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Arrest Warrant Issued For Red-Shirt Core Leader Arisman


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If Arisman is locked up, Thailand will be without its greatest singer... and a real snappy dresser, too. :)

What happened to this former heart throb?

Did he have a brain aneurysm and go psychotic? :D

"Bangkok, a sea of flames," indeed. :D

Heart throb to flaming knob in just a few short years.

Well we can see his love of violent imagining from the earliest scenes in the video.

Nice to see him no longer a icon of how to act for the young.

Now he only inflames the geriatric reddened segment.

I guess he is addicted to the applause he no longer gets, and most find it where he can.

He certainly could have used AutoTune for those vocals back then.

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Your need to continually go back to what the yellows did years ago, when we are faced with a situation that is current today shows a lack of.. shall we say ..insight..

That's a bit like saying the assassination of Archduke Ferdinand had nothing to do with the Treaty of Versailles because it happened years ago.

Most things that are going on today have their basis in the past.

It's called....shall we say.....history...

No doubt many red shirts think that what's good for the goose (as in the yellow airport takeover etc} is good for the gander (their agenda) so is most probably relevant today

We are in the midst of a very dangerous situation. You cant on the one hand say that violence is not the way to go then say well the yellows did it in the past so its OK if the reds do it now. If this turns ugly and people dye, are you saying its the fault of the yellows?? Oh yah <deleted> is this about the Archduke?? Shall we say...Cuckoo...

I didn't say as you suggest "You cant on the one hand say that violence is not the way to go then say well the yellows did it in the past so its OK if the reds do it now."

I suggested that it was what many reds would think.

So unfortunately the above and your following question

"If this turns ugly and people dye, are you saying its the fault of the yellows??"

Is a bit strawman I'm afraid.

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If Arisman is locked up, Thailand will be without its greatest singer... and a real snappy dresser, too. :)

What happened to this former heart throb?

Did he have a brain aneurysm and go psychotic? :D

"Bangkok, a sea of flames," indeed. :D

Heart throb to flaming knob in just a few short years.

Well we can see his love of violent imaging from the several scenes in the video.

Nice to see him no longer an icon of how to act for the young. Not a good role model.

Now he only inflames the geriatric reddened segment.

I guess he is addicted to the applause he no longer gets, and most find it where he can.

He certainly could have used AutoTune for those vocals back then.

Edited by animatic
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If Arisman is locked up, Thailand will be without its greatest singer... and a real snappy dresser, too. :)

What happened to this former heart throb?

Did he have a brain aneurysm and go psychotic? :D

"Bangkok, a sea of flames," indeed. :D

What a trip down memory lane... That's a Triumph Spitfire Mk III or IV that he's driving in that video! My first car was a Spitfire Mk II. Except for the front grill and bumper it looks just like my old car.

There is one other difference of course, he's actually driving his and not parked by the side of the road with the hood up because it broke down again. :D

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The reds today are entirely too intertwined with Dr. Taksin and PT party. Better for them to choose their own leaders, who are untainted, and take over the government through the ballot box (democratic means). They claim they have a majority so it should be easy to organize and field candidates in the next scheduled election.

This is a parlimentary government. Why wait 2 years for an election? Schedule and internationally supervised election in 90 days! Problem solved.

Why? If the government sees that they are legitimate, why call an election now?

But if they did, who pays for the international supervisors? Do they need to get peacekeepers in too?

Edited by anotherpeter
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what are you all FARANGS concerned about this bull shiiiez...

we are not Thai

just stay inside if you must till it blows over

they don't care about us ... (Michael Jackson's song...)

yessah, we'm jas niggaz in dis country.

sorry, gotta go now: hav tuh get to mah watermelon patch.




to paraphrase F. Gump : stupid is as stupid does and another stupid laughs

I think your post is out of order,,,,,, go wash your sheets

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I'm certainly not against the authorities opposing any violence and sedition... but I really have a hard time understanding how it is that the Yellow Shirts that took over the airport and wrecked the economy could not have one prosecution regarding it. In fact, the FM is allowed to serve in the governing cabinet. Wow. What a double standard. It is hard for the majority of Thais to rally around all this ending because the hypocracy is so obvious. One of the posters said all the warrants were issued and the accused have stood in court. That guy is on a different planet :) Both Red Shirts and Yellow Shirts need to think of what is in the best interest of the Thai people as a whole. And, sadly, the yellow shirts are proponents of abolishing electoral democracy.

