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Is Giving My Girlfriend 20,000 Baht Per Month Enough?


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my friend in the uk was sacked from his job, he is now on 64 quid a week , she is away back to thailand as soon as he was sacked, she still demands 100 quid per month off him. let that be a lessonto you all as it is to me, some guys just cant see past it sadly

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Seems a bit excessive, but I generally don't date women who aren't self sufficient. Needless to say, I don't date much, but when I do it's alot less expensive. Even I live here on a lot less than 20,000 THB some months. It's not glamorous, but 20,000 is a good income for a local. Sounds like the hook is set, and she's trying to determine how big of a fish you are. Have fun!!!

20,000 baht a month seems a bit extravagant. Your making it hard for some of us.....when we know we may not achieve the same level of existence! :)

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I reckon she's bored.

Maybe she did earn 30k a month in the salon, I doubt it tho. More likely she earned 30k ONE month and then it became her 'earning potential'.

Aside from the obvious, 20k is plenty, no rent no bills etc.(my g/f also has 2 kids and gets 8k) she will blow it all in 2 weeks so the weekly budget thing is a good idea. Not going to Tescos every day will help! Talk with her, tell her you know she's bored but money needs to be managed. If she sticks to the 5k a week budget then every month you can give her 5k extra she can blow on something. Or a weekend away or some kind of 'reward' system (sounds a little patronising I know, but the value of your family unit's money needs to be something everyone is aware of).

If you just give her more money she will blow that too, cos she's bored and she will think she just needs to pout and you'll cough up.

Really tho I think she needs something to do, if the salons she knows don't want part-time then look for those that do. Or buy her the kit she needs and she can be 'Mrs Mobile Nails' she can undercut the salons and do home visits, earn a bit of cash and stop being bored at home every day.

There may well be some flame comments about 'home visits'! :) but trust issues are not included in my reply, if you have those then.....well....RUN FORREST RUN!

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... let that be a lesson to you all as it is to me, some guys just cant see past it sadly ... if the young lady with whom I am with now were so inclined, she would rate $500 per hour at any escort service in Los Angeles... so who is taking advantage of whom?

Edited by jazzbo
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Ask yourself:

Q. For a Thai when does not enough money,become enough monthly money?

A. Never!


same goes anywhere really, if money isn't earned but just given and the person receiving it doesn't have a concept of the fact that it's a finite resource, then they'll always have their hand out.

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I am not young or good looking so I pay my GF a daily allowance of 300 baht. I arrived at that figure and frequency of payment after many years of experimentation.

I could have her go back to her job as a DJ in RCA but then I would never see her and I never liked the pink hair anyway.

We moved to a small town a couple of hours by bus outside of Bangkok (not Pattaya).

I know three hairdressers here who make 30k per month. They have a salon in Bangkok and spend one week a month working in a bar here (they rotate). They tell the customers in Bangkok that they are going home to see the kids. Three weeks as a hairdresser and one week as a bar girl makes up the 30k. I have to admit the ladies are a lot of fun. Three weeks of chastity, working and not drinking prepares them for one week of frivolity, hedonism.

In answer to the OP, mine pays for her two kids and parents out of the 300b per day.

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I am not young or good looking so I pay my GF a daily allowance of 300 baht. I arrived at that figure and frequency of payment after many years of experimentation.

I could have her go back to her job as a DJ in RCA but then I would never see her and I never liked the pink hair anyway.

We moved to a small town a couple of hours by bus outside of Bangkok (not Pattaya).

I know three hairdressers here who make 30k per month. They have a salon in Bangkok and spend one week a month working in a bar here (they rotate). They tell the customers in Bangkok that they are going home to see the kids. Three weeks as a hairdresser and one week as a bar girl makes up the 30k. I have to admit the ladies are a lot of fun. Three weeks of chastity, working and not drinking prepares them for one week of frivolity, hedonism.

In answer to the OP, mine pays for her two kids and parents out of the 300b per day.

