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Letter From A Farang To The Thai Prime Minister


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Foreigners in Thailand are usually quite frustrated by how the laws are for them to stay in Thailand.

And how changing, difficult and restrictive.

So, what do we really want the Thai government to change?

I'm an easy guy and I have few demands:

- Why do I have to ask for a visa valid for one year after 13 years working in Thailand? In Singapore, I got 5 years after 2 years there. Why do you make it so difficult for foreigners to stay in Thailand? Working or not.

- Thailand is a very big country and most of the land is just left unused, why don't you allow foreigners to own land in Thailand? What's the catch?

But I'm sure you have more :)

Edited by eurasianthai
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why don't you allow foreigners to own land in Thailand

I think they did once, somewhere by the sea... everything was snapped up (by Germans i was told).

In my opinion the coast of Thailand is near enough ruined, sure, its great if you have the cash, but im sure that most Thai's cannot afford a room on the more beautiful spots. Everything is either farang owned or targetted to farang.

I say it's more or less ruined, but thats me comparing it to the Indian ocean beaches of Tanzania, and Mozambique.

If farang were allowed to own land, I think this place would rapidly disintegrate, I have a feeling that the baby boomers would swamp this place, which is great for the baby boomers, but would also generate huge amounts of hatred.

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It would be carnage if foreigners were allowed to own freehold. Preventing this is something I agree with. Huge land price bubble, few people benefit massively, price everyone else out of their own country. Something the UK must consider if the Pund is to be worth less.

why don't you allow foreigners to own land in Thailand

I think they did once, somewhere by the sea... everything was snapped up (by Germans i was told).

In my opinion the coast of Thailand is near enough ruined, sure, its great if you have the cash, but im sure that most Thai's cannot afford a room on the more beautiful spots. Everything is either farang owned or targetted to farang.

I say it's more or less ruined, but thats me comparing it to the Indian ocean beaches of Tanzania, and Mozambique.

If farang were allowed to own land, I think this place would rapidly disintegrate, I have a feeling that the baby boomers would swamp this place, which is great for the baby boomers, but would also generate huge amounts of hatred.

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Of course, they didn't get an answer that day ... but the government are aware of it.

Indeed, they're aware of it and have been for quite a long time.

The question is, do they want to change or do they want to keep their head in the sand?

And wait for Thailand to be a Third of Fourth World country?

Quite a few ASEAN countries are sure more proactive.

As well as the big ones, China and India.

Sad really.

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why don't you allow foreigners to own land in Thailand

I think they did once, somewhere by the sea... everything was snapped up (by Germans i was told).

In my opinion the coast of Thailand is near enough ruined, sure, its great if you have the cash, but im sure that most Thai's cannot afford a room on the more beautiful spots. Everything is either farang owned or targetted to farang.

I say it's more or less ruined, but thats me comparing it to the Indian ocean beaches of Tanzania, and Mozambique.

If farang were allowed to own land, I think this place would rapidly disintegrate, I have a feeling that the baby boomers would swamp this place, which is great for the baby boomers, but would also generate huge amounts of hatred.

After all these years you clog heads just don't get it do you? Listen up, your in Thailand, live with it or get the hel_l out. stop wasting bandwith and our time....

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Regarding Visa / Workpermit; The 'quality' of appliers is probably of a different sort than that in a country like Singapore. Too many freeloaders here. Government likes them to check in at least once a year to see what they are up to and if conditions under which visa / wp was granted are still met. Plus getting fees 5 times is better than once. My guess is that if the goverment would offer applications for 5-years visa and 5-year workpermits and the fees would be 5 times higher than now, not many would be interested. How many long-stayers are actually applying for (expensive) residency? And how many (paid-up) Elite-card holders are out there?

Regarding land ownership: Let's assume Thailand would open up land ownership to foreigners, then there is a big chance that foreigners will purchase large plots of land for investment purposes (either in tourist areas or farmland up North). This will lead to such high prices that the common Thai could not afford to own land anymore. A solution would be to tax land-ownership (higher percentage for unused land to prevent speculation), but that will hit the few very rich Thai families that hold thousand-rai-plots way too hard. No way the goverment will risk upsetting a few very influential Thais or a large group of poor Northern farmers, just to please the foreigner...

