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They Are Some Horrible People In Huahin


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i am there now. Last time i visit was 2-3 years ago.

this time i find in 2 days, 3 altercations where i can see anger with locals, one i park the taxi to unload my stuff, one guy running like a mad dog came to abuse us to park bit in front of his drive way & he was not ready to move his car in and out.

One, i was walking along the street, the pavement as usual was blocked and inaccessible, the car was corning and he was yelling because i was on his pass.

One, was when my dog do his Doe doe, open empty land, with rubble and grass, not use for years, someone came and abuse the shit of me to let my dog been there, 5 streets dogs were looking and LOL !

I went to my usual restaurant, told her, it is my last trip for Huahin, been in Bangkok for over 12 years were in my soi, i mainly get smiles, i tip well, i give temple pet food monthly, i go to temple when the old people came to sit once a year to get donation to help them during the year, i give to the orphanage, help someone who was in jail (for education of his daughter), Hospital & HIV centre get some as well, the restaurant owner, told me yes many anger people there.

To see bitterness of some shops owner, who are so rude and look down at farang people like me, i will said only one thing, hope you get less and less patronage of them.

I will not go anymore where tourists go! We are taking as shit / low people. To be in hotel like sofitel or Hilton do not mean anything, as it is only a golden cage.

I have some spot where they are nice people, they will get my patronage !

Phuket / Pattaya / Samui as been out my list for long time, today i am adding Huahin

Sure some of you who live there are ok, as i am in Bangkok, but just give you my feeling as someone passing through.

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Burned out my friend, that's just Thailand. You need a holiday tot he west to reacquaint yourself as to why you live in Thailand. Works every time. Hua Hin is a great little town, nice folks, and on my many trips there , we have been well received. The same is true for every place in Thailand. On the flip side. there are <deleted> everywhere, Thailand no exception. We could all go on about all your nit-noy complaints but for what. I live in Esaan now and these folks are the best of the lot.

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I was there back in the 90's when tourism was down me and friends got same reaction. Seems there if they arenot getting lots of farang customers to make them rich they get unhappy and take it out on the few who do go there. One afternoon the husband of the woman who ran the questhouse where we stayed gave the woman a beating in front of the questhouse in front of all the neighbours because she rented to me and my friends at the regular rate not double pricing us. We were told by thais standing there not to interfere or we would get beat too. We were in one of those questhouses on the beach that are built out over the ocean like a pier or dock, cannot remember the name,

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So, you blocked a man's driveway and was surprised he got annoyed.

You pedantic, but No we did not blocked it, the driver was in front of the hotel ! Eye on his car, no cars were to go in or out.

Block for me if to refuse access, what the red are doing now in Rachadeaom avenue !

Read the post before, and have the feel of what other thing about Huahin traders as well !

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Today i got privates support messages, let me go further into it,

This night i was sitting on the terrace of Da Mario Pizza, got two pizzas, who i must say were good, after a tiramisu and a cappuccino...

Opposite was ground zero where i got yell at yesterday about my dog, see first post, i saw 2 men organise the front with the lady who swear at me, I can tell you one thing it is the mafia (police?) who must own the place, it is why she can afford a sewer mouth !

They did really try hard to attract farang people passing by, I can see the way they act, I am not sure of the outcome for customers, bills / quality / service, no idea.

Remind me a little story, 2 girls, a friend’s granddaughter + her GF visit Bangkok about two years, i did look after them for few days, but was busy on the weekend, they did stay in a pratunam’s hotel. I suggest them to go to <once upon the time> who was close by.

The story go, at night they ask the hotel for a TukTuk, they arrive into a place (no name) and got a menu (no price) the food was soso and got stung for 3800 Baht bill (2 people), pressure was put on them and they depart with a lighter wallet!

I did write this story to media at this time, will wish for a hidden camera, it could interesting and i am sure the tourism industry will like that, bit like the Patpong show video few year ago!

Off course they was silly first to put a feet into this place and order from a now price menu, but they was like 22 – 23, is that is the beautiful Thailand they show us? Amazing No?

The place belongs to the police by the way...

I like here, but do not want to be like other who think with dick and have limited ideas of what is happening!

Where I live, most know me, I do not get cheat, nice people, but really too hot, I want to offer my fiddel dog some of best time for the next few short year he has to live (heart murmur disease) .

I do not care if people tell me I am burn and I should to go back to my own country (I have few by the way), I did experience most of Thailand, been able to retired at 40 and travel in a lot of places.

I respect Thai people (good Thai people), my best friend his Thai, my house his on his name the last 12 years, he is the executor and trustee of my will and i sleep very well about that.