I assume she also pays the rent of the house and monthly grocery costs a well out of that 300 baht. :)

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There are young Thai women who receive near daily offers from wealthy Thais or Government PooBahs to be a mia noi but they turn them down and pass up the money because they don't want to deal with (to borrow the phrase from Dustin Hoffman in Tootsie) Macho Sh-theads... So why would they want to then turn around and deal with (other than the fact that they do not speak English and have never before met a farang) a farang who in the end is just another Macho Sh-thead?

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Seems a bit excessive, but I generally don't date women who aren't self sufficient. Needless to say, I don't date much, but when I do it's alot less expensive. Even I live here on a lot less than 20,000 THB some months. It's not glamorous, but 20,000 is a good income for a local. Sounds like the hook is set, and she's trying to determine how big of a fish you are. Have fun!!!

How do you manage on 20k a month? 5k a week....sorry I really dont see how that's living more like existing?

We all live different lives Tommy, half the world is starving so don't rubbish N93 cos your loaded eh, bit below the belt .

Thanks Transam. Even at 20,000, that's double what many of my Thai friends pull in and they get by just fine. In fact, they usually have nicer cellphones and gadgets than I do. Rent 2K a month, Utilities 1K, food 1K. The rest is all just beer and pool money. Tommy does make one good point though whether he intended it or not. The key word used was "existing" and I am actually taking that as a compliment. I work hard, and to be existing in a country that is not my own without help or backup is an accomplishment in my eyes. I do still wish I could have just a small portion of all that "Stupid Farang Cash" that I see the girls spending on useless crap everyday. In all honesty, I've been on the receiving end of it more than a few times. When one of my female Thai friends' wants to party and blow through some cash and the BF is back in Farangland, I get the call and am usually more than happy to show up.

Her thinking is that if he was stupid enough to keep sending it, she might as well enjoy it with people she "wants" to hang out with. :)

If ya can't beat 'em join 'em, and my most sincere gratitude to whoever picked up my tab the other night. :D

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If ya can't beat 'em join 'em, and my most sincere gratitude to whoever picked up my tab the other night. Yes. Scenario: The Stupid Farang shows up unannounced and in a jealous rage flings you and the TGF off the bloody balcony...

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I am not young or good looking so I pay my GF a daily allowance of 300 baht. I arrived at that figure and frequency of payment after many years of experimentation.

I could have her go back to her job as a DJ in RCA but then I would never see her and I never liked the pink hair anyway.

We moved to a small town a couple of hours by bus outside of Bangkok (not Pattaya).

I know three hairdressers here who make 30k per month. They have a salon in Bangkok and spend one week a month working in a bar here (they rotate). They tell the customers in Bangkok that they are going home to see the kids. Three weeks as a hairdresser and one week as a bar girl makes up the 30k. I have to admit the ladies are a lot of fun. Three weeks of chastity, working and not drinking prepares them for one week of frivolity, hedonism.

In answer to the OP, mine pays for her two kids and parents out of the 300b per day.

I assume she also pays the rent of the house and monthly grocery costs a well out of that 300 baht. :)

Her parents own a farm and she has a home on the land. She is finishing her home out of the 300baht, yes. I pay the grocery costs. What is funny about that?

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There are young Thai women who receive near daily offers from wealthy Thais or Government PooBahs to be a mia noi but they turn them down and pass up the money because they don't want to deal with (to borrow the phrase from Dustin Hoffman in Tootsie) Macho Sh-theads... So why would they want to then turn around and deal with (other than the fact that they do not speak English and have never before met a farang) a farang who in the end is just another Macho Sh-thead?

And just as many that are happy to be a mia noi, especially while attending college.

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If ya can't beat 'em join 'em, and my most sincere gratitude to whoever picked up my tab the other night. Yes. Scenario: The Stupid Farang shows up unannounced and in a jealous rage flings you and the TGF off the bloody balcony...