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Listen up, your in Thailand, live with it or get the hel_l out. stop wasting bandwith and our time....

I don't agree with that.

My son is Thai and I sure care about him and how Thailand will be in the future.

If you don't, indeed, stop wasting bandwith and my time.

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It would be carnage if foreigners were allowed to own freehold. Preventing this is something I agree with. Huge land price bubble, few people benefit massively, price everyone else out of their own country. Something the UK must consider if the Pund is to be worth less.

I believe the government (country or just Bangkok ... not sure) are talking about bringing in a land tax which will force more land to be used to create an income rather than just being left vacant and unused. This would also cause the price to drop, because a lot of land owners don't have the funds to develop, so they will sell instead.

Ofcourse, your first thought would be "the rich land owning Bangkok elite will not let this (the land tax) to happen" and maybe you're right, but apparently it's being talked about.

EDIT: But if it was right, the land price would drop, and the government would want foreign investment to keep the prices up.

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Regarding Visa / Workpermit; The 'quality' of appliers is probably of a different sort than that in a country like Singapore. Too many freeloaders here. Government likes them to check in at least once a year to see what they are up to and if conditions under which visa / wp was granted are still met. Plus getting fees 5 times is better than once. My guess is that if the goverment would offer applications for 5-years visa and 5-year workpermits and the fees would be 5 times higher than now, not many would be interested. How many long-stayers are actually applying for (expensive) residency? And how many (paid-up) Elite-card holders are out there?

Regarding land ownership: Let's assume Thailand would open up land ownership to foreigners, then there is a big chance that foreigners will purchase large plots of land for investment purposes (either in tourist areas or farmland up North). This will lead to such high prices that the common Thai could not afford to own land anymore. A solution would be to tax land-ownership (higher percentage for unused land to prevent speculation), but that will hit the few very rich Thai families that hold thousand-rai-plots way too hard. No way the goverment will risk upsetting a few very influential Thais or a large group of poor Northern farmers, just to please the foreigner...

I have a five year work permit ... but only get one year B-visa's ..... Guess they whant to make sure I pay my Tax's every year.....


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It would be carnage if foreigners were allowed to own freehold.

That's absurd.

Go to France, Germany, England, Spain, Italy,... and you're allowed to buy any land, is it a carnage?

It's different here with the general wage levels.

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why don't you allow foreigners to own land in Thailand

I think they did once, somewhere by the sea... everything was snapped up (by Germans i was told).

In my opinion the coast of Thailand is near enough ruined, sure, its great if you have the cash, but im sure that most Thai's cannot afford a room on the more beautiful spots. Everything is either farang owned or targetted to farang.

I say it's more or less ruined, but thats me comparing it to the Indian ocean beaches of Tanzania, and Mozambique.

If farang were allowed to own land, I think this place would rapidly disintegrate, I have a feeling that the baby boomers would swamp this place, which is great for the baby boomers, but would also generate huge amounts of hatred.

I agree with most of this, but I would say that if retirees were allowed to own 1 rai with certain conditions attached then land price would not soar. The conditions might be: 5 years consecutive "retirement" extensions, being present in Thailand for 90% of the year, not working, one home only, no companies allowed to apply, etc. In other words, conditions that show absolutely that the house+land is for domicile in Thailand by a person who wants to live here and not for speculation. Not so difficult to enforce, but as others have said there are far more important issues for the government to sort out first.

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But I thought he was from Newcastle
I think the Prime Minister is probably too preoccupied with domestic issues to give a flying fart about anything a Falang wants.

Probably the best time to ask "Geordie Mark" anything, is the day after Newcastle win promotion back to the Premier League - geordies are all the same, get 'em concentrating on the football, and they forget everything else. :)

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I think the Prime Minister is probably too preoccupied with domestic issues to give a flying fart about anything a Falang wants.

