogether for just that reason.. I'll attempt to do so again in the future as well, I was avoiding this one too, my mistake.. Anyway carry on....

*Addendum* You know looking back I don't even see why you got all defensive? I merely responded to your post with a response of my own and it was contradictory to your post in an attempt to inform you as you say you're not an F1 mechanic. I'm also guessing not even a mechanic am I right?? So no need for you to even get so defensive of my response, instead you just read the content and absorb it accordingly especially if you are not an F1 engineer or any other sort...

OK, I get it - you're a troll.

Please go elsewhere to play. This is a forum for those who follow F1 and enjoy discussing what's happening.

You'll enjoy yourself far more in the General Forum.

Great attitude, you mean it's for people who wish to remain ignorant and oblivious about F1.... ok carry on...

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OK, being so heavy doesn't help - but it doesn't explain why there was no overtaking (other than when Vettel's car failed) during the latter stages of the race when they had little fuel onboard.

Surely it does..

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Having around 140kg's of extra fuel in the car isn't going to help overtaking opportunities is it now.

If all the cars are 140kg extra I don't see it makes a lot of difference, overtaking is done mostly under braking not acceleration. Didn't stop Senna on his first lap at Donnington in 93 !

The cars were running around 7-9 seconds slower in the race than in qualifying.

Again if they are all that much slower what difference does it make. BTW Alonso's fastest lap was within 4 secs of his qualifying lap.

Nothing to do with aerodynamics just weight.

Sorry, but it's exactly the opposite. the answer has to be much heavier restrictions on aerodynamics starting with a ban on the double diffusers which create the dirty air and yet smaller wing areas.

Teams cannot use differing fuel strategies any longer.

Just as they always did in in F1 going back through the years and when the racing was way more exciting than it is now with overtaking done on the track not in the pits.

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OK, being so heavy doesn't help - but it doesn't explain why there was no overtaking (other than when Vettel's car failed) during the latter stages of the race when they had little fuel onboard.

Surely it does..

I would put you on my ignore list for the crassness of your posts but the comedy value is just too great :)

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I'm v sorry Warpspeed that I'm not an F1 mechanic so am just trying to understand why the drivers find it impossible to overtake. :)

Quite possibly its nothing to do with the aerodynamics, its just......???

Are you in a particularly bad mood for some reason? The rest of us are enjoying putting forward our own views (in a non-aggressive way) whilst you are attacking anyone who says anything with which you disagree!

If you genuinely have some 'insider' knowledge that the rest of us are missing out on, please explain this. Otherwise try to be a touch more friendly, we're all F1 fans and enjoy a debate - not an argument.

Hey Guys ease up ... as the saying goes take time to smell the roses well Orchids if not exhaust fumes.

Must admit it does seem a backward step last year the grid covered by 1-1.5secs now 10secs plus... but it is all part of Bernies great masterplan to make him even more money than he can spend!


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OK, being so heavy doesn't help - but it doesn't explain why there was no overtaking (other than when Vettel's car failed) during the latter stages of the race when they had little fuel onboard.

Surely it does..

I would put you on my ignore list for the crassness of your posts but the comedy value is just too great :)

That's the best you can do? How disappointing, wish I could say the same thing about your pitiful posts...... Do you have anything intelligible to add though that counters the valid perspectives made?? .........I thought not........ So far you've just slobbered all over yourself


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Good on Massa, glad to see it, he has come back as good as ever and is leading a former Champ in pace and equal equipment, I wish him good success this season, I feel he's earned it..

Massa needs to set down a marker very quickly to stamp his authority in the team. He's done the first part of the job, now he has to beat Alonso in the race which will be trickier. Promising start though.

Same goes for Rosberg and Button. If they don't come out of the blocks flying they will find Schumi and Lewis respectively taking control of the team. The pressue is on for all these guys. Bring it on....

Well Alonso certainly pissed on your parades today and well done to him :)

I really do hate it when people make assumptions about other people's opinion. What was it in my post that gave you the impression i was rooting for Massa?

I happen to think that Massa is a very average driver, and feel that Alonso is on the other hand a great driver. So whatever my thoughts for Alonso as a person are, i think he will be the one who comes out on top - and if he does then credit where credit is due. It's a shame that those who don't like Hamilton can't adopt the same attitude, but instead constantly resort to claims of unfair unbias. Not saying there is no bias whatsoever, but he earns that each season by the way he drives - as do all of the other drivers in each of the teams who come out on top.

As for the race, i agree with everyone here - it was incredibly tedious and a major disappointment, bearing in mind how high expectations were.

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I really do hate it when people make assumptions about other people's opinion. What was it in my post that gave you the impression i was rooting for Massa?

OK apologies, I didn't mean to be offensive, my comment was intended as just a little light-hearted banter.

I happen to think that Massa is a very average driver, and feel that Alonso is on the other hand a great driver. So whatever my thoughts for Alonso as a person are, i think he will be the one who comes out on top - and if he does then credit where credit is due.