Yes, valid point and cause for concern. I generally steer clear of balconies, and I'm really sorry buddy. I had no idea it was you. :D

I'm joking of course (I hope). Please don't take that the wrong way. All in good fun. :)

See you on the balcony :D

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In short My deceased wife got 25 000 Baht housekeeping money. This was including personal spending and every month she give some money to the grand children.In short I paid all the utility bils and she took responsibilty for all the other houskeeping expensives. My current girlfriend never aske me even one satang and sometimes even invite me to dinner in some nice restaurant. But I was intelligent enough to find an financialy independant woman .

PS: I'm 61 years old an recently became a widower.

Edited by henryalleman
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Most beauticians bring in around 5000 a month & 8000-9000 if they own the shop been there with my gal. her comrades have made the same. I give her 5000 baht spending money & she works her ass off in our small nursery( not profit making) . She can do whatever she wants with the funds as long as she can make it on her allowance. I pay all running expenses so it is pocket money & even at that she helps pay for food with the funds. Some women are fair here & some are leeches.She has no kids nor would I be a fool to assume any unwanted debt & someone else s rug rats. If you dump her you can get a low maintenance lease for 5000-10000 baht a month. If you keep her I would point her to some kind of employment to take care of Mom & Pops & her ex husband or whoever is on her payroll on your dime. Grow some nads man- you should be the one to set the maintenance fees or go fishing for a new honey. Many to choose from in Thailand ......More women than buses!

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Grow some nads man- you should be the one to set the maintenance fees or go fishing for a new honey... There are some Thai woman with whom that approach will work and with some Thai woman your nads may end up in your throat -- they can in some cases get more money from a rich Thai guy than from you but don't want to put up with the kind of macho bullsh-t of which the above remark reeks...

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:) I came to this topic late and didn't take the time to read through all of it. Having had more than 10 years of experience in Thailand and dealing with every aspect of Thai life let me give you a little bit of perspective.

A few years ago I was reading the want ads in the Bangkok Post. There was an ad for a Thai Lawyer with a law degree with 10 years experience to work at a major Bangkok law firm. Monthly salary you geuseed it 20,000 Baht/month


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I met my girlfriend one year ago at a hair and nail salon. She worked like 15 hours a day and claimed she made 30k per month sometimes. After watching her work in this endless cycle she stopped working. She told me that 20,000 baht would be enough. She has two children that both live with her mom here in Bangkok.

Fast forward one year later and she is telling me that 20k is not enough. Yet from my understanding 20k is good money here especially for a Thai. I give her the 20k on top of taking care of all of our eating, room rent etc. Am I not being generous enough? Or am I being taken for a ride? She has never really given me a problem except her temper at times so it is hard for me to believe she is trying to take advantage of me. All reasonable advice comments are welcome. She gives 5k of the money every month to her mom and spends money on the usual Tesco stuff for her kids.

“Hold tight please………..The Louder you scream……… the faster we go”

Hi Puriku,

Can you answer a question for me? Would your now g/f still be your g/f without this handout of 20k each month, rent, food and anything else?

I’m not trying to insult anyone, but I ask this in all honesty, is she with you or your money? Do you want to find out?

To find out where her loyalties lie, you’ll have to come up with a convincing story as to why you will have no money for an indefinite period, (1 or 2 months) stand back and observe! How will she manage the news? Tell you it will be OK, or, hurl a lung? But be smart you got to see it out to its conclusion or…………… Just keep paying. Up to you!

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These days I no longer respond to these newbie posts with no avatars.

Most are probably trolls or nonsense subjects.