:) It is Farang ... and not all foreigners are Farang (if you are Asian or Eurasian you aren't)

Proper use of Thai language aside ..... The country makes it pretty easy for foreigners with even a modest income to retire here. They are protectionist in many of their other practices including working.

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You might get a reply from PM:

Stand or Leave. This is not Singapore. If you have experienced some dual-price at tourist place, it show they don't want foreigner to be here.

But they like to use foreigner photo...

More of the dual-standard that condemns small thinkers to continually wrestle with small ideas.

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why don't you allow foreigners to own land in Thailand

I think they did once, somewhere by the sea... everything was snapped up (by Germans i was told).

In my opinion the coast of Thailand is near enough ruined, sure, its great if you have the cash, but im sure that most Thai's cannot afford a room on the more beautiful spots. Everything is either farang owned or targetted to farang.

I say it's more or less ruined, but thats me comparing it to the Indian ocean beaches of Tanzania, and Mozambique.

If farang were allowed to own land, I think this place would rapidly disintegrate, I have a feeling that the baby boomers would swamp this place, which is great for the baby boomers, but would also generate huge amounts of hatred.

After all these years you clog heads just don't get it do you? Listen up, your in Thailand, live with it or get the hel_l out. stop wasting bandwith and our time....

I agree 2000% love it or leave it, you do not have to have land in your name to enjoy Thailand.!!!

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It's different here with the general wage levels.

You mean only the Thai high medium class and high class can buy land in Thailand?

Makes it fair?

No, he means anyone that had the advantages of the west would be able to buy far more than the average Thai. Hardly fair when you get some car mechanic from Wales buying up hectares of land that a car mechanic from here couldn't afford, now is it?

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Hardly fair when you get some car mechanic from Wales buying up hectares of land that a car mechanic from here couldn't afford, now is it?

Well, if he pays a good price, as he will, I'm sure the locals will love him.

Competition means higher prices and it benefits the poorer people who own land, not the richest Thai people who want to grab land at a cheap price...

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Hardly fair when you get some car mechanic from Wales buying up hectares of land that a car mechanic from here couldn't afford, now is it?

Well, if he pays a good price, as he will, I'm sure the locals will love him.

Competition means higher prices and it benefits the poorer people who own land, not the richest Thai people who want to grab land at a cheap price...

Not accurate and I am sure if you spend some time thinking about it you'll understand that.--- unrestricted land sales would mean the average Thai couldn't afford to live in his own country on land he owns.

But you can own land if you want in either of two ways. BOI investment. Become a naturalized citizen.

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It would be carnage if foreigners were allowed to own freehold.

That's absurd.

Go to France, Germany, England, Spain, Italy,... and you're allowed to buy any land, is it a carnage?

The USA loves it not just land buy anything you like

foreign investment is welcome it also makes friends.

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I actually do not agree with you, Jdiasia.

Not having any competition from foreigners does not mean poor Thai people have an easier access to land owning, it just means rich Thai people have an easier access to cheap land.

You know that as well as me.

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I actually do not agree with you, Jdiasia.

Not having any competition from foreigners does not mean poor Thai people have an easier access to land owning, it just means rich Thai people have an easier access to cheap land.

You know that as well as me.

Spend some time here .... think about it. You'll change your mind if you think it through logically.

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:) I've been in Thailand for 13 years and 10 years in Singapore before that.

And I really did not mind much about how Thailand was before I got a son here.

A Thai son.

And well, it is his country and now I'm concerned about his future and Thailand future.

And believe me on that, I'm probably the most logical guy you never met... :D

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It would be carnage if foreigners were allowed to own freehold.

That's absurd.

Go to France, Germany, England, Spain, Italy,... and you're allowed to buy any land, is it a carnage?

Imagine what would happen here. The middle east would buy up the agri land and the Europeans the building land. This would create serious instability.

England already has chaos regards land prices, but that's down to lax credit over the past 10 years.

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