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Thaksin's Rural Red Shirts Swarm The Capital


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This is all propaganda and scare mongering. The red shirts are going to sieze the 11th infantry battalion please...... We are educated farangs.... Who is throwing out all these wierd and wonderful fairy tales. This is propoganda spread by the elite yellow.... and yes yellow which means frightened.

Yes it is scaremongering. The redshirts are making these announcements on stage in public in front of tens of thousands of people and yes, even TV cameras. Scaremongering is indeed occurring. Mostly, however, it is redshirt leaders trying to scare the residents of Bangkok.

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They will get frustrated. They don't have the majority support or the moral authority to pull off what they are demanding. They do have fermented fish. You figure it out ...

You're wrong again dude - they have majority support in the country as far as people i know - tuk tuks up here are flying red flags - I have yet to find any yellow fellows outside of BKK and this forum

Geez... you must be in a stricktly red neighborhood. I'm in the outskirts of Chiang Mai near Maejo University and for the most part, all the Thais that I hang out with are sick to death of it all. And by the way, I was raised here in Thailand so I only usually only hang out with my Thai family and neighbors & only speak Thai. I was all around town this weekend and the amount of those wearing red is sparsely few. It's a losing battle trying to get a Government not guilty of Graft to walk away because of a bunch of peabrains who believe that if their exalted Leader is put back in charge that money will come floating down from Heaven. They need to face reality (as do you "Chiang Mai Fun") and get a job instead of sitting around waiting for miracles to happen, as this will fizzle and fade very soon.

I live in the San Sai area and most I speak with are very pro red but I must also say not pro thaskin. They loved what his party did for them in regards to education and health but do not support the man himself.

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They will get frustrated. They don't have the majority support or the moral authority to pull off what they are demanding. They do have fermented fish. You figure it out ...

Actually they do have the support, which party got the most votes in the last elections.

Correct... and to make things even clearer, may I add a quote from the BBC on line news site on 25th February 2010?

"...a shaky coalition installed by parliament rather than elected by popular mandate. "

Morals, I can't comment upon.

And no, I am not a Red, nor am I a Yellow.

For goodness sake don't go confusing everyone with facts like this.... :D .

so many on here keep harping on about the numbers of demonstrators....how much they had to be paid blah blah blah....

All around me there are houses full of people who have not gone to BKK....but just about every house seems to have one or two that have gone.

The ones who stayed behind to take care of things are supporters too but they can't be counted in the endless guessing game of actual numbers.

I wonder why that is so difficult to understand for so many??.....oh dear more unpleasant facts..sorry.

I am not a Red of Yellow either....(actually I've been hanging out in just my neutral colored underwear just so nobody mistakes me for anything sinister).....just believe what I see more than what I hear or read in the press or forums. That's the view from Issan.....which naturally looks somewhat different than the view from a condo off Silom Road. Most of the Reds come from up here.....most of experts on the Reds seem to come from Bankok...but then the same kind of folks know what's best for the rest of the world too..not just Issan rice farmers. All forms of abuse and ridicule welcome....I think we are all getting quite used to it... :D:)

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So someone must be funding this movement. Since somebody wired 1 billion baht from europe a few weeks ago, they do have plenty of coin. The Anti Money Police are investigating this hugh transfer already.

"Anti Money Police"? You guys are coming up with stranger and weirder names every day. :):D

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They will get frustrated. They don't have the majority support or the moral authority to pull off what they are demanding. They do have fermented fish. You figure it out ...

Actually they do have the support, which party got the most votes in the last elections.

Suggest you rephrase that to:

- Which party bought massive numbers of votes, and

- Which party got dissolved for massive vote buying.

Living in Isaan for the past 8+ years, I can assure you that the "vote buying" happens in every election, but more important, by all parties running.... The villagers just happily take the "baht" from all sides and then vote for whom they actually support anyway...


Yup, agree with that. if one or the other party is offering freebies, they will take them from both sides an then vote the way that they want.

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So someone must be funding this movement. Since somebody wired 1 billion baht from europe a few weeks ago, they do have plenty of coin. The Anti Money Police are investigating this hugh transfer already.

"Anti Money Police"? You guys are coming up with stranger and weirder names every day. :):D

It's obvious that he simply missed the word 'laundering'.

Poor effort rainman, as per.

At least he is consistent, I'll give him that. :D

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So someone must be funding this movement. Since somebody wired 1 billion baht from europe a few weeks ago, they do have plenty of coin. The Anti Money Police are investigating this hugh transfer already.