Everybody has to start somewhere, and I get really annoyed by "old timers" who think they don't have the time, but can only respond with a BS answer to increase their "post count". In my opinion this is worse than any alleged troll and strictly self serving in a community that was built to help others. If you don't want to participate, then butt out, but don't throw yourself into the conversation strictly for the sake of belittling others and trying to improve your standing in the community. These kind of posts are why I avoided registering with TV for as long as I did. I myself get annoyed at times, but that is what the "next button" is for. It's been a long day, and this country has beat me down pretty good. I have no tolerance for ignorance today, and especially from other expats who are supposed to be helping each other. Nuff said, I'm going to bed. :)

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Seems a bit excessive, but I generally don't date women who aren't self sufficient. Needless to say, I don't date much, but when I do it's alot less expensive. Even I live here on a lot less than 20,000 THB some months. It's not glamorous, but 20,000 is a good income for a local. Sounds like the hook is set, and she's trying to determine how big of a fish you are. Have fun!!!

How do you manage on 20k a month? 5k a week....sorry I really dont see how that's living more like existing?

We all live different lives Tommy, half the world is starving so don't rubbish N93 cos your loaded eh, bit below the belt .

Thanks Transam. Even at 20,000, that's double what many of my Thai friends pull in and they get by just fine. In fact, they usually have nicer cellphones and gadgets than I do. Rent 2K a month, Utilities 1K, food 1K. The rest is all just beer and pool money. Tommy does make one good point though whether he intended it or not. The key word used was "existing" and I am actually taking that as a compliment. I work hard, and to be existing in a country that is not my own without help or backup is an accomplishment in my eyes. I do still wish I could have just a small portion of all that "Stupid Farang Cash" that I see the girls spending on useless crap everyday. In all honesty, I've been on the receiving end of it more than a few times. When one of my female Thai friends' wants to party and blow through some cash and the BF is back in Farangland, I get the call and am usually more than happy to show up.

Her thinking is that if he was stupid enough to keep sending it, she might as well enjoy it with people she "wants" to hang out with. :)

If ya can't beat 'em join 'em, and my most sincere gratitude to whoever picked up my tab the other night. :D

30 baht a day sounds a bit tight for food, that's one meal and a bottle of water.

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20k is fine if she lives with others... family... and if she is not in bangkok... Chiang Mai... or out of town... if she was getting 30k then 20k will be harder to live off of .... Then there is school.. etc... don't listen to the bitter old dogs ... If you feel your being taken advantage of ... then you probably are. IF you feel she is real... understand.. this country makes slaves out of the common person.. and I dont want someone I love living like a slave... I am sure you are the same way.

Do what feels right...

Edited by swain
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Seems a bit excessive, but I generally don't date women who aren't self sufficient. Needless to say, I don't date much, but when I do it's alot less expensive. Even I live here on a lot less than 20,000 THB some months. It's not glamorous, but 20,000 is a good income for a local. Sounds like the hook is set, and she's trying to determine how big of a fish you are. Have fun!!!

How do you manage on 20k a month? 5k a week....sorry I really dont see how that's living more like existing?

That's not hard at all! I lived on about 25k a month in the states when I didn't live in L.A... just relive your college days. =)

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30 baht a day sounds a bit tight for food, that's one meal and a bottle of water.

Yes, It is a bit tight, but I boil my own water in my apartment and shop at the local market for groceries. 30 Baht buys a good deal of noodles and veggies that can last a few days. Save up for a day or two and you can go to the roadside stand for a proper meal at 20 Baht. I never claimed that it was fun or fabulous, but living like a working class Thai can be done even as a Farang. The term "cheap charlie" comes to mind, but necessity is the mother of invention, and I don't like to go hungry. Even when eating out I go with Thai friends and get the "Thai price" in restaurants where they wont even acknowledge you as a foreigner.

Sometimes I get annoyed at the Farangs here who drop 500 or 1000 Baht a day on food, but then I remember what the same thing would cost me back in my home country. Suddenly, It's not so bad. I'm happy to be a skinny and well fed Farang/Thai here on the "wrong side of the planet".

My advice to all the whiners is to live a month in my shoes. You'll have a deeper appreciation for the little things in life. I'm not complaining about anything but the spoiled ninnies who have no idea how good they have it.

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