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Background Check

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First off, I'm going to chastise you for not using the search function or for reading. Only a few posts down you can find http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/Background-C...it-t343380.html

But you're new and it's your first post, so now worries. Just remember this for future questions, it's good forum etiquette :)

I'll have to look into where to find a national check. It's easy and costs $10 to get an instant state check.

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Welcome to the site. I see your new so I'll be a little more forgiving. Like our students, we encourage questions! But thanks for the gentle reminder BlackArtemis! Check out the site listed above and if you have any trouble, don't hesitate to ask me or another mod about the forum.

You said you are a US national, but are you in the US? If not check with the local police where you are.

At the top of the teaching forum are pinned topics which explain quite a lot (including background checks) and then on the first couple of pages with threads there is some discussion forums.

Again, welcome and keep us posted.

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So, it seems all I can find are cheesy expensive background checks and information claiming that the FBI is the only one who can do a national check. http://www.virtualchase.com/articles/crimi...s_national.html

But the FBI does have something called the NICS, National Instant Criminal background check System http://www.fbi.gov/hq/cjisd/nics.htm

The other thread also has great info.

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Thanks for the advices. My agency require me to get a background check in the states. This is what I found out in regards to getting background checks the United States.

Nationwide Background Check:

--The FBI provide this service, but it takes 13 weeks? "Allow approximately 13 weeks for processing, upon receipt to the FBI."

State Background Check:

--State background check in the states (United States) are done at the police station/live scan facility. A live scan is when they take your fingerprint, match it up to their state database and send you a print out of your criminal history. "Normal processing time is 2-3 days however; some requests may take up to 2 weeks to process depending on the information contained within the record."

Explanation: When a person is booked for an arrest (DUI, criminal offense), they are taken to the police station to get fingerprinted. The fingerprinted get sent to their state database. So when you take a fingerprint at the live scan (electronic fingerprint), your fingerprint get sent to their state database. Someone at the state search your name and fingerprint to see if a criminal history comes up. They print out the criminal history and send it to the requester.

Local Background Check:

Local background check can be done where you lived. For instance, if you live in Los Angeles, California. You can go to LAPD and they will run a check on your driver's license. They print it out for you there, but some teaching agency might not accept this. Check with your agency.

Broad Background Check:

This is done by name, social security and no fingerprint. Instant background check. Most teaching agency will not accept this because it's public information, not from the FBI or state.

Edited by johnremmy27
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We have had teachers submit the state background check and it has been accepted. At least I believe it's the state background check. The person went into the local police department and got it.

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In some states, local police stations do live scans and yes, those are submitted to a database which does the state background check. But there are some police stations where they only run local background checks, so please be aware. From my understanding State and Nationwide Background checks are acceptable by most agencies. Many teaching agencies are requiring background checks and apostilles on degrees. My friend got a live scan (electronic fingerprint) background check in California and then the CRC (criminal record check) apostille, but that was for South Korea. He lives in Costa Mesa, California.

We have had teachers submit the state background check and it has been accepted. At least I believe it's the state background check. The person went into the local police department and got it.
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  • 5 months later...

In some states, local police stations do live scans and yes, those are submitted to a database which does the state background check. But there are some police stations where they only run local background checks, so please be aware. From my understanding State and Nationwide Background checks are acceptable by most agencies. Many teaching agencies are requiring background checks and apostilles on degrees. My friend got a live scan (electronic fingerprint) background check in California and then the CRC (criminal record check) apostille, but that was for South Korea. He lives in Costa Mesa, California.

We have had teachers submit the state background check and it has been accepted. At least I believe it's the state background check. The person went into the local police department and got it.

Thanks for all the good info here...

Mine is a slightly different question...

Is Live Scan Service -- to check with USA database criminal background check -- available in Thailand or a nearby country in Asia?

Need to do for a job application in the USA... Otherwise need to FedEx or UPS fingerprint cards back and forth across the Pacific Ocean...


Many thanks!



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Nvere heard of that service being available in Asia. I guess you are going to have to do more research yourself or start with the postal applications.

I think you are right. I sent an email to UPS corporate in BKK.... UPS often offers Live Scan at USA locations...

Will know on Monday if the option exists...

Otherwise back and forth snail mail...



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