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Red-shirts To Splash One Million Cc Of Blood On Govt House

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Natthawut said the red-shirt people would collect their blood and pour the blood at every gate of the Government House at 6pm.

So anyways, it's 6:16am. Does anyone have pictures of the million CC's of Human (Reds) blood at every Government House gate, or was this just the usual Red rhetoric?

This is getting to be quite boring. :)

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Natthawut said the red-shirt people would collect their blood and pour the blood at every gate of the Government House at 6pm.

So anyways, it's 6:16am. Does anyone have pictures of the million CC's of Human (Reds) blood at every Government House gate, or was this just the usual Red rhetoric?

This is getting to be quite boring. :D

Like this ? .......

:) Thanks, that's a start :D

12 more hours

They are going to have fun, sleeping around there, and demostrating there, once the heat brings out the smell of rotten blood. :)



whoever knows the smell of rotting blood will not go anywhere near where they spill it.

anyway, I suppose most of the red liquid will be industrial colorants - because blood doesn't adhere well on walls/surfaces (only very fresh blood does), and the color turns brown very quickly. Not very dramatic for the cameras. Colorants it will be.

I meant the Thaksin red shirt movement, not the cause of social justice in Thailand. I agree they need a major reorganization. Frankly, I don't have confidence that will happen anytime soon. The Isaan people will never accept Abhisit (or probably ever his party) as their leader in that cause.

So 1 litre of red ink from Pantip, 1,000 of hot water and 20 kg of sugar ought to do it.

I reckon i could get it all done for all the redshirts for around 5,000 Baht

So we could disty it for 20 baht per load in ziploks?

Just tell em the govt. lab was lying and show them your bandaid (included in the 20 baht kit).

Good oppty,

no nurses? no problem! lets get down there with a few kathoeys from the cauldron in distracting uniforms.


20 baht for margin, commish and bandaid per packand no coins (easier to carry)

That ought to give us 100,000 Baht net to blow at Nana. should be a good night, anyone want in? :D :D :)

i wouldn't say it was absolute stupidity - desperate maybe. Symbolically it will be very powerful while still being non violent. It will definitely get the attention of international media.

Symbolically powerful but also financially draining! Needles also don't come cheap. That will be another one million plus baht just for the needles so maybe they will disperse back home sooner due to the already limited budget! bye-bye.

Abhisit should also prepare fire trucks to wash off the blood. Counter-measure. Symbolically!

AGREED. These people are behaving like wild animals, absolutely disgusting and very disrespectul. :)

This is the very line of thinking that has many of these Red Shirts angry. Yes, they are not as educated as many of the patrons of this forum, as well as the majority of the white collar workers typically residing in the cities. But that doesn't give the so-called "educated" the right to relegate them to a less-than-civil level of humanity, or categorize them as "wild animals".

This elitist attitude is just as big a problem that needs to be addressed as the lack of education of the huge segment of Thailand's population that make up much of the Red Shirt movement. To these predominantly rural poor, it is this attitude that they find "absolutely disgusting and very disrespectful. :D "

He's right. We should separate the 'used' from the 'users'. The 'used' are there for many reasons; some noble and some self-interest. It's the 'users' we should condemn. Alas, the leadership has "Jumped the shark" with this blood idea. I think they really have no master plan but thinking is up as they go. They have to keep this going as they are on the payroll of Dr. T and when they stop, the money stops. Please feel sadness for the downtrodden and also for those who would lower themselves to be bought/ brought into this terrible situation. I'm hoping for a little common sense and people will start slipping away when they come around for the blood donation. 300, 500, or even 2,000 baht is not enough to convince anyone with a brain to allow their blood to be drawn in less than hospital conditions. All in all, this whole thing is becoming pitiful; so poorly planned, so poorly played. It seems to me that a great many proud Thais are moderated in their behavior because of worry they may 'lose face'. These protestors and protest leaders have lost so much 'face'. How will people behave when there is no more 'face' left to be saved?


Please feel sadness for the downtrodden and also for those who would lower themselves to be bought/ brought into this terrible situation

spare the crocodile tears mate, it only looks pathetic.

Thaksin may well have had a "catalytic effect",

but most typically catalysts are destroyed or devoured

during their interaction with the greater reaction they set off.

Actually part of the definition of "catalyst" is that it isn't used, destroyed, or devoured. :)

Point made.

I am not a sicence major, though not a wacko ,as your smily implies.

I just remember replacing two catalytic converters in a car because they got used up,

worn out and they weren't doing the job anymore. Seems there was some reaction,

and they were consumed...

In any case ma ;iculpa bad science

Thai Red Cross Refuses to Facilitate Blood Collection for Red-shirt

BANGKOK: -- The Thai Red Cross has refused to assist the red-shirt protesters in the blood donation process, saying the group's objective for the blood to be donated is inappropriate.

It's also warned against improper blood drawing which can cause various harmful sideaffects and donors could potentially go into shock and even paralysis.

I forgot to mention when I posted yesterday that if someone inexperienced takes blood they can introduce air into the blood vessel. Yhis embolism can kill far quicker than HIV or Hepatitis.



Why don't they donate a million cc's of blood to the Red Cross ? ..... this would gain them a lot of sympathy and respect.

They won't do this because ...

- it isn't real blood


- it's real but not human


- everything their leaders say seems to be intended to provoke shock and/or thoughts of violence

Ypu have used the wrong word, "DONATE" Thai's do not donate anything, "SELL" the blood now that would be a different story!

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