"Anti Money Police"? You guys are coming up with stranger and weirder names every day. :):D

It's obvious that he simply missed the word 'laundering'.

Poor effort rainman, as per.

Sorry, but "Anti Money Police" in Thailand is just like saying "Dry Water". I doubt there is any "Anti-Money" Police in Thailand :D

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The red shirts are in a bind. Without violence they will be ignored.

With violence they will be as discredited as they were as a result of the last Songkran events.

Eventually the bluster will run out.

Next step? Try to negotiate a 'victory' to justify a retreat.

thailand , was a lot more secure ,

when the army, was is in control . :)

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Despite how vigorous the pro-Thaksin supporters claim no money is changing hands for the supporters, we in the capital don't have to go far to hear from people that have been offered cash to attend - the maid of my last workplace for one.

Turnout directly equates cash. Thaksin is going for it this time.

There's the rub. The Yellows did the same thing, paying demonstrators. What is your point? If you are implying there is not a legitimate democratic movement because fund raising and covering of expenses occurs, which it has in every political campaign in the history of the World, then that makes the Yellow movement a sham as well. They paid more!

Also, the reds do not deny they distribute fund raising monies, it's the Yellows that deny that.

ONE thing y'all have HAVE TO realize. If Thaksin died of a heart attack, the red democratic/communist/anti Chinese movement would not go away. Do you really think it would???

They would actually be stronger without a corrupt leader.

The same can be said of the Yellows. Their image suffers greatly in having a leader that bank rolled Thaksin into power, called him Thailand's best PM ever, and was one of the largest beneficiaries of the Thaksin corruption. Sondhi was 'forgiven' of billions in debt by Thaksin.

Has Abhisit and Sondhi gotten rid of corruption and bribery in Thailand? NOT

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This is all propaganda and scare mongering. The red shirts are going to sieze the 11th infantry battalion please...... We are educated farangs.... Who is throwing out all these wierd and wonderful fairy tales. This is propoganda spread by the elite yellow.... and yes yellow which means frightened.

Anyway the yellow seized the House of Gvt easily and without punishment afterwards. Why reds could not seize a couple of barracks.

Also, all of us know that we cannot believe yellow propaganda.

ok, so the blue can sieze that and the white can sieze this, etc... later, the ladyboys will sieze pattaya as well and rape you in the arse. would you like to live in a barbaric thailand?

the law is not perfect but i'm still happy that the less evil is sided.

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They will get frustrated. They don't have the majority support or the moral authority to pull off what they are demanding. They do have fermented fish. You figure it out ...

You're wrong again dude - they have majority support in the country as far as people i know - tuk tuks up here are flying red flags - I have yet to find any yellow fellows outside of BKK and this forum

you havent spent much time in the south then have you......for some bizzae reason,,, they dont tend to looks so kindly upon the taksinista movment, but again thats just one mans perspective :)

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The red shirts are in a bind. Without violence they will be ignored.

With violence they will be as discredited as they were as a result of the last Songkran events.

Eventually the bluster will run out.

Next step? Try to negotiate a 'victory' to justify a retreat.

I would agree, the government can wait then out - and where will that leave the reds.

Or they, meaning the paid lackies of Thaksin, can instigate real trouble leading to the bloodshed of innocent people conned into coming to Bangkok in the name of democracy when in actual fact they have been manipulated all for the benefit of one person - namely a convicted criminal named Thaksin and his paid hencemen.

and lawyers,and chalerm and his unruly sons,thge wife of the killed policeman said(maybe he killed himself) as no killer was conficted and all suspected WHO the real killer was,but money talks and bullshit walks

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The red shirts are in a bind. Without violence they will be ignored.

With violence they will be as discredited as they were as a result of the last Songkran events.

Eventually the bluster will run out.

Next step? Try to negotiate a 'victory' to justify a retreat.

thailand , was a lot more secure ,

when the army, was is in control . :)

Russia too... ah those were the days - no election, no trouble, jobs everywhere for the 'comrades' just the beloved dear leaders of the Army looking after us - so much more sensible than democracy and all that silly nonsense of 'the populace' - they are such a nuisance after all... IF only we could guarantee they voted the right way - then it would all be ok... *sigh*

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Well I gotta hit the gym at major ratchayothin tomorrow around 1-2pm hopefully they're outta my way by then. Better yet if I get there early enough maybe I can watch them from the giant panoramic windows. It'll be like working out at the zoo :)

With a charming attitude like that, is it any wonder the Thais resent some foreign presence in their country? :D

Feel free to call them a bunch of animals to their face in Thai, tough guy. I'm betting you will get a "work-out" and quite deservedly.