Totally agree, I might add that I'm not a particular supporter of Alonso but I do think he may go on to win several championships with the Scuderia.

It's a shame that those who don't like Hamilton can't adopt the same attitude, but instead constantly resort to claims of unfair unbias. Not saying there is no bias whatsoever, but he earns that each season by the way he drives - as do all of the other drivers in each of the teams who come out on top.

I'm not accusing anyone of bias, I'm just calling it as it is, Button having walked into the house that is Hamilton's will have a hard time of it this season.

As for the race, i agree with everyone here - it was incredibly tedious and a major disappointment, bearing in mind how high expectations were.

Yes I'd agree with that too but lets not get carried away it's just the first race and Bahrain is normally boring, why on earth did they make it the season opener in place of Oz ?

I would also not lay the blame on the re-fueling ban as others here seem to suggest. There will be problems with overtaking until the aerodynamics issue is more aggressively addressed !

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OK apologies, I didn't mean to be offensive, my comment was intended as just a little light-hearted banter.

Thanks for apology. Accepted. :)

Totally agree, I might add that I'm not a particular supporter of Alonso but I do think he may go on to win several championships with the Scuderia.

Yes i agree. I see him winning at least a couple. In that time Massa will be well and truly put in his place and Vettel will join to ultimately take over Alonso's mantle.

I'm not accusing anyone of bias, I'm just calling it as it is, Button having walked into the house that is Hamilton's will have a hard time of it this season.

OK, fair enough. I agree. But as i have said before, at the start of the season i think as with most teams, including McLaren, things start off pretty much equal. Whichever driver sets the pace, will be the one the team gravitates towards naturally as the season progresses. This happened when Lewis partnered Alonso and then the same happened with Heikki, albeit a lot quicker. Button has a small window in which to prove he can beat Lewis, and if he succeeds Lewis's preferential treatment he currently enjoys disappears quickly. The window is small but it does exist, and if Button truly does have championship credentials he will surely exploit the chance. My feeling however is that he doesn't.

lets not get carried away it's just the first race and Bahrain is normally boring, why on earth did they make it the season opener in place of Oz ?

Very good question.

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Imagine that? Ferrari says lets wait and see? :) No surprise there given they are up with a 1-2 finish and if that is repeated in any of the next 3 races the season is effectively over without a major implosion by Ferrari from the stand point of the manufacturers championship..

Australia being a closed street course is not going to be any different without crashes how is there going to be any more passing with concrete walls defining the course? China's no better...

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I'm consoling myself with the thought that if the drivers were being v cautious to protect their tyres, best they do this at a track that is boring anyway.

Hopefully (we live in hope!), they will realise the tyres are less of a problem than expected and will fight harder at the next race - on a track that ususally provides some excitement.

Yes, I do realise that this is extremely unlikely as the tyre concern is only a tiny part of the problem.

Early days though, and I'm willing to give it a few races before desperation sets in...... :)

My hopes are not exactly increased by the way so many drivers etc. are saying things are not going to improve unless something is changed. :D

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We can only laugh and hope (I'd say pray if I belived in God) things will improve. :)

I suspect we're more disappointed than we would have been otherwise 'cos it promised to be such a wonderful season - Schumi's return, FA and FM team mates, LH and JB team mates etc. etc.

We were so excited about the promise of lots of racing between the 'best' current drivers that when it failed to materialise we were disproportionately disappointed. Boring races happen every season and Bahrian is one of them.

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Regarding Virgin Cosworth.

I come from the same village that Manor Racing boss John Booth grew up in. The name Manor Racing came about as his family used to own the manor house in Todwick, complete with a moat, Owls and probably a ghost or two.

John was a butcher in Rotherham, a long time ago.

I did a couple of years of club racing motorbikes in the UK, I had the use of a small van from my employer but I needed a trailer to carry the bike when my van got downsized. Some one told me John had one he used many years ago for transporting trail bikes about and he might sell it, so I went to see him.

He took me down his garden to show me it, it was covered with vegetation ,lent up against the wall at the back of his garage and would obviously need a lot of work to get it ok for the road like new tyres, ball hitch, lights and wiring, as well as paint. So basically it was an old rusty collection of u channels, angle and flat bar.

We dragged it out and I was expecting him say something like" I,ld be happy for to take it away, its of no use to me anyway."

But John stood there in his football pitch sized garden with the imposing ,exspensive Manor house behind him, and said.......

"Lets call it fifty quid shall we?" !!!

The cheeky git....this was in the late eighties.

Business man through and through. So much for helping a fellow racer out, glad yer cars broke down in the first race.

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Somebody (in the UK) told me that Schumi was called in to be weighed and didn't have the chance to put in a late lap on hard tyres.

Does anyone know if this is true?

Yes, just watched it live on TV... The hard tyres take 3 laps to warm up so there was no time for more than 1 lap.

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