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Find this government stil very very mild for the reds, in China and most other third world countries they would have different solutions for such elements and they would have no chance. So far not bad how they just let this pass.

yeah you right,and the yellow shits who shut down airport and stole from government,would be dead already

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Everyone wants their rights but it seems that none are willing to accept responsibility for the actions they take to try and achieve them.....

Accept responsability, perleeease this is Thailand were discussing, no one takes responsability, the nationals are like children they need minding and i know as i have been living here 11 years.

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The reds today are entirely too intertwined with Dr. Taksin and PT party. Better for them to choose their own leaders, who are untainted, and take over the government through the ballot box (democratic means). They claim they have a majority so it should be easy to organize and field candidates in the next scheduled election.

This is a parlimentary government. Why wait 2 years for an election? Schedule and internationally supervised election in 90 days! Problem solved.

Maybe you missed the part where I said 'of their own' and 'untainted'. 90 days is hardly time for the true democracy seekers to organize without using Dr. Takxin's corrupting influence. Give this current government a chance to show if it can lead Thais to a better life, also. Thailand will get nowhere changing governments at the drop of a hat. Please don't be so impatient and short-sighted; it shows immaturity.

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I'm certainly not against the authorities opposing any violence and sedition... but I really have a hard time understanding how it is that the Yellow Shirts that took over the airport and wrecked the economy could not have one prosecution regarding it. In fact, the FM is allowed to serve in the governing cabinet. Wow. What a double standard. It is hard for the majority of Thais to rally around all this ending because the hypocracy is so obvious. One of the posters said all the warrants were issued and the accused have stood in court. That guy is on a different planet :)Both Red Shirts and Yellow Shirts need to think of what is in the best interest of the Thai people as a whole. And, sadly, the yellow shirts are proponents of abolishing electoral democracy.

Well, make a start and to try to think yourself first!

Then let us know... maybe you come up with something new and interesting!

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Why is there an arrest warrant for Arisman for suggesting to overthrow the government but no arrest warrant 2 years after the yellow shirts did the same thing? And also no arrest warrants for the coup leaders that did actually overthrow the government, not just talk about it?

Exactly correct!

And this is why I would side with Red Shirts if I were Thai.

The yellow shirts committed air piracy, sedition and walked home free.

The rich=VS=poor

Cant anyone see this?

Only delusional people can see this.

Your dilusssional! That's a good point up there. If Berlusconi was ousted in a military coup because he's so corrupt and owns a huge part of Italy's media then the EU would kick italy out of the Union. Coups are unacceptable in democratic states

So which "democratic states" in the area are you referring to sparky? :)

Edited by fullcave
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Whether or not he should be arrested is of less concern than the timing of the arrest. This is really not the best time to arrest him. Last week would have been good, next week might work well to. Right now, it will likely only fuel the fires of discontent.

Just give the power to the army !

Stop this "democratic" BS !

The country is not ready for it !

maby in 50 years?

They need a firm hand now!

No corrupt massive coverment,away with it !

It does not work !

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I'm certainly not against the authorities opposing any violence and sedition... but I really have a hard time understanding how it is that the Yellow Shirts that took over the airport and wrecked the economy could not have one prosecution regarding it. In fact, the FM is allowed to serve in the governing cabinet. Wow. What a double standard. It is hard for the majority of Thais to rally around all this ending because the hypocracy is so obvious. One of the posters said all the warrants were issued and the accused have stood in court. That guy is on a different planet :) Both Red Shirts and Yellow Shirts need to think of what is in the best interest of the Thai people as a whole. And, sadly, the yellow shirts are proponents of abolishing electoral democracy.

I think you need to do a little bit more study on this subject, before making such mis-guided statements.

Further, we are yet to see how much damage this current event of the Reds will do to the Thai economy.

Me thinks it stands a good chance of costing the counry even more than the airport shutdowns.

I hope the Red leaders are not trying to play a game of "catch up", in the "Double Take Stakes"

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Rich VS Poor? Some might see it that way. But the broader movement of PAD actually see it as Corruption Vs Ethical behaviour in Gov't. What gets up wifey's nose is throwing money at the poor without a sustainable plan. Much like the Rudd Labour Gov't in Australia has done.

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Obviously the rule of law is fractured already. An arrest warrant has been served. The police have even been on the stage to talk to Arisman. Result? Arrest him later!

Does that give everyone the right to postpone arrests until a later date? How about paying bribes to corrupt traffic police next year instead of on the spot?