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They will get frustrated. They don't have the majority support or the moral authority to pull off what they are demanding. They do have fermented fish. You figure it out ...

You're wrong again dude - they have majority support in the country as far as people i know - tuk tuks up here are flying red flags - I have yet to find any yellow fellows outside of BKK and this forum

you havent spent much time in the south then have you......for some bizzae reason,,, they dont tend to looks so kindly upon the taksinista movment, but again thats just one mans perspective :)

true, they have something else to worry in the south instead of thaksin, they have real problems there.

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Despite how vigorous the pro-Thaksin supporters claim no money is changing hands for the supporters, we in the capital don't have to go far to hear from people that have been offered cash to attend - the maid of my last workplace for one.

Turnout directly equates cash. Thaksin is going for it this time.

I know quite a few thai's that have left pattaya, and they have informed that they collected 2000 baht for attending, and will get 2000 baht a day till it is over.

So someone must be funding this movement. Since somebody wired 1 billion baht from europe a few weeks ago, they do have plenty of coin. The Anti Money Police are investigating this hugh transfer already.

Let's do the math...1 billion baht consumed at 2,000 baht per person per day provides for 500,000 'person-days'. If an optimistic amount of protestors--say, 100,000 of them--were supported by this largesse, the money would sustain 5 days of this nonsensical buffoonery. Somebody really must enjoy throwing his money down the Mother of all Toilets. What a joke and a travesty to the millions of Thai people who scrape out a living to try to keep from starving. Better the Omnipotent but Disgraced One dole out his money to the poor as alms instead of paying for ill-fated protests. Heck, had he paid his taxes for the sale of Shin, he would still be in office. Double shame on this meglomaniac twit. The Thai people deserve far better but are too obsessed with the Man for their own good.

The figure I heard from the maid was 500 baht. Clearly some red shirts are more equal than others :)

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The native Thais who wore the red shirts and the Thai citizens who also wore the red shirts seems to forget that their exiled fugitve cult leader is not a full blooded Thai. In case of memory loss, Thakin Shinawatra's first agenda as Prime Minister of Thailand was to visit his family's ancestral beginnings in China. That move showed only that he does not respect the Thais and Thailand. He showed that he is a Chinese with a Thai citizenship leaving in Thailand. Although he was born in Thaland, he does not care at all about being a Thai. For him, he is a Chinese and not Thai. And for added insult to the Thais, he called the country of Thailand as his company and the Thais his followers and employees. The wounds were still fresh when yet he added another insult to the bleeding ego of Thais, he sold his telecom company to a Singapore based organization run and managed by Chinese as well. For what reason why Thaksin couldn't sell his telecom company to his fellow native Thais and fellow Thai-Chinese, only Thaksin and his wife knows the reason. There are so many Billionaires and Millionaires in Thailand who could come up with the amount he asked for the sale of his telecom company.

No matter how wise a man in running a business, the man is destined to fall hard and broken if his intentions are to create chaos and anarchy. There was an article from Bangkok Post within six months after Thaksin was elected as Thailand's Prime Minister that showed whom Thaksin admired for their intelligence. One of those photos was of Jose Rizal of the Philippines. I couldn't find any answers or reasons why Thaksin admired Jose Rizal who fought for the independence of The Philippines from the Spaniards peacefully with no bloodshed. In contrast, Thaksin has vowed to destroy Thailand unless he becomes the uncontested leader of the thugs and vagabonds he buys with his ill-gotten wealth. The only comparison I can think of is:

Imelda Marcos (wife of Ferdinand Marcos) and Suharto of Indonesia and Hitler = Thaksin Shinawatra.

Imagine what would life be in Asia if this monster who calls himself a Thai and yet shows no respect to Thailand succeeds in his evil plans. He is crazy. Just like Hitler who was imprisoned when he attempted a failed coup in Germany and later on became the elected leader of the German race. The result ----->>> World War II and Jewish Holocaust.

Hitler pretended to resign from his political life after he was released from prison with the intention of creating chaos within his political party only to come back when he felt he has the upper hand to regain his position. NEVER should this be allowed to happen in Asia.