I will keep posting, my future experience with place & people along my way, now I am on the road most of the time, and plan to go tomorrow to ...... living sweet Hua hin behind me (good riddance will said some) , after I am looking to go to Khow Yai and Chantanabury, if any of you have suggestions about nice places radius 200 kilo from Bangkok please let me know.

All best to you

Ps today one shop short me change of 30 baht (ma peen ry)

Ps i told two couples passing through after looking at the ground zero to be careful of this place

Ps this morning I saw the yelling neighbour who was checking if his car did no have scratchs marks on it!

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(ma peen ry)

Translation please?

never mind ! i think should be my not ma...... i only have limited thai, not bad in english, good in french


Knight Naam

Demandez a votre chien, j ai ouïe dire qu il l étais très intelligent !

Squire simcity

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<br />Great place to do property deals ...... NOT!<br />
<br /><br /><br />

Everyone thinking of Property Deals in Hua Hin should read up on threads here. Go to the local site and its all roses, wake up and smell the s*$t.

depends on who you deal with. have avoided some deals with foreigners, simply smelled bad. Have completed more deals with thais. I am not saying all thais are good. But so far every foreign deal hasnt worked

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There are some horrible people in every town in the world.

I think someone got it right above. The OP should go back to the west for a couple of weeks. It will surely cure what ails him.

The OP is now in a lovely place with charming people around, will not tell you where but it is but not to fare from Huahin, regarding the west, i do travel there sometime.

I let you deal with touristic towns who take tourists as shit i you like them! But not for me, read the post above / above, some get it right as well.

Happy, you happy where you are, and do not tell me where I should go!

Stay away from the place like Phuket / Huahin / Pattaya, live this to ignorant and unwell travellers, find yourself nice places, it do exist in Thailand !

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There are some horrible people in every town in the world.

I think someone got it right above. The OP should go back to the west for a couple of weeks. It will surely cure what ails him.

The OP is now in a lovely place with charming people around, will not tell you where but it is but not to fare from Huahin, regarding the west, i do travel there sometime.

I let you deal with touristic towns who take tourists as shit i you like them! But not for me, read the post above / above, some get it right as well.

Happy, you happy where you are, and do not tell me where I should go!

Stay away from the place like Phuket / Huahin / Pattaya, live this to ignorant and unwell travellers, find yourself nice places, it do exist in Thailand !

Perhaps the problem is just mis-communication? :)

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I don't know how "horrible" the locals are in Hua Hin but it certainly gets my thumbs-up as one of the most boring places in Thailand!

Also not a very good place for foreigners to buy houses unless you enjoy being a wheel-chair bound paraplegic.

Edited by FarangBuddha
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The OP seems to have his head screwed on. Comes over as a nice chap. Who likes conflict in any way shape or form?

I went to HHin once and will not make any great efforts to go back. Cha-Am is nicer IMHO.

Edited by chimsa
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I live in Pattaya and its not so bad. What i do notice though is even over the last year or so the entertainment girls have really

gotten a bad attitude, there is no more fun, excitement or sanook, its just give me your baht and get lost.

i mentioned this to a close friend who was in the states and away from patts for a year and a half, he laughed and told me "aw you are just burned out, its all in your head". i thought ya he may be right. He flew back to patts and after a week he calls me and says "dam_n YOU ARE RIGHT, its become miserable" esp soi 7,8. He left early and went to phillipines.

I do meet some great girls here, but you have to search hard.

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^ ohhh okay, im not sure if they do phonetic spelling into french.

I get it now, you meant "Mai Pben Rai". :)

ohhh and its neverdie, not nevermind.

must rememger to write slowly when replying to your posts you obviously cannot read very fast :D

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^ ohhh okay, im not sure if they do phonetic spelling into french.

I get it now, you meant "Mai Pben Rai". :)

ohhh and its neverdie, not nevermind.

must rememger to write slowly when replying to your posts you obviously cannot read very fast :D

sorry about rememger am only partialy sighted and have crippled hands too ,seems my spell checker is having an irish day :D

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^ ohhh okay, im not sure if they do phonetic spelling into french.

I get it now, you meant "Mai Pben Rai". :)

ohhh and its neverdie, not nevermind.

must rememger to write slowly when replying to your posts you obviously cannot read very fast :D

sorry about rememger am only partialy sighted and have crippled hands too ,seems my spell checker is having an irish day :D

And what is that meant to mean?? having an Irish day? So you also have an issue with the Irish as well as Hua Hin...... :D

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