How can anyone expect the law to be followed when situations like this occur? That is another reason to fear possible anarachy over the next couple of days.

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Why is there an arrest warrant for Arisman for suggesting to overthrow the government but no arrest warrant 2 years after the yellow shirts did the same thing? And also no arrest warrants for the coup leaders that did actually overthrow the government, not just talk about it?

Exactly correct!

And this is why I would side with Red Shirts if I were Thai.

The yellow shirts committed air piracy, sedition and walked home free.

The rich=VS=poor

Cant anyone see this?

Interesting. The coup happened because Taksin was corrupt (maybe they should have asked him nicely to step down instead). The yellows didn't accept the various proxys of Taksin that came after him becuase they were working for him and doing whatever it took to get him back (they actually DID ask somehow civilized that the government step down, the airport siege came after more than 300 days of demonstration), finally they succeeded. Now tell me: what do the reds want and why? They want Abhisit away? Why? What did he do wrong? He was elected as are all the other actual Members of Parliament. What do the reds want and why? If the actual government did anything wrong, take them to court, same as Taksin and his TV cook (may he rest in peace). But the reds have nothing in hand. Some dickheads want their daddy back, that's all. But that's not a reason to overthrow a government who has done no wrong.

You live in Timbuktu or what?
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Why is there an arrest warrant for Arisman for suggesting to overthrow the government but no arrest warrant 2 years after the yellow shirts did the same thing? And also no arrest warrants for the coup leaders that did actually overthrow the government, not just talk about it?

Exactly correct!

And this is why I would side with Red Shirts if I were Thai.

The yellow shirts committed air piracy, sedition and walked home free.

The rich=VS=poor

Cant anyone see this?

See what? You have no argument- "the yellows took the airport, so we can tell our supporters to bring bottles to make molatov cocktails"??? For the 234th time - the PAD LEADERS WERE ARRESTED AND ARE AWAITING COURT. They are not "home free" - they are free on bail because they are behaving themselves. Rich vs. poor? Why are so few people from the south here? There is poverty there, too. Thaksin has divided this country. Even his speeches this week were addressed not to "Thais", but to "the people of the north and north east". How many of the Red leaders are "poor farmers"? none.

The military divided the country,not mr.thaksin,with mr.thaksin Thailand did well,specially people in northeast thailand were happy,mr.thaksin was the first pm ever who did something for them,and they don.t care if mr.thaksin makes alot of money,as long they have enough rice on the table,I don't know what from country you come,but in my country they always taught us that a military coup is most of the time wrong,and can't be right that,it can't be right a minority is ruling this country only because they have money or need to stick on thei high positions,there alot of more reason why mr.thaksin had to go,but here in the forum this subject is banned

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(assuming 98% of the members on this forum are "farangs" I wonder how much discussion/ dialogue goe on with Thais about these political topics. And I wonder if they look at us "farangs" as silly being "arm chair" experts or discussing their government - political problems?

As far as I have seen and heard from Thai friends, the majority is not discussing politics very much. It is just too boring. However, they asnwer if you ask. The problem is if you ask a red supporter, "discussion" will be very difficult because they most likely don't listen to any argument (if they did they wouldn't exist anymore). So you end up being able to talk about it only with anybody other than reds and then why discuss, they all agree anyhow. Thais do not look at farangs as armchair experts as long as you are reasonable, eventually try to understand them (no matter what color) and live here for a certain time. Speaking their language helps. It is also not very suprising, that we (foreigners if we are in Thailand) are interested in what goes on politically as we also are when we are in our home country. What's wrong about that? Note that I emphazise on being interested, trying to understand and knowing what is going on - not on telling them what and how they have to do. That's their business.

The problem is,most farangs just have no knowledge of what is going on,only knowledge from bkk post or nation

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The army? Why would you even attempt to blame the army for anything. Anupong did stick to his words like no politician ever will be able to.

You're mis-reading my meaning - I am not blaming the army - this is a provocation by the red leadership to push the government into a corner where they have no choice except to respond with force. So far, opposite of what many reds would have one think, I think it has been Abhisit in charge of this operation. BUT there are always hardliners in every military, I'm just assuming there are here- who probably have a different opinion on how to handle the demonstrators. A march to the airport would give them the excuse they need to deal with this Tianeman Square style. And that would be sad for all.