Thaksin signed and gave the order to assasinate and kill thousands of Thais and foreigners living in Thailand who were suspected of dealing with banned narcotics. A lot of innoncents were caught in that executive order and lost their lives in the end as the order was to kill and not to arrest. That is the not a good quality of a Prime Minister who talks about democracy when Thaksin was removed from his position as Prime Minister of Thailand.

The Truth --->>>> those people were killed to silence competitors and future witnesses that could prove that Thaksin also deals with illegal narcotics and contrabands. The wealth that was sequestered from those killed went to his pockets. And the arms robbery of an Army camp in Southern Thailand, that was his grand idea. Create and instill the fear of violence so he can hold on to his mad dream for power.

Sighhh......being a billionare was not enough.

And for the Thais who wore the Yellow shirts, they protested voluntarily. Nobody paid them and they did not create violence. They protested and disrupted airport operations and occupied government institutions to force the puppet government of an EXILED MAD MAN to resign and hold elections. They were there to protect their rights as Thais. As for the reds, what are they fighting for. What are they protecting?

Wake up Thailand!

That's Life, look at how many companies in europe are actually owned by europeans, you will soon find out that a lot of american and asian countries own most of them. So selling is company to someone in singapore is not a crime, its a business transaction.

Just for example, I own 23% of shares of Microsoft, and my brokerage account is in USA, and I am a european national. You only get taxed on Dividends received, but if I sold all them 23% shares I still would not get taxed even if I made a profit.

At the end if Thaksin gave the order to remove the drug dealers, thats good news, the less the better, because 1 dealer kills many hundred innocent people. And that dealer does not care unless he making $$$. And since Thaksin as left, there are more drugs on the street, and being sold from schools to school children, how would you feel if your child was hooked up with a bad habit owing money to a drug dealer.

Abisit as done nothing in power, to reduce crime or drugs.

Looking at the history of Thailand, the elites and the rural poor, have been fighting for centuries.

At the end of the day it's a thai problem, and I stopped reading news, as 89% of it is utter BS. So us falangs, just get on as normal, and order the beer in.

Dude I guess you know nothing about owning a Thai company. it was illegal for him to sell the company to Singapore as a Thai company a Thai must hold 51% o the share in the company, second since this is a Telcom company this is considered a security risk. Now for not paying taxes, he set up the rules in the stock exchange that if a company stocks are sold on the thai stock exchange then not taxes will be owed, then about two months later he sells his company. It was so obvious it was stupid, he should have known better. As for the drugs, the police are behind the major dealers and the reason why sales went down as it was open season, people we being killed each day so they could not turn in the police they work for. Now do you have any statics showing that drug sales are up? I dont see any change between when taksin was in office and now.

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This is all propaganda and scare mongering. The red shirts are going to sieze the 11th infantry battalion please...... We are educated farangs.... Who is throwing out all these wierd and wonderful fairy tales. This is propoganda spread by the elite yellow.... and yes yellow which means frightened.

Anyway the yellow seized the House of Gvt easily and without punishment afterwards. Why reds could not seize a couple of barracks.

Also, all of us know that we cannot believe yellow propaganda.

The yellows seized government house because the government at the time did not stop them. The current government have organized the police/army to protect government buildings.

It seems that a lot of people believe the red propaganda, so it goes to say that a lot of people would also believe the yellow propaganda.

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And if I may add... The majority of the money has been donated by people whom believe the movement NOT by PM Thaksins' wallet.

True or not, it does bugger all to justify sponsored protesters IMHO.

/edit Rainman - all good :)

Edited by Insight
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This is all propaganda and scare mongering. The red shirts are going to sieze the 11th infantry battalion please...... We are educated farangs.... Who is throwing out all these wierd and wonderful fairy tales. This is propoganda spread by the elite yellow.... and yes yellow which means frightened.

Anyway the yellow seized the House of Gvt easily and without punishment afterwards. Why reds could not seize a couple of barracks.

Also, all of us know that we cannot believe yellow propaganda.

ok, so the blue can sieze that and the white can sieze this, etc... later, the ladyboys will sieze pattaya as well and rape you in the arse. would you like to live in a barbaric thailand?

the law is not perfect but i'm still happy that the less evil is sided.

You understand well: as soon as the yellow original sin had not been punished in 2008, every thing is possible.

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And if I may add... The majority of the money has been donated by people whom believe the movement NOT by PM Thaksins' wallet.


if you mean the son, daughter, ex-wife, brother in-law, maid, driver, sister, etc... all the same, come from the same wallet.

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