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Need Help With Education/career Decision

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Hi Every One,

I am like so many others. I want to spend a lot of time in Thailand (also other countries) but can not afford to retire. I would appreciate any help with determining what would be my best choice for education in an area that would make it possible to ether work in Thailand or neighboring countries. Also, maybe working else where but in a job that would pay fairly good and allow me lots of time off. I was thinking some place where I could work on a project for 6 months to a year and half than be done and take time off. Later be able to find a job like that again when I am ready (need money).

I am 48 years old and have been working in factories pretty much my whole life. I went to machine shop school and worked as a machinist for a while. Was good at but its been a while and can not really consider my self an expert machinist. I have experience with machine set up, process and line mechanic in a few different types of factories. I did the Microsoft Certified Systems Engineer thing for NT4 and will be finishing a 2 year degree in programmer/analyst this spring (no work experience in this field).

I live in the US and will be spending the next 4 years or so raising my son here ( he is 14). After that the plan is to try to move to SEA for a while. I have started learning to read write and speak Thai. I have to work full time so I am pretty much looking at part time school. I need to decide what my best path will be as far as education so I can make plans for classes next summer. I am not that excited about computers, but I have a head start with the 2 year degree and they are OK so continuing with that would be alright; changing to some thing else would be alright too. I know getting a job in a factory over seas is not the answer but since that is what I have been doing all my life, maybe an education in a mechanical area would be best. I don't know. What do you guys think? Please give me some idea's so I can work toward my goal in the most effective way.

Thanks a lot


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There are some jobs available, but they are not easy to find. It may take you some time once on the ground in order to network and find a good one.

In terms of foreigners working in Thailand, it seems to me that the majority seem to have an engineering background. Given your background in working in a factory setting as a machinist and the fact that you seem to have 4 years to finish up a degree, I would recomend a degree in Mechanical or possibly Industrial /Manufacturing Engineering.

This would then also allow you to bring in your previous experience into the fold and then just do the leg work once you get here running your resume around. I would say print off about a hundred copies and then just go to many of the different Industrial Estates and visit Factories and trying to get an interview for job.

What type of industry were you working in ? Were you a machinist in an automotive plant? If so, then that is where I would start when looking for a job once you arrive here in Thailand.

Edited by CWMcMurray
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