Hi Baby. Do u know what happened in Tianeman Square? Thailand will be shame if ever using the forces like in Tianeman Square. Use your basic laws and courts to deal with wrongdoers. Enough to handle it. Believe me. Please go to google and find out what happened in T.Square before you dare to mention it. Shame to all human beings. U would not dare to do it to cat and dog if u find out what forces they used.

U Should google a bit,thailand 1976 students

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Amazing Thailand :D Former heartthrob singer who has no record of any form of political involvement leads a political demonstration. You must be kidding me.

If Arisman is locked up, Thailand will be without its greatest singer... and a real snappy dresser, too. :)

What happened to this former heart throb?

Did he have a brain aneurysm and go psychotic? :D

"Bangkok, a sea of flames," indeed. :D

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punisher; this statement could be taken as a general racist remark against farang living in Thailand. I will grant you that this is your opinion and I will consider the source and the statement accordingly, but the public media info that a lot of us tune into/read is not limited to the rags you mention. You seem to be as uninformed as the group you so quickly judge as being most of us farang. Your circle of acquaintances (farang) most certainly would not seem to overlap mine.

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Rich VS Poor? Some might see it that way. But the broader movement of PAD actually see it as Corruption Vs Ethical behaviour in Gov't. What gets up wifey's nose is throwing money at the poor without a sustainable plan. Much like the Rudd Labour Gov't in Australia has done.

What gets up wifey's nose is that the PAD recently stated (by the mouth of Sondhi) on their ASTV that if anyone of the PPP, Thai Rak Thai, or any RED (read: "poor uneducated farmer") for that matter wouldbe elected in the government, they would go back on the streets and take again the Government house and the airport.

Forget what the PAD did and go on?

The PAD is still soliciting unrest just like the RED"s, but nobody cares about that.

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Rich VS Poor? Some might see it that way. But the broader movement of PAD actually see it as Corruption Vs Ethical behaviour in Gov't. What gets up wifey's nose is throwing money at the poor without a sustainable plan. Much like the Rudd Labour Gov't in Australia has done.

What gets up wifey's nose is that the PAD recently stated (by the mouth of Sondhi) on their ASTV that if anyone of the PPP, Thai Rak Thai, or any RED (read: "poor uneducated farmer") for that matter wouldbe elected in the government, they would go back on the streets and take again the Government house and the airport.

Forget what the PAD did and go on?

The PAD is still soliciting unrest just like the RED"s, but nobody cares about that.

Of course people care about it. Its only the red apologists who like to pretend that a double standards exists, so they have "Something" to talk about. Otherwise they would be left with their core issue - fighting for Thaksin's power and money. And without Thaksin's money, how many protesters would be down there now. 12 lol give or take.

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........edited to shorten....

Of course people care about it. Its only the red apologists who like to pretend that a double standards exists, so they have "Something" to talk about. Otherwise they would be left with their core issue - fighting for Thaksin's power and money. And without Thaksin's money, how many protesters would be down there now. 12 lol give or take.

well, otherwise the red shirt movement, wouldn't have any legitimacy,would they?

It's Mr.Thaksins signature all over the place, lies, lies, lies and deceit, inside out, outside in,

wrong is right and right is wronged...!

Arisman is the best example, just look which people are in his entourage!

Will he be back, trying to use the crowd in Bangkok, backed up by kattiya and

and a bunch of well paid mercenaries?

He might be very, very desperate!

Why has everyone close to him left the country?

There is much more to this story then has surfaced till now!

This is imho the beginning of another tragedy in the making!

is all costing him a lot of money too!

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Rich VS Poor? Some might see it that way. But the broader movement of PAD actually see it as Corruption Vs Ethical behaviour in Gov't. What gets up wifey's nose is throwing money at the poor without a sustainable plan. Much like the Rudd Labour Gov't in Australia has done.

What gets up wifey's nose is that the PAD recently stated (by the mouth of Sondhi) on their ASTV that if anyone of the PPP, Thai Rak Thai, or any RED (read: "poor uneducated farmer") for that matter wouldbe elected in the government, they would go back on the streets and take again the Government house and the airport.

Forget what the PAD did and go on?

The PAD is still soliciting unrest just like the RED"s, but nobody cares about that.

I don't believe this to be true. I don't think the PAD will renew mass protests if the PTP comes to power and governs properly. The PAD will only come out if the PTP comes to power and then attempts to whitewash Thaksin of his crimes, or if they act as a proxy government following his wishes. This scenario will definitely see the PAD out in the streets. It would also likely result in another military coup, which could in turn result in civil war.

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